All Chapters of Redemption : Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
84 Chapters
Chapter 51
DANTEwas married to Clifford, I made a strategic decision to withhold this information from her for the time being. Instead, I devised a plan to accomplish two crucial objectives simultaneously. Firstly, I aimed to exploit Lisa's presence in my house to uncover the identity of the other mole who had infiltrated my domain. Secondly, I intended to utilize her unsuspecting involvement to permanently eliminate Officer Clifford, who had become a thorn in my side, both personally and professionally.Executing this intricate plan required establishing a close bond with Lisa. It was imperative to gain her trust and proximity. As a result, I found myself seated across from her at a beautifully set dinner table, engrossed in an evening of captivating conversation.While engrossed in our discussion, the distinctive sound of a notification chimed on my phone, grabbing my attention. Curiosity piqued, I swiftly tapped on the message icon, revealing a text from Tom. He informed me that the listenin
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Chapter 51 cont’d
DANTEI quickly powered on my laptop, eager to see the results. Within a few minutes, the camera footage appeared on the screen, revealing Lisa making her way down to my room. "It's connected, Tom. Hurry up and get your ass over here," I urged, a sense of urgency in my voice.I turned towards Matteo, my eyes fixed on him. "You'll be analyzing this video all night," I stated matter-of-factly.He rubbed his hands together, a determined look in his eyes as he stood up to retrieve the laptop. "That's not a problem. After all, I can't exactly whine about it again, can I?"Choosing to overlook Matteo's sarcastic remark, I redirected my attention to the task at hand. Immersed in reviewing some shipment files, I was interrupted by Tom's entrance into the room. He greeted me with a small bow before acknowledging Matteo, who had carelessly sprawled himself onto the other couch.Just as Tom entered, Lisa's phone began to ring. The sudden sound caught our attention, and her first statement caused
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Chapter 52
DANTEGenevieve and Xavier coach? Why is the list getting fucking long?I glanced at my luxurious Rolex watch, feeling the weight of impatience settling in. Despite only sitting here for a mere two minutes, it felt as though time was dragging on like an eternity. Frustration etched its way across my face as I turned to Tom, my trusted ally in the world of hacking."How much longer do you need to crack their damn system?" I asked, my voice tinged with annoyance."Just a little more time, boss," Tom replied, his fingers dancing across the keyboard with practiced precision.Ever since Nat had provided us with the names of our targets and the hotel they were staying at, Tom had been tirelessly working to breach their digital defenses. We needed to obtain their room number to execute our plan flawlessly."Boss, I've managed to uncover some information," Tom finally spoke up, breaking the tension in the air. "I found a couple named Desmond and Genevieve Bills, but there's no trace of anyone
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Chapter 52 cont’d
DANTEAfter detailing the intricacies of the plan to Nat, I released him from his restraints. However, I made sure to implant a tracking device in his body and pierced his ears, affixing an earring equipped with a listening device. I emphasized that I had spared his life for now, but if he attempted to remove these devices, I would personally hunt him down.Meanwhile, Tom, our expert tracker, had been unable to locate Anna. However, he had uncovered information indicating that Xavier was in California. Yet, deep down, I knew that bringing Anna back home wasn't the right move amidst the brewing war. With Lisa, Clifford, , and Orlando to contend with, I needed to settle matters before bringing Anna back into the fold."Why didn't she come home when she escaped?" Tom asked, echoing the very question that had been plaguing my thoughts.Matteo took it upon himself to answer Tom's question, his voice filled with a somber tone. "Don't blame her for deciding not to come home, Tom. Before she
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Chapter 53
ANNAToday was the long-awaited day when we finally secured an appointment with the elusive Mr. Peterson. I meticulously took my time getting ready, determined not to appear desperate or destitute. After all, if I was going to present myself as Mr. Thompson's daughter, I needed to look the part.Emerging from the closet, Xavier looked dashing in his impeccably tailored tuxedo. "Are you still getting ready, Anna?" he teased, gesturing toward his wristwatch. "You've been at it for two hours. Remember, we're not there to impress Mr. Patterson."Applying the final touches to my makeup, I glanced at Xavier with determination. "I refuse to enter that room resembling a beggar or a lost soul, especially when it concerns my father's wealth."Xavier's voice carried a hint of skepticism. "We can't even be certain if your father has anything left to inherit."Slipping into my elegant heels, I stood tall. "I'm stepping into that meeting with the hope that my father possesses an island, as it's the
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Chapter 53 cont’d 1
ANNAXavier took a deep, shuddering breath, and for the first time since I'd known him, tears streaked down his cheeks. His voice trembled as he pleaded, "Please, Mr. Williams, I'm begging you. Don't harm my mother. I'm sorry for getting myself involved in your affairs."Dante's tone grew colder, devoid of any sympathy. "No, you're not sorry, because if you were, you wouldn't still be lying to me. Anna has no cash at hand, except for the five hundred thousand dollars which she gave to Nat, and that was subsequently stolen back by you two for reasons unknown to me. So, I'll ask you once again, Xavier: Where is Anna? But I strongly advise you to think long and hard before you answer that question."Xavier's gaze locked with mine, and I responded with a subtle, reassuring nod. It was a nod laden with meaning, conveying my understanding of the difficult situation he found himself in. A part of me questioned whether Dante would pose a threat to me. After all, I hadn't stolen anything from
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Chapter 53 cont’d 2
ANNASquirming ever so slightly in my seat, I grappled with the decision before me. "Anna is just fine," I finally replied, opting for simplicity."Okay, Miss Anna, how may I assist you?" Mr. Peterson inquired, his voice carrying a sense of sincere curiosity.Summoning my courage, I realized that this was the pivotal moment to reveal the purpose of my visit. Taking a deep breath, I spoke earnestly, "I am here today concerning my late father, Dr. Victor Graham Thompson."Mr. Peterson maintained his composure, showing no outward signs of surprise or alarm at my revelation. Instead, he continued to gaze at me, his eyes focused and discerning. "Miss Anna, over the course of my career, numerous women and young ladies have walked into my office, claiming to be Anna Thompson. They presented me with evidence, often fabricated, to support their claims. So, forgive me for being cautious when it comes to accepting someone who isn't even certain of her own name," he explained, his words measured
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Chapter 54
DANTEwaited patiently, surrounded by a small group of men that Matteo insisted I bring along. The atmosphere was tense, and as I glanced around, I noticed a little girl named Lily peacefully sleeping on her grandmother's lap. The sight of her innocent face stirred a bittersweet longing within me, making me wonder what my own child would have looked like had she not been taken from me by that deranged psychopath.If Xavier, the target of our plan, chose to resist or play hard to get, I had no intention of causing harm to the little girl. However, I harbored every intention of inflicting pain upon his mother. She deserved to suffer the consequences of her son's actions."Boss, he's here," one of my men reported.I turned my attention to the elderly woman sitting beside Lily. "Please, make sure she's comfortable in her room, and join us when you're finished," I instructed her gently. Turning to another member of my crew, I added, "Stand guard outside her room. Ensure she remains inside,
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Chapter 54 cont’d
DANTEAs the realization washed over me, a newfound understanding emerged. It became clear that her fear wasn't directed towards me personally, but rather for Xavier and his family. She trembled at the thought of what I might do to them, which explained her cautious demeanor. "Don't concern yourself with the ambulance," I assured her, "I'll have David attend to Xavier. In return, would you be willing to join me in my suite? We can have an uninterrupted conversation." I considered adding the suggestion of making love to our agenda, but I decided to keep that desire concealed, fearing it might frighten her away. If circumstances played out favorably, perhaps she might share that intimacy with me. Suppressing the growing excitement that caused a bulge in my pants, I adjusted myself discreetly, ensuring it went unnoticed.Her gaze shifted between Xavier and me, and finally, she acquiesced, saying, "Fine, call David. Once he starts treatment, I'll accompany you."I signaled one of my men t
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Chapter 55
DANTEAs a little boy, my grandmother thought me how to prepare killer spaghetti. I decided to prepare my grandma's special recipe for Anna since she refused lunch. Just in case you are wondering how I ended up preparing lunch and dinner, that's pretty simple. I locked Anna and myself inside my suite with the promise of not opening it until we both resolved our issues. I gave her the chance to name anything she wants me to do, that am willing to do it as long as it pulls down this wall between us. A chance which is still very open. She did say something though, but what she asks of me is something that I am never going to do. Let her go? She got to be fucking kidding. I’m willing to let Xavier go but I am never letting Anna go. She is like my better half, the only redemption I have in my world of crimes. She is like the light at the end of every tunnel and for that reason, am never letting her go.With eager anticipation, I lifted the lid of the pot, revealing the masterpiece I had
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