All Chapters of The Alpha's Reject - Hell Knows No Greater Fury!: Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
172 Chapters
Chapter 102: Excited at Sea
BAELAI watched as Alpha Abbadon walked up to me after saying those words. I stayed rooted on the spot as the others headed to their rafts to push it out of the beach onto the sea. "It's time Baela, say goodbye to home and take my hand". He said, offering his right hand. I took hold of his right hand slowly as his words sunk in. I was really saying bye to home and to the continent I grew up in. Whatever lay ahead of us was a mystery we were going to discover.I got on the raft as he led me to it but he didn't jump onto it. The other Beta's were in two's as they waited for Alpha Abbadon to make the first move. Alpha Abbadon was holding on to the raft I was on still on the beach as he started to push it towards the sea. Now it was happening for real and I looked at the sea ahead of me before turning back to look at my home.I hope I get to see you again. I was looking at the beach and the woods of Gaiasania, hoping to be reunited with them once again. I couldn't reminisce for long t
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Chapter 103: Trouble at Sea
BAELAI could still see the fishes flying out of the waters surrounding us as I dared to look at the water below. I leaned a little to the edge of the raft while I was on my knees and I could see a sort of shadow below, it seemed to be moving."I have never been out at sea before but is that supposed to be normal?" I asked Alpha Abbadon, as I stared at the sea below.I know Alpha Abbadon must have looked below to see what it was underneath us as fear gripped me to my bones. I couldn't move, I was paralyzed with fear."NO, THAT IS NOT NORMAL! SOMETHING HUGE IS UNDERNEATH AND IT IS MOVING!" Alpha Abbadon said, as I let go of the fishes I had caught in my hand. I quickly retreated from the edge of the raft to the middle that was safe.I looked around me and it seemed only Alpha Abbadon and I had noticed it, the others were still excited by the easy catch of the fishes."WEREWOLVES, WE ARE NOT ALONE!" Alpha Abbadon exclaimed to draw their attention to him. "SOMETHING HUGE IS UNDERNEATH
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Chapter 104: Deadly Vortex
BAELA I was looking behind me eager to see what the Giant Octopus would do. The large numbers of school of fishes that were jumping out of the water were all but gone now. Gone in two large vortexes it had created from underneath the surface of the water. I could see the sea stop swirling in the direction of the vortex and soon the tentacles of the Giant Octopus started to submerge inside the water. "LOOK, IT IS GOING AWAY!" I declared with joy. Glad to see that scary being slowly disappear from sight. Alpha Abbadon and the others also turned back to catch a last glimpse of it, as it was almost submerged in the sea. "IT IS GOING UNDERNEATH, LET'S HOPE IT DOESN'T RESURFACE SOMEWHERE ELSE". Alpha Abbadon said, still looking behind him. The giant Octopus had consumed a large quantity of fishes, I was positive it was now satisfied and we were safely away from its path and danger. Soon all the giant Octopus was submerged, only the large ripples and air burbles left from it could be se
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Chapter 105: Two Groups
BAELAThe giant Octopus was now beneath us. I knew it because I could see it. I was afraid but I didn't want to see it anymore for fear I might fall into the sea. Any second from now Alpha Abbadon was going to give the signal."NOW! TURN!" Alpha Abbadon exclaimed as Beta Red raft at the back were the first to turn right. Others quickly followed suit, going in opposite directions."BAELA HANG ON TIGHTLY". Alpha Abbadon said as he went right. We had succeeded in splitting successfully into two camps and we're spreading wider apart from each other. I knew the giant Octopus knew his meal was getting away but now it had to act fast and decide which of the two camps it was going to follow.It took it some few seconds to decide who he was going to come after. The fishes it was used to hunting did not behave this way and usually would group together for safety."IT IS ON OUR TAIL!" Alpha Abbadon said, confirming my fears. It had decided to come after us. It had followed the path of the last
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Chapter 106: Underneath
BAELANow I could feel the tension in me and in our group as we were being forced to reunite with the others. We were on a course to meet them but they were ahead of us by hundreds and thousands of meters. I don't think we would ever successfully rejoin them, seeing how far ahead they were from us but whatever the case maybe the giant Octopus was directly underneath us."What will you do, Alpha Abbadon? Save us!" I pleaded with him, not ready to die like this, in the gut of a sea monster."I WILL SAVE US, JUST HOLD ON TIGHT!" "EVERYONE STEER RIGHT AND STRAIGHT AHEAD!" Alpha Abbadon exclaimed as he turned his raft heading right and straight ahead. Further right would take us to the legs of the giant Octopus but our course was straight ahead for the shores of Gaiamania.I could see the other rafts follow suit, we were no longer on course to rejoin the other splitter groups but had our own bearing. We hadn't gone far when our raft was hit from underneath, throwing me into the air. I d
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Chapter 107: Bluish Liquid
BAELAI was glad to have taken some swimming lessons from Alpha Abbadon as it helped me stay afloat. I couldn't help but worry about him, about his safety, about what he was going to do as he went underneath the water by himself.I was separated from the rest of the werewolves. Some were still on their rafts moving farther away from me while somewhere meters away from me floating in the sea. I was all alone and I felt vulnerable. Was I going to be left alone to die at sea? "Alpha Abbadon!" I called out, feeling the cold of the water of the sea get to me. I was frankly searching in every direction of the sea for signs of him resurfacing from the water, except from looking underneath me.I was afraid I would catch sight of that dark blue and gray color I had become familiar with over the past minutes. I didn't want to know how close up it was to me now."Alpha Abbadon, say something if you can hear me!" I called out, as I kept afloat. Alpha Abbadon had been underwater for some minutes
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Chapter 108: Hanging On
BAELAI heard Alpha Abbadon blame himself for my plan. It was my idea to make us come here in the first place and now we were in this mess out at sea. I couldn't let him take all the fall by himself."No, it's not your fault Alpha Abbadon. Do not blame yourself for our situation. I choose to be here remember. I wanted to be here and so did the others''. I said, reminding him of our individual choices to cross the Great Mésis Sea."But we need you now more than ever before to get us alive safely out of here!" I said, as a giant leg came crashing close to us. I could still hear screams of werewolves calling for help."You are right Baela. Once we are all safe, I am ending this journey but my pack needs me now!" I heard Alpha Abbadon say, as I hung on to him from behind. He sounded determined this time around."IF YOU CAN HEAR ME, GRAB ONTO A STICK AND SWIM AWAY FROM THE SEA MONSTER! FOLLOW THE SOUND OF MY VOICE!" He yelled with renewed zeal. I had my doubts he had given up to die at se
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Chapter 109: Rescued
BAELA I had been swimming for about 15 minutes or more accurately Alpha Abbadon had been swimming for that period of time while I held on to him for support and guidance. The other Beta's behind us had managed to keep up. I guess their adrenaline had all kicked in along the way. It seemed the danger had passed as we had successfully swarmed away from the reach of the giant Octopus. Now it was no more as it had submerged into the water. I wondered if it had gone to nurse it's injury to its eye or if it was plotting yet another dangerous strike? We had been swimming in the direction Aria had pointed out to me faithfully but still there was still no sign of the splitter group. Maybe it was just my eyes? I was beginning to feel cold from staying in the chilled water for this long period of time. I hope we reach them soon but I was confident I hadn't made a mistake telling Alpha Abbadon to go with Aria's instruction. "THERE!" I heard Alpha Abbadon exclaim as he caught sight of the othe
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Chapter 110: Off The Coast Of Gaiamania
BAELAI watched on as Alpha Abbadon was able to help the others get to the other rafts safely. He stayed in the water, until every last werewolf was out of it, enduring the cold before coming out himself.As he helped them out of the sea into the rafts, I counted their numbers one after the other and I realized not one of us was missing to my delight. We had all made it alive!Alpha Abbadon returned back to the raft I was on and boarded it. I was still sitting on the floor of the rafts, still wrapped up in a blanket."WE SET SAIL FOR GAIAMANIA AT ONCE, GODSPEED TO US ALL!" Alpha Abbadon declared as he stood before me.I could see Beta Cain approach him, leaving the steering of the raft to Beta Thomas. It seemed there was something bothering him, he wanted to discuss with Alpha Abbadon."Alpha Abbadon, please may I speak with you for a moment?" He requested."Yes you may Beta Cain. What would you like to see me for?" Alpha Abbadon asked, granting him his wish."I was only wondering why
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Chapter 111: Scouting
BAELAI was finally only a few meters away from the coast of Gaiamania. Maybe about 100 meters or less. We had gotten here quicker than I had anticipated, maybe because we didn't encounter any other sea monster along the way. I could see the mood on board the rafts were happier than before but still there was a bit of caution. Until he set foot on the continent of Gaiamania, no one could guess accurately what we were going to encounter once there. I for one was excited, why? Because Aria wanted me to be there. The journey getting here had not been smooth sailing but somehow we had survived. I was positive we were going to survive whatever lay ahead with Aria on our side.I was also feeling sick in my stomach. Never had I experienced sailing on the open sea. It was more than my body could handle for a first trial, having lived all my life on the steady solid ground. I threw up a couple of times here. I would need to get hydrated and eat something as soon as we set foot on land.I cou
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