All Chapters of The Pack's Triquetra: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
174 Chapters
Fate and Goddesses
Havermouth, Present TimeHeath and Cameron went upstairs and returned with a whiteboard on a stand which Heath positioned before the couch in the snug.Aislen shook her head in amusement as Cameron slid onto the couch next to her and lifted her feet into his lap. “Only Heath would have a whiteboard in his office.”“Only Heath would think that it was acceptable to bring a whiteboard into my snug,” Rhett complained. “It ruins the ambiance.”“I’ll remove it after,” Heath said with dry amusement. “But it will be helpful to have a visual aid.” At the top of the board, he wrote: Aislen’s Enemies.“Oh, wow,” Aislen rolled her eyes. “I’m always the problem.”“Fine,” he used a cloth to wipe the words off and paused for a moment looking at the board and instead wrote: Problems. “Is that better?”“It’ll do,” she stole a grape off the cheese board and popped it into her mouth, watching as he wrote.Who murdered Patrick Carter?Who hexed Aislen?Who has been vandalizing Aislen’s house?What is Ais
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Setting the Honey Trap
Havermouth, Five Years BeforeRhett pulled up down the street from Aislen’s house and smoked a nervous cigarette whilst he rehearsed the day in his mind. His head still rung from the lecture his father had given him that morning. Things were tense in the Salem household, with Phillip prolonging his stay in Havermouth initially in order to attend a meeting with Abigail and August, and then because of the death of Alfred Boyston.The Triquetra’s behavior towards Aislen had filtered through the pack and reached Phillip’s ears and Phillip had made it absolutely clear to Rhett that the Triquetra needed to focus on finding a she-wolf mate and stop f-king around with human girls.He knew that Heath and Cameron both had the same talk from their parents, though Jules at least had been a lot less intensive about it. The Triquetra had spoken on the phone that morning and had agreed that they needed to resolve the problem of Aislen Carter one way or another that weekend.As a result, Heath and Ca
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The Count Down
Havermouth, Five Years BeforeHeath could see the girl standing forlornly on the balcony. She was caught between the two groups, he thought. She was not friends with any of the werewolves setting up the party around the firepit, and not included in the Triquetra’s huddle in the kitchen. There was something heart wrenchingly lonely about the way that she stood there, her hands on the railing and the wind tugging at her hair.In the river beyond the house there were squeals of laughter as the werewolves stripped down for a swim. The water would be cold, the sun not strong enough to heat beyond the surface and the thrashing of the swimmers would have disrupted that level. However, the swim was not about the water for the werewolves, but rather an excuse to undress, an ice breaker for the f-king to come once they were mellow with alcohol.Most of the couples were new, and were still shy with each other, the sex still unfamiliar and uncertain, thrilling and naughty, as none of the couples
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Claiming Aislen
Havermouth, Five Years BeforeRhett’s hands shook as he lit the candles in the bedroom. He’d never been so nervous, he admitted to himself. Not when he and Heath had f-ked for the first time, not when he and Heath had taken Cameron…He’d spent the evening with Aislen perched on his lap, watching as other alphas looked at her. As night and alcohol had thinned the barrier between man and wolf, it had made his skin crawl for them to have their eyes on her. She belonged to the Triquetra; she was theirs. Other alphas shouldn’t be looking at her, the alpha within him insisted, he needed to make sure that they knew that she was the Triquetra’s. He had found himself growling low in his throat and glaring around the fire, forcing the other alpha’s present to drop their eyes.The Triquetra had f-ked up, he thought. Cameron had known it the moment that he’d set eyes on the girl, Rhett had known it the moment he had scented her on Cameron, Heath had known… And they’d chosen to ignore the obvious
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Dirty Boys
Havermouth, Five Years Before“Come to me,” Heath’s eyes held Aislen’s, and he smiled tightly. Start strong, he told himself, establish dominance, and teach her to obey him. She had singled out Rhett, both in her behavior at school, in letting him be the one to seduce her, but also in calling out for him for protection.Heath needed to fix the power dynamic within the Triquetra that she had disrupted, he needed to teach her the hierarchy.A female mate within a Triquetra had more power than any of her alphas. She was irreplaceable, the vessel by which they guaranteed their lines, and her alphas were meant to be prepared to sacrifice their lives for her wellbeing. She was not meant to have a favorite, but to share her affection and attention equally, however if she did favor one alpha over the others, it had better f-king be the dominant alpha or there would be trouble.With a wild-card like Rhett in his Triquetra, Heath had always known that he would have to work harder to maintain hi
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Group Sex in the Playroom
Havermouth, Present Time“We should go to bed,” Heath decided using his cloth to wipe the whiteboard clean.“Which bed?” Cameron asked as he rose to his feet and began to gather up the glasses and the remains of the cheeseboard. The Triquetra had managed to demolish the cheese, crackers and fruit from the board without seeming to eat much at all, she thought with amusement.“Upstairs?” Rhett suggested with a slow smile. “Why not?” He demanded of Heath when the blond alpha raised his eyebrows. “It’s not like we need to get up early tomorrow. The Emergency Services will need to clear the roads first, and they won’t want people creating traffic jams, so it’s best if we all just stay put until the storm is over.”“What is upstairs?” Talen asked innocently, however from the glint in his eye, Aislen could tell that he suspected.“I’ll show you, daddy,” she took his hand. “If Rhett will unlock the door for us.”They followed Rhett through the house and up the staircase. On the upper storey,
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Havermouth, Present TimeHeath’s skin wore a gloss of sweat and come and his biceps bulged as he wrapped his fingers around the hand cuffs that suspended his arms above his head from a fixing point that crossed the bed. He blew out a breath, trying to regain control over himself.“Comfortable?” Rhett purred reaching around Heath’s waist and dragging his nails across Heath’s stomach so that he sucked in response, tensing his stomach muscles. Rhett’s nails carved a path through the come that had turned as gluggy as glue on Heath’s skin.“I don’t think I have another orgasm in me,” Heath confessed, his voice hoarse, shaking his head. “F-k, Rhett.”“I think he has more in him,” Talen replied evilly. He stretched in a decadence of muscle, the chains that still bound him to the bed clanking against the fixing points. He was in a worse state than Heath, liberally coated in come to the point that it clumped his hair together. Heath had an excellent vantage point by which to judge seeing that
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Sunday Morning
Havermouth, Five Years BeforeCameron scratched an itch on his stomach, feeling dried come flake away. “If we were on one of those TV shows where they blacklight hotel rooms, we’d all glow in the dark.”Rhett laughed. “That would be awesome. Ugh, I need a smoke,” he pushed himself off the sleeping bags. For a moment, the material stuck to his skin, before he peeled it off. “Gross,” he grinned despite the word, delighting in the grossness. “I’m covered in come.”“We all are,” Heath stretched like a cat. “F-k, I’ve worn f-king carpet rash into my knees,” he added as he sat up and inspected them. “I think that we’ve broken our record for f-king. If we didn’t fill her up with come, we’ve come damned close.”Aislen was passed out on her stomach, her hair covering her face. There were hickeys on her neck, bruises on her hips, and a drying crust of come between her thighs. Her face was pale and there were tide marks from tears on her cheeks that reminded Cameron of his mother.Heath leaned o
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The Origin of The Triquetra's Whore
Havermouth, Five Years BeforeCameron surfaced from a deep sleep when Rhett slid into the bed next to him. Cameron was the little spoon in a snuggle between him and Heath and wrapped himself around Rhett breathing in the scent of smoke and old sex that still clung to his other mate’s skin. “You stink,” he muttered as Rhett stroked down his body and closed his hands around Cameron’s c-ck. “And your hands are cold.”“Shut up and kiss me,” Rhett replied.Cameron opened one eye in order to aim his mouth and kissed past the flavor of coffee and cigarettes to that of Rhett, moaning as Rhett stroked his c-ck to hardness. Rhett was unmerciful in his objective, using every trick in his extensive arsenal so that the sleep-dazed Cameron sagged into his seduction, helpless beneath the demands of his body and mate – and Rhett knew it, the dark-haired alpha’s smile wicked and his eyes glowing with his wolf.“Do you want my mouth,” Rhett bit Cameron’s bottom lip, a little love-nip before releasing i
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The Flood
Havermouth, Present Time“It’s Biblical out there!” Tyler exclaimed.“Water brings things to the surface,” Talen agreed.They stood in the center of the road through Havermouth. Aislen looked from Talen to the street around them, her eyes dragging, the colors harsh and causing haloes in her vision. All around, the traffic had come to a standstill, the pedestrians standing like statues on the footpath, all looking down as the water came rushing in, swirling in brown froth around their feet.A dream, she told herself. It’s a dream. Not real.“Bodies in the water,” Heath commented from behind her.She almost managed not to start when something brushed against her leg, looking down knowing what she was going to see. It wasn’t any easier, but she forced herself to look, to stare unflinching down at the water-bloated decaying body that drifted just under the surface.A woman, her hair snarling around her head like riverweed, her long dress torn and filthy, riding up her thighs. Her belly wa
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