All Chapters of The Almighty Dragon General: Chapter 6861 - Chapter 6870
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Chapter 6861
Cyril was stunned upon hearing Wesley’s warning. Then, he and the mysterious powerhouses behind him burst into loud laughter. It was a mockery, a lofty insult and provocation.“Wesley, we address you as the Law of Paths out of respect,” Cyril sneered. “However, if you don’t know your place, your status is merely a word from the Path Emperor.”As his words fell, the men and women behind him chimed in with mockery.“Wesley, you’re really full of yourself, huh?”“We’re here under the decree of Emperor Qadeer, not to see you acting like a nice gentleman.”“Hmph, you dare to be impolite to us, why don’t you try making a move?”“When have ants below the Forty Heaven dared to challenge us?”Listening to their taunts, Wesley’s clenched fists creaked. It had been a long time since he truly got angry. It seemed like all the supreme beings of Zymurgy had forgotten that he, as the Law of Paths, was the only Daeclon Mahayana Rank powerhouse below the Forty Heaven.As his anger surged, sacre
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Chapter 6862
“My status of the Law of Paths is bestowed by the previous Supreme Path,” Wesley declared firmly. “Being a law, it should uphold the righteousness and fairness of the Path. Are you not planning to leave now?”“It seems you have truly turned against us!” Cyril could not contain his anger as he shouted. “As the Law of Paths, you’ve colluded with demons, ravaged Zymurgy, slaughtered supreme beings, and kidnapped the rulers of myriad worlds. Your sins are immense, your evils overflowing.”Upon hearing these words, Wesley burst into hearty laughter. The laughter was filled with bitterness and helplessness, but above all, there was contempt and murderous intent.“Your laughter is pointless!” Cyril shouted angrily. “I know you’re practically invincible below the Forty Heavens. I’m no match for you even as the same Daeclon Mahayana Rank powerhouse as you. However, since the Path Emperor has tasked me with bringing down the gods, we are all prepared. Today, I wield the Path Banner, and with
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Chapter 6863
In the nick of time, a phantom figure swiftly approached from within the nearby Three Treasures Formation. A mysterious force beneath his feet expanded with each step he took in the void. Everything within the Thirty-Three Heavens froze in an instant as he took eight consecutive steps.“Humans will ultimately die, but whether they die with dignity or not is up to them. However, evil individuals are foolish and unworthy.” While speaking, the phantom figure transformed into James’ silhouette and appeared abruptly before Wesley.“Darling!” Thea’s eyes gleamed upon seeing James. She never expected her beloved to have grown to such formidable heights after countless years apart.James’ dominance was unquestionable. He had mastered Tai Chi, surpassing even the Emperor, and regarding the supreme beings of Zymurgy as mere ants. He could also control time, restrict space, and his Terrastride Step could even immobilize the Wuia Demon-Slayer Sword to save the Law of Paths. His demeanor was tow
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Chapter 6864
As he spoke, he unleashed the Dawnblaze Form and instantly appeared behind Cyril.“You were the one who pulled my wife’s hair earlier, weren’t you?” James asked as the Sword Energy emanated from the blade in his hand, sweeping towards Cyril with terrifying force.With a scream, Cyril immediately grabbed several surviving supreme beings beside him to use as a shield. Then, he soared into the air. Amidst a series of crisp sounds, the surviving supreme beings were still unaware of what was happening as they were decapitated. Their bodies severed into pieces in the void, blood mist spraying, and flesh scattering. The scene was extremely brutal and bloody.At this moment, the only female powerhouse, who had lost an arm, screamed and hurriedly landed. She stumbled backward tens of thousands of kilometers in succession and immediately lay down, pretending to be dead.“Where are you going?” James did not care about her. Instead, he reached out into the void. In an instant, a phantom transp
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Chapter 6865
James shattered the sacred radiation gas that encircled Thea, Zeux, and Beatrice. Immediately after, he gathered Cyril and the souls of dozens of powerhouses with a lift of his hand, then poured them all into Thea’s body.Suddenly empowered by dozens of Soma Daeclon Rank souls, Thea erupted in a dazzling purplish-red glow, flashing several times before settling down. James found it somewhat overwhelming as he looked at Thea now. She was captivating, exuding an irresistible allure and surrounded by a distinctly sinister purplish-red light.“Darling!” Thea shouted as she darted into James’ embrace. “You’re amazing! You’re soaring now!”Holding her tightly, James hastily asked, “Darling, are you injured?”Thea shook her head and held onto James even tighter. Seeing this, Zeux and Beatrice tactfully turned away. However, Wesley had a puzzled expression and was unsure of what to do.Beatrice called out, “Hey Wesley, the couple getting back together is all mushy-gushy. What’s a bachelor
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Chapter 6866
Wesley did not bother with them. Instead, he stared fixedly at James. “Are you doing this on purpose?”James raised an eyebrow. “About what?”Wesley’s voice turned cold. “You’re intentionally causing a rift between me and Emperor Qadeer. You’ve trapped me with no way out.”“I swear I’m not.” James shrugged. “You’re the one who told me not to act within the Three Treasures Formation. You wanted to handle it, and now it’s turned into me plotting against you?”“That’s your cunning.” Wesley breathed in deeply. “Originally, you could have easily achieved the Forty Heaven and reunited with your wife and brothers by capturing Yehria and Emperor Craig. Yet, you chose to go against the grain and set up the Three Treasures Formation at the Thirty-Three Heavens.“You know that as the Law of Paths below the Forty Heaven, I couldn’t turn a blind eye to this matter. You’re also well aware that I couldn’t possibly engage with you seriously. So, you acted recklessly, to draw me and Emperor Qadeer
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Chapter 6867
“You are the most suitable among the Five Chosen Ones to become the Supreme Path.” Wesley stared at James. “With such talent, how could I easily let you go, allowing you to indulge in love affairs and betray the expectations of countless living beings across the myriad realms?”Upon hearing this, Zeux and Beatrice looked at James. It seemed as if they understood Wesley’s intentions. They were nervous and feared that the hopes they held in their hearts might go to waste if James were to fly into a rage and harm Wesley.James let out a sigh and shook his head. “As the saying goes, you can lead a horse to water but you can’t make him drink. My aspirations do not lie here...”“Franciscus, Yianni, Emperor Yarden, Chuba, and Zemra have passed on their legacies to you.” Wesley interrupted James. “They imparted their lifelong learnings to you even in their spirit, all for the sake of fulfilling your love affairs and seeking revenge for your wife?”James fell silent.Wesley raised his voic
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Chapter 6868
“I admire your unwavering devotion and your intellectual and valorous talents. I also appreciate your ability to seize opportunities and understand chances. However, being the Chosen One does not contradict your unwavering devotion. We have never asked you to become desireless and aimless,” Wesley looked at James and spoke with sincerity. He continued, “In person, you are a brother and successor to many of my close friends. Recommending you as the Chosen One is also my contribution. In public, your talents, decisiveness in battle, benevolence, kindness, Daoism and noble aspirations have the potential to rectify the current shortcomings in the Greater Realms.“In both personally and publicly, as the Law of Paths, I have not abandoned the reasons to endorse you for the Supreme Path, nor have I relinquished the right to see your progress. In broader terms, this is for the sake of all living beings in the myriad realms. In smaller terms, it is also for the lifelong expectations of me an
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Chapter 6869
“Something is not right!” James exclaimed, his eyes widening.“What’s not right?” Wesley asked nervously.James waved his hand at him and immediately transmitted his voice to Lesia, “Lesia, are you awake?”“Yes, but I still need a long time to recover.” Lesia’s voice came again. “Master, now is not the time to worry about me. Wesley is crucial to you. He is the only bridge connecting you to Zymurgy and the various powers of the Forty-Ninth Heaven. He is also among the twenty-five supreme gods in Zymurgy who support and stand by you the most.“If he is truly destroyed, then the entire Zymurgy will inevitably be swayed by the followers of Emperor Qadeer. Even with your achievement of the Three Treasures and Five Spirits, you will ultimately become the second Morgott.“Don’t forget, among the Five Primal Evolutions, although Xyloria Tai Chi, Tirta, and Silver have fallen, Xyloria Taichu and Xyloria Taiyi are still there.”James’ heart shook upon hearing this. He knew the importance
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Chapter 6870
“I’ll fulfill your conditions.” Wesley looked at James. “Now, it’s your turn.”James acted decisively. He shot out an Innate Energy that trapped Xever within the Three Treasures Formation and threw him in front of Wesley.“One more thing,” Wesley said impatiently. “Don’t try to deceive me.”With a grunt, James tossed out Cyril, who had both arms and legs severed.“You even want a cripple?” Wesley asked rhetorically. “You have seen the power of the sword within the Wuia Demon-Slayer Sword. Being wounded by it takes a long time to heal, and even a severed limb requires recasting the Golden Body. You must use it cautiously.”James exclaimed, “Are you leaving?”“Do you want to invite me to drink at the Great Historial Land?” Wesley countered.James replied, “Yes.”Wesley spat. “You wish! I won’t fall for it. Remember our agreement, cunning kid.”With that, he twisted both Xever and Cyril into a sacred radiation and soared into the sky. It was not until then that Zeux and Beatrice
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