All Chapters of Spoiled by Mr. Russell: Chapter 2311 - Chapter 2320
2452 Chapters
Chapter 2311
Fred thoughtfully paced back and forth for a long while. He looked somewhat anxious as he asked, “Who else knows about this?”Stunned, Rhea shook her head. “No one, I think.”“Not even Lily?” Fred was incredulous. After all, Lily had developed R10 and should know if there were issues with it.“Well… I’m not sure,” Rhea murmured, “As you know, we don’t like each other, and she wouldn’t tell me anything. Perhaps she doesn’t know or simply chose not to tell me about it.”Fred frowned but thought Rhea was being reasonable. “I see,” he said solemnly. Rhea said, “So…”“We’ll proceed with the experiment tomorrow,” Fred replied decisively. Rhea did not expect him not to change his mind. ‘Why is he so adamant?!’“But the drug—”Fred interrupted, “There’s nothing wrong with it, and the experiment will succeed. Is that clear?”Rhea hesitated when she saw his glare. She nodded slowly, saying, “Yes, Your Grace.”She finally realized Fred would proceed with the experiment even if sh
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Chapter 2312
"I'm just worried the others might get suspicious," Rhea murmured, holding the phone.Fred said dismissively, "If he can't even answer your call, we might as well cut him loose. Call him while I'm still interested, got it?"Rhea realized by now that Fred only cared about R10, and everything else was just a bonus to him. She always thought she could impress Fred with her accomplishments. However, after spending some time with Fred, she gradually understood that it did not matter what she did. No research or drug was as crucial to him as R10.Rhea did not think much about R10, but since Fred was the boss, she could only do as he said. She called Mike, and the phone rang a few times before he answered."Hello?" Mike asked nasally, seemingly just getting out of bed. "Mike, you called me?" Rhea said as she studied Fred's expression. "Huh? Oh, I called in the afternoon." Mike seemed to have forgotten about it."You called so many times. Did you have something urgent to tell me? Ha
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Chapter 2313
"Well, the formula has been encrypted, so I can't just send it to you," Mike explained, "You're not scared of me coming over, are you?" "I'm not scared, but it's inconvenient," Rhea coughed and said, "I'll be too busy soon and have no time to see you."After a pause, she said with a frown, "Can't you just decrypt it?""That’s not as easy as you think, and I worry I might destroy the file. It's safer to deliver something so important to you by hand."Since Mike was insistent, Rhea grew suspicious and asked, "Mike, are you insisting on coming because you have something to tell me?""Yes." He hesitated and answered truthfully," I want to know when you’ll rescue my son!"Alarmed, Rhea glanced at Fred and quickly calmed herself down as she said, "I told you to wait, didn't I? After I create the invisibility potion, then I'll be able to—""My son can't wait that long!" Mike sounded anxious. "You're not trying to trick me, are you?""I'm not, okay? Have you forgotten who I am? I'm yo
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Chapter 2314
“I heard you." Rhea held up her phone again and said blandly, "Come the day after tomorrow then.""The day after tomorrow? Why not tomorrow?" Mike said, "Don't you need it urgently?"Rhea grunted and said, "I do, but it's not that urgent. If you must come tomorrow, visit tomorrow night then."Mike asked, "Can't I come during the day?"Rhea lost her temper. "Don't push it, Mike! Do you still want to save your son or not?""Of course I do," Mike murmured, "Don't get upset. I'll deliver it tomorrow night then. Is that okay?"Calming down a little, Rhea grunted a yes and hung up. Fred sneered. "Your hypnosis isn't so effective, is it? He still dared to talk back at you." ‘My men would never dare to talk to me like that.’ However, Rhea did not think so and said, "Do you feel you have a firmer control over your men than I do to Mike?"Fred raised a brow and let out a confident look. "Isn't that the case?"Based on just now’s conversation, he did not think the hypnosis was effec
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Chapter 2315
Satisfied, Fred took the phone and said, "Didn't I ask you to tell Mike that his son is dead?"Rhea grew alarmed. Although Fred sounded casual, he blamed her for not following his orders. "I…" Rhea said nervously, "I'm worried the news would be too much for him and cause brainwave fluctuations that could affect my control over him. Although I won't lose him, I don't want to cause any trouble at this crucial moment. I plan to tell him after the experiment." Fred caught on and nodded. "Oh, I see. Relax. I asked you to tell Mike about it so he would leave you alone. Since you know how to deal with him, I'll leave it matter to you.” However, Rhea was still worried. She said, "I'll tell him about his son's death after we complete the experiment tomorrow."Fred smiled. "I know I can count on you. I'm putting you in charge of the experiment tomorrow, then. You won't let me down, right?"He pressured her despite his gentle look. She nodded despite herself. "I'll do my best!"She da
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Chapter 2316
"It sure looks like it." Ross nodded in agreement. "My men in the embassy told me things have been unusual over the past two days. However, that's all they could tell me."He spread his arms, indicating that even he knew little about what was happening at the embassy. Alexander and Cameron were quiet. They exchanged a look without voicing their opinions."Secretary Rollins, what's your take?" Mike asked.After all, Cameron was there to solve the problem together with them. "I'd like to hear your thoughts first, Alex," Cameron said blandly.Alexander cleared his throat and said to Mike, "It's evident they’re doing something significant tomorrow. The embassy has been postponing meetings, and Rhea has insisted that you only go there at night.“That shows she’ll be busy with something during the day," After a pause, Alexander continued, "Besides, why did she only call you now? What was she doing during the day? Why didn't she call you earlier?"Mike frowned. "I wondered about tha
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Chapter 2317
"Okay." Ross sighed and stood up with raised hands. "I might not be able to help much. Still, if you guys can rescue the queen and stop Fred, I promise no one will hold you responsible for forcing your way into the embassy."It was a massive commitment for Ross. Alexander nodded. "We're counting on you then.""That must be it!" Austin suddenly said as he thought of something. Puzzled, everyone else looked at him. Austin cleared his throat and said, "I think I know what they are going to do tomorrow! It has to be the R10 experiment!"The others were shocked, and Alexander asked, “You just realized it?”Although he did not mention it, it was evident Fred would conduct the R10 experiment tomorrow. Since Fred only cared about R10, he must have directed all his workforce toward it.Alexander did not expect Austin to realize it so late. The former said sympathetically, “You should get more sleep. Lack of rest can affect your brain function, you know.”Austin was stunned for a mom
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Chapter 2318
The calm before the storm felt suffocating to Lily. When it was time to deliver her dinner in the evening, nobody came. It was highly unusual because no matter how angry Fred was at Lily, he took great care of her regarding food and drinks. For the sake of the experiment, she knew he would never allow her body to suffer. Although she was not hungry, the fact that they did not deliver the meal indicated that something was up. Lily opened the door and asked the guard, "Where's my dinner?""No dinner tonight, ma'am. Please get an early rest," the guard said readily. "Why?" Lily asked, but the guard gave no reply.Besides telling her there was no dinner, he would not say another word. After some thought, Lily asked, "Where's Fred?"The guard continued to remain quiet. Lily raised her brow and then returned to her bedroom and shut the door. She sat by the bed but did not feel sleepy.'Fred hasn't shown up for quite a while, and they also didn’t deliver my dinner. Don't they care
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Chapter 2319
It sounded like the rolling of car wheels, but it was louder than that. It even attracted everyone’s attention. Rhea joined the crowd as they hurried toward the door to see what was happening. Rhea saw two huge boxes being pushed past.Unable to see what they were, someone in the back asked, “What is it?A man in front shook his head and said, “No idea. They look like huge boxes. I wonder what’s inside.”"What else? The test subjects, of course," someone else said.Rhea's heart raced, wondering if Lily was inside one of the boxes. She wanted to take another look, but the workers had pushed the boxes out of her view.Soon, a guard appeared and said, “Everyone, you’ll be in groups according to this list. Please follow me when I call your names.”He then held up a list and started to call out names. Rhea was puzzled when everyone went to their groups and left with the guard.However, she did not ask about it and waited quietly. Several people shared curious glances and left as we
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Chapter 2320
No wonder the guards separated them into groups and left in such a way. In other words, Fred had put them in charge of different parts of the experiment.With that, the authorities could never find out how the procedure worked unless they arrested all the personnel involved.“Thank you for trusting me, Your Grace,” Rhea said.She was happy to have the only complete handbook because she felt trusted and recognized by Fred.However, Fred squeezed her shoulder as if to emphasize how crucial her task was. He said, “It’s not because I trust you, okay? I want you to have it because you’ll be in charge of the most vital step.”Rhea was puzzled as he led her toward the laboratory’s innermost area. There was a rusty iron door that had stayed shut for a very long time. However, the door automatically opened when Fred neared, not even making a creak.Finally, Rhea understood the door simply looked old and worn to avoid attention.Fred let go of her shoulder and strode inside. “Come on. Her
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