All Chapters of The Almighty Dragon General: Chapter 7221 - Chapter 7230
7236 Chapters
Chapter 7221
At the entrance of the main hall, James slowly walked in with Lesia, Yianni, Harper, and Morgott.Unlike the others, both Morgott and Lesia wore black bamboo hats. One was Frona Soremsia, the leader of the Nine Caeloros Gods of Nothingness. The other was the terrifying Morgott, who had once slaughtered countless gods.Lesia hid her true face to avoid Lord Goyo, and Morgott concealed his to prevent causing a major uproar before the battle even began. Though neither of them was happy about this, they complied because James had personally arranged it.Despite their efforts at discretion, their entrance still caused a significant stir in the hall. The path kings and war saints, who had been clamoring for a fight moments before, glared at them with predatory eyes, as if they wanted to tear James and his companions apart.The atmosphere was filled with the overbearing superiority and arrogance of the Alcide beings. Sensing this, James smiled calmly and led his followers straight down the
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Chapter 7222
Seeing this, Yavrin could not hold back any longer and shouted sternly, “Path kings and war saints, this is the teacher’s dojo, not your battlefield. Please stop immediately!”Unfortunately, no one listened. The path kings and war saints grew more furious and felt increasingly humiliated with each attack. Enraged, they unleashed their most powerful Supernatural Signature Skills.“Wansuri Bell!”“Tenrizuigin Bowl!”“Zyrenth Breaker!”“Wraithbane Sword!”“Cosmosurge Blade!”As the terrifying strikes from various magic treasures, light swords, soundwaves, and blade lights simultaneously hit James’ Anonymous Shield, protecting his followers from different directions, an explosion erupted from the collision of the shockwaves and the shield.Realizing the danger, Lord Goyo quickly flipped his palms and enveloped the entire Goyoan Temple with an extreme purple-golden gas light.In the next moment, the powerful shockwaves spread, shattering everything in the temple, including pillars,
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Chapter 7223
“James, this...” Lord Goyo began to speak, but then saw that a great battle had erupted in the void.Harper, Yianni, and Morgott each engaged with a few path kings and war saints, launching a fierce battle. In an instant, the earth shook from the force of their Sword Energy and Vital Energy.Caught off guard, the path kings and war saints were quickly defeated by the sudden, fierce attack. Injured, they scattered out of the main hall, seeking larger areas to continue the fight. Yianni, Harper, and Morgott followed closely, stirring up a powerful gust of wind. Seeing this, Lord Goyo and Yavrin were utterly anxious. They knew well that Harper, Yianni, and Morgott were once peerless living beings who had wreaked havoc across Zymurgy. Back then, countless supreme beings and gods had fallen to their hands, and it had taken the combined strength of the Five Path Emperors to suppress them.With their return and having been personally guided and purified by James, their strength was likel
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Chapter 7224
“Lord Goyo, what’s going on with your path kings and war saints?” Emperor Cosimeon spoke first. “They’ve been beaten so badly, why are they still holding on?” “There’s a saying, ‘A strong general has no weak soldiers.’” Emperor Stavros said with a hint of schadenfreude, “Perhaps Lord Goyo has his reasons.” Hearing this, Lord Goyo became even more anxious and looked at James again. “James, that’s enough.” At these words, the gathered gods all paused in surprise. Lesia, standing behind James, spoke slowly, “Hampton Samir, if you had said this earlier, perhaps this sparring wouldn’t have happened.” Hearing the name Hampton Samir, Lord Goyo trembled and looked at Lesia in shock. “You...” Lesia raised her head fearlessly. “Isn’t it so?” “Who exactly are you?” Lord Goyo narrowed his eyes into slits. “Few know my true name in the Greater Realms.” “You hold yourself too high. Who dares call you by your name?” Lesia said arrogantly. “In front of our master, you’d better not put
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Chapter 7225
James was puzzled upon witnessing this scene.On the other hand, Taichu stood up in surprise. “You actually captured two Surpeme Emperors alive?”“It took a lot of effort,” Emperor Cosimeon sighed. “Emperor Zenithal received a trace of the Nothingness Dead Energy from Emperor Qadeer and became incredibly fierce. If I hadn’t personally intervened, many of my disciples and followers would have perished.”“Emperor Draco wasn’t as difficult,” Emperor Stavros said with a smile. “When I arrived, she surrendered immediately. However, she was also tortured by Emperor Qadeer’s Nothingness Dead Energy, ending up in this condition.”As he spoke, he opened a box. Inside was a trembling divine being, disheveled and appearing as if she had endured horrific torment. She had lost all her imperial majesty.Then, Emperor Stavros turned to James. “We brought all the divine army under their command. Many perished or scattered, and there aren’t many left.”“Indeed.” Emperor Cosimeon nodded with deep
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Chapter 7226
‘Was she waiting for Emperor Qadeer to find Wuia Palace and seize the Path Designation Bead, or did she have other plans?’While James hesitated, Thea hurried into the main hall with Emperor Zdravko and Lord Goyo.To James’ astonishment, his beloved wife entered and immediately glared at him.Then, she slightly turned her body. “Hurry up and come in! What are you waiting for?”The next moment, Harper, Yianni, and Morgott entered the main hall, each dragging two bloody figures like chastened kindergarten children. With a series of dull thuds, the figures were thrown to the ground, hanging their heads in dejection.“Look at what you’ve done to them,” Thea scolded publicly. “We agreed to spar, not to injure them carelessly.”“We didn’t hurt them.” Morgott quickly raised his head. “Thea, we were just playing with them.”“Playing?” Thea pointed at Morgott. “You ate two path kings. Hand over their souls!”Morgott extended his hand reluctantly and released two glowing souls which flew
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Chapter 7227
“Taiyi was originally the supporter of Emperor Qadeer,” Lord Goyo said coldly. “Without her protection, we Path Emperors would have torn him to pieces long ago. How could we have allowed him to wreak havoc across the Greater Realms and flaunt his power in the Forty-Ninth Heavens?”Lord Goyo’s words immediately resonated with the crowd.Emperor Stavros furrowed his brows. “Tai Chi ranked first. Second is Taiyi. Third, Lord Goyo. Fourth, Emperor Tapia. Fifth, Xyloria Taichu. Sixth, Yaretzi. Seventh, time. Eighth, virtue. Ninth, space. Tenth are fate, directions, and fortune.“According to the ranking of the top-tier powerhouses in Haleth Realm, Emperor Qadeer couldn’t even make it into the top fifty. It was only because he married well that he managed to rise quickly and become one of the Seven Lords of the Greater Realms.”“That’s right.” Emperor Cosimeon sighed. “Even with hundreds of millions of entrapochs of cultivation, we can’t compare to his sweet talk. He relied on connection
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Chapter 7228
“I am speaking the truth.” Lord Goyo sighed. “After Waitara Path created Haleth Realm and shaped humanoid path spirits, he established the Fiftieth Daoism on the foundation of the Forty-Nine Daoisms, holding the highest rank.“Taiyi was derived from Waitara Path. She is the foremost god of Haleth Realm and the leader of all gods. Her position as second in rank is a natural consequence.“For me, I have contributed nothing to the Greater Realms even though I am an offshoot of Waitara Path. Instead, I entrusted the realms to treacherous gods, leading to the devastation of countless divine beings. My sins are unforgivable.”Seeing that no one responded, he continued. “So, Yaretzi being ranked third is beyond dispute.”“You’re being modest,” James said with a smile. “You manage the affairs of the Greater Realms for Waitara Path, acting as his representative. It’s akin to being a prime minister in human terms. This is a position of great power and influence.”His words were teasing, whi
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Chapter 7229
As soon as these words were spoken, James immediately looked at Lord Goyo.“Emperor Qadeer managed to marry Taiyi’s daughter?” Morgott suddenly spoke. “How can someone of his caliber dare to defile the creator of sound?”Lord Goyo sighed softly and stood up with a smile. “Yes, it’s Emperor Qadeer who married Taiyi’s daughter, Yaretzi Yolande.“Because of this, the Alcide beings developed extreme hatred and disgust towards him and his entire race, leading to the current irreconcilable situation.”He constantly defended the Alcide beings, insisting they had reasons for oppressing the living beings. However, it seemed petty that they held such a grudge over a single living being stealing their love.At this moment, Emperor Stavros also stood up and said, “Emperor Qadeer indeed has skills, managing to marry Yaretzi, but he achieved this through sweet talk and deceit.“Riding on Yaretzi’s status and using Taiyi as his mother-in-law, he, a mere living being, was admitted under Waitara
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Chapter 7230
Challenging Taiyi is simply madness! Since the formation of the Greater Realms, no one has dared to challenge her. Even during the reign of Waitara Path, she was revered with great respect.This reverence stems not only from her supremely lofty status but also from her elusive nature. She rarely appears in Haleth Realm, to the extent that even the Five Path Emperors find it difficult to meet her face-to-face.Moreover, Taiyi’s disciples are numerous and formidable, with hidden strengths that are unfathomable. She seldom interferes in the affairs of the Forty-Ninth Heaven and remains a mystery to the outside world.However, when the Forty-Ninth Heaven faced a sudden rise of unorthodox factions and sects, one hundred and eight powerhouses emerged whose strength overshadowed that of all other gods. Even the subsequent Five Path Emperors were not their match.Waitara Path was furious but constrained by status from intervening directly, so he let Taiyi to resolve the matter.Taiyi hers
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