All Chapters of The Alpha's Reject - Hell Knows No Greater Fury!: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
172 Chapters
Chapter 62: Red's Alert!
BAELAI let myself be consumed with passion for him as he kissed my neck and shoulders. I wasn't going to stop him if we weren't all the way today so I let him lead. He kissed me this way as I rubbed my wet hands on his wet hair, fondling it.Everything was perfect but it seemed he didn't want to go all the way as my breast begged for his touch. He only gave me a few squeezes before letting go of it. I had never been touched by a man like this before and I was 18, ripe to be taken.He held on to me in the water as we kissed briefly and stared into each other's eyes. This was the vulnerability I meant. Now he wasn't the tough Alpha Abbadon I knew. He was simply Abbadon again but I dare not call him that yet.I looked at him with excitement as I helped him mend his hair I had rumpled neatly. He didn't mind though it was rumpled but he let me arrange his hair back.Only our stomachs up to our heads were showing out of the water as I held on to his head arranging his hair."I heard it was
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Chapter 63: Wanderers
BAELAI watched as Alpha Abbadon walked back to where I was standing as he stood in front of me. He had a conflicted look in his eyes which I didn't know what it meant but he took hold of my right hand briefly."I have to go now but I promise to be back. Stay in my tent and wait for me, do not go anywhere else". "I'll have some Beta's watch over you". He said quietly as he looked at me."Okay, I promise I'll do as you say but how many Betas are you going to keep behind to watch over me?" I asked."At least two, that way you will be safe". He said."Thank you Alpha Abbadon". I said appreciatively, as he slowly let go of my hands before attempting to turn and walk away but I held on to his hand and he stopped."Please be safe out there and come back to me as you promised". I said, sad to see him go. He nodded his head at me as he looked at me briefly one last time. He was going to face possibly a hundred or more werewolves and he was going with 21 or less werewolves to fight against t
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Chapter 64: My Curse
BAELA I could hear the waters running as we approached the stream. Why he had brought me out here I had no idea but my mouth was still tightly wrapped with his hand. I could see the look of lust in his face as he looked at my body in desire and this made me scared and self conscious."You will do as I say, unless I am going to kill you right here, right now!" He threatened. He was serious, I could tell. I assumed that was his plan all along."Strip!" He yelled at me, as he still held on to my mouth but he freed my body to allow me take off my gown. My heart was racing but I knew what he wanted, he was about to have sex with me without my consent, he was about to rape me. I had to do something to free myself from him, I can't be a willing tool in his sick act. I pretended as if I was going to cooperate and as I attempted to peel my gown off my skin, I landed a hard kick, the hardest I have ever made on his balls. I could feel the pain on his behalf, as he let go of me instantly, cl
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Chapter 65: The Aftermath
BAELA"Baela are you alright?" I heard Alpha Abbadon ask me as I closed my eyes sobbing. He had come close to me and I could feel him placing something on me.I quickly opened my eyes to see what it was as I pushed back further. "It is only my jacket, I am not going to touch you". He said.I sat up from the ground, refusing to take his jacket. I could see my gown ripped off on the ground, my bra torn to pieces and my dignity as a woman almost taken without my consent and it was all his fault. Why should I take his help now?"Here you can have it to cover up". He offered, maintaining his distance from me seeing I was alarmed."I do not need it. I thought you could protect me but you cannot protect me. I am better off knowing this!" I snapped.My words hurt him but not as much as I was hurting inside. I looked away from him, not caring how he felt at that moment."I am sorry are right, this is my fault...I failed you and you have every reason to believe I cannot protect you
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Chapter 66: Isolated by the Alpha
BAELAAlpha Abbadon had asked me to forgive him in the midst of the others and I couldn't believe my ears. Now all the anger I had towards him had completely disappeared but not sure how to react to what he had said, I acted as if I was still upset with him. I folded my arms as I looked at him."Not completely but I will try to". I said after a long pause. "I can understand for a start. Hopefully soon , you will be able to forgive me completely". "I am taking you back to the pack this morning. Get your things ready so we can leave". He said.I couldn't believe my ears, indeed he was abandoning his journey to the ends of the world and was returning back to the pack. What of Daena Russo? Does this mean he had no intention of marrying her again? Was I the one he was now interested in?I had all these questions flood through my head all at once as I couldn't hide my smile. I was supposed to still be angry at him but he noticed it."I said something that made you smile". He said happily
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Chapter 67: A Tough Choice
BAELAI had just said I didn't want to go back home to Alpha Abbadon and he had a very surprised look on his face."I thought you would be happy going home, you even said it yourself, I cannot protect you out here and my Beta's are not to be trusted with your care". He revealed."I know about those Alpha Abbadon but I just cannot go back home now, I can't". I insisted."Tell me why is that? When I left you alone some minutes ago you were fine with going home to the pack, what changed in my absence?" He asked, he was curious to know.I looked at him unsure what to say but I had to come up with something. " have come this far for you to turn back now. I feel after the sacrifices you have made to get here, you shouldn't turn back empty handed. Those in the pack may not look with favor at your decision even if they don't say it out loud, especially since you did it for me!""You have also lost three of your Beta's in this journey already. I don't think that will inspire confid
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Chapter 68: Imprint
BAELAI could see Alpha Abbadon give me a suspicious look. What I had said had apparently caught him by surprise but he shouldn't be. He knew quite alright what my first sex would mean for me. Other than love making, it will also serve as something useful for me, in helping me transform into my werewolf."For a werewolf, who you choose to have sex with should be thought about carefully". Alpha Abbadon whispered, as he looked at me. We were still walking on our journey along with the others.."He can make you or ruin you". He added. I have heard that before, it had something to do with imprinting I think but would making love with him really ruin me? "So what do you advise Alpha Abbadon?" I asked, since he was concerned."You really are asking me?""Don't ask me, I cannot advise you on such matters. Maybe your parents can but not me". He said, slightly embarrassed."Hmmm, that's a first". I teased, seeing how my question got to him."What is?" He asked, his curiosity getting the bett
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Chapter 69: Night Out
BAELAI had arrived at the new site of our camp along with Alpha Abbadon and the others. The mood in camp was very moody. Alpha Abbadon had refused to allow any of the Beta's to his personal space. His tent was now off limits to all except to me. I was now his guest and would be staying there with him.It didn't end there you see, Alpha Abbadon also refused any of them from watching over me. I was now his responsibility and tonight he promised to take me along with him as he went for his night guard. I didn't know how to feel about that later part but he knew he meant well for me. He assured me he was going to find a way to make me feel comfortable and fall asleep during our nights out. I knew he would make it work but I had just complicated his life for him.One last thing before I forget. I could see the way the Beta's all looked at me now - with reverence. I was no longer the disgraced Omega and slave they once knew. All that was once mine and that I had lost Alpha Abbadon had res
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Chapter 70: Under the Star light
BAELAI stayed up until midnight listening to the sounds of the night with Alpha Abbadon. Everywhere was peaceful and uneventful, just like I hoped for. I just wanted to have a quiet night with Alpha Abbadon as I would sometimes get lost as I gazed at the beautiful stars up above in the night sky."It is getting late, almost midnight. I think you should get some sleep. I'll be on the lookout for the both of us". Alpha Abbadon said to me sitting by his side on the tree top branch."I still do not feel like sleeping yet. Out here is peaceful and quiet and I haven't had such a night in a long while". I said, letting him see my excitement."I am glad so far you are enjoying it but if you don't sleep soon, the night is going to take its toll on you in the morning". He said to me frankly.Tomorrow his plans as usual was to pack up camp and leave, heading closer to the Great Mésis sea that separated us from the continent the ends of the world was. My goal though was different, to get him to
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Chapter 71: A Bed of Ropes
BAELAIt was a brief kiss from me to him and so Alpha Abbadon did not return my kiss. He was content with the fact I had kissed him and let it remain like that. I could tell he liked me, I wasn't guessing, I knew for a certainty.No one could get away so easily from the Alpha doing what I did, kissing him in the lips without his consent especially when we were enroute to find his bride.I doubt he would have any love for Daena Russo in his heart for her when he finally meant her. He didn't know what she looked like in the first place, whether she was as good looking as the book of records had described.However she looked, he couldn't turn her down once we got to the ends of the world. Failure to marry her could mean all our deaths, going by their barbaric reputation down south. I didn't want the unpleasant thoughts of the ends of the world to fill my head as I looked at Alpha Abbadon one last time. He had taken his eyes briefly away from me to scout and listen below for danger. Ever
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