All Chapters of The Pack's Triquetra: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
174 Chapters
The Weight of Expectation
Havermouth, Five Years BeforeIt was a showroom, not a home, Heath thought as he waited for the kettle to boil, his eyes travelling the kitchen and living room. Not a thing out of place, everything picture-perfect, the couch cushions fluffed, the surfaces bare and wiped clean, the framed family photos hiding the truth behind bright, fake smiles.If Charlie woke to less than perfection, Amanda would suffer for it, so whenever Heath was up before his parents, he spent a few minutes doing what he could to save his mother from his father’s temper.There were stargazer lilies in a vase on the table, the blooms perfectly open. As he watched, the orange dust from a stamen drifted down to the table. “F-k,” he hissed out his breath in annoyance as he took a cloth over. He trimmed the stamens from the blooms with his fingernail, wiping the table clear before taking the debris and putting it into the bin and washing the stain from his skin.Satisfied with the room, he sliced a banana and added a
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How It Has To Be
Havermouth, Five Years Before “His dad had words with him,” Rhett said under his breath to Cameron as they dashed through the rain to the Ute. “Ah, f-k,” Cameron grimaced. “Well, we’ll go the river house and f-k the bad mood out of him.” “That’s the spirit,” Rhett laughed and shook the water from himself as Cameron opened the Ute’s door. “I f-king hate the rain.” “That’s just because you’re afraid that it will make your make-up run,” Cameron teased. “Here they come. Let’s get this show on the road,” he hopped into the Ute and started the engine, turning up the heating whilst Rhett got into the front passenger seat. Heath bundled Aislen into the back seat. “Got her,” he said as he stripped off her raincoat shoving it and her bag into the seat as Cameron reversed out of the park. Cameron heard Aislen’s startled inhalation and the start of a protest as Heath dragged her down onto the seat. “F-k man, pretty sure that’s illegal,” Cameron exclaimed on a laugh as Aislen’s eyes met his i
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Dr James
Havermouth, Present TimeThe bridge they’d entered on was underwater. Their police escort scooted his bike back to the window. “In the Ute,” he said leaning in the window. “It’s possibly doable, but I wouldn’t want to try it, myself, and the old train bridge is still open on this side, well above water. It’s like they say, they don’t make them like they used to.”“Very true,” Talen agreed with a vampire’s appreciation for the past.“You’ll have to straddle the train lines, but that track hasn’t been active in twenty years. It’s sort of a secret, though,” he added. “We don’t want the public to use it.”“Understood,” Heath nodded. “We’ll head that way. I’ll be staying on the other side from now on.”“Okay. Good luck to you, Mr Gale.”The path to the train crossing took them through the main street of the town. It was eery, Aislen thought, how empty it was, and just how much water gathered on the road, the drains well and truly swamped by water.Lights attracted her attention in the othe
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Talen Takes Charge
Havermouth, Present TimeAislen could hear the music pumping out of the house as they got out of the Ute and dashed through the rain to the veranda. They stood shaking water from themselves and stomping mud and debris off their shoes as they removed them before stepping into the warmth of the house. The rock music shook the walls, and was a contrast to the dignified, era-appropriate restoration of the hallway, with it’s elegant furnishings.Heath and Cameron hung their coats on the hooks, and stacked shoes on the shoe rack beneath them.“Rhett likes to play his music loud when he’s painting,” Cameron told them. “I hope Tyler’s not pissed about it.”“Tyler will be asleep,” Talen shrugged. “I sedated him. He will wake tomorrow starving and grumpy and spend three days moping around the house and napping. He’ll use the excuse to glue himself to the TV and consume junk food, and I will allow it,” he was amused. “As long as he takes his vitamins.”“It’s just like having a pet,” Cameron grin
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Pins and Needles
Havermouth, Present Time“Safe words?” Talen asked running the whip across the palm of his hand with a hiss of leather.“We don’t use them,” Cameron shook his head. Talen had chained him naked to the cross in a leisurely process that had left Cameron sporting an erection that seemed to be pleading for the vampire’s attention, Aislen thought with a smug smile, thoroughly enjoying the view. “We don’t say no to each other, and we trust each other not to hurt us more than, you know,” his smile was filthy. “Then we enjoy.”“Hmm,” Talen’s disapproving grimace was subtle, but Aislen saw it pass over his face.“Daddy don’t like,” she purred, running her hands over the arm of her chair.“No, daddy does not like,” Talen agreed. “We now have safe words. Raudr to stop, and gulr to slow down. Repeat it, slave.”“Raudr, and gulr,” Cameron squirmed, the chains rattling against the wood. “F-k,” was a sobbed groan of need that struck Aislen deep in the pit of her stomach.She was sweating she was so a
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Stretches of the Heart
Havermouth, Present TimeHeath stripped to his skin before dragging one of the armchairs nearer to the cross. He returned and scooped Aislen out of her seat. She laughed and wrapped her arms around his neck, enjoying the feel of his naked body against hers. He sat into the armchair with her on his lap, spreading her legs so that his c-ck pressed between the v of hers.“Oh, look,” she purred stroking her fingers in a circle over the smooth skin of the head. “I have my very own c-ck now.” His c-ck was hot and throbbing with his arousal and jerked beneath her touch.“I’ll let you borrow it anytime that you like,” he wrapped his arms around her, leaning her back against his chest.She turned her face to press her lips against his cleanly-shaven cheek, breathing in the scent of his expensive aftershave. “You’re so pretty,” she told him. “And smell so nice.”His chest shook as he laughed, and he bowed his head to kiss her collar bone. “The view from here is very nice, too,” he stroked his h
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The Deal
Havermouth, Five Years BeforeAislen had been crying when he’d dropped her off, and after seeing her to her door, Cameron had to pull off down the road to sit, gripping the steering wheel, white knuckled, a raw, ugly gnawing pain in his chest. She hadn’t fought, he told himself. Even the first time that he’d taken her, and she had fought, she had wanted him, so it had been a token effort, like many of the girls, saving face, rather than because they didn’t want to f-k.That meant that she wasn’t really objecting, didn’t it? He told himself. That, secretly, she’d liked it. She’d come, over and over, after all, so a big part of her had loved every second of it. Human girls were just different. They liked to pretend that they didn’t want it when they did. They liked to tease and flaunt themselves, to make a guy think all was good, and then to claim that they hadn’t wanted it after it was done. Human girls wanted the decision taken out of their hands so that they could play victim after t
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We Are There
Havermouth, Present Time“You’re very proud of your new bling,” Aislen smirked watching as Rhett strutted. It reminded her of Heath’s memory of Rhett naked but for his tattoos walking towards him. Heath’s memory must have been of a similar occasion, perhaps when Rhett had finished a major piece and wanted to show the tattoo off to his lover, she thought as she wriggled back on the bed and lifted onto her elbows to watch Rhett’s display.“With that much metal, isn’t it a bit heavy?” She teased. It certainly hadn’t seemed to affect his erection at all. He was at full mast, the jewellery on full display.Rhett’s leer sizzled. “Just you wait, little demon,” he stole Talen’s pet name for her. “When I’m inside of you and you’re wailing in pleasure, you’ll change your tune.” He glanced down and then lifted his eyes slowly with a grin. “Are you ready?”“Are you?” Heath slapped his arse as he came up behind him with the lube. “This is mine.”Talen cracked the whip and Cameron cried out. The va
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Putting Plans into Motion
Havermouth, Five Years BeforeAmanda did not come out of the bedroom for her lemon tea. Heath stood in the kitchen drinking his smoothy, his eyes on the steaming cup and his stomach churning with rage. He finished his breakfast, rinsing and stacking the cup into the dishwasher, before pouring the tea down the sink and adding the cup.He took out his phone and messaged Rhett to pick him up for school.Charlie came out of the bedroom, straightening his tie, closing the door behind him, as Heath passed through the hallway and father and son’s gazes met, the glare of their wolves rising liquid oil in their eyes.“Does it make you feel big?” Heath hissed at his father. “Does it make you feel powerful to beat mum, to treat her like shit? How can you do that to your mate?”“You’re just a pup still,” Charlie sneered back. “When you are a man with a mate of your own, you will understand that women need to be kept in their place, taught to be obedient, to be controlled.”“I’ll never raise my ha
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Feed Her
Havermouth, Five Years Before“I should be at school,” Aislen was complaining to Rhett as Cameron and Heath got out of the car. “We can’t just skip school…”“Yes, we can,” Cameron scooped her up throwing her over his shoulder. Her breath oomphed out of her lungs and she clutched at him in reflex, crying out in surprised alarm. He smacked her arse through her school skirt. “Some things are more important than school, and f-king this arse is one of those things.”“Cameron!” She protested. “No… I…”“No is not a word we use here,” he grinned as he carried her into the house. “Try yes instead. Yes, Cameron, you can f-k me stupid. Yes Cameron, I’ll grind my c-nt into Rhett’s face whilst I suck Heath off. Yes Cameron, I want you to shoot your load into my arse…”“Cameron!” She yelped as he dropped her onto the mattresses.“Spread them,” he undid the top button of his school shirt and then dragged it off over his head. “Drop your panties and spread your legs.”Her eyes went to the door, searc
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