All Chapters of The Almighty Dragon General: Chapter 7101 - Chapter 7110
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Chapter 7101
The scene seemed frozen in time. Emperor Qadeer and all the divine beings appeared to be waiting for Quentyn’s response.“I understand your concerns, Mr. Quentyn. However, since we’ve chosen to trust Emperor Qadeer, we must support him unconditionally.” Quintus broke the silence. “We fought that devil countless times in the Bnorlith Formation. We severely injured him though we didn’t kill him.“I clearly remember you striking the devil, causing a glowing token to fall from him. If I’m not mistaken, that token should be the Marauder Token that controls the Marauder Army of One Hundred Thousand Warriors, right?”Upon hearing this, Emperor Qadeer’s pupils contracted, and the other divine beings erupted into uproar. Only Thea showed clear signs of killing intent on her face, on the verge of an outburst.She could not imagine what her husband had gone through. The simultaneous attack of two hidden emperors, with power surpassing Emperor Qadeer, would have left him severely injured even
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Chapter 7102
“I told you, Mr. Quentyn. Once Emperor Qadeer gives his word, he never goes back on it. Hurry and take it out.”Watching Quintus’ seamless performance and Emperor Qadeer’s righteous facade, Quentyn took a deep breath before slowly bringing out the secondary Marauder Token that James had given him.Emperor Qadeer’s eyes ignited with excitement the moment he laid eyes on the Marauder Token. “Mr. Quentyn, you’ve truly retrieved the token. This is fantastic news! You have no idea. Hankin was a useless fool, so—”“Enough!” Quentyn interrupted impatiently. “Since you want it, take it. Just remember to keep your promises.”With a flick of his wrist, the Marauder Token floated toward Emperor Qadeer. Grasping it as though it were a priceless treasure, he turned and waved the token. A purple-golden light enveloped the Marauder Army of One Hundred Thousand Warriors, causing them to raise their weapons in unison, their killing intent surging.Among them were the Marauder Warriors manifested b
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Chapter 7103
Emperor Qadeer stood atop a high red wall in the vast Glyndor Palace, situated north of the Qadeer Temple. He surveyed the assembled divine beings from Zymurgy, who were positioned on both sides. Only the most powerful heroes and overlords of Zymurgy could enter the Glyndor Palace. Even the lowest-ranked among them were rulers of temples above the Fortieth Heaven. This was a gathering of the elite.Among them, the most prominent figures were the Fourfold Emperors, the gods of the Four Seasons, Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter. Additionally, there were the five Jadron Holiness, the thirty-six Sea Emperors, the eight Kalydor Sovereigns, and the seventy-two Golden Gods, commanding eight million Soma Daeclon Rank soldiers. Each divine being displayed their Golden Bodies, immense in size, seated on zafus, radiating purple and gold light, exuding a holy and majestic aura. Along with the temples above the Fortieth Heaven, the gathering comprised over seventy percent of the top forces of Zy
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Chapter 7104
Amid Emperor Qadeer’s grievances and his declaration of resignation, his prearranged supporters immediately stepped forward. The first to speak was his closest confidant, Dorvus Holiness.“Emperor, you have exhausted yourself for the peace of the Greater Realms, yet some false divine beings occupy high positions without performing their duties. They indulge in idle cultivation, offering no benefits to the realms. Not only do they fail to contribute, but they also act high and mighty, bossing us around and finding fault. It’s intolerable!” Growing more agitated, Dorvus bowed deeply to Emperor Qadeer. “Emperor, forgive my boldness, but the Greater Realms can do without these idle divine beings, yet we cannot do without you.”Following his words, a large group of Emperor Qadeer’s supporters, who had been prepared in advance, stood up. They passionately called for battle, some even shouting for a fight to the death. Their fervor quickly spread throughout Glyndor Palace, leading most of
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Chapter 7105
Harper hissed. “Quentyn is interesting.”“He is indeed different from Quintus,” James said leisurely. “This man is useful. I’ll have my wife help him.”As he spoke, James transmitted a message to Thea.Immediately after, Thea leaned close to Quentyn’s ear and whispered a few words. Quentyn, who had been furious, suddenly changed his attitude and began shouting and calling for action.“What did your wife say to him?” Harper, who had been watching the situation closely, asked. James gave a mysterious smile and replied evasively, “Next, we’ll see Emperor Qadeer putting on a show of weeping and righteous indignation. He’ll sacrifice himself for the peace of the Greater Realms and relinquish his position as the Path Emperor.”Harper was stunned. Just as she was about to speak, Emperor Qadeer slowly raised his hand amid the fervent shouts.As James had predicted, Emperor Qadeer began to weep bitterly, making a great show of his misery. He persuaded the gods, as a follower of Waitara
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Chapter 7106
Quintus paused, then nodded with a smile.“Human?” Thea asked again.Quintus’ face twitched. “Young Lady, do you mean to discriminate against us living beings like those Alcide beings do? Don’t forget, your husband is also a human.”Thea chuckled upon seeing his near outburst. “Why are you so anxious? I didn’t say anything about you being a living being or a human.”“You…” Quintus was about to speak when Emperor Qadeer interrupted him with a wave.He turned to Thea and asked with a smile, “Yin governor, although you are an Alcide being, you have never looked down on or bullied living beings. You have even shown kindness to them. That’s why we treat you differently from other Alcide beings.”“Is that so?” Thea smiled slightly. “Is that why, during the gathering, instead of stoking hatred and seeking justice for the dignity of all living beings, you put on a self-pity act?”Thea’s words cut sharply. Even Emperor Qadeer, with his thick skin and deep scheming, found it hard to maint
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Chapter 7107
Emperor Qadeer stood with hands behind his back, turning to gaze at the impulsive moves of Quintus. “Emperor, she knows our entire plan,” Quintus squinted and voiced his concern. “How can we launch a sudden attack if we let her go?”At his words, Emperor Qadeer furrowed his brow. “Yin governor, I am about to enter the Gate of Mystery to discuss with your husband. Can you wait a moment?”Upon hearing this, Thea raised an eyebrow. “Is it waiting or detaining?”Emperor Qadeer hesitated. “Well...”Before he could finish, Thea turned on her heel, returning to her seat and calmly lifting her teacup, ignoring everyone around her. This unexpected reaction left both Quintus and Quentyn momentarily stunned.The saying goes, “When things go awry, there must be a reason.”The Yin governor obviously had everything under control and was not afraid of being detained.Only Emperor Qadeer knew that this lady was the most influential figure in his hands. On one hand, she was the Young Lady of t
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Chapter 7108
It would be like adding tenfold strength with the addition of James and the Divine Marius. Even the formidable Lord Goyo, leader of the Five Path Emperors, and his forces would be easily swept away.Seeing Emperor Qadeer’s barely concealed excitement, Thea cupped her hands toward him, then turned and left. At that moment, Quintus hurried over. “Emperor, do you really trust this woman...”“We must trust her.” Emperor Qadeer’s expression suddenly turned cold. “This woman can influence two great factions and determine our success or failure this time. My grand ambition rests on this moment. Hahaha!”Quintus was stunned and hesitated to speak further. However, Quentyn turned away disdainfully, not even wanting to glance at him. At the same time, within the Gate of Mystery, James created a shared vision with Thea through Lesia’s Supernatural Power. The scene shifted from Draethorn Palace to the void of the Qadeer Temple.Watching the rapidly moving images, Harper squinted. “Do you rea
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Chapter 7109
James stared at the panic-stricken Harper and suddenly burst into hearty laughter.“Are you so crazy that I won’t let you touch me?” Harper pouted, then spread her arms wide. “Fine, come on then. I’ll indulge you.”She closed her eyes, seemingly prepared for anything from James. After laughing for a while, James rolled his eyes at her. “It was just when you seriously offered your suggestion that I finally saw Sophie’s shadow in you.”Harper’s eyes shot open in surprise.“You’re right.” James pointed at Harper excitedly. “All we need to do is to alleviate Emperor Qadeer’s worries and let him fight Lord Goyo without hesitation.“As long as they engage in battle, it will be too late to turn back even if he discovers our trick.”James squinted slightly as he continued. “However, I won’t let him see through us that easily.”As he spoke, James suddenly radiated a dazzling black and white light, which then fused into gray and finally turned into a purple-golden hue. In a flash, James s
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Chapter 7110
“How could I comprehend the benevolence of the Nothingness Daoism without this refinement?” Emperor Yevgen bowed to James. “Your Majesty, I shall always defer to you from now on...” “Alright.” James waved his hand, a beam of light lifting Emperor Yevgen. Then, he said, “The appointed time with Emperor Qadeer is here, he should be arriving soon. Let’s perform our act well.”As his words fell, the entire Gate of Mystery suddenly shook violently, as if a catastrophe had descended. Then, the soul contract light on James’ body flashed, abruptly canceling the contract with him and Emperor Qadeer. At the same time, the temporary control of the Gate of Mystery recovered instantly, creating a perilous situation. Amidst the myriad energies and countless substances and forces sweeping over, James waved his hand, carrying Harper, Emperor Yevgen, and the crafted Yianni and Morgott into the Nothingness Formation.In the void outside the formation where James and the others had just been, a tra
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