All Chapters of The Almighty Dragon General: Chapter 7071 - Chapter 7080
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Chapter 7071
Yianni, Lesia, Morgott, and Hankin exchanged glances, seemingly having something to say. However, they held their tongues.James asked suspiciously. “What’s wrong? Don’t you know where she is?”Yianni finally broke the silence and answered, “The Gate of Mystery is the source of the world, divided into the Tohmuna and Delmuna. I was imprisoned in the Tohmuna. I attacked the Gate of Tohmuna with my powers for eons. I only managed to escape after achieving the unity of Primordial Spirits.“Harper is a woman who practices Historial Power, which uses energy as its foundation. Although she is stronger than me, she can’t break through the Gate of Delmuna alone.”“Tohmuna, Delmuna,” James murmured, narrowing his eyes. After a while, he asked, “Is it located within this space?”Yianni nodded and replied, “Yeah. But I don’t know the exact location. Both of them only have one entry point. With how vast the Gate of Mystery is…”Before he could finish, James suddenly spread his hands, and cou
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Chapter 7072
Xanthakos roared furiously, “You rebellious son! Since you’re so stubborn, I’ll seal you and your damn mother away for eternity. That should prevent you from causing anymore trouble for me!”He flipped his hand and prepared to cast a sealing spell. However, he felt a sudden sharp pain in his heart. His entire body trembled violently, and his face contorted in agony.Youcef looked at him puzzledly.Xanthakos then started shaking uncontrollably, and Nothingness Dead Energy burst from his body, causing him to scream in pain.Instantly, the Nothingness Dead Energy enveloped the entire Punishment Hall, swallowing Youcef as well.At that moment, outside the Punishment Hall, a beam of multicolored light rapidly shot in, transforming into a beautiful figure who appeared beside Youcef.Without a word, she helped the seriously injured Youcef up. “Come with me!”“No!” Youcef rejected Thea, staring intently at Xanthakos, who was screaming in pain. “James is acting up again and is being even
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Chapter 7073
Though Xanthakos was screaming in agony, Thea and Youcef’s actions were under his control. In addition to cursing Youcef as a rebellious son, he developed an extreme hatred for Thea. However, there was nothing much he could do.He was in a dire situation. He could either surrender the Gate of Mystery to James or hold onto it and endure James’ relentless torture.While desperately enduring the agonizing pain, a purple-gold light emerged, and James’ Primordial Spirit materialized in the Nothingness Dead Energy. James stood calmly, hands behind his back, watching the twisted, suffering Xanthakos with a victorious expression.“J-James," Xanthakos stammered, “What do you want? Didn’t we have an agreement? Aren’t you afraid of the soul contract’s backlash?"James replied coldly, “Who said I broke the soul contract? Stop talking nonsense and open the door to the Gate of Delmuna. I’ll forgive you if you comply.”Xanthakos’ pupils trembled at his words. “You want to pass through the Gate
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Chapter 7074
Enduring great pain, Xanthakos pondered deeply before sighing. “Alright, James, you’ve convinced me. I’ll release Harper, but you need to stop causing trouble.”James asked playfully, “Who’s causing trouble, me or you?" "We agreed you’d give me time to think. So why did you send the Twelve God-Kings, the Eighteen Emperors, and the Marauder Army? Were you planning to use this as a chance to kill me and eliminate future problems?”Xanthakos waved his and hurriedly explained, “No, absolutely not! I just wanted them to keep an eye on you to make sure you don’t cause chaos in there. My old bones can’t handle it."Besides, I’ve treated your wife like royalty, providing her with the best delicacies and service.“You’re stirring up a lot of chaos in the Gate of Mystery, which is torturing me. Meanwhile, your wife is disrupting my palace’s peace. Both of you are putting me through agony. Do you really think this is the best approach?“Remember, we’re going to be in-laws. Destroying our rel
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Chapter 7075
Within the Gate of Mystery, a dazzling flash of light appeared, opening a radiant gate beneath the lotus where James and his companions stood.James, Lesia, Morgott, and Yianni looked down to see millions of dazzling lights shining within the gate. The sight was sacred and imposing, exuding an aura of immense power.Lesia exclaimed. “Delmuna Power! My Lord, that is the Gate of Delmuna.”Yianni gasped and exclaimed, “I never expected Xanthakos to actually move the Gate of Delmuna beneath James’ lotus. No wonder we couldn’t locate it even after James tore through the space here. He’s incredibly cunning.”James asked, "Can the Gate of Delmuna be set to move freely?” Yianni nodded. “Absolutely. The Gate of Mystery is the source of the world. Xanthakos controls the Tohmuna and Delmuna Gates, which is why he acts so brazenly.”“Shall we give it a try?” Morgott asked James eagerly.James and the others appeared before the dazzling light gate.Just as Morgott was about to rush in, Jam
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Chapter 7076
Lesia burst into laughter almost immediately, laughing so hard she fell over, her entire body shaking.Morgott and Hankin were unsure whether to be astonished or amused, but the poem was undeniably shameless.Observing the group’s reactions, Yianni, who had recited the poem, felt embarrassed. His handsome cheeks turned even redder, and he wished he could disappear into the ground.To their surprise, the enchanting female voice from the light gate did not respond immediately, instead falling into a prolonged silence.After a while, she replied, “The Heavenly King reigns!”Blushing, Yianni replied helplessly, "But the fairy suppressed all!”“The pagoda that suppressed the river monster!”“I, however, am the little weakling!” Yianni forced out the words through gritted teeth, At this, James finally could not contain his laughter.Lesia was already laughing so hard she nearly choked, her soul seemingly on the verge of splitting from laughter.Meanwhile, Morgott and Hankin remaine
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Chapter 7077
A charming woman gracefully stepped out from the radiant light, emerging from the portal. As she neared the transparent air barrier set by James, she lightly touched it with her jade finger, causing it to shatter instantly.Under everyone's watchful eyes, the beautiful woman approached James, surrounded by a flutter of colorful butterflies. She emanated a delightful fragrance and exuded charm that left everyone in awe.The woman and James gazed at each other fondly as if they were old friends reunited after many years.After a momentary shock, James snapped back to reality. “Sophie…”The woman opened her arms and replied affectionately, “How lovely! Come here, let sister kiss you. I’ve missed you a lot!”James quickly took a few steps back, staring at the woman in disbelief. “Who are you? Why do you look like Sophie?”The woman pointed at James and questioned Lesia and Yianni, “Which one of you made him a fool? Who took away his intelligence and left him adorably stupid? I can’t
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Chapter 7078
“Let’s refrain from discussing the past for now,” Harper said, surveying the individuals present before settling her gaze on Morgott and Hankin. “Who might these two unsightly figures be?”At the mention of 'unsightly,' Morgott’s face darkened.Hankin, on the other hand, remained speechless. “That unsightly figure over there happens to be Morgott, whom you once held in high regard for,” Lesia chimed mischievously. Remember your admiration for him? Now’s your chance to fulfill those desires.”Upon hearing this, excitement flashed across Morgott’s face as he looked at Harper.However, Harper shook her head disdainfully. “So that’s what he looks like? That’s quite disappointing. He lacks any semblance of handsomeness. Not even comparable with my sweetheart,” Harper remarked, eliciting a transition in Morgott’s emotions from anticipation to fury.“Damn it! How dare you insult me? I am your senior! Have you no sense of decorum?” Morgott erupted.Harper retorted sharply. “Shut up. I ca
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Chapter 7079
Yianni quickly approached James and whispered, “Even if you can win, don’t provoke her.”Confronted by Harper’s evil grin, James could not shake his apprehension. Apart from his wife, he deemed other beautiful women untrustworthy.After concluding this, James shrugged at Harper. “Whether you’re Harper or Sophie, as long as traces of Sophie’s kindness remain, I’ll acknowledge you as a friend.”Harper pouted, “You’ve changed, my dear. You’ve become ruthless, and…”“Enough,” James waved his hand to cut her off. He turned to Yianni and Lesia, then said, “Henceforth, she’s your responsibility. I can’t afford to get involved in her drama.”James transformed into a light beam and ascended upon the lotus.Harper looked at the others and said, “Ha! Quite fiery, isn’t he? Am I really that intimidating?”Morgott, Hankin, Yianni, and Lesia dispersed promptly, leaving Harper bewildered.In the Forty-Ninth Heaven, within the Qadeer Temple, as the Wuia Integration Gathering drew near, powerho
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Chapter 7080
Quintus suddenly directed his gaze at another elderly man with red hair and asked, “What’s your take, Quentyn?”Twirling his beard, the red-haired elder known as Quentyn pondered for a while. Then, he asked, “Is the mortal’s Chosen One?”Xanthakos hastily clasped Quentyn’s hand and exclaimed, Quentyn, your insight is remarkable, this…”Quentyn abruptly interrupted, saying gravely, “Are you incapable of dealing with him? If so, then this young man treads a dangerous path between darkness and righteousness.”Xanthakos narrowed his eyes and snorted disdainfully, “He’s a man driven by profit, ruthless, and cunning. Yet, he cares deeply for his wife. To gain control over him, it’s necessary to gain control of his weakness.”Quentyn inquired with keen interest, “And where is his weakness?”Xanthakos met his gaze and replied, “I have her. However, it’s a card a plan to keep and play only in dire circumstances. While trying to eliminate him as a threat, my aim is still to win him over an
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