All Chapters of The Best Actor's Courtship: Miss Scriptwriter, Please Love Me!: Chapter 151 - Chapter 160
332 Chapters
Chapter 151 This Is Really Karma!
In the office on the top level of a building. Second stood in front of Murong Ye's office table and asked respectfully, "Big Master, the two women are still held captive in the dungeon. What's our next step?" Murong Ye did not even look up. He continued to read and sign the documents in his hand. "Find an opportunity to bring Lian Can back to the Lian Family. She has already suffered enough this time around. We have given her enough punishment. Let her go first, think of it as a favor to the Lian Family." "What about the other woman?" "Just do it." "But Big Master, now isn't quite the time to do so." "Oh? What do you mean?" "That woman... she... is pregnant." "What? How could that be? Isn't she together with Lian Can?" Murong Ye finally looked up from the documents. His gaze was icy-cold and blood-thirsty. "Yes, but we found out that she's nearl
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Chapter 152 Dad, I'm Back.
Uncle Fu stopped walking and turned to look at her, "Miss, do you have any requests?" "Uncle Fu, thank you!" Uncle Fu was taken aback. Although Lian Can was not a bad person, she had never said a single "Thank you" to him ever since young. This sudden word of gratitude warmed his heart. Young Miss had grown up! Uncle Fu did not know what to reply. He only looked at her with sparkles in his eyes. Lian Can continued, "Uncle Fu, I'm moving back temporarily. I'll have to continue troubling you in the future." Uncle Fu was shocked again. Lian Can had not returned for many years and now she said that she's moving back. Uncle Fu immediately became excited and his grin stretched from ear to ear. "Good, good, it's good that you're back! It's no trouble at all! I am willing to serve Young Miss." "Uncle Fu, you can go do your work." "Yes, yes!" Uncle Fu left her room wi
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Chapter 153 Who Are You Sulking At?
The two days straight of filming was very taxing on Murong Yunxi and Niannian. Although Murong Yunxi's pregnancy was still not obvious and other than sleeping much more she had not had any reactions, the hot weather, coupled with the drain on her physical energy, was making it unbearable for her. As for Niannian, she had just recovered from a big illness, she also found it hard to digest these two days' work load. When they were finally done with the two days' work, Gong Yu's expression was as cold as a remote air conditioner. The moment they took their last set of photos, Gong Yu immediately carried Niannian with one hand and tugged Murong Yunxi with another and headed to the hotel. Behind them, the confused photographer called out, "Hey, Gong Yu, where are you guys going?" "Back to the hotel!" Gong Yu did not turn back and kept on walking, leaving the photographers shouting after them. "Talk to my manager if you
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Chapter 154 Must Do Something Today!
Murong Yunxi suddenly stunned. Gong Yu's move was just too impulsive. Once this being exposed to the Internet, the power of public opinion would result in something terrible. Murong Yunxi grabbed Gong Yu swiftly. Since her action was too fierce, Gong Yu's shirt slipped down and when Murong Yunxi's head appeared, everyone's attention was attracted by Murong Yunxi. It was no doubt that Murong Yunxi was very beautiful. So many people were impressed by her appearance, looking at Murong Yunxi with a look of envy on their face. Naturally, there were people who envied of Murong Yunxi and consequently hated her. A woman, full of jealousy, said, "Such a woman? She doesn't look that good! She is not good enough for our prince." "Yeah, you see, she dressed ordinarily, which means she could not be a rich woman. I suppose she must have climbed onto Gong Yu's bed and used her pregnancy to threat Gong Yu to marry her." "But I think this woman, frankly, loo
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Chapter 155 With Gong Yu at Her Back
In the next few days, Murong Ye seemed to be very busy. Still, every day he would make time to go back to the old house. Murong Yunxi, Niannian and Gong Yu had been staying in the old house for a few days and Gong Yu was with Niannian and played with her every day. Murong Yunxi now became the one was truly relaxed. Indeed, she led a piggy-like life— all she had to do were to sleep and eat, or to take some time to daydream. After a nap, Murong Yunxi was ready to open the computer to continue writing her new scripts. Just after she turned on the computer, the news bulletin jumped out. The headline was very eye-catching and she had to read it. It wrote, "Now we have such a perfect couple in the entertainment circle. Their love makes people want to find someone to fall in love with." Murong Yunxi clicked on the headline, and what she saw was the photo of Niannian, Gong Yu and her, a family picture taken in Sanya.
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Chapter 156 Unexpected Results
Second sat in the row behind Murong Ye and heard the comments behind them clearly. He glanced at Murong Ye in front of him, guessing that Murong Ye must have heard people's comments too! He had been observing the reaction of Murong Ye, waiting for Murong Ye to erupt, but after waiting for a long time, the discussion behind had become more and more lively, and the attack on Murong Yunxi was getting fiercer. Second saw that Murong Ye was sitting still in the front row. He couldn't help but lean forward. He asked in a low voice at the ear of Murong Ye, "Big Master, shall we?" "No! The performance of Xiao Xi will definitely hit their faces and make them feel shameful for what they have said." The premiere was quite plain without many showings and it quickly ended, then officially entering the time of watching the movie. In fact, many people had already planned to leave. They had already lost interest in the film and naturally did n
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Chapter 157 The Following Verdict
The sudden turn made Gong Yu stun for a while. He peered at the driver. He didn't find anything wrong about the driver until now. This was not the first time for him to take a car driven by Murong Ye's men. He knew that Murong Ye's men almost looked like the same, not only their clothes, hairstyles, but also their sizes and body shapes. However, the driver today looked quite different from Murong Ye's men -- he was not in a flat haircut but in a bobbed hair. His face turned cold in an unusual way and he asked coldly, "Who are you?" The driver replied calmly, "I'm Big Master's subordinate." "Don't play innocent! Who are you? Where are you going to take us to?" "It was Big Master who told me to go this way." Gong Yu suddenly reached to the front seat and grabbed the driver's throat. He asked coldly, "Tell the truth! Who is the one on earth that sent you here?" The driver sneered viciously
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Chapter 158 It Was a Planned Plot
The three men were shocked at the same time. The doctor handed over a clipboard and a pen. The three men looked at each other. Gong Yu first reached out for the pen and took it in his hand. He took the clipboard and quickly browsed the paper attached and signed his name on it. The doctor took the signature document and turned to the emergency room. Gong Yu suddenly called the doctor and said, "Doctor, Xiao Xi's life is counting on you. Please promise me to keep her alive." The words of Gong Yu were extremely sturdy and it was unable for anyone to reject. The doctor sighed and said, "I will try my best." Then he turned back, walking into the door. The three men anxiously waited outside the door. They hadn't experienced the same feeling Murong Yunxi had experienced when giving birth to Niannian. But this time, waiting here gave them a similar feeling to some extent. The anxious mood seemed to be contag
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Chapter 159 Anger
Murong Xu narrowed his eyes and pushed his glasses. He looked at Murong Yunxi, feeling her response unexpected. He was very surprised that this cousin was so smart and keen, and such calm was very suitable for surviving in such a big family like Murong Family. The reason why he chose to study psychology and became a doctor was that, on the one hand, he really liked it, and, on the other hand, he didn't want to participate in the family competition. Murong Family seemed to be at Murong Qingtian's command, but there were hidden dangers and turbulence which couldn't be seen by others. Just facing Murong Qingtian and Murong Ye, many people still had some cautions, but when facing a woman like Murong Yunxi, who seemed to be very weak and delicate, they just... Murong Ye walked downstairs and sat down next to Murong Yunxi. He casually asked, "What are you talking about?" Murong Yunxi looked at Murong Xu and said to Murong Ye, "Cousin is giving me a psychologic
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Chapter 160 A Beauty of the Highest Quality
Zhao Qi fixed his eyes on Gong Yu, without even a little fear in his eyes, as if to say, "What you could do on my site?" Gu Yuxuan hurried to mediate. She said, "Oh, Zhao Qi, you see, it is hard for Xiao Xi and me to come back. How can you only drink with Gong Yu! Come, let our old classmates have another drink." Gu Yuxuan raised her glass and sincerely looked at Zhao Qi with a pair of big eyes. Zhao Qi took a look at Gu Yuxuan and raised his glass to drink up. Gu Yuxuan was about to drink the glass of wine, Murong Xu took over it and said, "I will drink it for you. It is not good for girls to drink so much." Then Murong Xu finished the glass of wine in one sip and politely nodded to Zhao Qi. Murong Yunxi was silent for a long time and finally, she said, "Zhao Qi, I know that you might be into me, but I told you a long time ago that you and I are impossible. I like Gong Yu and now we are married. As a classmate, i
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