All Chapters of Long May The Queen Reign: Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
260 Chapters
Chapter 131 Unlimited use of the death-exemption card
Murong Zhining and Chiyun Yuexuan walked into the council hall holding hands, Chiyun Yuexuan asked Luo Si Yao to call Bai Yong, he whispered a few words to Bai Yong, Bai Yong nodded his head and went out of the general's residence.Chiyun Yuexuan pulls Murong Zhining to sit down, apologizing, "This general has been busy with Yan Jing's case during this time, and hasn't properly accompanied Ning for a long time."Murong Zhining obediently said, "General is a man of the world, naturally, national affairs are greater than family affairs. Ning'er is still thinking, fortunately born in a peaceful and prosperous world, otherwise, once the general goes on a campaign, three years, five years, ten years, eight years can not see, is also normal. Ning'er is very contented."Chiyun Yuexuan emotionally leaned over and kissed Murong's forehead, "If this general is separated from Ning's son for so long, he must have no life left, he must have died of lovesickness!"Murong Z
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Chapter 132 Making Him a Beggar
Shouting cloud leap Xuan grabbed the young descendant's lapel, "Who are you? Why did you rob that old man's money? Also pushed her to the ground?"Murong Zhining ran into the courtyard and helped up the old woman on the ground. The old woman walks to Chiyun Yuexuan, looks up and rubs her cloudy eyes vigorously, her eyes glistening with tears, "You are General Chiyun? That is my righteous son, is a no good thing, general please let him go!"Chiyun Yuexuan pushed that scion towards Shi Yong, who twisted that scion's hand backwards behind him.Chiyun Yuexuan stepped forward to support the old woman, "Are you the Sister who served my mother in the beginning? Back then, were you the one who brought this general out of the palace?"The old woman nodded her head frequently, "My surname is Yu, I was an old palace maid in your mother's palace in the beginning. General, please have a seat in the courtyard." She pointed to a broken stone table in the courtyard, beside w
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Chapter 133 The Couple's Bracelet Left at the Scene
Sister Yu's eyes seemed to still have panic in them, "I secretly topped off the lid of the trash can and found that the car had left the palace gates and wasn't heading towards the general's residence, but towards the outskirts of the city. I pretended to relieve my ulcers and tricked those two men into stopping the car. When I got out of the car, I intentionally knocked over the barrel, and while those two men went after the barrel, I put down the general, hugged a big stone, threw it into the lotus pond by the roadside, and then fled towards a small forest with the general in my arms. Those two people mistakenly thought that I jumped into the pond to hide, really did not come after, but jumped into the pond to look around. I took the opportunity to hold the general and hid in a safe place. It was only when the city gates opened the next day that I delivered the general to Lady Shouting Cloud."Sister Yu was relieved, "I remembered the Empress and rushed back to the palace, w
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Chapter 134 A Wonderful Plan to Attack the Heart
Murong Zhining said, "General tell Nine-tailed Fox to Ning'er, according to the legend, it is a very spiritual animal. It will transform into human form and fall in love with humans, it is an animal that is both good and evil. There are both redheads who wreak havoc on the country, and chivalrous women who repay favors."Chiyun Yuexuan for Murong Zhining tucked the corner of the quilt, "This animal in the 'Classic of Mountains and Seas' in the record is very little, only a few words, a brush stroke. In the mountains of Qingqiu, there is a beast that looks like a fox and has nine tails, its voice is like a baby, it can eat people, and those who eat it are not compelled to do so. This book only records that it will eat people, if people eat its meat, they will not be in the demonic evil compulsion. As for the record of the illusion of human form, it is recorded in the Journal of Demonic Creatures, the Century of Emperors, and the Book of Zhou. Legend has it that Dayu's wife was
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Chapter 135 Biting Back
Murong Zhining lying in the comforter, scolding clouds Yuexuan light leaning on the bed, gently looking at her smiling, "The Classic of Mountains and Seas" and "Search for the Gods", there are records of sharks. The Classic of Mountains and Seas " is so said, on the ground in the building of wood west, it is a human face and fish body, no feet. Soshenji said: beyond the South China Sea, there are sharks, water like fish, do not abolish the weaving performance. Its eyes cry, then can come out of the beads. There is also a poem in the "Jinsei" to prove it, "The moon of the ocean is bright with tears, and the sun of the blue field is ambiguous with jade smoke." This general would really like to catch a shark back, let him weave shark raw silk for your mother to make gorgeous clothes, and also let him cry a room full of bright beads out to make beautiful jewelry for your mother."Murong Zhining said with a straight face, "Ning'er would rather wear coarse kudzu clothes and pin a th
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Chapter 136 Flogging in front of the General's house
Chiyun Yuexuan coldly laughs, "Very well, I, Chiyun Yuexuan, am indeed also a vindictive villain. Come person, go to the front of the general's mansion to attract some passing people, this general wants to in front of the general's mansion, public flogging of the commanding officer of the brocade clothing department."A guard rang a gong in front of the general's mansion, "Passing neighbors, all come to see the fun, there is a reward money to receive!" Another guard carried a colander of coins and scattered them all over the street.In front of the general's residence soon surrounded a large group of people, after picking up the money, they are there pointing and discussing. The more people gather more and more, the guards a handful of copper coins, the alley in front of the general's residence, in a short while was crowded to the point of no return.Yin Fei stepped out of the gate of the general's residence, removed his clothes to the waist, revealing his naked ba
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Chapter 137 The Tea Gifted by Lord Tuoba
In the study of the Prime Minister's residence. Ning Zezhi was at his desk organizing the volumes of Yu Wei's case, "Xuan'er, it's really hard on you, you've recently gone through a lot of trouble to collect evidence for Yu Wei's case. Look, you've lost a circle of weight. These confessions from Qin Meixue and Bai Frost, and this evidence collected, complement each other, and can completely corroborate the exhaustive crimes Yu Wei has committed. Even if he dies and doesn't talk, it won't affect the conviction of him."Chiyun Yuexuan nodded, "Grandfather do not know, is the condensation she intelligent, has been assisting me to find the doubt, collect evidence, can so smooth to get so many testimonies. Yu Wei case also has a most important evidence, Zhuang Cheng home basement tunnels, leading to the Yu Wei Shangshu House. Zhuang Cheng is precisely through the tunnels, the scavenged wealth transported to the Yu Wei House. With ironclad evidence, it's useless for Yu Wei to deny i
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Chapter 138 Sister Poisoned by Hookahs
Du Youtian eyed the distance, "I see that General Wu is fond of you, from the bottom of his heart, as long as the General has you in his heart, you yourself should have this confidence. Thanks to the Princess's blessing, both of our siblings have found their own happiness. While helping others, you are actually helping yourself, this may be the blessing that mother exchanged back then."Cai Sang said grimly, "I am not worried about the general's attitude towards me, but I am worried about Princess Jing Rong. If Princess Jing Rong is an intolerant one, then how should General Wu behave when he is caught in the middle?"Du Youtian said, "Sister is overly concerned, I heard that that Princess Jingrong knows books and has a gentle character. Besides, General and Princess Fengyi are both sister's maternal family, and we are not vulnerable."Cai Sang laughed, "Cai Sang, even if it is difficult, will not let the princess and general bother about me. I believe Princess Jin
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Chapter 139 Forced Marriage
Shouting cloud leaped Xuan quickly opened the door of the room, Wu Si Yuan a face of sadness, "Knowledge painting she ... resuscitated, just now ... gone."Chiyun Yuexuan rushed out of the room and ran towards the west courtyard, and as soon as he entered the courtyard, he heard Ziyu's cries.Qiao Bin greeted the front, arched his hand and said, "I only cared to go to save Sister Yu, see her young, poisoning symptoms also seems not serious, I did not care, will be all the energy on the rescue of Sister Yu. Waiting to discover that she is not right, has not come in time ... under me sorry general ..."Chiyun Yuexuan patted Qiao Bin's shoulder, "I don't blame you, it's this general who was careless. By the way, Sister Yu, is she out of danger?"Qiao Bin said, "In my experience, I will not be considered out of danger until after tonight. General don't worry, I will stay here all tonight and look after Sister Yu."Chiyun Yuexuan looked at Wu Siyuan, "Wu Siy
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Chapter 140 Private Release of Prisoners
Yu Ji Hui was brought to Yu Wei's cell by the guards, he viciously glared at Chiyun Yuexuan and cried as he knelt down in front of Yu Wei in the iron grill, "Father, please forgive my child for being unfilial! The child should not have messed with that King of Yan Luo, and dragged his father into the trouble ah. Father, I haven't seen you for a few days, you've pined away a lot! Is that King of Hell torturing you every day?"Yu Wei reached out his hand from the iron fence and caressingly touched Yu Ji Hui's head, "This matter is not related to General Chiyun, it is my father who made a big mistake, my father now regrets it, but unfortunately it is already too late. My son listen well, for the father is self-made sin, with people have no particulars. Today, General Chiyun promised father to protect you, he is our family's benefactor na! You are my Yu family's only sole seedling, father can't drag you down."Yu Ji Hui knelt and crawled in front of Chiyun Yuexuan, hugging h
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