All Chapters of Long May The Queen Reign: Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
260 Chapters
Chapter 121 The Head of the Thieves "Panther"
In the Liangcheng county government office, it was empty, even the petty official yesterday was gone. Chiyun Yuexuan frowned, about to turn around and go out, there is a drunken person, muttering and breaking in, "What ghost county yamen, not even a ghost! Yesterday that dead ghost was still parked here, today even a dead ghost is ... gone, uh ..." he burped.Du Youtian fixed his eyes, "Huh, isn't this the big man who fought with the general yesterday?" Shi Yong staggered and stood still, "So it was the ... little lady who rewarded me with silver yesterday, oh no, Gongzi ah! What is the gongzi doing here in this ghost county office?"Rebuking Yun Yuexuan saw him drunk, did not want to care about him, staggered and wanted to walk out. Shi Yong pulls on Chiyun Yuexuan's lapel, "Seeing that the gentleman rewarded me silver, who does the gentleman want to find? I'll help you find."Du Youtian stepped forward and pushed Shi Yong, "My son kindly gave you silver to drink,
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Chapter 122 The Dojo of the Seventy-Seven and Forty-Nine Days
Scampering panther's pair of eyes, turned and turned, said, "Shouting cloud male, you and sister-in-law must stay, let your family servant go to fetch the silver. If you let this woman run away, and you renege on the bill, who do I ask for this silver?"Chiyun Yuexuan pretends to be very afraid, want to get away immediately, "Brother Fu has no idea, this servant of mine is not acting reliably, if he goes alone, my relatives will not give him the silver. This way, my servant stays, I personally go to get the silver, sister-in-law also stays."Du Yutian deliberately sang in unison, "Young master, no, you can't leave me behind. Oh please master, you can't do this. Once you leave, they will kill me."Chiyun Yuexuan scolded, "You life-hungry lackey, I will definitely take the money to save you, you have to trust me. That's it, I'll go get the silver."Scampering panther said in a loud voice, "Let that lackey take your sister-in-law to get the silver, scolding Yun
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Chapter 123 Bizarre Cause of Death
Chiyun Yuexuan smiled and nodded his head, ''Du You Tian, you are doing things more and more reassuring to this general. Those two minions are of course with the other minions, branding faces to be confiscated. First will white frost detained in the county office, after this general interrogation, tomorrow send two reliable people, first send her back to the upper capital. Li Xu, you will lead the men to search this den of thieves, make an inventory of the property found, and then submit it to this general for signature, and grant it to you as military expenses and the supply costs of the Liangcheng county government office."Li Xu arched his hand and said, "General Chiyun is wise, the last general will lead the order! This thief leader scampering panther, the crime is great and evil, how to dispose of?" Shouting cloud leaps Xuan indignantly said, "Self-made sin, cannot live. Draw his hamstring, prevent him from escaping, let people strictly guarded. Tomorrow morning in front
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Chapter 124 The Evil Thief's Ambush
Outside the Liangcheng County Office, three layers inside and three layers outside were surrounded by people watching.Since Liang City had not publicly executed a criminal for many years, coupled with the fact that it was the Scampering Leopard, a big devil who had dominated the area, who was publicly executed, it attracted quite a few enemies to come and watch the execution. Liangcheng because of the special situation, is a full of violence of the unregulated area, also is Hua Yan far near the famous a place outside the law. Therefore, rebuking Yun Yuexuan extra careful, afraid that someone will come to rob the court.Scampering Panther was dragged by two guards and thrown onto the makeshift execution platform at the entrance of the county courthouse, and he collapsed softly onto the carpet laid out on the platform. Due to having his hamstrings taken away, he had a wound on each of his ankles and was still bleeding.The crowd watching from the stage exploded, som
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Chapter 125 The Confession of Consort Hui
Han Shu smiled and nodded, "Auntie is going to be like a bird in a cage for the rest of her life. You're different, you can come visit auntie more often."Murong Zhining said, "The world says that the royal family is good, all hate to be born in the emperor's family. Imperial women, but envy the life of ordinary people. People are not in their positions, do not know their feelings, always feel that others are better than their own life. But I don't know, as long as we are human beings, we will have this or that trouble. If people always look at others, this will ignore the scenery around themselves."The corners of Han Shu's eyes were moist, "This palace has missed the scenery of this life, and what's left of the rest of my life is only lamentation!"Murong Zhining poured a cup of tea for Han Su and respectfully handed it over, "Auntie is only in her forties, and in Fengyi's opinion, a woman of Auntie's age, who just happens to have been polished to a pearly whites
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Chapter 126 Generals are not ruthless with an iron fist
Murong Zhining ran forward, tugging at Chiyun Yuexuan's sleeve, "How is it that General is always thinking that Ning's son is going to leave General? Couldn't ... it be that the general has a day of disliking the gel? Life is full of all kinds of possibilities." Murong Zhining eyes condensed with a thin layer of water mist.Shouting cloud jumped Xuan stopped, hold up Murong Zhining's face, "This general swears, this general if again negative condensation ..." Murong Zhining stretched out the fair hand, covered in the shouting cloud jumped Xuan lips, "condensation believe in the general, not allowed to chaotically Swear."Shouting cloud leap xuan shame, "This general this impulsive fault, always can't change, this can do ah? Always want to condensation child put down the body to will be this general, this general this is still regarded as a man?"Murong Zhining jumped up and down and said happily, "The general is a fierce tiger and a swimming dragon, and if he chang
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Chapter 127 The Emperor's Reward for the Princess's Treats
Chiyun Yuexuan was puzzled, "Why can't they be locked up together? And what good way does the lady have to make Qin Meixue talk?"Murong Zhining pretended to be angry and used chopsticks to tap scolding Yun Yue Xuan's forehead, "Qin Meixue is an old fox, she is also Bai Frost's aunt, Bai Frost will definitely listen to Qin Meixue. If the two are locked up together, will certainly conspire to confess, then the general will not even get a favorable testimony. Please rest assured, General, where Qin Meixue is concerned, Ning'er has plenty of ways to get her to talk."Rebuking Yun Yuexuan pleasingly for Murong Zhining clip dishes, "As long as this general's little lady is out, there is no city that can't be taken. Alas! This general is really eclipsed in front of the maiden."Murong Zhining smiled fawningly, "Ning's still the same sentence, General is a great wisdom, and Ning's, just a little smart. General has the talent of the sky and the earth, the small mind of the
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Chapter 128 Surrendering to the Crown
Shen Tianshun saw the crowd retreat, immediately fell to his knees, Shen Hongbo also followed to the ground. Shouting clouds Yuexuan hurriedly stepped forward and helped Shen Tianshun, "Shen old gentleman does not need to perform this great gift, this general and princess know your intention. Since you brought your nephew to surrender on your own initiative, this general will try to help you."Shen Hongbo was still kneeling on the ground, "I just want Yan Jing to suffer some punishment to console cousin's soul in heaven. Neither I nor uncle wanted him to die, but only wanted to let him suffer the punishment of the five elements as the Taoist priest said, so as to dissolve cousin's grievances. Unexpectedly, Yan Jing, however, out of fear, took matters into his own hands. Due to panic, I did not investigate the cause of his death ... in detail only hurriedly completed the punishment of the five elements and fled."Chiyun Yuexuan nodded his head and glanced at Murong Zhinin
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Chapter 129 The Supreme Emperor's Trial
Murong Zhining personally poured a cup of tea for Bai Frost and made her sit down on the stone bench, "So you're pregnant, and the child in your belly is also the root of the royal family."Bai Frost took the tea and gulped it down in one gulp, then wiped her tears with a handkerchief, "One day, the king handed me a dozen poison capsules and asked me to hand-sew them into a dozen garments he wore every day. I cried and refused, and he roared, If you are the king's woman, you can't watch the king die at the hands of others. I had no choice but to follow his instructions, picking the thread on each collar of each garment and sewing in a poison sac. He can always bite through the poison sac on the clothes sideways at any time when he is in a critical situation. Including that dragon robe, there is also a poison capsule that I sewed in with my own hands."Chiyun Yuexuan nodded his head frequently, ''With this evidence, this general may be able to help Old Mr. Shen get off th
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Chapter 130 The Goddess of Mercy Who Saves Suffering
Yuan Taifei attitude is very brutal and tough, "five wise king is the royal blood, even if he broke the law, but also to the crime of the common people, he was sentenced to branding and exile. Shen Tianshun uncle and nephew, disregard for the law, the dignity of the royal family, privately tortured the son, and even killed him. In the law in heaven, are contrary, if not severely punished, the royal majesty? I implore you, Your Majesty, to sentence this uncle and nephew to death, in order to console your brother's soul in heaven!"Yan Feng looked at Chiyun Yuexuan with difficulty, "General Chiyun, what are your views or opinions on this?"Rebuking Yun Yuexuan arched his hand and said, "Your Majesty, all the evidence proves that the Five Virtuous Kings died by taking poison and killing themselves. The supreme emperor and Yuan Tai Fei is in the pain of losing a son, the words are a bit radical, the end will be understandable. I beg Your Majesty to suspend this case, until I
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