All Chapters of The Best Actor's Courtship: Miss Scriptwriter, Please Love Me!: Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
332 Chapters
Chapter 131 Do You Know How to Fire?
The woman's voice came from the other end of the mobile phone and Yun Muxi could hear the cry of Niannian, calling her Mum. The woman said, "If you don't want anything happens to your little girl, come here by yourself. Don't tell anyone, especially the police. Otherwise, you cannot afford the consequences." The woman hung up the phone without any hesitation. Yun Muxi just realized what had happened, as if she had just woken up from a nightmare. Yun Muxi quickly got out of bed. Grabbing a very light outfit, picking up her cell phone and a backpack, she rushed out of the room. As she was approaching the door, she suddenly turned back and went to the kitchen, rummaging for something. … An hour later. Yun Muxi finally arrived at Eastern Suburb Farm by taxi. She stepped out of the car, picked up her cell phone and glanced at the terrain of the farm. Then she looked around, targeting at a spot shown on th
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Chapter 132 Doomed
However, Yun Muxi pulled the trigger faster than the man did. After an astonishing shot, a bullet burst out of the gun and rushed forward, straight into the man's arm. The man was attacked by the sharp pain and tilted to one side. The bullet from his gun hit the ground directly, and the gun fell to the ground. Jia Tianxin, who was not far from him, had evoked an evil smile. However, her smile also instantly froze on her face, with a strange expression which was twisted and ferocious. Lian Can looked at Yun Muxi in horror. She had never thought that Yun Muxi would shoot, nor had she expected that Yun Muxi was better at shooting than the man who was proficient with guns. Yun Muxi was faster, more accurate and more relentless. As a participant, the man was even more shocked. The little woman in front of him was indeed not to be underestimated. He had looked down upon her. But the sharp pain in his arm made him clearly aware that t
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Chapter 133 Concern
Yun Muxi panicked in an instant. She did not know anything about this so-called PTSD, but she had heard of autism. It was hard for her to imagine that such a lively and cheerful child like Niannian would be associated with psychological diseases. She did not want to see Niannian suffered from either PTSD or autism because she knew that the psychological damages on children at a young age could easily affect their future life or characters. "What should I do now?" "In fact, I am not sure about the specific situation now. After all, I am not a professional psychologist. I just had learned something about it when I was a student. According to my previous understanding, there is a possibility of autism. I have a classmate who is an expert in this field. I can contact her and ask her to take an examination for Niannian. However, she is often abroad and I don't know if she will be at home at this time." "Good! Dr. Cui, please contact her as soon a
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Chapter 134 Let's Get Our Marriage Certificate
Yun Muxi's face instantly became stiff. She dashed towards the bedroom with the others following closely behind her. Niannian was sitting on the big bed with sweat pouring down her forehead. Her small body was shivering and her face was terribly pale. Her big empty eyes stared in front aimlessly. Yun Muxi stepped forward and held her small body in her arms. She caressed her back gently with one hand and whispered softly in her ear, "Niannian sweetheart, don't worry, Mommy's here. You don't have to worry about anything!" Murong Xu came forward and carefully analyzed Niannian's reaction, every small action and gaze. After some time, Niannian became more stable. She stopped shivering and her cheeks gradually turned back into the original pinkish color. Murong Xu patted Yun Muxi gently. "Why not you guys head out first? I'll take a look." Yun Muxi nodded and said to Niannian in a soft and gentle voice, "
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Chapter 135 Why Not We Get Registered Too
Gong Yu spoke of it so calmly, as if it was as easy as taking a walk downstairs. But getting married was a big thing, how could he say it so calmly? Besides, it was not an interrogative sentence, but a declarative one! Yun Muxi exclaimed in a loud voice, "What? Are you crazy?" Gong Yu had gone completely bonkers today. Forget about becoming spokesmen and taking family pictures, he was now talking about getting married? Gong Yu had expected her to react like this. He completely ignored her shocked expression. "You've seen just now, they want us to be spokesmen. If we're not a wedded couple and still go to take the photos, wouldn't that make us a laughing stock?" At this moment, Yun Muxi was so angry there was steam coming out of her head. This man was so evil! Yun Muxi nodded. "I finally understand why you agreed so decisively. So this is your intention! Are you plotting against me?" Gong Yu pulled her over and sat
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Chapter 136 Is It Wrong to Exchange Her Life for Theirs?
Murong Xu placed his lips on her ear and breathed onto her ear lobe, sending a numbing sensation all over her body. Gu Yuxuan's cheeks flushed red immediately. She dodged him shyly and turned to sit on the sofa. Murong Xu stepped forward. He stuck one hand in his pocket and supported himself against the sofa with another. He stared intensely into her gaze. Gu Yuxuan's heart was beating so quickly. Her cheeks grew redder. He lowered his head and gained captive of her lips. The hand that supported him found its way to the back of her head. The other hand wrapped itself around her fingers. He kissed her affectionately. The kiss was not long. He left her lips and brought her hand to his lips and nibbled on it. Gu Yuxuan looked towards him and was shocked to see a glittering diamond ring on her middle finger. The diamond was in the shape of a simple crown. There was a pink diamond in the mid
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Chapter 137 I Will Not Give You a Chance to Regret
"But Mr. Murong, your daughter and granddaughter are fine now, aren't they?" "Fine? You mean, should I wait for them to die and come to your family to order you to pay for their lives?" "Of course not, Mr. Murong. Would the Murong Family please be mercy? As long as you release Can'er this time, I, Lian Feng, will undoubtedly assist the Murong Family with all strength." "When the Murong Family was famous, no one even knew about the Lian Family. Do you think our Murong Family cares about your Lian Family?" "The Lian Family has always done nothing against the Murong Family, and on several occasions has helped the Murong Family." "Ha-ha, Lian Feng, aren't you trying to please the Murong Family and get more benefits?" "Mr. Murong, is the Murong Family sure not to let my daughter go this time?" "Lian Feng, do you think you would let go of someone who's going to hurt your daughter if this matt
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Chapter 138 Ridiculous
Gong Yu hugged so tightly that Yun Muxi could even feel his heartbeat. Gong Yu's delicious light herbs smell came into her nose, and Yun Muxi loved the taste. She loved this smell from the first time she saw him. Over the years, the smell seemed to have penetrated the bone marrow. She sniffed greedily. Gong Yu finally loosened Yun Muxi, put his hands around Yun Muxi's shoulders, and gazed at Yun Muxi with his eyes, "Xiao Xi, I will give you happiness and a warm home for you and your babies. Maybe I can't let you enjoy the life of the rich as I did before, but I will still try my best to give you the best life." Yun Muxi looked at Gong Yu's shining eyes. There was only her in his eyes, and the reflection of her was very clear as if to tell her that he only had her in his eyes. Gong Yu laid down with Yun Muxi, tucked her quilt in, and lowered his head to print a kiss on her forehead. He got up and went to the other side of the bed, lifted the
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Chapter 139 A Reason To Hurt Others
The old lady's face was instantly plastered with guilt. She struggled as she supported her grandson to stand up. Thereafter, she explained to Gong Yu, "Sir, you might not know but Xiao Qi wasn't like this in the past. His parents have divorced because his father had a mistress. That vamp was prettier than his mother, so ever since then, he started hating all beautiful woman. As long as he sees one, he will think of ways to cause trouble for them. I brought him to a psychologist, but he wouldn't cooperate. So actually, he's a poor thing. He got separated from his mother at such a young age and his father only cares about the vamp. Other than giving Xiao Qi money, he doesn't care about him at all." "But this shouldn't be a reason for him to hurt others! Besides, my wife is now pregnant, what if something goes wrong?" The old lady looked at Yun Muxi and the guilt in her eyes became heavier. "I'm so sorry! Let Xiao Qi and I apologize and make it up to you. I'
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Chapter 140 Follow You Without A Proper Name?
The knife cut across Yun Muxi's slender finger and blood oozed out instantly. She felt a heart-wrenching pain. Upon hearing her cry, Gong Yu and Murong Qingtian rushed into the kitchen. Seeing her bleeding finger, Gong Yu's heart dropped and he quickly held her hand and placed the bleeding finger into his mouth. He gave her an intense stare. Murong Qingtian walked towards her and asked with a worried look, "How is it? Is it serious? Why were you so careless? " Yun Muxi shook her head gently. Her gaze caught the small head that stretched into the kitchen door. Yun Muxi's heart dropped. She could not care about her pain anymore. She pulled her hand away and ran towards the door. Yun Muxi ran towards the door and knelt down to look at Niannian. She spoke gently. "Sweetheart, were you worried about Mommy?" Niannian nodded and held Yun Muxi's hand. She started analyzing her hand and blood gushed out again. Niannian fro
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