All Chapters of The Almighty Dragon General: Chapter 6661 - Chapter 6670
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Chapter 6661
Meanwhile, James, who was amidst the Hongrome Aura, experienced an unprecedented sense of peril.Despite the absence of formations within the Hongrome Aura, it suppressed his cultivation and Supernatural Powers. James was engulfed in a profound fear and hopelessness, utterly powerless in the face of this vast and overwhelming force.James took two faltering steps forward, only to be pierced by thorns. Agonizing pain surged through him as blood began to flow profusely from his wounds. Even worse, he could not draw upon any energy to heal himself.Never before had James encountered such a formidable obstacle. Enveloped by the suffocating Hongrome Aura, he felt utterly helpless, unable to muster even the slightest resistance.Just as despair threatened to consume him, two streams of power appeared—one purple-gold and the other crimson.“Tirta Power and righteous aura!” James seemed to have grasped a life-saving straw, and when he was about to rush forward, the two powers dissipated i
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Chapter 6662
Six rings of purple-gold light harmonized around the bell, exuding a sense of divine reverence. The once dull-looking Yuraeceon Genesis Bell had transformed into a towering symbol of grandeur.Lesia suddenly grumbled, “Far too little. That was hardly satisfying.”“That wasn’t enough Hongrome Aura?"James furrowed his brow. “Yeah. This evolution didn’t even get me to a Sundda Second Body.”James drew a sharp breath and said, “Yuldra’s karma and tribulations are sealed by Hongrome Aura, so I’m sure it is the same for the others. We can absorb them one by one.”Lesia replied solemnly, “It’s not as easy as you think. The Hongrome Aura Seal is used on him because he is at the Daeclon Rank. The others are only at the Xaeclon Rank, so they’re probably sealed with Chaos Aura.”James questioned, “Can’t Chaos Aura suffice?”Lesia explained, “It’ll do, but it isn’t comparable to Hongrome Aura. As your second body, I can’t settle for less than the best. Don’t you agree?”James chuckled and
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Chapter 6663
Observing them, James felt speechless. He longed to rid his body of the grime but discovered that it remained stubbornly in place despite his efforts.James asked furiously, “What did you hit me with? Why can’t I remove it?”Upon hearing this, the two pairs of couples who had been snickering could no longer contain their laughter.At that moment, Yuldra, at James’ side, quietly withdrew his karma. He slowly opened his eyes and revealed, “They utilized the Shadowvoid Orb.”James turned around abruptly and asked, “What on earth is that? Why is it impossible to cleanse?”Yuldra smiled at James and explained, “The Shadowvoid Orb is remarkable. It can withstand all sorts of corrosion, including Tai Chi Aura. They took out their strongest trump card to help you.”James replied, gesturing helplessly, “But the Hongrome Aura didn’t harm me. Now, I just want to know how to get it off me.”Yuldra chuckled, stroking his long white beard. “We need to visit the Elysium Nova. Faela will have
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Chapter 6664
Yuldra maintained a faint smile, his composure unyielding as the purple-blue light vanished.At that moment, Galen and Sasha appeared drained of their cultivation and collapsed to the ground with a heavy thud.Yegor and Herodias let out relieved breaths, dispersing their powers.Suddenly, Yuldra said, “I understand your reasons, young man. But still, I hope you grasp the strength disparity between you and Yehria.”“I understand. The Daeclon Rank truly is terrifying.”“I must tell you that I've descended in rank now and am merely at the lowest Xurxo Daeclon Rank. In the past, I ascended the Thirty-Third Heaven while at the Yitro Daeclon Rank and fought Yehria. Even then, I was severely injured before we exchanged a hundred moves and struck down from the heavens.“If the Law of Paths, Wesley, had not intervened, I might never have returned to the Tai Chi World.”Yuldra fixed his gaze on James and said, “That was two hundred thousand entrapochs ago. Can you imagine how strong she i
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Chapter 6665
Within Elysium Nova lies a mysterious forbidden realm.Three immense blue planets were arranged in a zigzag formation while countless streams of azure liquid cascaded from the sky. As the water descended, it splashed and carried a delightful fragrance, forming three expansive and majestic waterfalls. This breathtaking sight, where the cascading water stretches three thousand feet, resembles the grandeur of the Milky Way.Beneath the waterfall’s clear blue pond, white mist bellowed in the air, veiling a stunning figure gracefully moving within the water. Her movements were fluid and elegant, reminiscent of a supple mermaid weaving through the depths.Suddenly, the figure bursts from the water’s surface, sending droplets flying and casting a radiant glow.The next moment, a beautiful face adorned with crystal-clear water droplets and framed by long hair cascading like a waterfall. The sight was captivating, enough to ignite a fire in one’s heart.Faela, once hailed as the most excep
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Chapter 6666
“They sure did their best,” Faela remarked, sliding a cup of tea before James. “I can help, but there’s a condition.”James remained silent, awaiting her terms.Faela looked at him and said, “It’s pretty simple. I just want to know about the current state of the Ying World and how Marciais Power has developed.”James nodded with a smile and proceeded to recount everything he had observed and heard in the Ying World.After listening for a while, Faela furrowed her brow as she remarked, "Hador only reached the Third Xaeclon Rank? No wonder he’s led the Ying World into such dire straits.”James sighed. “You guys were deceived by Zymurgy while they fell to Tai Chi’s schemes. In essence, it’s almost the same situation.”Faela slowly lifted a steaming cup of tea and remarked, “You have inherited Sir Yianni’s Marciais Soul, so it is your destiny to guide the Ying World back to its former glory.”“What do you consider as glory?” James inquired with a smile.Faela fell silent and sipped
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Chapter 6667
In the Thirty-Third Heaven of the Tai Chi Grand Temple, a middle-aged man in a black and white robe stood atop the tall walls.His countenance bore regal authority and disdain, projecting a presence that seemed to look down upon the Greater Realms.Beneath him stood several living beings that bowed to him, afraid to meet his gaze.The middle-aged man shouted, “Tai Chi has personally given me the order to temporarily be the substitute as the Yang governor. From now on, I, Qadirre Trench, will handle the affairs of Tai Chi World.Everyone immediately raised their head in horror.“What’s wrong? Are you not satisfied with the decision?” Qadirre frowned.Startled, the audience below knelt in succession, their voices ringing in unison, “No, Yang governor!”Qadirre stood proudly, his hands clasped behind his back, emitting an arrogant aura. At that moment, he felt a sense of importance.For eons, he had yeared for the position. After so long, he never had the chance because of Tai Chi
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Chapter 6668
Captured along with them were the ancestors of the Tai Chi World, such as Mattaniah of the Iustus Sect, Xaiden and Xolani of the Timaeus Sect, and Yzert from the Yaquis Sect.These individuals were once esteemed experts renowned within the Tai Chi World, yet their cultivation had stagnated due to suppression.However, after their ventures in Zymurgy, they attained golden bodies and ascended to the Fifth Xaeclon Rank or higher. Now, they were transcendent powerhouses.Despite their newfound strength, they found themselves devoid of status or dignity in the presence of the other powerhouses inside the Tai Chi Grand Temple.“Silence!” Qadirre raised his hand into the air to hush them.The kneeling creatures fell silent instantly, and their gazes fixated on him with eager anticipation.Qadirre declared authoritatively, “The weakest here is already at the Fifth Xaeclon Rank. As the Yang governor, I hereby announce the establishment of Tai Chi Guardians to stand watch at Zymurgy’s fir
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Chapter 6669
Qadirre’s brow furrowed in confusion. “What are you insinuating?”The Celestial Sage said solemnly, “Although the Earthly Sage and I reside in the Tai Chi World, we’re not living beings. You should know that.”The Earthly Sage lifted his head and said coldly, “We’re manifestations of Yin-Yang Aura. Hence, our auras far surpass that of mere beings. Although you’re temporarily taking over as the Yang governor, I must inquire, are you a living being or a manifestation of aura?”Qadirre’s expression stiffened, completely at a loss for words.The Celestial Sage continued. “As far as I know, he wasn’t born from energy nor Tai Chi, Yehria. In truth, she is a mere mortal who attained strength through cultivation. Hence, his insistence on our homage violates the natural order and the Law of Paths.”At that moment, a collective shock rippled through the hall as they were reminded of the Celestial and Earthly Sages’ origins. Although they were not exceptional powerhouses, they were still bor
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Chapter 6670
Mattaniah was in charge of the ninth level. The tenth level was entrusted to Yzert. Lastly, Ylva and Qadirre took care of the eleventh and twelfth levels.Furthermore, the Tai Chi Grand Temple dispatched the so-called Twelve Tai Chi Envoys, individuals at the Fifth Xaeclon Rank, to descend into the Tai Chi World. Their mission was to select powerful beings capable of ascending to Zymurgy.Tai Chi’s comprehensive plan to segregate powerful forces within the Tai Chi World to face the Tai Chi Tribulation and fight against James and Thea was set into motion.She used the allure of Zymurgy and enticed powerful Tai Chi World beings to join her cause. By doing so, James’ Sky Bridge plan would eventually prove ineffective. After all, nobody could resist the temptation of entering the Xaeclon Rank or even the Daeclon Rank.Using the allure of the open realm of the heavens, they intended to entice all potent creatures in the Tai Chi world to join their cause. In doing so, any vulnerabilities
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