All Chapters of He Was My Crush: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
126 Chapters
Chapter 21
Sylvia's POV(Next day, at school)I had just finished taking everything that I'll need and was heading towards my class when I spotted Alex. I smiled and waved at him, but he stopped me, motioning for me to come closer."Good morning..." I greeted as I walked closer. He smiled that perfect smile of his, making my heart skip a beat."Good morning yourself. How are you?""Great. You seem to be in a good mood this morning.""I am in a good mood. " He replied, placing a hand on his chest. I giggled, brushing my bangs off my face."So... How'd did it go... The apologizing stuff?" I asked."Good. Even better than I expected." He said, then his face clouded with worry. " Although... Nevermind." He replied, shaking it off. " That's not why I called you though.""It isn't?""No. My parents will be hosting a private party at a resort this weekend. Edward told me about it this morning and since Hazel heard, she wanted me to invite you."I was taken aback. Did I just hear that I got invited to a
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Chapter 22
Sylvia's POVStaring at my reflection in the mirror, I sighed softly, brushing out my hair. The day has arrived and according to Alex, I'm supposed to be picked up by his parents as he'll be arriving differently.I heard a knock on my door and my mom peeked in. "Hey, honey. Can I come in?"I smiled." Sure."She walked up to me, laying a hand on my shoulders."You've been changing a lot recently." She began."Really? I didn't notice.""Sure you didn't. But I did.' Taking in a deep breath, she continued. " You've been talking a lot more, smiling a lot more, and going out a lot more.""Is it a bad thing? " I asked, beginning to get a little apprehensive."No... Of course not. I just didn't know... This day will ever come. You coming out of your shell. ""Well, it has. " I said, and we giggled."I'm glad. " She said, straightening up she added. " So I won't be the one delaying you, you can go on now." I watched her leave the room. I put my hairbrush down and applied some gloss on my lips
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Chapter 23
Patrick's POVGlancing around, I noticed Sylvia was taking too long to return. Are the towels that hard to find? I made a sneak peek at Hazel and went to look for her. Walking to the pool area, I spotted Tasha hurriedly leaving it. Huh? What's she doing there? I shrugged it off and made to call on Sylvia but got distracted when I saw someone drowning in the pool.My heart thumped once when I realized who it was. Okay, you've got to be kidding me. Hurrying towards the pool, I jumped in and dragged her out, placing her on the raised pavement. She sputtered but didn't open her eyes. How long has she been in the pool?"Sylvia... Are you there?" I called out, gently shaking her. No response."Come on..." I groaned out, terrified.She must've taken in a lot of water, I reasoned frantically. There's only one way to do this then. Taking in a deep breath, I placed my hands on her chest, pressing it gently, then breathed into her mouth with mine.She gasped and began coughing, throwing out wate
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Chapter 24
Sylvia's POVThe party was over and it was time to leave. I held Hazel's hand as we walked back to the car, Alex beside me."Thanks for coming. I hope you enjoyed today." He began."I did. What about you?""I'm not sure I'll be able to give a positive answer on that one." He said, his eyes mirroring the sadness he felt."Tasha right?" I muttered, and he nodded."I have to go now. See you later." He said and bade us goodbye.I looked down at Hazel and she smiled up at me."Come on, let's go home," I said, taking her into the car.***Hazel's parents drove me home. I thanked them and strolled into the house where my mom was already waiting for me."Good evening mom." I greeted her, giving her a quick hug."Good evening, dear. How was your party?""Fine. I had fun." "I made dinner. Would you like to have some before you sleep?""Uh... No. I already ate before I came in. I'll just shower and go to bed early.""Okay." I nodded and started up the stairs, but she called me back."Sylvia? If
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Chapter 25
Alex's P.O. VDad!? How did he....?"Son?" He asked, almost pleadingly. I panicked and cut the call, not knowing what to say. Running my hands through my hair, I took in deep breaths, feeling all the color drain from my face. Just then, my mom walked in."Alex... Are you... Alright?" She asked as she saw my face. " You look like you've seen a ghost. Is everything alright?""Yeah... I'm fine. " I muttered as I walked past her."Alex, wait!..." she called, but I ignored her, heading towards my room.***I couldn't sleep, no matter how hard I tried. The memories kept pouring in and it felt like I was on the brink of an explosion. Laying to my side, I sighed.That voice... His voice... Why did it sound so broken? That's now how I remember it. At first, it was filled with life, then a lot of hate, but now it's just... Broken.I swallowed the lump growing in my throat. Why do I want to see him so badly now?***Monday morningSylvia's POV I arrived at school feeling completely forlorn. Th
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Chapter 26
Alex's POV"Why do you keep calling?" I asked after some time."I-I just wanted to see you. Talk to you. Your mother wouldn't let me.""Of course she wouldn't. Why should she?"He sighed heavily."I know you're mad at me. I understand and I have no one to blame but myself. But I just hope... I just hope you'd forgive me for all of my wrongdoings.""What do you want?" I asked, eager to cut the call. I could feel the anger boiling up in me."If it's possible... If you have time... I wanted to ask if we could meet up. I want to see you, physically.""I don't know about that," I muttered.Another sigh."Please Alex. I swear I'm not here to cause any trouble. I just want us to talk."I glanced at my mom, seeking her approval."What did he say?" She whispered."He wants to see me. Asking if I have the time.""Well... Do you want to see him?" She asked. I let out a sigh and put the phone back in my ears."Okay. When?""Really? Thanks a lot. Anytime you choose is fine by me. I just want us to
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Chapter 27
Sylvia's POV(Wednesday morning)I stared at the wall clock, anxious about Alex's mom's arrival. My mom agreed for me to go along with them, so it meant I'll be missing school. I couldn't thank her enough."Aren't they here yet?" My mom asked from the kitchen."No... Not yet." I replied. " Oh, look... Their car is just pulling over. ""Just in time... " my mum muttered, joining me in the living room. I smiled at her.Mrs. Jones parked the car in front of our porch and came out, walking towards us. She knocked, and we welcomed her in."Good morning Mrs. Jones." I greeted her as she came in. "Good morning, dear. How was your night?""Good. Yours?""I highly doubt if I slept at all." She muttered and gave a mirthless laugh. My mom and I exchanged glances. Sobering up, she stared keenly at me."You ready?""Ready as I'll ever be," I replied gravely. "Okay. Mrs. Torres, sorry for the inconvenience, but I hope you do understand." She said, looking at my mom."Believe me, I do. " My mom re
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Chapter 28
Sylvia's POVWe were seated on one of the park's chairs, staring out as Alex processed his thoughts. He had stopped crying for some time and barely inaudible sniffs could be heard. Glancing at him, I wondered if I should say something but eventually clamped my mouth shut. He needed this moment."We used to be happy..." He began slowly, rubbing his hands together. I just stared at him."We were small, but we were happy." He continued. " We'd just moved to Oklahoma on a job transfer to restart our lives. It seemed happy till things got sour.""What happened?" I whispered, even if I knew he was going to tell me. He glanced at me, the pain evident in his eyes."He made some friends... And things started to change." I held my breath. " It was subtle at first, but soon it became obvious. He'd come home late and blame it on work when he was just with friends and he lost track of time. Then he started drinking and then..." He trailed off and, taking in a deep breath continued, his voice stron
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Chapter 29
Sylvia's POV"Wha-what are you talking about?" I stammered, my voice shaky. Oh God, how did he get to find out? He closed his eyes and took in deep breaths as if trying to calm himself down.I kept racking my head for what to say. Eventually, he brought out a phone and shoved it to my face. Shocked, I stared at him. He stared back at me. I gulped and looked at the picture. What I saw made my heart drop to my shoes. It was Alex and me but whoever took this picture used a really good angle because it appeared like we were kissing."Who the hell gave you this?" I asked, widening my eyes."That's for me to know." He growled." So you were with him?" He stated, no longer a question. I was already shaking my head. " It's- it's not what you think. True, I was with him... But we weren't even kissing! We just... Hugged." I said, squeaking the last part out.His face went blank as his eyes darkened even more. I swallowed and expected the worst. Suddenly he let go of me and I almost fell to the
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Chapter 30
Sylvia's POV(Next day: morning)I stared at the pictures on my phone, sighing softly. I don't want to go to school today. I don't think I have the emotional strength to handle it. I don't think I can confront Patrick.A knock came on the door and my mom peeked through."Mom..." I voiced out, managing a smile."Mind if I come in?" She asked. I nodded. She closed the door behind her and made her way to the bed. Settling on it, she looked at me."You've been acting all strange since yesterday. Is everything okay? " She asked gently."Yeah... I'm fine." I muttered. My mom smiled at me, but I know she doesn't believe me. Moms, they always know. Her gaze dropped to the phone I was holding, and she stared at the picture."Who's this?" She asked, collecting the phone from me. I took in a deep breath before explaining."Patrick.""Oh... I see." She mumbled. " You like him, don't you?" She asked again. My heart skipped a beat as she asked that, but I nodded, anyway. It was the truth. I did lik
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