All Chapters of The Almighty Dragon General: Chapter 7061 - Chapter 7070
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Chapter 7061
James sneered, “I need a favor from you. If you get it done, I promise to fight you with all my strength and show no mercy after we leave the Gate of Mystery.Youcef’s eyes lit up with expectation, but his face darkened in the next second. “With my current strength, am I even worthy of being your opponent?”James squinted and asked, “Yes or no?”Under his sharp gaze, Youcef felt pressured.Yianni sighed and said, “James rose from nothing to someone who can dominate the Greater Realms and suppress countless powerhouses. You were born in the Forty-Ninth Heaven and have access to abundant resources. Do you have no confidence?“If so, I truly pity James for having an opponent like you.”Hearing Yianni’s words, Youcef slowly clenched his fists and regained his fighting spirit. He stared at James and asked, “What do you want from me?”James answered, “I’ll send you out of the Gate of Mystery, but I need you to deliver a letter to your father.”After speaking, a shining scroll appeare
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Chapter 7062
Youcef came to a sudden realization. Considering his father’s cruelty, it was likely Hankin, who had failed to complete his task, would face a grim fate.However, Hankin stood a chance of survival if he stayed in the Gate of Mystery with James. He abruptly kowtowed and climbed back to his feet.James unleashed a Sword Light toward Youcef without hesitation, instantly sending Youcef out of the Gate of Mystery.Lesia, Morgott, and Yianni then turned toward James, their eyes reflecting admiration and respect.While they never questioned James’ strength and wisdom, his generosity and tolerance for others truly impressed and humbled them.At that moment, James waved his hand. The two black dragons entangling Hakins drew him into the Nothingness Formation.With a loud thud, Hankin crashed onto the massive lotus. As the black dragons soared into the void with roars, he gasped for air and scoffed bitterly. “Congratulations, James. You’ve grown strong enough to dominate the Greater Realms
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Chapter 7063
Hankin, Lesia, and James exchanged glances before cautiously stepping forward.Lesia questioned, “Will you die as a slave of the Qadeer Sect or as Emperor Benevolence of the Greater Realms?”Hankin’s face darkened as he asked, “If I’m not mistaken, you’re the Soremsia of the Nine Caeloros Gods of Nothingness’ leader, Frona, correct?Intrigued, Lesia put her hands behind her back and replied, “You can call me Lesia. Am I also considered a demon to you?”Hankin was at a loss for words, and his face twitched with embarrassment. At that moment, he caught a glimpse of James calmly sitting down while enjoying some Chaos Absinthe and instantly felt a shiver down his spine. James was clearly in charge of the current situation. However, he remained silent and allowed a subordinate to humiliate Hankin and change his mind about dying.Hankin recognized that James was an extraordinary entity, excelling in cultivation, strength, wisdom, and strategies. If he were devoted to cultivation, he w
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Chapter 7064
Hankin had personally witnessed what Goyo and Qadeer had done in the past. It was very clear to him what they were both fighting for.However, he had no choice but to submit to them. Lesia’s words had hurt his pride, and his deep-seated ambitions gradually burst out. Lesia looked at him and said, “You’re Emperor Benevolence, one of the Nine Caeloros Gods of Nothingness. In terms of status, you’re only second to the Waitara Path.“Yet now, you’re a mere follower of the Waitara Path, and even for this adherent, you’re prepared to sacrifice your life out of loyalty. How dare you pass judgment on whether James’ character?”As if his true nature had been laid bare, Hankin quivered all over, his complexion draining of color. At that moment, his former arrogance had completely vanished."I understand," Lesia remarked, pacing around Hankin with a smile. "You're struggling amidst the intrigues and power struggles of the Haleth Realm. You gradually lost your way and seek oblivion as an esc
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Chapter 7065
Hankin bellowed, “No, I never forgot! I just didn’t want to witness any more suffering, bloodbaths, and catastrophes!”Lesia snorted, “You’re finally being honest.” After the remark, she turned to James and said, “It’s your turn, Master!”James looked at Hankin, who had a pained expression, then carefully placed his wine jar down. “You already scolded him to tears, so forget it. However, if he knew the Greater Realms’ living beings were protected by Spiritual Providence, he might not be so stubborn.”Before Lesia could respond, Hankin abruptly turned to James and asked, “What did you say? Spiritual Providence? The Greater Realms’ living beings have produced Spiritual Providence?”Lesia rolled her eyes and said, “Yeah. Do you think my master would be really that heartless? He wouldn’t just subject the Greater Realms’ living beings to suffering while he challenges Zymurgy’s supreme beings.”Hankin leaped to his feet and stared at James with excitement. “So, even if you’re fighting
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Chapter 7066
Upon hearing the conversation, Xanthakos quickly stashed away the shining scroll, and his face contorted with rage. “What are you bickering about?”Silence fell outside.Meanwhile, Youcef ignored the commotion and continued to stare at his father.Suddenly, Thea's arrogant voice came from outside, “Xanthakos! Is this how your sect treats guests? Then shall I just pack up and leave?”Hearing this, Xanthakos became anxious. With the wave of his hand, he opened a door in the protective formation.Thea walked in gracefully.Xanthakos was an experienced senior who had gone through a lot in the past. However, upon seeing Thea, his face flashed with helplessness. He stood up and quickly greeted her as if welcoming a distinguished guest. “I apologize for not welcoming you sooner. I hope—”Thea interrupted, “I won’t forgive you. You’re clearly being disrespectful, and don’t take the Wyrmscale Source seriously.”Xanthakos was infuriated by her words. Ever since Thea had entered the Qadee
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Chapter 7067
Thea asked indignantly, “Who are you trying to scare? Why won’t you let us go to the Wuia Palace? I’m starting to question your sincerity to work with me.”Emperor Xanthakos’ expression shifted dramatically. He said hurriedly, “The Wuia Palace is unlike Xanthakos Temple. It’s riddled with countless formations and is heavily guarded by powerful figures. It’s the supreme symbol of the Greater Realms.“If you go there and cause trouble, it won’t just be a matter of escaping. You’ll completely alert the enemy, and the Waitara Path’s followers will come after you, especially Lord Goyo.”Xanthakos moved closer to Thea and whispered, “If you get into trouble, should my sect save you or not? If we don’t, the Divine Marius and James won’t forgive us. However, we’re not ready for a confrontation as it will ruin our grand plans.”Thea narrowed her eyes slightly, remaining silent. She understood that the ‘grand plan’ Xanthakos referred to was not about preventing the return of the Waitara Pat
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Chapter 7068
Thea asked curiously, “So you made an excuse and took a risk just to tell me this?”Youcef nodded and replied, “Yes. I wanted you to know that if my father threatens you with James, you don’t have to worry about it. James has already taken control of the Gate of Mystery. He can leave whenever he wants.”After hearing his words, Thea immediately formed a plan. She looked at him and said, “I’m starting to doubt whether you’re really Xanthakos’ biological son.”Youcef took a deep breath and said calmly, “He has been blinded by power and is already too far gone. Since I can’t stop him, I can only try my best to try at least to save his life.”Thea’s vigilant glare gradually eased. Then, she remarked, “You’re different from your father. My husband was right about you.”Youcef turned around with his hands behind his back and said, “There is no time to lose. Use this opportunity to leave. If my father discovers that James isn’t trapped within the Gate of Mystery, he’ll definitely capture
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Chapter 7069
Inside the Gate of Mystery, the Historial Helmnor Formation composed of the 100,000 Marauder Warrior continued to torment the Twelve God-Kings and Eighteen Emperors, causing them to fall into illusions.Meanwhile, inside the Nothingness Formation, Hankin explained the Forty-Nine Heavens and the Xanthakos Sect to James and his companions, making them fully aware of the structure of the Forty-Ninth Heaven and Xanthakos’ intention.After finishing the last jar of Chaos Absinthe, Hankin looked at James and said, “Xanthakos has summoned powerhouses from all over under the pretense of the Wuia Integration Gathering for two main purposes.“Firstly, he aims to force everyone to choose sides. Those who follow him will prosper, and those who oppose him will perish. This will result in a brutal and bloody purge of many supreme beings.“Many are more devoted to Waitara Path than to Xanthakos. Hence, Xanthakos believes eliminating the Waitara Path believers opposing him will weaken the power of
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Chapter 7070
Morgott retorted, “Why go through so much trouble? Just send us out of here first, James. With our strength, we can help you seize the Wuia Palace and Path Designation Bead. By then, you can leave the Gate of Mystery and immediately ascend to the position of the Supreme Path.”James remained silent.Hankin interjected immediately. “That’s not a good idea. Although the three of you are incredibly powerful, you cannot defeat Xanthakos, not to mention the even more powerful Goyo.”“Among all the Greater Realms, only you, James, or Taiyi himself are a match for Xanthakos and Goyo.”Morgott said, frustrated, “This won’t work, that won’t work. What are we supposed to do? Are we just going to let Xanthakos take the crown while we helplessly wait for it to happen?”"Kaelisar," Lesia rolled her eyes and chided Morgott, “Master hasn’t even given his opinion yet. Why are you so anxious?”Morgott sighed and, along with the others, looked to James for his decision.James shattered the empty
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