All Chapters of Delivery of Fate : Chapter 571 - Chapter 580
740 Chapters
Chapter 570
Soon, the troops escorting the Young Master Chang arrived. The Lackey left the troops and returned home thinking the Governor and his son would settle all. This would have been the last time he would be seen again. The Captain of the Guard dismissed his troops and continued to escort the Young Master to his father’s estate. The home was the largest in the town; although it was single-story, it housed many rooms with luxury surrounding a large garden in the middle of the home where they could comfortably relax. The trees here were small, along with the bushes that the staff tended to every day, and the pond held many types of fish with a wooded bridge going over. The Captain led Chang to the waiting area where his father awaited their arrival.“Why did you disobey me? When I said not to go and provoke that man and woman?” Governor Wang Yu asked with a frown.“Father, he went to wipe the dishonor that befell the family.” Just then, Mingue walked in to smooth over the situation, not know
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Chapter 571
Blake only smiled and still handed her the stone.“This is for the fabulous meal and information,” Blake explained as he got up from the table, eyeing the drunk Sister Song. One pint of ale, and she was like this, sprawled over the table with her head down. Now, he had to carry her to her horse and strap her into the saddle. He was shaking his head, lifting the wobbly, conscious girl.“Where are you taking me? Are you going to take advantage of this sister?” Sister Song replied as Blake easily carried her out of the tavern.The waitress was still holding the stone in shock over the man’s graciousness, but it wasn’t but a second that her husband quickly snatched it.The large man eyed the stone with greed in his heart. He nodded to a few men in the corner, and they left the tavern quickly. The waitress looked at her husband and had a dreaded feeling in her heart that the man who left the stone was not a person they should provoke, even if her husband had ties with the local bandit grou
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Chapter 572
“Look here, men, we have a smart one.” One of the men with a scarred eye seemed to be the leader, replied.The men only laughed and kept an eye on the couple.“It would seem that you require something; perhaps I could be of service?” Blake asked the men.“Oh, you could say that.” The scarred man said. “You could give all you have, and we will spare your lives. I hoped to do this trade a little further from the town, but given the choice, you know how it is when you are found out.”“I see your dilemma, but to risk all for a petty robbery? Are you not afraid of the guards from town finding out?” Blake asked.“Oh, the guards? There are no guards that will go against our group. Also, this is not only a robbery; we will also take the woman. As you both know, the slave trade is big business, so I’m afraid that your rescue trip will have to be delayed if you value your life.” The scarred man proclaimed.Blake sighed deeply. The boss took this as him giving up, but Blake’s following words mad
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Chapter 573
“Cough, brother, if you don’t mind.” Sister Song said although she didn’t mind being in his arms, she was being held too tightly.“Oh, sorry, do you know what just happened?” Blake asked when he let Sister Song go.“Why are you asking me? You were the one who opened a cut the world.” Sister Song replied, shocked even when she said it.“I did what?” Blake asked.Sister Song was silent, not knowing what had happened until Drake answered.“Well, you are the one that released such energy. It had to have been you.” Drake replied to Blake.“Should I try it again?” Blake asked, forming his Qi into a sword.“ARE YOU CRAZY? DO YOU WANT US TO PERISH?” Drake yelled out. “To open the void without knowledge is only looking for death!”Blake looked at the flustered woman and placed his hand behind his head.“I know, it’s just so fascinating that this was achieved, even if it was a mistake,” Blake told Drake.Blake informed Sister Song what he had done, and she became pale in fright, knowing what ha
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Chapter 574
“It would seem that your daughter has taken a liking to her maid. It is a shame that there is nothing she can do; it has already been decided since my younger brother has taken a fancy to her and, from here on out, will become the Second Prince’s betrothed. I take it that her position in the Flowing Sword Sct will reflect her status as my brother’s woman.” The First Prince stated, taking a sip of his drink; all the while, his brother stood there, not saying anything.“Yes, my Lord, she will be tended to and given servants to look after her.” The head Master stated with a great smile. “Then it’s settled Prince Xiang Ma will be staying here to also look after his future wife and get better aqainted. Maybe he can break out of his shell with a stronger approach.” The First Prince said, looking at his brother, who still gave an indifferent look.“Apologies, but do I not have a say in this?” A voice rang out coming from behind Hana, it was Camila.“What does a mere servant have to say? Yo
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Chapter 575
Blake went into his tent and settled down. He decided to check on the Small World utilizing his soul. When he arrived, he was met with a similar scene. Gerald was still picking herbs from the garden when Blake reappeared. It should have been a few years here in the Small World since he had last visited.“Elder, still picking, I see,” Blake commented.“Blake? Why have you returned suddenly? Did you forget anything?” Gerald asked, seeing Blake return as soon as he had left.“Uhm, hasn’t it been a couple of years already?” Blake asked.“You only left a moment ago. What’s wrong?” Gerald asked, placing his herbs down.“It’s been a few days since I visited, and I thought a few years and months would have passed already. But it’s only been a few moments since I first left?” Blake asked, confused over the time situation.“Yes, that is correct,” Gerald replied, looking at the confused Blake.“Elder, what do you know about time?” Blake suddenly asked.“Time? Not much. Why?” Gerald asked.“I bel
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Chapter 576
A few days passed, and Blake immersed himself in the arrays and formations to better understand his powers. He could infuse a formation with time, and the item within the formation would rapidly age; another would make it rapidly turn younger until it would disappear into nothingness. Blake was satisfied with these results and tried to create a space formation that could teleport him a few feet from his original position. Sister Song watched him as he would easily pop from one place to the next.“What do you think?” Blake asked one day when he popped beside Sister Song, who was polishing her Spirit Sword.“I think you are trying to give me a heart attack with you popping so close.” Sister Song replied as she was startled by him.“Sorry, but I think I can shorten our trip by a day or two,” Blake said confidently.“How?” Sister Song asked.Blake then explained that he could create a teleportation formation that didn’t need a second formation for the link. All he had to do was visualize
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Chapter 577
Blake awoke with a start, not knowing why he had a bad feeling in his heart. Shaking the feeling away, he rose before dawn today and stroked the embers to cause the fire to erupt again so he could prepare breakfast. They were close to Empire City; with Blake’s teleporting, they shaved a few days from their trip, and Blake was anxious about locating Claire. Preparing the meal, the intense aromas entered Sister Song’s tent, waking her from her slumber; during their time together, Sister Song had been cultivating, and last night, she broke through into Martial Master early stage with Blake’s help as they held hands dual-cultivating. She had also begun to utilize her swordsmanship better with the help of her Spirit Sword.When she exited the tent, she witnessed Blake over the fire preparing their meal and sighed inwardly, knowing they were close to finding his wife, and he would eventually leave to return home.“Come before it gets cold,” Blake said, hearing her exit the tent. Sister Son
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Chapter 578
At this accusation, Sister Song stood up, ready with her sword. What was this nonsense? How could she blatantly announce that Brother Blake was to be her husband?‘A simple meal just became complicated.’ Blake thought, preparing another dish for Xuanlu.“Cough, sorry to disappoint, but I already have a wife,” Blake said as he handed her another plate and motioned Sister Song to calm down.“Of course you do. I would not expect anything less of the exceptional man I choose.” Xuanlu said and ate with the same ravenous appetite.“No offense, but we just met, and I don’t know you.” Blake continued to turn her down.“But yet you are kind enough to feed a stranger and bested me with your cooking skills. So whoever beats me is bound to become my husband and the heir of the Chai family of the Southern Provenance. BURP!” Xuanlu said as she placed her small hand over her mouth as the burp escaped. “Pardon.”Blake could only laugh over this situation and shake his head in disbelief.“Okay, how ab
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Blake was stunned as the woman on top of him was still crying, not caring that the people around them were observing this scene unfolding before them. Blake patted the woman that was on him and tried to soothe her to get off of him.“Mam, please, if you will, can we get up so we can properly introduce ourselves?” Blake said, still patting her shoulder to get her to realize their situation. But before they could rise, a cry came from the crowd.“Unhand her, you beast.” Another woman called out, rushing to their side.Blake looked up at the woman who was fuming over them. She had long black hair fair complexion, and green eyes. She quickly took the woman off of Blake, and he looked better at the clinging woman. She was the spitting image of the upset woman, only her bosom was a bit smaller.“I’m sorry, but I’m innocent; as you can see, she was the one holding onto me,” Blake explained as he dusted himself off the road’s dust. “There are witnesses to justify my actions.”“Sister, he was
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