All Chapters of Delivery of Fate : Chapter 601 - Chapter 610
737 Chapters
Chapter 600
Blake awoke early but was surprised that Elise and Helenor had already been up and had his bath already prepared. “You don’t have to do this. When we leave, you will serve my wife and Hana, not me.” Blake protested their work for him. “We are obligated to Master and Mistress,” Elise said with a smile. Blake shook his head and entered the bath when they left. They would be leaving when he finished his wash and changing clothing. When he finished, he withdrew the clothing he had on when he entered the Inner World, with the difference of his white shirt turning pink from his wounds when he encountered the Space Void Storm and micro winds. Walking out with his attire the stares he received were great. No one had seen clothing like this, and was amazed over the workmanship. Only Hana, who went to the Upper World, knew of the clothing that the Upper World people wore. “Is this what they wear in the Upper World?” Xuanlu asked Blake when he arrived in front of the forbidden courtyard. Bl
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Chapter 601
What timing? When Blake arrives, the eggs begin their hatching. They all rushed over, leaving Gerald to place Daniel into the holding cell. The heat from the caves exploded out and there was magma flying into the sky. This was the hatching of twelve eggs all at once. The force released was phenomenal, and Ling was the first to exit, holding onto two babies. Huo followed, holding two as well. Quickly seeing Koran and Nancy, they handed the children and reentered the caves and exited holding two more in each arm. They continued until Elise, Helen, Ling, and Huo held all twelve babies in their arms.“Finally arrived, I see, and with more women by your side, as expected of our king,” Huo said with a smirk.“At least he arrived for the hatching,” Ling said, settling one of the babies in her arms.“He has been reliable. Okay, we need to get them properly taken care of; let’s head to the nursery.” Huo said and walked towards the facility.“Can I hold one?”Claire asked, feeling nostalgic agai
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Chapter 602
“I missed you. I came as soon as I could.” Sara said with tears in her eyes. “I was cultivating in seclusion when Blake Jr. came and got me.”“Okay, I’m glad you are here. I was about to get answers from Helen on what was happening while I was away,” Blake said, patting her on the back for comfort and thinking that it was this very thing that got him in trouble in the Inner World with the twin princesses.“Oh, about that. Situations have changed on Earth. You are no longer the Heir of the Elon family. They believe you have been killed.” Sara said, “And the Shuler family has abandoned the Elon Family as well.”Silence.“The Organization has been suppressing the Elon family in the Stock market, and with the arrest warrant on Helen and Sylvia, being world terrorists has been a burden on the Stocks and Businesses of the Elon Conglomerate.” Sara continued.“What about my Grandfather? Why hasn’t he been taking action? This was one of my questions when I first heard of the arrest of Sylvia.
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Chapter 603
“How could I have been so blind back then? Seeing Steve here, I can see how he is only using me. Blake took care of me and my Mother all that time, and we treated him like a slave to do our bidding. Oh, Mother is asking him to retrieve Tabitha, my sister, from the train station.” Claire’s consciousness said and looked earnestly at her sister’s arrival with Blake.Claire’s consciousness watched as she had just sat on the couch and raised her hand for her wine. Blake handed it to her, and she continued with her eyes closed until she heard her sister Tabitha.“He must love you to be there for you with a glass of wine at the end of the day.”Tabitha was sitting next to her sister. Claire hadn’t noticed her and was startled when she heard her sister’s voice.“Tabby, when did you arrive?” Claire put her drink down and hugged her sister.“I’ve been here. You must be really into your world not to have noticed me sitting here.”“Don’t be ridiculous, and to answer your question, no, there is no
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Chapter 604
The scene changed to them eating and then Blake giving her a card worth 3.3 million, shocking Claire and she took it back to her room and placed it under her clothing in the drawer. Leaving the residence, she arrived at the company and, after taking the elevator to the department she needed, was met with three men playing cards not working at all.Claire was swift and ran out of the area, with the three men giving chase. Claire was almost to the elevator when one of the men grabbed her arm and turned her around to face the three men who had lustful looks in their eyes.“What are you doing? I’m the president’s granddaughter. Do you know you will be fired on the spot for this?”“There’s no need to struggle, and it’s only going to make you get hurt.” The man held Claire’s arm and dragged her further toward the abandoned cubicles. Behind the cubical walls, no one would see what goes on.“What do you want? Money, my Grandfather, can get you money; just let me go.” Claire pleaded onto deft
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Chapter 605
“No, what you had seen was all a misunderstanding that caused us to become super jealous. The two were not pregnant with Blake’s children, nor did he ever cheat on you at this time of your relationship.“So he did cheat at some time in our relationship?” Claire’s consciousness asked.“Can’t call it cheating when you are the one that instigates to him.” Claire’s Soul stated, rolling her eyes at her counter self.“A slew of circumstances happens like, it was Blake who saved your Mother, but you and your Mother claimed that Steve Anderson had saved her leading to the situation that will unfold for being grateful to a person who never saw us as a person. Watch.” Claire’s Soul said.Claire arrived and entered the restaurant, scanning the room till her eyes met with Steve sitting in the corner of the room sipping wine. Spotting Claire entering, he rose from his seat and greeted her when she arrived. They hugged each other like old friends till his hand went further down and gently caressed
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After the ordeal and stopping him from deflowering her fully, she asked him to leave the home due to her Mother returning.Claire looked at him as he dressed, suddenly saddened in her heart by his departure. He was her first, so she crawled towards him as he put on his shoes, sitting on the bed, and hugged him from behind. “Are you upset?” “No,” Steve said coldly. “Disappointed in my performance? It WAS my first time.” “No.” Again, he coldly said.After putting his shoes on, he released her embrace and got up. Walking out of the room, he only paused when he heard her speak again. “I love you.” Snorting, he walked out and didn’t reply.“Did you hear that? That was not from a loving man but a man who would use a woman for his desires only. He used us, Claire. Don’t ever forget this.” Claire’s Soul said with anger. With Claire’s conscious only nodding her reply, the scene before was too shocking for her.“What about Blake? Did he ever find out?” Claire asked.“Watch.” Her Soul said
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Chapter 607
Claire continued watching the situation over at the restaurant when she met again with Steve Anderson, trying to get acquainted with Sylvia and his admittance of what he had done to her after Sylvia pushed him into the pond. This scene brought a smile to Claire’s face, but she was shocked to hear that he wanted to do such disrespectable things to her again and then be saved by Dynasty Syrum. During a dinner that Tabitha had made when Blake gave the condition to be able to get back with him, she had to see the doctor for STDs. Reluctantly, she went and received the news that her actions of having unsafe sex caused her to contract Gonorrhea from Steve Anderson.“What is this about two women getting pregnant?” Blake was astounded by this news, sitting at the table while hatching out the misunderstandings.“Steve had someone follow you and took pictures of you and the two women in The Lotus Suites entering your suite. I misunderstood the situation and thought that you had impregnated the
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Chapter 608
“Elise, I believe this is our cue to leave,” Claire said and rose from her position with Elise, Elsie, and Helenor following her out of the room.They made their way to the nursery to begin tending to the twelve babies, giving Koran and Nancy a hand tending to them.Blake led the women to their separate homes and instructed them on the modern appliances within the homes. Blake had to chuckle a bit when they were able to gather water right from the sink and how the toiletries worked. The one with the most interest was Sister Song; after hearing the many uses of the appliances and marvels from Blake in the Inner World, she was looking forward to the revealing machines. Blake had Helen show them the clothing that would fit them and the proper way of dressing.When their tour was finished, they all had donned modern wear and were enjoying the freedom it gave them. Sister Song spun around as her dress was a lovely yellow sundress, making her look the young sister type evermore, while Xuanl
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Chapter 609
Blake nodded in the arrangement and began having a conversation with his children on what skills and cultivation methods they had learned during his absence. The children were excited to hear from their Father about the new skills they could use during their conversations. Blake had unlocked many new skills that would benefit not only the children but also Consuela, who took the new cultivations to bring her strength to all new levels. There was even a new formula pill that Blake wanted to try called the Heavenly Soul Blood pill. This new pill would be able to reconnect a person’s meridians for a person to begin cultivating; this was perfect for Francine Estin, who wasn’t able to cultivate due to her missing meridian linkages.“Uhm, by the way, do any of you know what had happened to Francine Estin?” Blake suddenly asked when he remembered her.Sara, Consuela, Koran, Helen, and Nancy looked at Blake with concern over his question. The woman had left the estate long before Blake left f
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