All Chapters of Spoiled by Mr. Russell: Chapter 2301 - Chapter 2310
2452 Chapters
Chapter 2301
Fred stopped and looked at Rhea solemnly. He told her to follow him and turned to leave.Rhea hurried after him and glazed over her shoulder at the others, feeling uneasy.Instead of leaving the floor, Fred led her into an office and pointed his chin at the door. “Close it.” Rhea quickly did so and turned to see him also sitting down. Fred lit a cigarette and took a puff before looking at her with narrowed eyes, asking, “You wanted to tell me about the invisibility potion?”Rhea nodded. “Yes, Your Grace. Mike said I should be able to get my hands on the formula in two days. It’s not that I don’t want to stay in the lab, but I’m afraid of missing out on important updates.” “Your phone is with me,” Fred tapped the desk and said indifferently, “If there are any updates, I’ll tell you right away.”“But…” Rhea noticed his warning expression and said carefully, “Only I can control Mike. If anyone else were to answer his calls, it might affect the effectiveness of the hypnosis.“If h
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Chapter 2302
Rhea frowned as she sat alone in a corner, not understanding Fred’s actions and the sudden notice. ...Fred knew the decision was indeed sudden, but the queen could not hold on much longer. He knew she was in terrible shape from day one. That was why he desperately tried to find a healthy candidate to be her vessel. Since he had to postpone the experiment due to various troubles, the queen’s organs continued to weaken despite the medical team’s efforts. Her aging instilled a deep fear in Fred. Even though he was still in his prime, he knew he would also become old and die one day. After all, no one could escape death. ‘So what if I can’t obtain supreme power? I’ll still die one day and have nothing left.’Fred could not accept that, so he never stopped researching R20. Nothing could make him stop, either. Nothing else mattered once R10 succeeded. If he could live forever, he would not have to care about invisibility potions or controlling others.He knew life was limited, bu
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Chapter 2303
As everything came too suddenly, no one else knew about it. After making all the necessary arrangements, Fred proceeded to the queen's room.He had stationed his trusted aides there to give her the best possible care, but her condition had worsened over the past two days.Initially, Fred even suspected she and Lily had conspired on this as they both experienced health issues simultaneously. However, upon reflection, he realized they had no reason to work together. Besides, they could not have planned it, even if they wanted to. After all, Fred had locked them in separate areas.He entered the room and saw the queen breathing weakly in bed. He hurried over and bent down, warmly calling her, “Your Majesty? Your Majesty?” The queen’s eyes remained closed despite some movements. It was unclear whether she lacked strength or simply did not want to look at him.Fred waved the others off and held the queen’s hand. He said softly, “It’s me, Your Majesty. I’ve come to see you. You can h
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Chapter 2304
Still, the queen looked slightly better. She no longer looked like she was on the verge of death.Fred quickly answered, “Yes, my queen?”"You haven't told me what would happen if the experiment doesn't work," the queen asked. "It will, Your Majesty," he smiled, patting the back of her hand. Even so, the queen stared coldly at him. After a while, Fred said, “If it doesn’t work, we’ll go with another plan. Still, I doubt you’ll be able to see it.”"You have a backup plan?" The queen snorted. "So you are hiding something from me after all.""Everyone has a secret, Your Majesty. Whatever it is, rest assured that I've always put you first," Fred said earnestly with a smile."What's your backup plan?" the queen asked, no longer getting agitated by what he said. Even if she would, she was too weak for that. "Well…" Fred was reluctant to tell her, saying, "There's no need for you to know, Your Majesty. If the experiment works, we won't need the backup plan. If it doesn’t, you won't e
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Chapter 2305
The queen loosened her grip on the bedsheet and sighed as she lay back down. She stared at the ceiling and asked, “Where’s Lily?”"She's doing well and is waiting to become your vessel. Rest assured, I've taken good care of your new body," Fred said smilingly."My body?" The queen looked at him. "What about your new body, Fred? Have you already prepared one?"Stunned, he caught himself and chuckled. "What are you talking about, Your Majesty? The experiment we're doing is for you. I'm still young, aren’t I?" "Yes, but for how long?" the queen said coldly, "Fred, you're brilliant for planning everything ahead. You’ve worked so hard to make the experiment happen so you can use me as a guinea pig, huh?""That's not—" Fred stopped himself and suddenly began to laugh. His laughter grew louder and wilder as if he could not contain it. "You're clever, Your Majesty, and you know me best. All right, it’s as you said. However, you don't have to get mad," he said steadily, "No matter what
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Chapter 2306
When Alexander returned home, he saw Mike holding his phone in a daze in the living room. The former removed and tossed his jacket aside, asking, “What’s the matter with you?”"Something's wrong," Mike said, puzzled. "What are you talking about?""It's Rhea." Mike looked at Alexander. "Rhea?" Alexander frowned and glanced at the phone in Mike’s hand. "There's something wrong with her? What did she say to you?"Mike shook his head and said, "Nothing. She didn't answer her phone." "That's why you think something's wrong?" Alexander was puzzled. "I called so many times, but she didn't answer or send me any messages. Most importantly, I told her I would be giving her the invisibility potion formula in two days. She’s eager to get her hands on it, so it's unlike her to not answer my calls.""Could it be …" Alexander looked at him thoughtfully, "Did she realize she failed to hypnotize you?"Mike shook his head. "That's not possible. If she got suspicious, she would call me or ev
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Chapter 2307
"I have no idea," Alexander said, "The entire embassy seems off, just like Rhea."After some thought, Mike asked hesitantly, "Do you think… Fred has started a coup?"However, it seemed unlikely. Even if that were the case, Mike knew he should still be able to reach Rhea, who was on Fred's side. At that moment, a voice said, "That's impossible."They turned and saw Ross slowly walking downstairs. "I don't think that's what’s happening.""What makes you say that?" Although Mike shared the same thought, he could not help but ask Ross. "My men are in the embassy. If there were indeed a coup, they would have told me about it. Anyway, the embassy staff members are still working as usual, but Fred could be doing something in secret," Ross said, "They haven't seen him for two days, although he has been giving out instructions.”Alexander thoughtfully added, "So he's up to something, and he might’ve told Rhea not to contact outsiders. That's interesting because Fred seems to care about t
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Chapter 2308
"Also, if necessary, we must break into the embassy. I hope you won't—"Ross waved. "Don't worry, I won't hold it against you. If it comes to that, I'll even charge in with you."Alexander did not expect the prince to say that. The former nodded and said, "Thank you, Your Highness."He quickly walked outside and called Cameron. After all, things would be more efficient with Cameron around. ...Rhea had a nightmare and jerked awake. She looked around and realized she was still in the laboratory with a bunch of people.Some sat on the floor, a few slept with their heads on the tables, and the rest stood lost in thought. They gathered in twos and threes in the tense atmosphere. Since they were unfamiliar with each other, they hardly talked among themselves.Since each person handled different tasks and most had notable achievements in certain areas, they seemed to look down on each other. Still, Fred had gathered them there to complete a shared task tomorrow.Rhea felt cold and c
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Chapter 2309
Rhea found herself covered in sweat and was thankful she only grunted instead of shouting when she woke up. She sat up and realized her legs were numb. She checked the time and noticed it was nearly midnight. As there were several more hours to endure, she felt frustrated. It was ridiculous that everyone there knew they were going to conduct the R10 experiment, yet no one knew the detailed procedure.Rhea knew how much the experiment meant to Fred, and it was highly classified.Even the "boss" only knew part of it and was put in charge of researching and developing the drug. However, he never discussed how the organization would use the drug. Rhea thought it was because the latter phase of the experiment had been assigned to another group of people. However, she finally realized that was not the case. Although she understood the need for secrecy, she thought Fred should at least tell them about the procedure. Otherwise, they would not know what to do tomorrow.Rhea got to he
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Chapter 2310
Rhea approached the computer and realized it was still working. However, she dared not touch it.A while later, Fred entered in his robe. He yawned, looking a bit upset as he asked, “What’s so important that you had to see me in the middle of the night? Do you think you can do whatever you want just because I praised you recently?”“No, Your Grace. It’s about something important,” Rhea quickly explained, “We’re supposed to proceed with R10 tomorrow, but no one has told us about the procedure until now.“I fear we will make irreversible mistakes and affect the experiment’s outcome.”Fred looked at her as he impatiently sat down behind the desk. “That’s it? Someone will give each of you a handbook on what to do tomorrow. Now, all you have to do is rest.”"But…" Rhea noticed he was about to leave and quickly said, "But we might not be prepared then.""The experiment is not as complicated as you imagine, all right?" Fred said dismissively, "With your abilities, I'm sure you guys will
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