All Chapters of Long May The Queen Reign: Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
258 Chapters
Chapter 101 – A Game of Enthronement and Appointing the Empress
Yan Jing's tall body inched closer to Murong Zhining. “Princess is truly a legendary figure in Huayan right now. You despise the emperor and insists on following a small general. Is Chiyun Yuexuan's city bigger than mine, then? That's kind of interesting. And just so you know, it's not that difficult for me to hide someone here in the Imperial Capital.” Murong Zhining cast her eyes down with a faint smile. “I never discuss a hero by the size of their city. What I value is the hero himself. If Your Highness releases me, I'll tell you a plan to get away with your crime.” Yan Jing put his face close to Murong Zhining's. “Let's hear it. They all say Princess is a clever girl, I want to see it for myself.” Murong Zhining furtively turned her body put some distance between them. “If Your Highness wants to hear my plan, you must show some sincerity first. I've already provoked your two brothers in the Yan family. If I provoke you now, I'm afraid I
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Chapter 102 The Five Wise Kings Want to Become Immortals
Murong Zhining said coldly and proudly, "If Your Highness dares to try to slight this palace? This palace will immediately crash and die in your mansion. This palace is still the same, if Your Highness wants to get off the hook, you still have to rely on this palace."Yan Jing furiously pinched Murong Zhining's chin and lifted her head up, ''This king hates being threatened, isn't it good for you to be a little woman? You have to be aggressive. If you want to push this king to the brink, I'll do you immediately. This king is really moved by you, and wants you to be the queen, if you don't know how to behave, don't blame this king for disregarding your feelings. You will be this king's ghost even if you die in this king's mansion."Murong Zhining was pinched under her chin, she didn't dare to show her inner panic. When her gaze flicked to the roof, her gaze softened, "Your Highness just promised this palace that you would be gentle. With Your Highness being gentle one mom
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Chapter 103 So the Princess has recovered her memories
The guards of the dungeon, looked at Yan Jing suspiciously, "Your Highness are you sure you're alright?" Murong Zhining's face had a look of anger, "How dare you, His Majesty was just happy and drank two more cups. If you talk too much again, this palace will ask someone to slap your mouth." Murong Zhining shook Yan Jing's hand, "Your Highness, your lackeys are so rude, tell them to open the door." Yan Jing roared, "Open the dungeon door quickly, this king will release that fiend, otherwise he will bring endless trouble to this king."The guards opened the iron grill door of the dungeon with a puzzled face, and Ziyu went in to help up Chiyun Yuexuan. Rebuking Yun Yuexuan was seriously injured, covering his chest and gasping for breath, there was still blood spilling out of his mouth. Murong Zhining secretly gripped her heart, but did not dare to show it.Murong Zhining held Yan Jing and walked towards the dungeon, Zi Yu held Chiyun Yuexuan and slowly followed behind. Yan
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Chapter 104 Two Slaps in One Night
Rebuking Yun Yuexuan did not have the heart to sleep, he entered the dungeon of the general's residence full of anger. As soon as Yan Jing saw Chiyun Yuexuan, he rushed forward and grabbed the iron fence, "You fiend, what kind of blindfold did you use? Where is the princess? I want to see her."Chiyun Yuexuan through the iron fence, grabbed Yan Jing's lapel, "Laozi is your nemesis, you ask Laozi daughter-in-law for what? Where she is, what's it to you? She won't see you."Yan Jing laughed, "Your daughter-in-law? I'll be honest with you, don't hate to hear it. That woman, you and this king can't afford it, she is destined to be the queen. Understand?"Chiyun Yuexuan stretched out his other hand and ruthlessly strangled Yan Jing's neck, "Lao Zi let you stir up trouble, you're dying and still want to stir up some sand and dust?"Yan Jing broke away from Chiyun Yuexuan's hand, stroking his neck and gasping for breath, "Haha ... Shouting Cloud General this is afra
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Chapter 105 The Magisterial King has been taken away by the Emperor's men
Chiyun Yuexuan took Qiao Bin's medicine and soon fell into a deep sleep. Qiao Bin wiped the sweat on his head, "This medicine must be eaten on time, let the general sleep for a few days, before stopping. Otherwise, the general also refuses to properly recuperate from his injuries, he lost a lot of blood this time, and if he doesn't take care of it, even if it's an iron body, it can't carry it."Wu Siyuan pulled Luo Siyao outside the house and complained softly, ''You shouldn't have let the princess go, you couldn't stop her, you could have had someone come and call me. The general's body is like this, and you still let him know that the princess left, you were trying to kill him. If I hadn't been alert and swindled him into saying that the Princess had gone to Lotus Pond Pass, he would have gone to look for her even if he had to risk his life. Can't you be a bit more resourceful in your endeavors?"Luo Siyao lowered her head, tears in her eyes, "You guys just know to bla
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Chapter 106 The General's Killer Mace
Wu Siyuan finished a cup of tea and stabilized his emotions, ''The last general should be damned, I really did fall for it. It wasn't the Emperor who sent someone to take Yan Jing away at all. The last general is ashamed to not have both the strategy of General Chiyun and such meticulous observation as the general."Chiyun Yuexuan softly said, "Colonel Wu you have worked hard, this general again did not blame you. It's okay, everything is still in this general's grasp. This general is worried about princess, now do anything, have no heart. Hate this group of lackeys, colluded with that quack doctor and gave this general hypnotic medicine, causing this general to be unable to move even if he wanted to go to the princess."Wu Siyuan comfort rebuke cloud leap xuan said, "Didn't say the princess in the lotus pond au? The princess is safe, general just rest assured to recuperate, the princess can't run away."Shouting Yun Yue Xuan glares, "You think this general is as s
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Chapter 107 The Torture of Branding Faces
Shouting Yun Nan knelt down to the ground, ''Taishang Emperor, you can't be confused! Your three sons are infatuated with the princess, the fault does not lie with the princess. Moreover, the princess has saved Xuan'er's life, Xuan'er and the princess are also in love with each other. Besides, it's normal for young people to be a little emotional. The Supreme Emperor must not have such thoughts."Wu Siyuan also nodded and said, "Emperor Mingjian, the princess is not a woman who fox charming and scourging the country. The Princess is intelligent and has a pure character, if General Chiyun marries the Princess as soon as possible, he will be able to make the Emperor take his heart. As for the five virtuous kings, he plotted to usurp the throne, even if the supreme emperor doesn't punish him, he doesn't have the ability to participate in the competition for the princess anymore. Therefore, it is not necessary for the Taishang Emperor to be concerned about Princess Fengyi."
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Chapter 108 Captured by the Stronghold
Three days later, Murong Zhining and Cai Sang got everything ready. Dressed in men's clothing, each carrying a bag, the two walked out of the gates of the Upper Capital. Cai Sang looked back fondly for a few moments, ''Princess has really made up her mind to leave? Is there really no reluctance? Just now outside the general's residence, Cai Sang clearly saw the hesitation in the princess' eyes."Murong Zhining walked ahead without looking back, "Since I have made up my mind, I won't turn back. I know you shed not, when we return to Shangxia, I will have someone send you back. You and General Wu are destined to be together, I can't break you up."Cai Sang jogged to catch up with Murong Zhining, "Princess only knows that Cai Sang and General Wu are destined to be together, but she can't see her destiny. If the princess is really unattached, she won't come back to the general's residence to sneak another look. If the princess left, how sad would the general be? Besides, the
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Chapter 109 The General is dying of sickness
The guard had a black face, "This can't be done, if you can't pick it, then pick less, just pick half a bucket, I can't make the decision."Murong Zhining and Cai Sang returned to the camp tent after a day of picking dung and water, and collapsed on their beds in exhaustion. By nightfall, the men in the tent were in high spirits, where they were loudly telling yellow jokes and talking about all sorts of unpleasant topics.A man with a thick voice said, "This Ding Peng is not recruiting, he is using the name of recruiting to get us to help him sell our lives. We eat the food of pigs and dogs and do the work of cows and horses, but the pay and money for laborers all goes into his pocket. Is there any king's law left in this Huayan?"A thin voice sighed, "Be content, I, Wu Fucai, do the same work as you guys, and have to be tortured by that perverted General Song. That son of a bitch not only beat me with a whip, but he also tortured me to death. For fuck's sake, I wa
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Chapter 110 Same Dreams
Murong Zhining's tears fell like rain, "Ning'er promised General that she would follow him anywhere!" Qiao Bin broke the silence, "Hey ... what are you guys doing? The general is just sick, I assure you, the general just needs to recuperate for some time, he will definitely regain his former vigor. We all stand down, let the princess accompany the general to talk quietly."Gao Dehong also said, "I'll give the Taishang Emperor another guarantee, General he will soon regain his health. Healer Qiao is right, let's leave him alone."After the crowd dispersed, Murong Zhining sat on the edge of the bed, gently pulling Shouting Cloud Yue Xuan's hand, "General has so many people caring about him, it really makes Ning'er envious!"Chiyun Yuexuan looked at Murong Zhining with a doting gaze, "Fool, the person who loves this general must also love you. The people who care about Ning'er are not less than this general." Murong Zhining said mischievously, "Nasty, is General sayin
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