All Chapters of Dr. Song’s Secret New Wife: Chapter 141 - Chapter 150
443 Chapters
Chapter 141 What He Worried About
Song Shuang got off work after it was completely dark outside.There were so many cars in the hospital.The reporters were waiting outside and shivering.Song Shuang successfully went out by speeding up slightly.When the reporters saw the plate number and realized that it was Song Shuang's car passing, his car had joined in other cars.They couldn't catch him anymore.Song Shuang received a phone call from Hu Hui in his car.Hu Hui asked him worriedly, "I'm with Bai Shengsheng for the whole day, so she knows nothing about what was reported on Beicheng News. But it's not easy to hide it away from her.""I'll talk with her when I'm back. Don't worry."Hu Hui nodded and knew that Song Shuang had his own solution.He turned on the radio after he finished his sentence.Unsurprisingly, it was talking about the Beicheng Second Hospital.
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Chapter 142 Yang Jing Told the Truth
The only thing he worried about was her.Unfortunately, she never knew it.Gu Baisheng was eating with her eyes down. And she was much quieter than usual because of Ye's accident.It was in the hospital.Yang Jing drove towards the south gate in secret.Jiang Shouyuan was worried about Yang Jing, so he asked Yang Jing to give him a lift.Just as Song Shuang predicted, Yang Jing's car was surrounded by reporters when he just went out of the south gate.They put their microphones against the glass and couldn't care less about whether Yang Jing could hear it or not, "I want to ask whether the news on Frontline of Beicheng is true, Dr. Yang. Who is the surgeon that Ye's sister was talking about? Is it Bai Shengsheng who worked as an intern at the Second Hospital and now is the daughter-in-law of the richest man in Beicheng?"The reporters lost the chance to interview Song Shuan
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Chapter 143 Believe What You Believe in
Gu Baisheng saw the TV being turned off.She turned around to look at Song Shuang with complicated feelings, "Now I implicate all people in the Second Hospital.""It's fine." Song Shuang said.He stood up, "According to what Mr. Jiang said before the media, the hospital would be responsible for your surgery."Gu Baisheng pressed her lips together and apologized again, "I'm sorry."She thought she could certainly save Ye when she operated.However, she was too naive.She didn't save Ye.Ye still died.She lowered her eyes. She felt awful at the thought of Ye's dead body covered by a white cloth on the sickbed.Song Shuang saw her putting her hand on her forehead.He frowned, walked up to her, and crouched down in front of her. He asked, "What's wrong?""I feel awful."Gu Baisheng put her fingers on her forehead
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Chapter 144 The Second Hospital's Apology Press Conference on Making an Apology
Gu Baisheng looked up at Song Shuang's face in the darkness.But she couldn't see his expression.Song Shuang seemed to know that she was looking at him.He kissed her forehead and sighed, "Go to sleep. It's late."Gu Baisheng closed her eyes.It was late.There were many things to do tomorrow....The next day, it became an issue of most concern in Beicheng that the Second Hospital allowed an intern to be the operating surgeon.Everyone was talking about it.Qu Xiaobo went to buy breakfast in the morning.As soon as she went out, she heard vendors talking with each other when cooking in the street."Have you heard about it? It seems that an intern can be the operating surgeon and perform surgery now.""Which unscrupulous hospital dared to do so?""It's the famous Beicheng Second Hospital instead
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Chapter 145 A Thing Yang Jing Prepare for Her
To show her sincerity and cooperation, after getting up, Gu Baisheng dressed carefully. She had breakfast and went out early with Song Shuang.On the way, she received a call from Qu Xiaobo."I heard that the Second Hospital will hold an apology press conference?"“Yes.”Gu Baisheng answered."Don't go there. You will have trouble at the scene."Qu Xiaobo knew how terrible those media were.Qu Xiaobo knew that Gu Baisheng would inevitably be embarrassed if she went there.So, Qu Xiaobo didn't want her to go.Gu Baisheng smiled helplessly, "It's too late. I'm already on my way.""Turn around right away and go back."Qu Xiaobo was a little anxious.She raised her tone.Song Shuang could even hear Qu Xiaobo's anxious voice on the phone.Gu Baisheng stopped laughing and said seriously, "Well, don't wo
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Chapter 146 Make a Final Fuss
It was half past eight in Beicheng.The sun was shining. The wind was a bit strong, and the weather was still very cold.But for those who came out of the detention center, the weather outside was still exceptionally good.As San Ge walked forward, he asked the person leading the way, "What do we need to do?""Miss Xiao bailed you out. She doesn’t need you to do anything, but she wants to let you do what you should do, the right thing."Yong was clever, so he looked at San Ge.However, San Ge failed to understand the meaning of the man who led the way.Yong's mind turned faster. He asked tentatively, "I heard that there is an apology press conference in the Second Hospital today."The man who led the way smiled, "You're well informed."Yong knew what they should do immediately.San Ge looked at each other with the other cousins. They still didn't u
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Chapter 147 A Reason for Her Apology
There was chaos in the hall.Gu Baisheng could sense the stinky smell of the broken egg on her hand.She raised her head in a daze.Then she saw San Ge and Yong were struggling to shrug off the security guards and still wanted to throw eggs at her.Gu Baisheng frowned.Since the egg hit Gu Baisheng and then broke on her face, Yang Jing hurriedly took the coat and wanted to wipe it away for Gu Baisheng.However, Song Shuang was even faster. He wiped away the egg on her face with the tissue."Are you okay?"Song Shuang stood forward to protect her and then pulled her to leave.The situation was out of control.It was meaningless for Gu Baisheng to stay here any longer.It was useless to talk to someone unreasonable.However, Gu Baisheng refused and stopped Song Shuang, "The apology press conference is still not over..."
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Chapter 148 The Forensic Report
In face of the reporters' questions, Su Yuanyi turned his head sideways and glanced at Bai Shengsheng's stubborn face, "Everyone, there's no hidden information or intervention as you expected."The reporters became silent.San Ge still shouted, "What's the result?""The result is that patient's death was caused by air embolism."Xu Xi's expression suddenly changed as soon as Su Yuanyi revealed the result.She looked at Su Yuanyi worriedly.Su Yuanyi's eyes swept across the attendees at the press conference and settled on Xu Xi's frozen face for a few seconds, then he continued, "According to the anatomy and the video recording of the surgery, we have a very precise conclusion that there's no mistake or potential risk during the surgery. In other words, the surgery is very successful."Su Yuanyi stopped when he spoke of that. He moved his lips and said seriously and sadly, "If I wasn't t
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Chapter 149 Who Would Kill Ye?
"Shift the blame on you?"Zhang Tiantian was much calmer now. She looked into Xu Xi's eyes and said coldly, "The police will find out if it's true."As soon as she finished her words, someone was knocking on the door."Excuse me."Zhang Kai's voice came into the room.Su and Wang were following Zhang Kai.They had met Gu Baisheng many times, so they nodded at Gu Baisheng when they saw her.Su said seriously, "Miss Bai, congratulations on clearing your name!"Gu Baisheng nodded, "Thank you."Zhang Kai cleared his throat and looked at Xu Xi, "Are you Xu Xi? Please go to the police station with us."Shortly after Zhang Tiantian said that the police would investigate it, the police asked Xu Xi to help with their investigation.Xu Xi stared at Zhang Tiantian with her eyes wide open, "Did you slander on me?""Everything will be
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Chapter 150 I Have Much to Tell You
Zhang Tiantian cried in Gu Baisheng's arms for a long time.Gu Baisheng embraced her and consoled her by patting her back.After a long while, Zhang Tiantian gradually calmed down."I'll take Ye back home tomorrow." Zhang Tiantian said.Zhang Tiantian was a little calmer after crying. Her eyes became red.Gu Baisheng wiped her tears with a tissue and said, "I'll go with you."Zhang Tiantian shook her head and declined, "We have put you to a lot of trouble in Beicheng. Don't bother with us anymore.""What do you want to do?"Gu Baisheng asked her.Zhang Tiantian had a plan. She said, "One must return to one's roots. Ye will be buried with our parents.""Will you come back again?"Gu Baisheng looked at Zhang Tiantian, who was now a loner.Gu Baisheng believed that it could be a blessing for Zhang Tiantian to live in Beicheng
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