All Chapters of The Alpha's Reject - Hell Knows No Greater Fury!: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
172 Chapters
Chapter 72: An Isolated Alpha
BAELAI could see the rest of the werewolves were happy to see us back in camp. More precisely they were happy to see their Alpha back in their midst, without him to lead them they were lost without no purpose in life. By extension, because I was with Alpha Abbadon, they seemed happy to see me too.One of the Beta's tried to approach Alpha Abbadon, to welcome him back to the pack but he simply looked at him and made a hand sign for him not to bother. His action shunned the Beta away and he felt small. Alpha Abbadon did not look so happy to be reunited with his pack, unlike he was with me a couple of seconds ago. I guess he couldn't trust them yet after just 24 hours of three of his trusted Beta's disobeying him.I walked quietly by his side taking this all in as we got to his tent. It was as exactly as we left it, everything was intact inside. I could see Alpha Abbadon drop his bag with a bit of frustration. He had carried his load and mine all in one bag and it was too heavy for me
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Chapter 73: Alone in the Water
BAELAI walked without a care in the world at least for the time being with Alpha Abbadon beside me. We were not the first with the idea to head to the stream this early in the morning to have our swim and our baths. When we arrived close to the stream, we could hear splashes of water from Beta's having a fun time in it.I held on to Alpha Abbadon's arm, stopping him from going any further."Not there...let's not go there". I said, pulling onto his arm twice."Let's go somewhere else please". I begged. I knew the water some of the Beta's were swimming in was now unsettled and probably populated. Alpha Abbadon was going to drive them all away, knowing the mood they put him in of late but we both needed somewhere the water was clean and calm."I know exactly what you mean, say no more". He said to my delight as he held onto my hand and headed up stream.Now I was looking forward to spending the time of my life with him by the stream. It would be something to remember. Hopefully it wil
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Chapter 74: Alpha against the Beta's
BAELA I was busy in the water having a good time with Alpha Abbadon when I lost track of time. Why wouldn't I? Not everyday I get the opportunity to play with the Alpha like he was my best friend!I couldn't care anymore what the time was. I was with him and I knew the pack couldn't pack up and leave unless he gave the word. Our play in and by the pool was not of a sexual sort, although it could have turned that way if any of us wanted it too but I respected him and held back from my usual antics and let us just enjoy the moments together.I think I heard footsteps all of a sudden as I was holding on to Alpha Abbadon in the stream in a slightly questionable position. I had gotten that way with him as I struggled to wrestle him to sink with me into the water but somehow he managed to stay afloat with me hanging on to him by the neck at the back."YES BETA RED, WHAT DO YOU WANT?" I heard Alpha Abbadon ask from the blue. He had apparently heard the footsteps too but not only that he kne
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Chapter 75: Let Off The Hook
BAELAI arrived back with Alpha Abbadon to a gloomy looking camp. Everywhere was quieter than usual and the Beta's were less alert than they usually were. Some were standing just at the entrance of the camp while the others were mostly at the center of the camp where the camp fire was lit last night.As I arrived with Alpha Abbadon by my side in camp, I could see the Beta's standing at the entrance of the camp suddenly straighten up in attention. They weren't usually like this, they would usually just nod their head just slightly to acknowledge Alpha Abbadon as he walked in their midst. Today though was different, they took it a notch higher.Alpha Abbadon stopped in front of them and nodded his head in acknowledgement. I could see their eyes lit up as he did. This morning he had simply pretended like they did not exist but after coming from the stream he stood in front of them and actually acknowledged them."Welcome back Alpha Abbadon!" One of them said enthusiastically. I smiled se
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Chapter 76: Approaching the Mésis Sea
BAELAI asked Alpha Abbadon after having grilled pork and vegetables for brunch that I would like to retire to his tent to take a nap. I didn't intend to come out until later in the evening, meaning I was going to skip lunch in the afternoon. Of course Alpha Abbadon didn't let me retire back to his tent on my own and unsupervised, he came along with me as he promised to protect me.The Beta's seated with us at the camp fire all stood up as he did as they watched Alpha Abbadon follow me back to his tent. It made me seem so fragile that I couldn't go to his tent on my own but I loved it. It was something special to get the attention of the Alpha at my beck and call."Would you like me to come inside with you?" He asked as we approached the tent. "I'll only be taking a nap, it will be uneventful for you just watching me sleep. Maybe you can ask the Beta's to come keep you company outside of the tent". I suggested."Okay, I'll ask them to". He agreed with me. These days we have been agre
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Chapter 77: In the Tent
BAELAI slept hard with my thoughts for a few hours. The questions kept on playing in my head over and over again and wouldn't stop until I had decided I had had enough. I woke up shortly thereafter as I laid on the ground of the tent I was in, staring at the top."You are awake, did you sleep well?" I heard Alpha Abbadon ask from a corner to the left. It was coming close to the entrance of the tent. I couldn't see him yet, I had to turn my head to the left side to bring him into view."You seemed a little disturbed a minute before you woke up as you slept, are you alright?" I saw him ask me again, the concern in his voice effectively conveyed by the air inside of the tent.I placed my left hand on my forehead to touch it. It felt slightly warm to my touch and I had a slight headache."I think I will be fine, Alpha Abbadon". I said, still holding on to my forehead, as I leaned into my right with my right elbow inorder to sit up."Are you burning up, maybe you have a fever or a heada
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Chapter 78: Excited
BAELA2 days had gone by rather quickly and we were now a night away from getting to the Great Mésis sea. I had not been curious about the Great Mésis sea until now as we got closer and all I knew about it was bad.The Great Mésis sea also spelled doom for my plan to win Alpha Abbadon's love and to stop him from continuing this journey to the ends of the earth to meet Daena Russo. The Annual Codex of Gaiasania and Gaiamania had also been brought with him and I saw him in his quiet time peer through its pages.I could guess what he was searching for...what he was reading. In it contained the only details we knew about his future bride...she was beautiful and powerful, being the daughter of the Alpha King himself. Having her hand in marriage, also would mean having control over the other werewolf kingdoms in the south too. The Alpha King would make a powerful ally and I knew such powers likely held sway with Alpha Abbadon but if Daena Russo was as beautiful as she was depicted in the r
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Chapter 79: A Vivid Dream
BAELAI was with Alpha Abbadon late into the night as we walked in the woods of Gaiasania. He was taking me along for his late night rounds of the posts at the perimeter of our camp. This was the second successive night in a row I will be doing this and I must say it wasn't easy considering the time was somewhere past 2 in the morning.I was happy he made me take a nap this evening just before it was night for us to head out on our night guard duty. I slept on the mat some feet away from him but before I could tell I had rolled towards him. I remembered feeling my body resting upon a firm masculine being. At first I thought I was only dreaming, imagining things in my head as I leaned more into him. My legs were now wrapped around his abdomen as I held on to him securely. I had always wanted us to be this close, after that night we had shared together in his house. I wished he would hold me tightly too but he was asleep and couldn't respond to my touch.I made the most of what time I
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Chapter 80: Sick in My Stomach
BAELAIt was a brand new day just outside Alpha Abbadon's tent and I wasn't feeling alright. I had returned back to the camp accompanied by Alpha Abbadon but I wasn't in a high spirit unlike last night. He had noticed it and inquired about what was wrong with me, which I had promptly told him I wasn't feeling too fine.He wanted to go swimming but now he couldn't leave me alone in the tent as I didn't feel like going swimming myself. He had to make a choice, not have a swim and his bath this morning and stay with me or go have a swim and his bath and leave me all to myself?I didn't seem to care which choice he made, he was going to leave me eventually seeing we were still forging ahead to the ends of the earth. We would have arrived at the Great Mésis sea by evening if we continued walking today.I wasn't excited to be there, in fact it was the major reason I felt sick in my stomach, the thought of losing him for good to someone more beautiful and powerful than I was. I stood no cha
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Chapter 81: My Resolve
BAELAAlpha Abbadon had been giving me the cold shoulder all day as we made our way to the Great Mésis sea. He had spoken to me only a few times, only keeping our conversations to the barest minimum. I didn't enjoy the journey down here but now I had arrived at the beach of the Great Mésis sea along with Alpha Abbadon and the others.It was more beautiful than I had imagined as I first caught sight of it with the sunset on the horizon. We were finally out of the covers of tall trees blocking my view of the sunset. I felt much better physically now but my emotional state was still a mess. That didn't bother me much though, I was more worried about Alpha Abbadon giving me the cold shoulder. I waited for our tents to be fixed and everybody was ready before I decided to approach him. He was staring at the waves of the sea as they kept on coming to the beach at regular intervals. I approached him cautiously, knowing we were not currently on good terms."Alpha Abbadon, please can I sit
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