All Chapters of The Wolf in Cell Six: Rogue Revolution: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
57 Chapters
Chapter 30
By the time we ascend the stairs towards the Alpha’s quarters, it’s no longer shame I feel—it’s rage. So few things are sacred to our kind, and Darius tramples over them all with blatant indifference. Family, honor, unity, the purity of our wolf form—they mean nothing to him. He’s just another power-hungry asshole coasting on his birthright and inherited strength. He closes the door softly after we enter his home, suddenly kneeling beside me before even removing his coat. A feral growl slips from me, and I can’t help but snap at his hand as he reaches for the collar around my neck. He laughs. “Easy now, unless you want me to leave it on.” I’m surprised when he grabs hold of it undoing the clasp without gloves. His skin doesn’t burn. “Perks of being part vampire,” he comments, as if reading my mind. My anger is momentarily surpassed by the panic that he may actually be able to read my mind, invade what privacy I have left. “No, I can’t read your mind,” he again replies without me say
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Chapter 31: James
I tear through another blood sucker’s throat as my wolf is slammed to the floor. A dark elf smiles from the doorway, his purple eyes gleaming, bony fingers extended toward me. I feel my joints stretch as his spell threatens to rip me apart.This is it. This is how I die. I accept it. I can finally be with my sweet Amalea. I close my eyes, giving myself over to his power, and whisper thanks to the moon goddess—and then the pressure is gone. I open my eyes to see one of my fellow warriors eating the dark elf’s entrails.I lurch forward off the ground sinking my teeth into the nearest enemy I can find, before looking for more. Another day. Another battle. We’ve spent nearly a year trying to reclaim Cold Bay, but every time we push them back, they redouble their efforts.At this rate, we’ll never leave this goddess-forsaken frozen wasteland, unless it’s on a funeral pyre. Not that I care. Suicide by sacrifice. That’s what Marcus said when I left. I thought he’d command me to stay at first
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Chapter 32: James
I run through the night, arriving half frozen at the transport depot just as the sun breaches the snow line. I don’t want to stop, but it’s faster to go through the mountain than over it. The wolves at the gate scramble to let me in. “Beta,” one of them stammers, “has Cold Bay fallen? What are you doing here?” I try to get a handle on the rage still burning inside me and struggle to retake my human form, accepting the clothes offered to me. “The Bay stands. I need transport through the mountain now,” I say pushing past the men toward the train log. I angrily flip through the schedule, looking for the next transport. “The bucket won’t be back for at least a few hours. It’s on a supply run,” one of the warriors tells me, setting his hand on my shoulder. “Why don’t you come on into the guard station? We’ll get you something to eat, you can fill us all in.” I jerk away from him, slamming the log down on the table. “I need to go now. Get me the radio.” He starts to question me, but wisel
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Chapter 33: James
Hurry up and wait. That’s the situation I’ve put myself in. When I saw my mate on that video, all I wanted to do was get to her as quickly as possible—fuck the consequences—but the trip here gave me time to think, painful as it was.Rash decisions made in the name of love rarely work out outside of fairy tales. This is reality. I can’t just run all the way to the Blood Moon pack house, waving howdy to pack border patrols as I go with an “oh, hey, just passing through to kill the Blood Moon Alpha! See ya later!” I might be willing to fight our entire species to get to my love, but I’d die doing it. What good would that do her?So here I am, waiting for preparations for the Alpha challenge to be complete, trying to formulate a plan through my rage. If—when—I beat Marcus, I can petition the council for her return from a position of power. I’ll get a copy of the video from Paul and show them just what Darius considers “punishment.” Even prisoners have rights. I don’t doubt more is going o
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Chapter 34: James
“Beta? Jackson breaks through the mind link waking me. “James? Where are you?” “I’m out at Amalea’s house,” I reply groggily. “What? You better get back fast! The fight is set to start in less than an hour! I've been looking everywhere for you.” Shit. I didn’t mean to sleep so long. I sit up, slip on my shoes, wrap the flower chain neatly around my wrist for luck, and head for town. I’m surprised by the turnout when I get there. Every member of the pack and then some seems to have gathered overnight. The streets are lined with cars, and there are people everywhere. It’s overwhelming after being so isolated in Cold Bay, almost suffocating, especially because people keep trying to talk to me. Whether wishing me luck, offering me guidance, or sarcastically saying their goodbyes, they just won’t leave me alone. I just want to get to the arena. As my anger rises, a path begins to part for me until I run into Jackson. “You’re clearly already in the right head space,” he laughs, “your ener
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Chapter 35: Amalea
A moan slips from my lips as he sucks gently at my neck, the pressure of his body atop mine leading my mind to places I never thought it would go for him. I pull my hand from his hair, and push his shirt up, tracing the firm muscles of his abs. He pulls his teeth from my neck, hovering there, his lips just grazing the skin. I press closer to him, opening my legs more so that he can slip between them. He lifts his head and looks me in the eye when I do. I hate him. What am I doing? I lean forward off the bed, suddenly kissing him, tasting my coppery blood on his lips. He doesn’t kiss me back at first, seemingly surprised for a moment, before he does, deeply, his tongue mingling with mine. I feel him pull closer to me as his hand trails down my neck, and then lower, grazing my nipple, before sliding down to my hip. He grips it, his kiss growing hungry as I reach to undo his belt. He lifts himself slightly, letting me, as he breaks the kiss to pull my nightshirt over my head before smas
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Chapter 36: Darius
The bond does go both ways, and it’s not to a lesser degree, but I can’t let her know the effect she has on me—the power she has over me. I can’t afford to be weak. I learned my lesson with Laurali, or at least I thought I did. My dick clearly didn’t. I shift uncomfortably as I make my way to my bathroom to release the pressure before my balls explode. I could have at least finished, but that wouldn’t have been fair to her. I should have never kissed her, touched her, thrusted inside her. I’m only making things worse. She just looks so much like Laurali. She even smells like her. I should have told her the whole story, what really happened all those years ago. Laurali was older than me, much older, an envoy of the fae court, royalty even, here to try to bring the eastern packs into the peace accord. I remember the first time I saw her. I was 25, a pup really by hybrid standards. She walked onto the training grounds, and when the sun hit her, her hair shined like fire and her skin gl
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Chapter 37: Amalea
Bacon? Does he really think he can buy my forgiveness with bacon? He didn’t even stick around to apologize in person, just crept in, left food, and crawled away like the coward he is. I sit up in bed, eying the plate on the bedside table. That bacon does look perfectly cooked, though.I grab a piece, hop off the bed, and wander over to the window, staring off into the empty yard below, suddenly realizing I’m looking to see if he’s out there. Why am I looking for him? Why do I expect him to apologize at all, to be sorry? I’m his possession, a pet he plays with when he’s bored. He doesn’t care about me. Fuck, the bacon probably is just to make sure my iron levels stay up, so his meals keep coming.I made a fool of myself last night, and he set me up to do it. He knew all along what his venom was doing to me, making me care about him, want him. I mean at least the men who visited me in cell six had the balls to be honest about their intentions.What Darius has done is worse. He made me w
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Chapter 38: James
The last week has been a blur of meetings and heated discussions. Somehow, I’ve managed to arrange Jackson’s appointment as my Beta and get at least a hazy notion of my new responsibilities. I mean, I had some idea from my prior position, but it’s different when you’re the one in the hot seat.There are so many moving parts to keep in sync, and I’m doing it all while trying to gain an audience with the council to plead Amalea’s case. I hate how long all this is taking, but I have to do this right if I’m going to pull it off. That means following all the proper protocols—including giving Marcus a proper funeral.Admittedly, I find that more intimidating than the challenge fight was. I have to face Alicia. She may have rejected me and treated me like trash, but part of me still cares for her, and I killed her brother. I get the feeling she’s not going to be as friendly as she was at our last meeting.If she convinces Anthony to challenge me, things could get rough. He’s not out of pract
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Chapter 39: James
It feels like my head is underwater today—far too many bourbons and not enough sleep. Why do I do this to myself? You’d think hangovers wouldn’t exist for werewolves, but nope. We can heal from a gunshot wound or stabbing, but a little strain on the kidneys, and we’re as weak as a human. Anthony was right about Alicia, too. She’s changed nearly every element of this stupid funeral—some twice—in the last 8 hours, and I’m left trying to both avoid her and comply with her requests. He was her brother. I keep reminding myself of that. I don’t have any siblings myself, but I hear that’s a strong bond. Now she wants a podium to give a eulogy. Not just any podium, either. It needs to be made from oak, painted black, and trimmed with lilies—fucking white lilies—as if Marcus gave two fucks about flowers. She can’t just stand on the lake bank like everyone else. Of course not, that wouldn’t make any extra work for me. I’m an alpha now. I shouldn’t even have to put up with this shit, and yet,
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