All Chapters of The Almighty Dragon General: Chapter 7231 - Chapter 7240
7246 Chapters
Chapter 7231
James transmitted his voice to Lesia. “Is Taiyi really that powerful?” “You’ll know once you fight her.” Lesia chuckled. “Anyway, she’s the enemy. If you don’t defeat her, you won’t be able to make these divine beings and Path Emperors submit to you. “Moreover, you need all five Xyloria Pearls to complete the Five Spirits Integration.” Once again, James fell silent. He was not worried about Taiyi being too strong of an opponent. Instead, he was torn between going after Xanthakos or Taiyi first. If he handled Taiyi first, it would allow Xanthakos to seize the Wuia Palace and the Path Designation Bead. If James were to target Xanthakos instead, the latter would have snuck into the Jawdat Region. It might be impossible for James to track him down now. James needed to acquire the Supreme Pathʼs Five Gates belonging to the Five Path Emperors now, the Xyloria Taichu Pearl, and the Xyloria Taiyi Pearl. If any of those items were missing, he would not be able to enter the Gate of
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Chapter 7232
“Everyone, thatʼs all for now.” Thea looked at the divine beings. “As for the invasion, my husband hasnʼt finalized his decision yet. “I hope all of you will monitor your disciples. You need to make sure they donʼt cause any conflicts or misunderstandings that can lead to serious fights.” Thea was about to walk away when Yiulia called aloud, “Are you really going to let him take such a huge risk?” The others looked in Theaʼs direction as well upon hearing Yiuliaʼs question. Thea glanced over her shoulder and beamed warmly at Yiulia. “Heʼs my husband. His decision is mine too. Even if itʼs against all sense and reason, I will stick by his side and face everything with him.” While Thea strode off toward the room James was in, the others had looks of bewilderment on their faces. Something like attacking the Taiyi Daonus Realm was unimaginable to these people. It was because Taiyiʼs disciples were incredibly powerful and almost unbeatable. Yet, if they disobeyed Jamesʼ in
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Chapter 7233
The divine beings and living beings who could see what was happening were all shocked. Some of the quick-witted ones spotted a golden opportunity and flew toward the passage. Yet, these men were sucked away. They could only scream helplessly before disappearing from othersʼ sight. Stephen and Leuko could see what was happening from the Great Historial Land too. As one of them was about to say something, two beams of purple light shot past the two of them and entered the passage formed from the sword light. “Oh, no! The Hongrome Children are trying to sneak off!” Stephen exclaimed. “Zuriyin! Lyall! Get back here!” Leuko shouted. She rushed toward the passage and transformed into a mass of black and white gases. Then, Leuko went after the children. “Leuko!” An immense amount of Hongrome Light radiated from his body when Stephen was about to chase after them. The light trapped him on the spot. “What… Whatʼs going on?” At that moment, Stephen could see numerous beings
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Chapter 7234
At that very moment, a tremendous amount of Waltraud Power rushed down the passage of light. It shattered the passage almost instantly and flowed into the Great Historial Land and all other realms. In a flash, immense amounts of Waltraud Power filled up all these spaces. The frightened living beings were pleasantly surprised by the sudden change of events. Most of them quickly assumed a seated position. These people noticed their cultivation improved as they were surrounded by the Waltraud Power. Even their souls were gradually elevated to the next levels. The same thing happened in the Great Historial Land. Almost everyone had closed their eyes and sat with their legs crossed. They seemed elated as they could detect the enhancement in their powers and cultivation. There was one person who was an exception. It was Stephen. Stephen did not experience any enhancements since he was enveloped in his Hongrome Aura and was not in contact with the Waltraud Power. “What… What i
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Chapter 7235
An elegant middle-aged woman from the group sighed at the sight before them. “Winnie, Xainte, Jacopo, and Noel, are you all alright?” Beside her, four young men and women, who had the Spiritual Providence Light Shield hovering above their heads, looked at each other briefly and shook their heads. Those four were none other than Jamesʼ children who were now full-fledged adults. The middle-aged woman took in their surroundings. “It didnʼt happen just in the Tai Chi World and other realms. Even the Wohrdaemon Tower and the Great Historial Land are filled with the Waltraud Power.” Winnie had a grim expression. “If this carried on, the Spiritual Providence that my father left behind would be completely depleted. “All realms will no longer be bound by my father’s teachings and disciplines as well.” “What is this? How is it so powerful?” A deep frown drew Jacopoʼs brows together. “Could it be that Dad had wreaked havoc in Zymurgy and incurred the supreme beingsʼ wrath?” “I c
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Chapter 7236
The Zenithal Roc Matron heaved a deep breath. “I am the progenitor of all beings. That puts me at a level above the living beings. Also, I didnʼt believe that James would devour the living beings to make his comeback. Naturally, I was protected by the Spiritual Providence. That was how I got here.” “Me too. I donʼt think that my father will choose to sacrifice so many living beings in order to return here,” Winnie continued, “Thatʼs how I have the Spiritual Providenceʼs protection.” Jacopo, Xainte, and Noel gave similar answers as well. Truett had a pensive look on his face after listening to them. “That means as long as one believes in James and his promise to help all living beings thrive, they will naturally receive the Spiritual Providenceʼs protection when the Waltraud Power comes upon them.” Suddenly, Truett lifted his head. “Itʼs the power of faith. The power of believers.” “Thatʼs right. That should be it.” Zenithal Roc Matron nodded. “However, I was quite surpris
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Chapter 7237
Back at the Forty-Ninth Heaven, the Goyoan Temple had been reduced to rubble. Jamesʼ hair swayed lightly as nine beautiful swords circled him. He was also surrounded by a dense layer of Anonymous Gas. Then, James flipped his palms over. In a flash, the nine swords around him shot up and merged above him. Eventually, a gigantic sword of black and white patterns glowing with a purplish-gold light was formed. The sword hovered above James and rotated slowly. It emanated a subtle glow that gave off an indomitable aura. James adjusted the flow of the Anonymous Gas in his body and opened his mouth. “Why hide yourself when youʼve gone through the trouble of coming here?” After James said that, a ball of purplish-gold light came flying from afar and stopped somewhere in the distance. It transformed into a man looking exactly like James but had purplish-gold eyes and red hair. Unlike the real James, this man had an unsettling, evil aura. He radiated a terrifying amount of Waltraud
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Chapter 7238
“Well, back to what we were saying!” James grinned. “If you came here just to show off and bicker, it would make you seem too easy and me too dumb.” The demonic James let out a chuckle and nodded. “Iʼll be direct. I need your help since Iʼm running out of patience.” James smiled slightly. “You can tell me your conditions.” The demonic James gestured to him. “I will try and fulfill them to the best of my abilities.” “Do you honestly have that much confidence?” James gave him a sideways glance. “Youʼre acting as though youʼve successfully returned and regained control over the Haleth Realm.” The demonic James curled his lips. “It wonʼt be too hard to achieve those things if youʼre willing to cooperate with me.” “What about Xanthakos?” James asked, “You also have the unpredictable Taiyi. Whatʼs more, there are the Nine Caeloros Gods of Nothingness.” The demonic James laughed contemptuously. “Xanthakos is no threat to us. He canʼt compare to you at all when it comes to wit
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Chapter 7239
The Gate of Anonymous had expanded and stretched until its ends were completely out of sight. Suddenly, the Anonymous Light emitted from the gate grew brighter. The Waitara Pathʼs soul spirit widened his eyes upon noticing the change. At the same time, he was devoured by the light. When he blinked, the Waitara Pathʼs soul spirit found himself transported to an entirely different space. The beautiful, green landscape stretched before his eyes. He could also see various creatures roaming freely in that serene and peaceful space. The Waitara Pathʼs soul spiritʼs face darkened. “Are you going to confine me here, James?” “Itʼs dangerous out there. I canʼt let a soul spirit wander outside recklessly.” James produced a bottle of Chaos Absinthe. “Besides, I canʼt let you go around in that appearance. Iʼm the one who will lose face if you do anything rash out there.” The Waitara Pathʼs soul spirit was momentarily stunned upon hearing his words. Meanwhile, James lifted his hand
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Chapter 7240
“Sheʼs warning you! It seems she doesnʼt trust you that much,” said the Waitara Path’s soul spirit.James remained silent. With a mental command from him, the light orb with the image disappeared. “James, donʼt you see it?” The Waitara Pathʼs soul spirit fixed his gaze on James. “She may have been your second body and helped you a lot. “The two of you may have been through countless life and death moments. Yet, it doesnʼt change how you two are fundamentally different. “Sheʼs the Soremsia of a Caeloros God of Nothingness, whereas you are a Historial being. “You were born from the Historial Daoism which was a violation against the Forty-Nine Daoisms created by the Caeloros Gods. “Sheʼs not trying to exterminate me. Instead, sheʼs trying to get rid of the Historial Daoism, which is your root and origin! “You two would never be able to coexist! So, how could you let her stay on your team?” Despite the Waitara Pathʼs soul spiritʼs long speech, James appeared unruffled as he
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