All Chapters of The Alpha's Reject - Hell Knows No Greater Fury!: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
172 Chapters
Chapter 82: The Mystery
BAELAI was back in Alpha Abbadon's tent with him as he read from the Annual Codex of Gaiasania and Gaiamania. I had picked up the codex in his position to find out more about where I 2as going to. I was heading into the storm as I found out in the codex and I needed to be prepared.Alpha Abbadon looked his normal self from the outside while I had my worries written all over me but I knew inside he had to have some anxiety for the news.First crossing the Great Mésis sea was bad news. Only few who have attempted to cross it have survived while many others laid at the bottom of the sea to their own ruin."What makes the water so treacherous to cross?" I asked Alpha Abbadon. The codex didn't really say."Only few have ever succeeded in crossing it, so I guess the survivors do not feel inclined in discussing it. It must have been a very traumatic experience for them". He said."Thank you". I said. That made sense but still it would have been more helpful had one of the survivors taken it
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Chapter 83: His Scent
BAELAI laid on the mat close to where Alpha Abbadon laid. We were close but far at the same time, separated by a few feet and a bag pack belonging to Alpha Abbadon. I wondered when Alpha Abbadon needed protection from me. Even when I came into his house late at night to be with him, he never touched me even though we shared the same bed with my body resting in his.It was surely suspicious and he backed me too, ensuring I could tell if he was sleeping or was still awake. I could check though. All I had to do was to get up and walk over to the other side he was facing to see if he was truly asleep.I was tempted to do that but if he caught me, that would only make him suspicious of me. I had promised him I was no longer going to ask funny questions towards him and I was going to let him pick Daena Russo as his bride. So this was me keeping my promise to him.I laid pinned in the mat without moving a muscle as I just stared at his hair and his back. If only dreams came true, then he wo
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Chapter 84: Aria's Message
BAELA I did fall back asleep quite easily a second time and when I woke up a few hours later, I did feel my body resting on someone else. It was that of Alpha Abbadon and he was not asleep, he was wide awake just staring at me. I could tell he had been watching me sleep, refusing to disturb my sleep as I did his. It was my right arm that was resting on him for comfort. I enjoyed extreme comfort when I slept and resting on his was very soothing."Why are you staring at me Alpha Abbadon? Is anything wrong with me?" I asked as I looked at him intently. I still hadn't taken my arm off him but why should I do that in the first place?"I wish you could see yourself when you sleep...the words to describe it are good but I cannot utter them". He said, sparking my curiosity."Why not Alpha Abbadon, I'd like to know". I said eagerly."Well I cannot say the words but I can describe what you do while you are asleep. You smile when you sleep, I wonder what happy thoughts must be going through yo
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Chapter 85: In The Great Mésis Sea
BAELAI quickly changed into a more appropriate outfit to go swimming as I rushed out of Alpha Abbadon's tent. I was beyond excited after the good news Aria had revealed to be just a few minutes ago. Alpha Abbadon was still standing at the campfire post as he had promised and 8 ran to him.He heard me coming from behind as I wasn't sleathy enough and he turned to look at me. I had my happy face on and I hope that he noticed it."You are very excited Baela. You must be really happy". He said, as I stopped in front of him. Yes I was indeed very excited and I couldn't wait to share my excitement with him."Yes I am Alpha Abbadon and that is because I learnt of something!" I said, still excited and happy. We were not the only ones awake or out moving around in the camp. We are at least 5 werewolves that were awake and moving in camp alongside us."That's interesting, I am glad you did. Would you like to share with me what it is?" He asked, hoping to find out more."Yes, I tell you but yo
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Chapter 86: My Swim Lesson
BAELAI could feel myself being twirled by the waves of the sea as I swarmed underneath it. The current was strong as I resurfaced from the sea with my head out of the water.I could see the waves had carried me out further than I imagined into the sea and I hadn't even begun to swim in it yet. I could not see Alpha Abbadon anywhere. He hadn't resurfaced yet but I wasn't panicking. It didn't take more than a few seconds before he resurfaced in front of me and I was finally glad to be reunited with him but at sea. "How has it been?" He asked, looking at me."So far, it is going well". I said, glad I was managing well on my own so far."Great! Now this is the easy part. Going further out, the current will only get stronger. Let's swim here for now and you can get used to the waves". He said. He wasn't done speaking when I saw a huge wave heading towards our direction. I had no choice but to quickly hold my breath as the water came covering over me. It took a few seconds before the wa
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Chapter 87: A Dance
BAELAAnother evening had arrived with me by Alpha Abbadon's side. This time around we were seated by the campfire and being entertained by Red and the other Beta's. It's been a while since I had this much fun with them and I was enjoying it.Music was being played by the Beta's and some were dancing close to the campfire. I felt like joining in and dancing too but I waited for Alpha Abbadon to take the lead.He seemed to be content where he sat as he watched some of the others dancing in front of him. "ALPHA ABBADON, WOULD YOU MIND TO GRACE THE FLOOR AND SHOW US HOW IT IS DONE?!" Red called out in high spirits. He was amongst the other Beta's that were dancing.I chuckled at what he said and Alpha Abbadon heard me. I had surely wanted for a moment like this to come when he would be called out to the floor to dance with the others."Thank you but I am fine. I prefer to watch you instead!" Alpha Abbadon said with a smile."NOOO ALPHA ABBADON!""WE WATCH YOU EVERYDAY AND LEARN SO MANY
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Chapter 88: Kisses In The Tent
BAELAAlpha Abbadon was walking beside me late into the night with the camp still lit and burning brightly while some of his Beta's danced around it.I had had enough for one night and so did he. He followed without any objections and I was glad he did.I wanted to sleep now as soon as I got into the tent. As for Alpha Abbadon, I didn't know what his plans were but whatever it might be, I knew I would find out in the morning from Aria.We got into his tent as I paused to imagine Alpha Abbadon and I just the way we were this morning and all the sweet things he said to me. I hope he didn't bring his back pack to obstruct the fun tonight.I watched as Alpha Abbadon walked past me and settled on a part of the mat that had his bag packed close by. We had slept in the opposite positions yesterday but tonight it was different.I had no choice but to sleep on the only vacant position on the mat. As I laid down I could see Alpha Abbadon back me and I found that strange. He never did that, he
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Chapter 89: Trouble At Sunset
BAELAAlpha Abbadon and I kept on going at each other as we kept on kissing and exploring the depth of our mouth and lips. I was enjoying myself until we both stopped briefly to catch our breath. "I need to be on top". I whispered. I needed more room to explore and he obliged me. In one quick roll, he was on his back and I was on top of him. That was indeed very smooth of him. I smiled mischievously at him, seeing he was eager to carry in before descending with my face to his. Our noses were now touched as we resumed kissing but I was still holding back. All my body was loose for him but there was something pulling back and eventually I figured it out on my own.I pulled away slightly from his lips with my eyes not so far from his as I asked."What about Daena Russo?" I whispered. My question didn't seem to ring a bell in Alpha Abbadon's head, I doubted he even heard her me in the first place to begin with."Daena Russo...your future bride. What about her?" I said as I pulled away
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Chapter 90: Alpha Abbadon's Plan
BAELAAlpha Abbadon didn't look shocked that I had just repeated my question, rather he smiled at me. That could not be good, could it?"I'LL ANSWER YOUR QUESTION BAELA, SO ALL CAN KNOW THE ANSWER. THAT IS WHAT YOU WANTED AFTERALL ASKING ME THIS QUESTION IN PUBLIC?!" He said accusingly.That was not true of course! I asked him the question privately first but he made me do this publicly but I kept my calm as he spoke with the pack for him to finish telling me the answer."I AM ALPHA ABBADON, AND AS THE ALPHA I AM PRIVILEGE TO HAVE ANY MAIDEN IN THE PACK I DEEMED WORTHY AS A LUNA OR A MISTRESS!""I CAN DECIDE ON ANY NUMBER OF MISTRESSES I WANT WITHOUT QUESTION BAELA, INCASE YOU HAVE FORGOTTEN. I AS YOU ALPHA, HAVE JUST CHOSEN ALL THIS TIME NOT TO ACT ON IT BUT THAT DOESN'T MEAN WHEN I DO I AM WRONG!""SO YOU ASKED WHAT MY END GAME IS WITH YOU, MAYBE IT IS TO MAKE YOU MY MISTRESS AFTER ALL!" He revealed.I couldn't believe my ears, what Alpha Abbadon had just said to me. He had just tol
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Chapter 91: Run Away
BAELAI followed Aria's voice until I could finally see her."Thank you Aria for getting me away from that place, I wouldn't have been able to do it without you!" I said thankfully. "You are welcome Baela but tell me, why are you leaving?" Aria asked, as she floated in the air above me."You saw all that transpired between us, didn't you Aria? Alpha Abbadon is only attracted to me but he doesn't love me. He hopes I will become nothing more than his mistress. He wants me to accept those terms and be happy with that. He just hasn't yet forced himself and me and that is why I must leave now". I revealed it to her."I am really sorry to hear that Baela. I thought my plan was working out, I hoped it would. 8 could see positive signs it eventually would but now those plans have failed". She said saddened. I was equally saddened too. Sad more than she could ever be but I had to be strong because now I was on my own."I can't stay here Aria, soon they might notice I am missing and come look
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