All Chapters of The Alpha's Reject - Hell Knows No Greater Fury!: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
172 Chapters
Chapter 31: Gaiasania and Gaiamania
BAELA I remained in the tense atmosphere of the Alpha's court with the crowd murmuring in the background at what I had said. It seemed I shocked them with my suggestion to the Alpha! Alpha Abbadon, for his part, had ordered that the codex of Gaiasania and Gaiamania be brought up to him and he was reading it eagerly within him as he sat on his throne. All his attention was fixed on it that he paid no heed to the murmuring of the Beta werewolves. "I HAVE READ ENOUGH!" He exclaimed, as he slammed closed the book. The noise it created caused the murmuring of the Beta's to seize. All eyes were now fixed on him and what he was about to say. I was slightly nervous inside but I had read the codex for myself and I knew all I had revealed to Alpha Abbadon were true. I watched as the book was collected from him by one of the Alpha guards. "IT IS TRUE WHAT YOU SAID ABOUT THE JEWEL THAT LIVES FAR AWAY AT THE ENDS OF THE WORLD". "THERE REALLY IS A BEAUTIFUL MAIDEN OF AGE, BORE TO THE ALPHA KING
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Chapter 32: Back at the Castle
BAELA "I'LL PICK AS A LUNA WHOSOEVER I CHOOSE!" Alpha Abbadon declared to all those in the court. His anger was burning but he had it in his control. "I HAVE NOW MADE MY FINAL DECISION AND IT CANNOT BE CHANGED. I WILL NOT BE LECTURED ON WHAT I CAN AND CANNOT DO BY ANYONE IN THIS PACK - KNOW YOUR PLACES!" "I WILL SET OFF ON A JOURNEY AS SOON AS POSSIBLE TO THE ENDS OF THE EARTH TO GET MY NEW BRIDE DAENA RUSSO AND BRING HER HERE". "I WILL BE ACCOMPANIED BY SELECTED MEMBERS OF THIS PACK AND OF COURSE BY YOU". Alpha Abbadon said, as he looked at me. I was afraid of the prospect of leaving the pack to a scary place called the ends of the earth. My life was not pleasant here in the pack but I knew how difficult it was out there. I wished I didn't have to go with him. "THE PACK CANNOT BE WITHOUT A LEADER IN MY ABSENCE. AS THE SECOND IN LINE - PRIME BETA WARG WILL ASSUME MY ROLE UNTIL I RETURN". Alpha Abbadon said, as he looked in his direction. "I will not fail you, Alpha Abbadon".
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Chapter 33: Beta Oliver
BAELA It is a brand new day at the Aurora clan pack but this was unlike every other day. This was the penultimate day before I left the pack for the ends of the world. I still hadn't figured out what MEANINGFUL GIFT I was going to give to Daena Russo - the Alpha King's daughter but luckily for me I had someone I could ask for help. Alpha Abbadon had left me to wander the castle in search of the answer and had placed me under the watch of Beta Oliver. I was glad he chose Beta Oliver, he was the other person I could talk to. My parents were with Alpha Abbadon as he discussed his travel plans. "Baela, you really are in a lot of trouble!" Beta Oliver exclaimed. "You are lucky you are leaving the pack tomorrow otherwise the Beta females would have had a piece of you after that stunt you pulled off yesterday!" I could see he had been giving me the eye since I stepped out of my room. I guess this was what he had in his mind along. "Really?!" I asked, trying to sound surprised. "Yes! T
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Chapter 34: A Meaningful Gift
BAELA The sunset tonight was not as beautiful as I had hoped. The sun had set but I was still yet to figure out a gift that was meaningful that I could bring for Daena Russo. Alpha Abbadon had not demanded to see me since today but now he had summoned us to come to the Alpha's court for his big announcement. As we walked in, I could see the Beta's were not excited as they wore a grim look on their faces. I was still with Beta Oliver as we spent the day together inside and within the walls of the castle. I was not permitted to go outside the walls unless I was accompanied by Alpha Abbadon. I was led to the front of the Alpha's court where I could see Alpha Abbadon seated on his throne and he could see me. He looked at me briefly before getting up to address the Beta's. "I AM GLAD YOU ALL COULD MAKE IT HERE TONIGHT". "AS YOU ARE ALL FULLY AWARE, I WILL BE LEAVING THE PACK TOMORROW TO JOURNEY TO THE ENDS OF THE WORLD FOR MY BRIDE". "I PROMISE TO RETURN WITH DAENA RUSSO BACK TO THE P
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Chapter 35: The woods of Gaiasania
BAELAThe chirping of birds could be heard from the trees overheard as I made my way through the woods. It was just past dawn and the morning dew could still be seen resting on the grasses on the ground. The cool breeze was sweet to perceive as it touched my delicate skin, soothing it. It was in sharp contrast with how rough my skin had been handled the night before and I had a scar on my arm to show for it.My scar reminded me of him, of Alpha Abbadon. As we set off on our journey through the great woods of Gaiasania, this scar reminded me that this was not a leisure trip of the great woods of Gaiasania, Alpha Abbadon had done this to me and we were on our way to the ends of the world. I looked straight ahead at him as he walked in front of the rest of the pack majestically. He ordered the Beta's who were with him to bring some more gifts for his new bride - gold, silver and precious stones. They were carried in a special backpack by one of the Beta's that accompanied us, it was to
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Chapter 36: At a Stream
BAELAI laid in a tent made by Alpha Abbadon himself in the woods. It was the Alpha's tent but as his slave, he had ordered me to say in it for tonight but he was not in. Inside of the tent was covered in total darkness because there were no lights lit inside. There were no lights lit outside either because the camp fire had been put out. Alpha Abbadon was out of his tent late at night because he was on guard duty. As the Alpha of the pack, he had to keep us all safe and lead us...those were his primary responsibilities. He was not alone in his guard duties, he had some Beta's by his side who accompanied him.I laid on his mat in his tent feeling cold. I had covered up properly but despite that I couldn't get warm. I thought it was sort of kind for Alpha Abbadon to let me share his tent and his mat. The harsh version of him I had known of late wouldn't really care if I slept on the dirty ground of the woods.I rolled from side to side on the mat unable to sleep. I wasn't sure if it
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Chapter 37: Separated by the Waters
BAELAI stayed in the stream watching as Alpha Abbadon had his bath in the water of the stream. He was backing me now and I had my head tilted to the side as I watched. I didn't want him to know I was staring at him just in case he turned back unexpectedly towards my direction to look at me. What he said about him figuring I needed his blanket and his action of swimming away from me when I asked my question was still lingering on my mind.It felt like hope...I know I now hated him but seeing him care about me even though slightly warmed my heart towards him again. What did these all mean?I couldn't take my eyes off him as I watched him intently clean his body. His naked body was visible from his head down to his thorax. It was quite the view to be honest, watching his athletic back visible from the waters. I was in the stream but I swear I thirsted for him.I was now filled with longing for him after the spark of flames he had ignited in me. We were both alone, naked in the same str
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Chapter 38: Fooled Again
BAELA Beta Oliver walked beside me to keep me company for the rest of the journey for the day. I felt he was an unwanted distraction for me because I didn't want his company today but as a Beta I couldn't tell him off. We were just 25 werewolves in total going to the ends of the earth and out of that number, only 3 of us were females. It was clear there was a shortage of females going for this trip and I understood I would be having a lot more company than I had anticipated. I just wished my company would be from the special one my soul craved for and not from any werewolf. Our journey so far had been relatively peaceful as we stopped close by at a small waterfall to rest. We wouldn't stay here for the night and would continue our journey shortly there after. Finally the silence rule was over temporarily. I knew this was my opportunity to speak with Alpha Abbadon. "You haven't been yourself all morning I have noticed, are you bothered about something or someone?" I heard Beta Ol
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Chapter 39: A Camp Night
BAELAI was back in camp but in low spirits as we got ready to leave again. Beta Oliver was the first to spot me as I made my way back behind Alpha Abbadon separated by some meters. I could tell he looked worried for me and he was right to be, I wasn't feeling alright.I avoided making eye contact with Alpha Abbadon as I walked past him quietly. I regretted ever believing anything positive could happen between us after all he had done to me and was now putting me through. I walked slowly as I made my way back to my line.Beta Oliver once again was right beside me. He didn't say a word to me but his look was all telling. I could sense he believed something must have transpired between Alpha Abbadon and I when we were alone. We remained in our silent state although the silence rule wasn't yet in effect. We still had a few more minutes before we would resume back on our journey. Just for the record, werewolves didn't move in silence. We were loud and fearsome creatures that liked our p
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Chapter 40: All Alone
BAELA I rolled sideways on the mat in Beta Oliver's tent like the night before. Tonight though I had an extra blanket to keep me warm and it was playing its role but I was still restless. For some unexplainable reason I couldn't sleep. I most likely would need Aria's services before midnight if I couldn't fall asleep on my own. I guess I wasn't used to the smell of Beta Oliver's tent. The smell wasn't bad, it was nice but I preferred that of Alpha Abbadon better, I have become accustomed to it in a very short while. I also wished I had my own tent but I did not. Why did I not have one? Only Alpha Abbadon could answer. I rolled one more time on the mat when I heard footsteps of someone approaching. Who could it be this late? Nobody was walking around in camp by this time of the night. "Aria, go find out who it is immediately!" I ordered. Instantly she appeared and was out of the tent to investigate who it was. I didn't have to wait long for the answer as she reappeared almost 2 se
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