All Chapters of Delivery of Fate : Chapter 561 - Chapter 570
742 Chapters
Chapter 560
Blake continued in the direction of the town and decided to try his Quick steps and found that although taxing on him, it could be achieved for a short burst if needed to escape suddenly. He also tried his Shadow Sword, which became more accessible, and now he felt well protected when the sword manifested in his hand. Looking around, he gave it a small wave, and the tree before him was cut in half lengthwise; Blake rushed onto the town like a child who did wrong.“Oh, you’re awake; it’s been a few days. How do you feel?” Hana asked the woman in the bed before her.“I’m sorry, who are you?” The blond woman asked, realizing she didn’t even know her own name.“Do you not know who you are? What’s your name?” Hana asked with worry.“I____I don’t know. It’s all a blank.” The woman stated, shaking her head as if it could jog her memory back.“You are Camila. You are one of the staff here in the Flowing Sword Sect, a slave, and if it weren’t for me, you would have been at the bottom of the cl
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Chapter 561
Chang fanned himself and smiled. “There is a shortage of beast meat and can’t spare it. It’s hard to provide for the whole town, but if you become my wife, there would be many benefits, including the delicacies from eating beast meat every day.”Chang then tried to get closer to Sister Song and hold her hand. Seeing his shameless actions, Sister Song moved away from his actions with a frown, swiping his hand away from her.“How despicable! Are you seeking me as your fifth wife? Keep dreaming, it’s bad enough you conned my best friend, and now you want me as well? Never!” Sister Song called out.“Then I suggest you learn to live without meat altogether. You will not have any more of the rationed meat from this town unless you submit to me.” Chang said, still fanning himself with a smile; the poor relied on this meat to survive.“Are you going to bully me? The town of Jiāoqū owes that meat for my parent’s efforts. Why use your father’s power of being Governor to bully the weak? This is
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Chapter 562
Blake stood there motionless, looking at the six men advancing towards him. Channeling his Divine Qi into a condensed state, he created a barrier around him, and Siter Song and his Qi sword manifested in his hand.Shock was seen on everyone’s faces as Blake’s Divine Qi manifested outside the body.“He’s in the Divine Realm retreat with the Young Lord and Miss. Report to the Governor the situation.” A man with excellent build and armor said as he walked to Blake and Sister Song, but this time with no malicious intent, so Blake lowered his Qi barrier but kept his sword vigilant to the guards’ actions.“Apologies, please don’t take offense to this lowly servant.” The man said, giving Blake a slight bow.Blake ignored him and looked to Sister Song and spoke.“Are you alright?” Blake softly asked with a caring smile so only they could hear.“You, you are in the Devine Realm?” Sister Song asked softly, shocked to see that Blake was so powerful and wondered how he got so injured.“Yeah, well
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Chapter 563
Chang rose from his position and motioned for two guards to take his wife away as he still looked in the direction where Blake and Sister Song departed and called one of his men to him and whispered.Blake and Sister Song left the town and walked in silence. Blake was afraid that Sister Song feared him, so he casually tried to make small talk.“Sister, can you tell me about this area? Seeing I’m new here, it would be great to get the lay of the land.” Blake began.“Hugh? Oh, yeah. We are in the western part of the Empire. It’s primarily rural areas with a few towns or villages in between. Every year, a Beast tide will threaten the towns and villages.Blake let Sister Song explain that there were four areas of the Empire, North, South, East and West, with a vast ocean to the east of the Empire, where no one has ventured. The North holds the capital city, Empire City. There were four main Sects that everyone wanted to attend and four leading families throughout the Empire that had juris
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Chapter 564
Blake continued with this method until he was at the boundary of breaking the last barrier, but it was still not enough right now and quit his cultivation. He could feel the barrier but just couldn’t break it; he was at a bottleneck, and continuing would only hurt his cultivation. Rising from his spot, he reentered the home only to find Sister Song panting like she had run a marathon; with a surprised expression, she asked.“What the hell was that? What were you doing outside?”Blake, confused told her what he had been doing.“I was cultivating? Why and why are you like this?”“How else could I be if not like this? I rose in my cultivation and am now in Martial Apprentice’s fifth level. If you wouldn’t have stopped it would have continued and maybe break through to ninth. I’m not ready, and neither is my body. I need to continue strengthening my foundation.” Sister Song explained as she sat on one of the chairs by the table, breathing hard.“Sorry. I didn’t know that my cultivation wo
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Chapter 565
Sister Song sat there for a few moments as Blake replenished his Divine Qi that he had relinquished to her; as she said, they needed an external source for the Divine Qi to enter them and make progress. Blake also discovered why he and his women differed from Sister Song and, most likely, the people of the Inner World. They all had golden cores that would transform the Spirit Qi into Devine Qi. Sister Song lacked this essential element in her cultivation. If Sister Song wanted an unlimited Divine Qi, she would have to form her golden core but to do so now. She would have to scrap her current cultivation and begin anew, which didn’t guarantee success. So Blake didn’t bring it up.Seeing it was getting late, They rose from their position and entered the home. It was time for dinner, and Sister Song was too pleased to provide it for them. Blake, also under protest, helped prepare the food; they were to celebrate with a Beast meat stew with herbs from Blake to strengthen Sister Song’s fou
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Chapter 566
Blake stood there looking at the two men in the dim light with fright. Knowing the type Chang was, Blake knew he wouldn’t let what happened in the town go without trying to find some way to cause trouble for Sister Song and himself, and when he spread out his Divine Senses, he felt them approaching and using his Quick Steps silently arrived behind their hiding spot. Releasing his sword, the Lackey shouted out to Chang. “ Go get the girl. I’ll hold him off.” Chang awakened from his fright, ran to the cottage, entered through the door, and disappeared, leaving his Lackey behind to defend against Blake. “My, my. We have a brave one here, or are you this stupid that you could best me?” Blake asked, smiling at the Lackey, wondering where he got the courage as he watched Chang enter the cottage. “I’m not afraid of you.” The Lackey said, trying to convince himself more than stating it to Blake. “Oh, I’m sure. You are a brave one indeed.” Blake teased the Lackey, but Blake didn’t move fro
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Chapter 567
Blake observed Sister Song and admired her stance in her positioning, and there were not too many flaws that could be exploited. When his attention turned to Chang, he saw he was leaving too many openings. For a Governor’s son, he had expected Chang to have been taught at least the basics of fighting, but he was disappointed.‘Well, at least this will be a quick challenge for Sister Song to win.’ Blake thought with a knowing smile.Chang was the first to attack, and it was a wild fist towards Sister Song. She quickly dodged, and he landed on empty air. He continued to use this technique as they continued, and he knew he was getting tired by swinging and hitting nothing as Sister Song continued to dodge his attacks. He needed to change his strategy, or he would exhaust himself.“Is dodging the only thing you can do?” Chang asked to provoke Sister Song.Sister Song didn’t reply, dodged Chang’s latest punch, and called out.“Spirit Palm.” Landing her palm onto Chang’s chest, sending him
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Chapter 568
Blake, seeing the pain and anguish from Sister Song, caused his anger to erupt at the two men who were still on the ground. Releasing them, they stood up, dusting themselves off with fright at what Blake would do.“Look, this was all this idiot’s plan. I had nothing to do with it.” Chang began to make excuses in fear for his life.“You were the one who told him,” Blake said calmly, making Chang feel more threatened than he had been before.At this moment, the roof of the home collapsed, causing a crashing noise, and Blake’s hearing picked up on the sound from the bushed, the neigh of horses, being spooked by the loud noise the home had given off. These must have been the horses Chang and his Lackey rode to Sister Song’s home.“Sister Song, I want to apologize. I never wanted to cause you pain. My feelings for you have always been sincere. It’s all this idiot’s fault.” Chang said, trying to sound distraught over losing the home.“Who is your Sister? I don’t ever want to see you again.”
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Chapter 569
Along the path, Chang and his Lackey came across the Captain of the Guard and a dozen of his men marching in their direction, rushing to meet the troops; the two men stopped before the Captain of the Guard as he explained his intentions.“Young Master, the governor has instructed me to escort you back to the estate so you will not offend the Divine Lord.” The Captain of the Guard said, but seeing them without their horses, he had already concluded it was too late.“Captain, you will continue to Sister Song’s home and arrest that cultivator and Sister Song for stealing my horses and sword,” Chang said angrily.This news was startling to most of the men. They knew of Sister Song’s character and couldn’t believe she would steal from someone. That cultivator’s influence must have made her do it.“Apologies, but my orders are to take you straight to the Governor. Your safety takes priority.” The Captain of the Guard said the men surrounded the two men and were led back to town. He didn’t w
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