All Chapters of The Alpha's Reject - Hell Knows No Greater Fury!: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
172 Chapters
Chapter 41: Found
BAELAI moved upstream, as far as I could go with my legs but there were no signs of Alpha Abbadon or any werewolf of my pack. It was as if they had disappeared into thin air and I was now tired.It will take me an hour at least to walk back the distance I had covered while running. I was breathing through my mouth to get more air into my lungs. Sweats had now formed all over my forehead and some parts of my body. The good news was that I hadn't lost my way. I had followed the stream up to this point, I just had to follow it back to my starting point. The bad news though was plentiful.Where was Alpha Abbadon and the rest of the pack? What had happened to them while I was asleep? How was I going to survive on my own out here in the wild if anything happened to them? "I need your help now more than ever Aria". I whispered to her as she flew above me."Yes Baela, what will you have me do?" She asked."I don't have Alpha Abbadon here to look out for me, so I want you to do that for me.
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Chapter 42: A New Alpha
BAELAIt was nightfall again in the woods of Gaiasania. Almost 2 days had gone past without anything eventful happening to me. We had left the camp this morning to continue on our journey and now it was nightfall.I was still assigned to sleep in Beta Oliver's tent. So far for almost 2 days Alpha Abbadon had simply ignored me like I didn't exist. I heard him questioning the Beta's when I went missing but now I was back he didn't care so much after all.Beta Oliver for his part had tried to make amends and I had accepted his apologies. The details behind his abandoning me in camp though were still not clear. He had failed to provide me with any details so far.I laid on the mat that was in Beta Oliver's tent as I got ready to sleep. Tonight was different from other nights I spent out in the woods because I felt sleepy right away. I was probably tired from being forced to walk almost non-stop all day by Alpha Abbadon to make up for the lost time we had lost the previous day."Good night
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Chapter 43: The Return of Alpha Merrick
BAELAI was made to sit up now as I stared at the hideous faces of the werewolves that made up the bandits that had kidnapped me from my camp.They were wanderers obviously and they had just concluded their raid on my camp. Now that they had captured me, what was their mission with me? What would they want to do to me?I wrapped myself as small as I possibly could to protect myself from them but they appeared not to want to touch me just yet. I was placed in their center along with a pile of other items they had stolen - it was their heap of spoils. I was the only living thing with the other items. Once again I stood out but for the wrong reasons.It seemed the Alpha had not yet arrived in their midst. He was the one they were all waiting for before deciding what to do with me. I was ready to plead my way out of here when he arrives, hopefully he will set me free and I could go home.From my little count, there seemed to be quite a number of them. More than our entire camp. Maybe at
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Chapter 44: Outnumbered
BAELA My hands and legs were tied up as I laid with the rest of the spoils from the raid of Alpha Merricks wanderers. I was left in the open, under the moonlight to pass the night. I had a few wanderers watch over me so I would not try to escape. I had no plans to, I didn't know where I was and I had run out of hope. It wasn't long afterwards I succumbed to the weakness of my body again and fell asleep. I woke up slightly earlier than I had hoped. The sun had not yet risen but I knew dawn was close by. I guess I couldn't sleep longer because I was in discomfort. My wrist and ankles were burning me, they have been tightly bound. I was beginning to go numb in them as I could not really feel a lot of sensations. "Please my bounds are too tight, can you help me loosen them a little?" I begged one of the wanderers watching over me and the spoils. "Hahaha!" He laughed as he turned to look at me. "Why should I, so it can be easy for you to escape?" "No! I won't try to escape. It i
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Chapter 45: Saved Again
BAELAI stood in front of Alpha Abbadon as he looked at me. He didn't need to say anything to me, his silence was golden.I moved closer to him even though my legs were still a bit numb and fell on him in an embrace. Tears of joy flowed freely from my eyes. I never thought I would be so moved to see him. This was the second time he was risking his life to save me."You are hurt, did they touch you?" I could hear the concern in his voice as he asked mildly. It touched me and I clinged onto him even more tightly. "No they didn't touch me but my wrist and ankles hurt". I said, burying my tears soaked face into his body. It was for real, I wasn't dreaming. I could touch, smell and see him! He was my Alpha but I was holding on to him in public as if he was my mate."You can't walk on your own then, you will need help. I'll have one of the Beta's carry you". He said. "Thank you so much Alpha Abbadon!" I was grateful. His act of selflessness sometimes confuses me like now. Sometimes he w
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Chapter 46: Slaving for the Alpha
BAELAWe arrived at a new spot in the woods of Gaiasania where we set up a temporary camp. This evening was going to be different than the others as Alpha Abbadon looked upset. I could not tell what had put him in such a bad mood this evening because I hadn't stepped out of line once and so also were the others with me.For some inexplicable reason I was drawn to him to comfort him, to reassure him all was going to be alright…whatever it was. I watched as he went into his tent alone, soon though he was going to be going out of camp again and I might not see him until tomorrow morning. I had to go to him."I am sorry to trouble you Alpha Abbadon, can I please come in?" I asked, seeking his permission first."This is not a good time Baela, what do you want?" He asked impatiently."I do not want anything for my personal gain...I only noticed you are not in a pleasant mood and I am unhappy with that". I said, stating why I had come to see him. "Okay, you are right but there is nothing y
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Chapter 47: A Proposal
BAELA I sat in Beta Oliver's tent still wide awake after Alpha Abbadon and the other Beta's had left the camp. I was not alone in the camp, I had Beta Oliver and Beta Mark to keep me company. They were supposed to guard the camp and most especially protect me from harm's way if it ever came to that. Beta Mark was outside of the tent doing exactly that while Beta Oliver was inside the tent with me. I could tell he wanted to talk to me but talk about what, I didn't know. It was still far too early to sleep, so I had to indulge him. "...once again you and Alpha Abbadon run off to some private place where just the two of you can be alone together and after some time you come back and act like total strangers to each other". "I don't mean to pry but tell me something interesting, how is it like being with him?" He inquired. His gaze was fixed on me as he watched me with curiosity. He was sitting directly opposite me but we were separated by a few inches. "I don't know what you are
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Chapter 48: In Troubled Water
BAELAI wasn't disturbed for the rest of the night by anyone else until it was dawn. I slept the longest I have ever slept since we started on our journey to the ends of the world. When I woke up all the Beta's who had gone to guard our perimeter had arrived back to the camp and we were about half an hour away from packing up and leaving. I couldn't believe I had slept for that long and neither Beta Oliver or Beta Mark could wake me up. It was not their duty after all but it was usual for a lesser werewolf like myself to still be allowed to sleep when those superior to her were awake. As I spotted Beta Oliver's face as I came out of his tent, I could tell why he refused to wake me up when it was dawn. He looked visibly upset with me, I guess it had to do with what transpired last night after I had rejected his advances of being intimate with me. I couldn't let that bother me though, I had to hurry to the stream. I couldn't go a day without having my bath and cleaning my body. I ran
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Chapter 49: A Taste of Happiness
BAELA I was done having my bath at the stream after taking my precious time. You can't imagine how joyous I felt as I stepped out of the stream at my own leisure without anyone to force me or to stare at my naked body for their viewing pleasure without my consent! "ARIA, I AM SO HAPPY!" I screamed at the top of my voice, as I walked towards the rock where Alpha Abbadon had neatly folded my clothes. Everywhere was serene and perfectly quiet except for my voice that was echoing through the woods. Something was missing though, I wished to hear Aria's voice too. It was like music to my ears! "It's been a while since I heard you say that Baela!" "I am so happy you are, glad you are finally happy with your life!" She said delightedly. She had made herself visible so I could see her. "Yes, Aria, I never thought I could feel so much joy again!...I never thought I could be this happy and strange is all thanks to Alpha Abbadon!" "He came through for me again Aria. I felt so
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Chapter 50:In Front of the Line.
BAELA Today was very different from other days as I had butterflies in my stomach. Alpha Abbadon and I walked in front of the line side by side as equals and for the first time since we started our journey to the ends of the world we spoke on the way. The line behind us was relatively quiet as the others refused to disrupt us with their conversations. I couldn't believe I had all his attention to myself in their midst. There was this warmth in his dark sexy eyes I could see as I looked at them. He couldn't take his eyes off me either, as he seemed to enjoy my attention too. The others were staring at us from behind but he didn't care. It made me nervous obviously but I also liked it very much. It was validation for me, even though it was vain at the same time but I still wanted it. "...What can you remember about your childhood? I do not mean growing up in the pack, I mean before you met your adoptive parents?" He asked. His voice was faint enough for me to hear without stressing m
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