All Chapters of Delivery of Fate : Chapter 741 - Chapter 745
745 Chapters
Chapter 740
Blake looked shocked. It was true he didn’t know his last name, and even if he had back then, he wouldn’t have known his actual backing. He was weak back then and didn’t have the inheritance or a cultivating body to see through Mr. Wilson.“Then should I address you as Mr. Hemingway or Mr. Wilson? What of the Wilson family? Are you going to reunite with them?” Blake wondered as he looked at the three Heminways.“You can still call me Wilson, I’ve had many names in the past, but I took to this one. Even if that woman belittled me, she was still kind to me as well, so, no I will not bring harm to the Wilson family. I also want to thank you for curing my brother and not destroying him.” Mr. Wilson said with a smile.“Brother, who is he?” Reginald asked curiously since Fredrik was not taking action against Blake. Being incapacitated, a lot had taken place that he was not aware of.“He is the heir of the Elon family in the Capital. He has been in the news lately for being an advocate for a
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Chapter 741
Blake’s clone finished his performance and would have Joselin find a place for his business here in the city. Gary looked in aw and Xuanlu with an indifferent look as Blake approached the two, watching him lay out the Formations. With a smile, Blake acknowledged Gary with a pat on his shoulder that felt like a ton was released, showing Blake’s strength.“I_I underestimated you, and for that, I apologize,” Gary said with a serious tone since he first met with Blake and Xuanlu during his challenge.“Think nothing of it. You didn’t offend me in the least, and a friend of Xuanlu is a brother to me.” Blake said.“If you will excuse me, I will be taking my leave then; Xuanlu is in good hands.” Gary bowed to the two and turned, and made his departure.Blake looked at the strong back of this man and had an excellent impression of him. He was not conceded nor overbearing.“I like him,” Blake said, looking at Xuanlu.“Yes, he’s a good man. Very few nowadays.” Xuanlu said, remembering their chil
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Chapter 742
“I’ll go and fetch the water,” Chen said and left with a wooden pail heading to the well in despair.When he was returning, he witnessed a great scene. There was another woman with black hair flowing like a waterfall with a slim figure and ample bosom. One would describe her as beautiful for her fair complexion, an older version of the Young Mistress, and she was pointing at Su Yuhan in a very dominant motion. This was Su Yuhan’s Mother, Mistress Su Yahun; seeing her, Chen felt a bit relieved that he would not be blamed for the Young Mistress getting dirty again.“And you, Chen, don’t you know your place? Why were you going to allow Yuneer to help you in your duties?”Chen could only lower his head. He was stuck in a rock and a hard place when facing Su Yahun and Su Yuhan. What was he supposed to do? If he didn’t let her help, he would be dismissed. If he let her help he would be dismissed. Chen could only stand there with his head lowered, holding onto the bucket of water. All he wan
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Chapter 743
“What do you mean, Sir?” Mistress Su Yahun asked, not familiar with this man besides Xuanlu.“Blake, that rude small boy belongs to the Su family?” Xuanlu asked.Seeing Blake nod, Mistress Su Yahun had a premonition that Chen had caused a disturbance today with the Chai Mistress. Young Mistress Su Yuhan only frowned, thinking of the young boy causing problems. It was not in his nature.“Please, let’s enter and get to know one another. Standing in the entrance is rude for our guests.” Blake said and motioned for them all to enter the residence. The two ladies were led to the guest parlor where Xuanlu sat at the head and Blake beside her. The two ladies sat to the side, and tea was served to them.“If my servant was uncordial towards you, please don’t take offense. I will discipline him when I return.” Su Yahun said, taking the cup of tea offered.“No offense, he was only in haste to retrieve the black horse is all. It’s in the past.” Blake said, waving his hand as if to forget it befo
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Chapter 744
Huang was surprised by the turn of events. If it had been anyone else, they would have taken the opportunity and accepted Blake’s request and became his disciple in a heartbeat’s time.“Why?” Huang asked.Blake was silent to hear Ye Chen’s answer.“You mentioned the Chai family. Are you not a part of the Chai family to have mentioned them? You were with the young Mistress of the Chai family, were you not?” Ye Chen asked, not giving an answer.“Strictly speaking, I am not,” Blake replied, showing no expression. “I was accompanying Cahi Xuanlu today, for she is to be my wife, but I’m not a part of the Chai family, as you said.”“It’s all the same. When you marry her, you will become the Patriarch of the family and rule the family in her sted. If it wasn’t for the Chai family my Mother would not be in the place she is in now.” Ye Chen said, not showing a bit of expression.“I see, so it was the Chai family that caused you and your Mother harm,” Blake said, looking at the youth’s bravery
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