All Chapters of Delivery of Fate : Chapter 581 - Chapter 590
740 Chapters
Chapter 580
The Second Prince Xiang Ma was pacing back and forth in his room. Who let the rumor out that his betrothed was a Spirit Sprite? He had dispatched the doctor before he left the Sect, and no one else would have had the nerve to go against him. His first thought was Hana, but she hadn’t left her room, and he was told that she was in isolated cultivation to raise her level.While the Second Prince Xiang Ma was mulling over the events, the First Prince Xiang Liu was calmly sitting and drinking his wine when a man kneeled before him.“So that servant had a secret. Is the information you received reliable?” Xiang Liu asked the man kneeling.“My lord, it is from a very reliable source. The woman you chose for the Second Prince came from the Upper World and is a Spirit Sprite. She was taken about a week ago and was hidden within the Flowing Sword Sect by the daughter of the Head Master, Levin Hana.” The man was none other than Hayes Daniel.Xiang Liu took a sip of his wine from his cup and cal
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Chapter 581
“I’ll tell. The Second Prince Xiang Ma has fancied her and will make her his wife tomorrow.” Daniel said not able to take the killing intent from Blake.“As I figured, Claire is the only Spirit Sprite in Upper World. Tell me what Hana did to her to go along with this farce.” Blake asked, releasing him from his killing intent.“She dusted her with memory loss sleep dust. It was by accident but beneficial to us.” Daniel said, forgetting who he was talking to under his disappointment. “Well, to Hana, at least, I couldn’t even dual-cultivate with her to bring my rank up like Hana.”“Would you like a whole body or paste?” Blake asked, sending his killing intent again to Daniel when Sister Song pulled on his sleeve.Blake retracted his killing intent and looked at her.“Yes?” Blake asked.“Brother, the memory loss dust has no antidote. She has lost all her memories and will not remember you or her past life.” Sister Song explained to Blake with concern.“Okay, I understand, but one problem
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Chapter 582
“Can you imagine? Saying an intruder getting inside Flowing Sword Sect, much less being able to steal the bride. What is this a fantasy story?” Elsie said and looked at the book Camila was reading. “Like that one you read to us with the prince swooping in and saving the girl from the evil villain taking his true love and trying to marry her.”“Now, let’s get you ready for tomorrow’s big day with the Prince. Not like an evil villain will come and take you away from your Prince.” Helenor said and walked into the large puddle of water on the floor.“My lady, what has happened here? Why is water all over the floor?” Helenor asked with a look of bewilderment.“Well, I wouldn’t say I’m an evil villain, but the Prince swooping in and saving the damsel in distress.” Blake suddenly appeared beside Claire.“AH! INTRUDER!” Elsie called out.“No use. I set up a soundproof barrier around the room, and you can scream until your lungs give out, and no one will hear you.” To their surprise, Blake ann
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Chapter 583
In the end, the Head Master agreed, and Blake opened the door that Hana was beating on to reenter. Stumbling inside, she got her foothold and composed herself.“Congratulations on your upcoming wedding,” Blake announced as she reentered the room.“Wedding? What wedding? Father?” Hana had a foreboding feeling this was not going to be good.Seeing the door open, Daniel began to inch his way out, but when he reached the exit, he couldn’t move.“Daniel, don’t think I have forgotten about you. What to do, what to do, with you. You are the little bird that told everyone about Claire being a Spirit Sprite; am I wrong?” Blake asked, walking to him.“How could I? I would never have done such a thing, maybe Hana?” Daniel began to make excuses.“Daniel, how could you?” Hana called out.“There were only three people who knew Claire’s secret. Head Master, he would not betray the Second Prince, Hana, but she is too cunning, and then there is you. Someone who got a rather large payout, am I right?”
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Chapter 584
“Well, as long as you know you were wrong,” Sister Song said, seeing him bow down to her.“What was this all about anyways?” Sister Song asked Blake.“I’ll explain later, but for now, I must let you know what happened,” Blake said, leading her out of the room.While they were going down the hall to reach his room to talk, they met with Xuanlu looking for Blake.“Could you follow me to the kitchen? It’s almost time for dinner.” Xuanlu said looking at Blake licking her lips as if she could taste his cooking.“Yes, of course, lead the way,” Blake said, and they went towards the kitchen area.“Did you find your wife?” Sister Song asked as they walked. But Xuanlu stopped mid-step and turned to face Blake.“She is safe,” Blake said, not wanting to reveal anything in front of Xuanlu.“So, you found her. Was she the one getting married to the Second Prince?” Xuanlu asked as they continued to the kitchen.“No, it’s someone else marrying the prince tomorrow,” Blake commented.“I heard there was
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Chapter 585
Earlier that day, First Prince Xiang Liu comforted his sisters before they left his room, only to have the man in the dark-covered robe arrive and knelt before him.“My Lord, I’ve failed in acquiring your stones. A mysterious man and woman took the culprit away most disturbingly and unusually.”“Oh? It would seem my brother’s wedding has brought many strange characters. Tell me, what was his talent for you not to be able to complete your task?” The First Prince asked curiously. He had talked to his sisters, and they met with a strange man themselves.“A couple were there talking to him, and suddenly they vanished. I practice the arts of the shadow and can distinguish all skills that deal with speed, but this skill was different. He was there then, not. It’s a fascinating skill to have, my Lord.”“Yes, it would seem the savior to my sister is the same savior for Daniel. We need to be vigilant. He has made his presence known twice, interfering in my plans. First, the saving of my sister
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Chapter 586
“No, the family is in dire straights right now with the illness of the Patriarch of the Chai family. I’m afraid that our enemies will come and cause trouble during this time, and this was the other reason I came to Empire City was to enlist a Formations Master for this very purpose. Who would have thought I would bump into one and will be my husband.” Xuanlu stated, looking over her cup of wine, almost empty.“Xuanlu, look, I’m flattered that you would have me as your husband, but I’ll leave the Inner World after the wedding. I have many wives waiting for me, and if Claire hadn’t been taken, I would have never entered the Inner World. Do you understand? I do appreciate the thought and kindness, and I’m sure….” Blake was interrupted by the swift movement of Xuanlu lifting her veil above her nose when she kissed him.Not knowing if it was the Elderberry wine or the fact that he was adamant about leaving, she had to do something to prove her feelings were not superficial. Over the time t
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Chapter 587
The next day, Blake awoke early and washed himself. He had to explain that he would wash himself when the female servants came to prepare his bath and wash him under Xuanlu’s command—donning a white and dark grey-trimmed robe made of silk; Blake looked like a royal when he finished.Xuanlu came to retrieve Blake personally to head over to the Flowing Sword Sect, where the ceremony would occur. When she arrived, knocking on his door, he opened it, and Xuanlu could only stare with one thought. ‘Too handsome.’“I’m ready when you are,” Blake said with a smile, bringing her back from her daze.Empire City was more lively than usual; the preparations of having red lanterns along the streets hung with red streamers as the city celebrated the Second Prince’s wedding. Although the common people of the city couldn’t participate during the wedding the Second Prince and his bride will move through the streets for the people to wish them a long and happy marriage and life.Blake helped Xuanlu ent
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Chapter 588
“This was?” The Head Master asked.“An illusion that I created. I will save your daughter before the tea ceremony, and she will be by your side, but it will cost you and her.” Blake said.“Benefactor, whatever you request, and it’s within my power, I’ll do it.” The Head Master proclaimed.“We will discuss after the wedding,” Blake replied, and the area returned to the isolated hall.When they returned, most of the guests had arrived. It was unusual that the Head Master disappeared for a time, but he returned and greeted the guests with an apology of importance that had taken him away.Blake returned to Xuanlu’s side, and he smiled kindly to her, making her heart skip a beat.Hana was being tended to by Elsie and Helenor when she heard a male’s voice coming from behind her.“You look beautiful,” Blake said, not thinking, but she did look good to Blake in her wedding dress and her hair in the traditional updo with gold kanzashi ornaments in her hair.Startled, she turned around to see B
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Chapter 589
Everyone rose and clapped for the loving couple when the final ceremony was completed. No one could tell that this was all an illusion of Blake’s making, except for the Head Master of Floating Sword Sect, but he was brimming with happiness seeing his daughter by his side. She was not married to the Second Prince but was by his side. The wedding couple stood before the Emperor and the Emperess as they rose from their seat.“Now, let’s have a look at my daughter-in-law.” The Emperor stated.Everyone was curious about who the Second Prince had chosen and if it was confirmed that she was a Spirit Sprite from Legends. Who could help a man soar into Godhood in his cultivation.In front of everyone, the Second Prince undid the veil that hid his bride’s face from the beginning of the Wedding Ceremony. Everyone gasped, seeing the woman the Second Prince had chosen. The Emperor smiled greatly while the Emperess showed a bit of disdain. Everyone saw a different woman under the illusion’s influen
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