All Chapters of The Almighty Dragon General: Chapter 7191 - Chapter 7200
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Chapter 7191
Goyo spat out another mouthful of blood. Before he could defend himself, his left hand was severed.Just as he was about to speak, a purple-gold light flashed behind him. As soon as James materialized from the light, he delivered a powerful elbow strike. Goyo plummeted from the sky, but James did not stop his attacks. Just like a puppet, he was battered by the successive attacks and rendered completely unable to mount any defense.James could have ended Goyo’s life with a single strike, but instead, he seemed to be deliberately toying with his opponent, as if testing new techniques.The battle stretched across entrapochs. Goyo endured blow after blow, his limbs shattered and meridians destroyed. He gasped for breath and spat blood until he finally collapsed into the void.James appeared beside Goyo’s right side with a flash. He picked up the Wuia Demon-Slayer Sword and ceased his relentless assaults.“The Upper Three Swords,” James mused, twirling the sword in his hand. “If I co
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Chapter 7192
After a moment, Goyo shook his head in disbelief.“No, it’s impossible for you to be so strong. You’re just a mortal being. There’s no way your strength could improve as rapidly as our Alcide beings.“Even Xanthakos, the first mortal to ascend to Zymurgy, can’t defeat me with only half of his strength!”Listening to Goyo’s desperate and almost hysterical rant, James shook his head with a hint of pity.Despite being the leader of the Alcide beings, Goyo’s foresight, strategy, and knowledge were inferior to Xanthakos, a mortal who had exploited loopholes to ascend and become a leader of the Five Path Emperors.Just then, a clear, feminine voice suddenly came from nearby. “Is your battle over, Honey?”James turned around abruptly. When he saw the beautiful figure, joy immediately flooded his face as he rushed toward her.“You’re awake, Darling!” James exclaimed excitedly, grasping the shoulders of the beautiful figure.Thea smiled and replied, “This turned out to be a blessing in
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Chapter 7193
Goyo asked doubtfully, “Did James really only use half of his strength to defeat me” “Yes,” Thea affirmed.Struggling to sit up in his weakened state, Goyo found himself unable to move his body at all. In desperation, his soul swiftly departed from his physical body and sped towards James with alarming speed.“Wow, the old man had a backup plan,” James remarked, surprised by Goyo’s tactic.Goyo roared, “How could it only be half of your strength? It had to be all your strength!”James chuckled, wrapped his arms around Thea’s waist, and said, “This old man is persistent. You should talk to him, Honey.”Thea pinched James’ back lightly and said, “Don't be disrespectful to him. He’s not like Xanthakos.”She proceeded to explain James’ main self of Path and Zenthur Anonymous Rank to Goyo.Goyo’s soul stood stunned for a long while, motionless as if struck to the core.After some time, Goyo staggered back several steps and slumped to the ground. It seemed he could not immediately
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Chapter 7194
Inside the Gate of Anonymous, Goyo's soul remained stagnant for a long time. Suddenly, he sighed and said, “Xalvador was right. If we could provide enough time and resources for creatures to develop naturally, the Haleth Realm wouldn’t need to rely on Alcide beings to guide them.”“What are the Five Path Emperors, supreme beings and deities? We created them b because of our self-righteousness and self-deception.“Our original intention was to differentiate between right and wrong, good and evil, to guide creatures and benefit the Greater Realms. Yet, it has become a burden weighing upon the heads of these living beings and a shackle binding them.“It would have been fine if we were simply unappreciated, but instead, we became hated by them, making them foster such resentment.”Goyo closed his eyes once more.“Emperor Stavros was also on point. His words to the supreme beings in my temple were harsh but accurate.“Us, Alcide beings are the true calamity of the Greater Realms and
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Chapter 7195
Unless James summoned his main self of Path from the Gate of Mystery is taken out, it would be impossible for him to defeat Goyo in his best state.James began to question whether Xanthakos was putting on a show when he was trapped by his dragons in the Gate of Mystery.‘Even with the strength of Goyo, he could not resist the Nothingness Dead Energy. How much strength does Xanthakos have concealed? What was his plan to seize the Wuia Palace and the Path Designation Bead?‘It seems Goyo is the only one who can answer my questions. After all, he knows Xanthakos the best.’James grabbed Goyo's body, raised his hand, and slapped his forehead. Vast Annonymous Gas penetrated his limbs and bones and immediately forced out the Nothingness Dead Energy in his body.At the same time, it also made Goyo’s physical body completely healed.As he watched this scene, Goyo’s Primordial Spirit showed doubt. “James, what are you doing…”James struck the body, sending it flying until it merged with
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Chapter 7196
James’ behavior was so arrogant that it struck fear into the very fabric of the heavens and all worlds.Upon grasping the deeper implications of James’ words, Goyo trembled and pointed an accusatory finger at him.“You... you’re so audacious! Do you genuinely intend to defy the natural order and obliterate everything created by the Waitara Path?”James, unfazed, gently wrapped his arm around Thea’s waist and smiled serenely at Goyo. This simple gesture conveyed his intentions.“You... you are simply…” Goyo stuttered, his entire body shaking as he staggered back several steps. “Is there no room for negotiation?”James remained silent, merely making a gesture that invited Goyo to leave.Goyo suddenly roared, "The Alcide beings have not committed any grave sins. Must you annihilate and disgrace us to such extents?“Don’t you see? It’s not the Alcide beings that oppress the beings of the Greater Realms, but the first batch of your kind that entered Zymurgy!”As he spoke, Goyo clenc
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Chapter 7197
Goyo, who had initially appeared lifeless, suddenly raised his head upon hearing the Leere Tribulation. A terrifying light suddenly shot out from his eyes.He stood up and asked with a ferocious expression, “How do you know about the Leere Tribulation? Who told you?”Seeing Goyo’s reaction, James and Thea exchanged silent glances.Goyo shouted, “It was Xanthakos, right? He went to such extents to seize the Forty-Ninth Heaven and the Greater Realms, huh? He sure is doing whatever it takes! You’ll regret it if you believe his nonsense! You’d walk the wrong path, and perish!”James raised his eyebrows and smiled without saying a word.Suddenly, Thea laughed and said, “We only mentioned the Leere Tribulation. What do you think he said to have such a big reaction?”Goyo coughed awkwardly.Thea stared at him and asked, “I have a question, Lord Goyo. Do you have a Soremsia that descended below Zymurgy?”After a long silence, Goyo gradually calmed down and then sat cross-legged, facing
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Chapter 7198
Goyo explained, “However, such actions were severely reprimanded by some God of Creations, who thought it went against the natural order and was excessive. Daoism has three principles—compassion, simplicity, and humility.“The Waitara Path’s suggestion had violated these three principles.James and Thea exchanged glances upon hearing this. They were aware of why the Waitara Path had created humans. However, Goyo’s story gave them a new perspective.Goyo elaborated, “The Waitara Path is an entity comparable to the God of Creations. Even though they disagreed with him, he argued relentlessly with reason.“During the eighty-first Leere Daoism, they had a fierce conflict with them. After that, the Waitara Path sealed the Xyrisia Gate and blocked all passages between the Haleth and Xanadu Realm.“The Nine Caeloros Gods of Nothingness could no longer intervene with the Haleth Realm. Henceforth, the Haleth Realm became independent and he was able to make changes.“He created from nothing, adj
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Chapter 7199
James shrugged and said with a smile, “But you still haven’t clarified the so-called Leere Tribulation."“I was just about to explain,” Goyo replied, looking confidently at Thea and James. “What you and the Waitara Path have done is quite similar, but the Waitara Path didn’t have your luck.“Because it created the Historial Daoism and created humans, the Nine Caeloros Gods of Nothingness saw it as going against their Daoisms, and ultimately, he was tortured and annihilated by them through the alteration of Daoism.”Goyo looked up with a face full of regret. "When the thirty-six unorthodox sects and seventy-two unorthodox factions caused chaos, the Waitara Path had already foreseen it.“Then, when Morgott suddenly rose, causing havoc across Zymurgy, slaughtering Xyloria Tai Chi and the Xyloria Law of Paths, it confirmed his suspicions."Morgott, originally known as Emperor Kaelisar, was a Historial being, essentially a human. But he is fundamentally different from you, a pure hum
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Chapter 7200
Goyo looked at James and Thea once more.“As for the Greater Realms, they centered around the Tai Chi world, but the position of Tai Chi remained vacant.“This was because the Waitara Path believed that the Tai Chi, who would govern the Tai Chi world, would be the master of all mortals. To be able to guide the mortals in the pursuit of cultivation, the candidate required a god of great virtue and benevolence.”Goyo pointed at Thea and said, “The Waitara Path initially favored you for this position, but you suddenly disappeared, leaving the position vacant.”James looked at Thea and said, “After you disappeared, Yehria took the opportunity."Thea sighed and said, “That happened a little later. Goyo is talking about the arrangements made before the Waitara Path perished.“It’s the same thing, no?” James turned to Goyo and asked, “After everything, did he leave behind a Soremsia?”Goyo replied calmly, “If by Soremsia you mean a Historial being, then of course. Remember, the Waitara Path c
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