Semua Bab Delivery of Fate : Bab 541 - Bab 550
745 Bab
Chapter 540
“Blake, I was coerced into doing it that time, but I have no reason to harm you now.” Olivia tried to plead her case.“ENOUGH, It’s always been with the lies with you. I heard the curse I placed upon you, and there is another way to remove it.” Blake said, startling Olivia.“Another way? How?” Olivia asked.“To release you, of course,” Blake said, and a Qi sword formed into his hand and penetrated her heart.Olivia looked into Blake’s eyes with astonishment over his actions. Blake then spoke into her ear.“Only with my own hands could you be killed,” Blake said, looking at her.Olivia then smiled as her body began to turn into ash before Blake. All those years took their toll on her body, returning her to ash. Blake sighed profoundly, looking at the area where Olivia once was, and shook his head. Why would he continue having a viper by his side?Blake returned to the town in the Small World from the fiery caverns. This was where he had brought Olivia, the Small World; he intended to i
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Chapter 541
While Robert was calling on the elites, Blake was deep into his meditative state in his mind palace, looking over the glowing stones for anything containing arrays and formations that could help his quest to the Inner World. The knowledge here was massive, and it took him a while to sort it all out before he came upon a stone with the information he sought. Placing his aura around it, the stone turned into five books, each more advanced than the last, from intermediate to highly advanced. His attention became more profound when he noticed where these books came from. High Heaven Sect was written on the inlay of the cover, and it seemed familiar to him as he went through the basic book first to familiarize himself with formations and arrays.Blake pondered over the basic arrays and formations within the book until he memorized all the contents. Removing himself from his meditation, he exited the home and began to practice setting up a primary Qi gathering array. It only needed a few it
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Chapter 542
“What’s your two names?” Tabitha asked the two maids to fold their clothing and place it into their proper drawers.“Madam, I’m called Lacey Gayle.” Replied the maid assigned to Tabitha.“Madam, I’m called Keryn Heart.” Replied the maid assigned to Tabby.They continued with their work diligently, never stopping as they were taught. This was the best job they had ever received. Not only were they getting three times the amount other maids were getting, but the benefits were to dream of. Complete life and medical insurance with vacations, room and board, all for caring of the women around them.The morning passed quickly with light conversations between them, and they left the room in good spirits. This was an excellent time to meet with Susan to discuss the campaign that Blake wanted for them. No rest for the weary, they say.When Tabitha and Tabby entered the lower office, Susan was busy on the computer going over some of the presentations for the campaign Tabitha was going to spearh
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Chapter 543
Blake gathered all of his things along with Claire’s belongings and headed out of the home, only to find that his Grandfather and Jenkins had already departed; not thinking anything of it, he gathered a car and headed to his estate. Passing through the checkpoints, he arrived to find the staff was already positioned to await his arrival.Blake looked at the three women, ignoring the staff lining up for his arrival. He quickly went to Tabitha and Tabby with a guilty look.“Sir, the staff….” Susan began.“Have them wait. I need to speak with Tabby and Tabitha,” Blake said, leading them to the living room for conversation.Blake sat on the couch with his head in his hands and was silent for a while, then rose adamantly now that his thoughts were in order.“I’m sorry, but Claire has been taken away, and I couldn’t stop it from happening, but I’m rest assured I will get her back by all means.” Blake began.“We know,” Tabitha said and hugged Blake, seeing the guilt on his face.“You both kn
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Chapter 544
“Is that even necessary? They have a purpose and have been excellently protecting the world’s ordinary people for millennia. They made one mistake, and now you want to destroy them? I’m not convinced.” A man in a turban said with an Arabic accent.“Even if we do eliminate them, who will take their place? They have very powerful, no. Strong cultivators within the group. We are only financially inclined to put pressure on them.” A British man said.“What are we to do if they retaliate against us? We don’t have many who could fight against them.” An Asian woman said as she fluttered her fan over her face.The rest of the board members only supported the rest of the families not to stir up the hornet’s nest that was the Organization. Robert sat back and listened to their protests, and he squinted his eyes at their cowardness. The Organization in Robert’s mind had crossed the line that should have never been crossed, and he was on the warpath with them.“They killed my Heir of the family,”
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Chapter 545 - Mature
“No, no, It’s just all too funny. I’ve been neglecting my duties and forgetting my responsibilities toward my girls. Thank you, Huo, for slapping some sense into me, so to speak.” Blake said, rising from the ground, walking to her, and kissing her passionately.Huo didn’t know what to make of this and melted into his arms as their tongues danced in their mouths. Ling looked on in astonishment as their passion ignited before her, wanted a part of it, and approached them. Blake, sensing Ling getting closer, released Huo from his arms and attacked Ling with the same amount of passion he gave her sister.If anyone were to witness this scene, they would blush as a nude man was giving kisses to two beautiful women. Blake let the two go and began walking to his home, still without clothing, humming a tune, unaware that he was naked and not afraid. The sisters looked at each other and rushed to his side, draping a Qi covering over his body. It was then that Blake remembered his situation and
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Chapter 546 - Mature
Ling, exhausted, lay on the bed next to Blake, with Huo looking at her confused.“Why all the extra movements? Did it make it more proficient?” Huo asked, puzzled.“It made for it to be more enjoyable not only for myself but Blake as well,” Ling said, still a bit out of breath.“How do you know this?” Huo asked.“Mother Sylvia showed me a video, and this is what the lady in the video did. I asked if this would help, and Mother Sylvia agreed.” Ling explained, making Blake facepalm, knowing his cousin too well.“I feel it uses too much energy that we could use during the labor,” Huo said, remembering that she had declined Mother Sylvia’s offer to watch the video, thinking it was useless.“Suit yourself, but if you move your hips to match his and move vigorously instead of just laying there, the pleasure is intense,” Ling said with a content smile.Huo pondered this and looked at Blake, still not knowing what to say being silent.“Is what she says true? It could be better if I interact w
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Chapter 547
Blake appeared back before them, and in his hands were exotic fruits. He had popped over to South America and picked these for the meal ahead. He handed them to the cooks, and their eyes widened; these were so exotic that they could not be bought, and only by hand-picking them would they be so fresh, convincing them of Blake’s powers.“I’m only showing you this because you may inadvertently see or hear strange goings on, and I do not want to alarm you if you see me or some of the family arrive or depart abruptly. There may also come a time when powerful people meet with me or my family, so I want you all to be mentally prepared. If any of you feel this is too much to handle, then meet me, and we will discuss the situation.” Blake said and smiled at everyone. “Not, Susan. Can you introduce the staff?”Susan came forward and introduced the butler first.“This is Mr. Clarence Holloway. He will be your head butler.” Susan said.“It’s an honor and privilege to serve, sir,” Clarence said wi
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Chapter 548
Blake looked at the children and then explained their cultivation of the laws, with them showing their powers to their nanny, Danielle.Danielle was amazed by the children’s comprehension of their powers and had many questions she put to Blake, the children, Elise, and the twin. She became closer to them, and Blake left them to their selves as he made his way out of the office.When he returned to the living room, Sylvia was watching a television program. When she saw Blake entering, she quickly turned off the program, grabbed Blake by his wrist, not saying anything, and led him to the backyard.The scene was calm and serine, with the lake reflecting the moonlight and the mountain in the background, making it picturesque. Before Blake could say anything, Sylvia placed her lips on Blake’s and kissed him deeply. When she removed herself from his arms, she walked away with her head lowered as if she had done something wrong.“What’s the matter?” Blake asked with concern.“You need to pro
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Chapter 549
Blake and Ling went to a home in the town and commenced their lovemaking. The sounds of passion resonated throughout, and when they were done, they left and waited for Sylvia’s arrival.A half-hour later, the formation glowed with a powerful light, and Sylvia appeared before them.“I entered as soon as I arrived. How long did it take?” Sylvia asked curiously.“Two and a half hours,” Blake replied, and Ling blushed.“Do you want to give it a try?” Sylvia asked, looking at Blake. She was like a kid with a new toy.“I suggest a cooldown period on the other side; it’s not as abundant in Spirit Qi as here,” Ling said, looking sternly at Sylvia.“Let’s go take a look,” Blake said, and the environment changed again to the cement room.Looking at the Spirit Crystals, they had lost their luster from being drained by Sylvia’s usage.“By the looks of things, a day of constant charging will be significant for the formation to be fully powered again,” Ling advised.Blake nodded, and they returned
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