All Chapters of Long May The Queen Reign: Chapter 151 - Chapter 160
258 Chapters
Chapter 151 Another big mess
Inside the Minghua County City at night, the lights were brilliant. Chiyun Yuexuan held Murong Zhining and walked in front. Cai Sang and Wu Si Yuan walked side by side in the back, Luo Si Yao walked alone and forlornly in the very back.Minghua County was adjacent to Shangjing, so it was still considered a prosperous place. The city was full of stores and people.Murong Zhining saw the roadside there is a small stall performing shadow puppet show, then pulled scolding clouds Yuexuan squeezed in. In front of the crowd pulled a taut white cloth, behind the cloth lit candlelight, the cloth screen there is a young woman's figure, carrying a bamboo basket, walking alone. She sang quietly with a high and clear voice, "wildflowers fluttering in the wind, as if in the heart of the heart, the green grass to get together to shake, such as endless lingering attachment, the first green willow branches brushing the long blue water, stirring up the heart of the lake, such as the tende
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Chapter 152 Inadvertently Catching Another Big Fish
The magistrate asked Yang Locker in a stern voice, "You said Mr. Lin killed your father, do you have any witnesses? Master I also said that it was a few of you who ganged up and tried to blackmail Mr. Lin! Who doesn't know that his family is famously rich in Minghua."Shouting cloud leaps Xuan coldly laughed, "Good a dog official, I thought, your merit is rely on hard study to come, is spend money to donate, right? You don't ask questions, you want to condemn me, see usually didn't receive less silver from Lin family people, right?"Yang Locker knelt on the ground and cried, "Qing Tian Daoliang Mingjian, everyone on the street saw it, it was him Lin Feng who beat my father to death, and this gentleman is the one who fights for justice ... I beg Qing Tian Daoliang to make a decision for the people s daughter."Ma Zhiyi snorted coldly, "Someone come and take down this murderer who killed Yang Dogpi and injured Mr. Lin."Two sleepy-eyed magistrate, heard the wor
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Chapter 153 Master Jia's Determination of the Case
Yang Liao'er lowered her head, "My father just died and I'm out of ideas, I don't want to talk about marriage at this time. I haven't asked Miss, what's your name? Your husband, is he really Great General Chiyun? I've heard of his mighty name, miss is truly blessed."Cai Sang proudly said, "Yang Locker, you have to call her princess. Not only is she the fiancée of General Chiyun, she is also the Feng Yi Princess of Shang Xia. Her status is noble, in this world, there wouldn't be many people to catch up."Yang Locker grabbed a few steps forward and knelt down, "My daughter greets the princess! If I hadn't met Princess and General Chiyun, I really wouldn't know what to do. Father is gone, the enemy is definitely also at large, I don't even have the ability to bury father ... even more I don't know where to go from here?" Yang Locker covered her face and cried again.Murong Zhining heartbreakingly picked up Yang Locker, "Locker don't cry, you follow us first, when the
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Chapter 154 Throw the Villain into a Mass Grave
Murong Zhining painfully took a large scarf handkerchief, "Ning'er is saying that I'm afraid that the general will catch a cold. Come, dry yourself off, drink the bowl of porridge on the table, and go to bed to sleep well. Later, there will be no time to rest."Chiyun Yuexuan changed into a set of clothes handed over by Murong Zhining, sat at the table, half squinted his sleepy phoenix eyes, and finished a bowl of porridge.Murong Zhining smiled and pulled the scolding cloud jumped Xuan to the bed, scolding cloud jumped Xuan head into the nest, "The gel's nest is so fragrant, this general doesn't want to sleep, lie down and accompany the gel to talk, last night the gel scared, right? Ning'er does not know, that Lin master, actually is a few years ago to help Yan Jing buy silk that Hou butler, finally let this general caught him ..."Murong Zhining smiled and shook her head, compacting the quilt as she sat on the collapse in front of the bed, scrutinizing the sleepi
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Chapter 155 A Secret Visit to the Money Changers
Chiyun Yuexuan arranged all the affairs in the county office, took Murong Zhining out of the county office, Yang locker stayed behind to deal with Yang dog skin's funeral. Cai Sang is afraid of disturbing the two of them to say quietly, only far away to follow behind.Chiyun Yuexuan looked sideways at Murong Zhining, "Your mother has worked hard, my husband takes your mother to stroll around this Ming Hua's county."Murong Zhining shook Chiyun Yuexuan's arm, "Where does General have the heart to go shopping at this time? General clearly wants to continue to investigate the case. Ning'er accompanying general to investigate the case can, at night general can treat Ning'er to eat a meal in the best restaurant in the city."Chiyun Yuexuan favorably looked at Murong Zhining, "Deal! Condensation can be really smart, this general's every move, can't escape condensation's eyes. Go, go to the city's largest money bank to see go. Speaking of money banks, almost all of the bi
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Chapter 156 The Orange King
Shouting cloud leaps Xuan will Jia Hong Fei pulled to the lobby, explained, "this general secretly visited a number of, wait Yong in Ming Hua County "Jia Bao" and "Wan Feng" two big money bank, each depository management of about five million silver money, those rosewood sign! Those rosewood cards are the proofs. You have someone to check this silver and escort it back to the capital, if you encounter resistance, go to the capital to find Prime Minister Ning to help. Also, you arrange for a carriage, find two officers to accompany this general, escort my mother and her maidservant, and catch up with this general's team. You go and make the arrangements at once."Chiyun Yuexuan wrapped his arm around Murong Zhining's slender waist and rode on a horse as Lightning walked slowly and leisurely. Behind Lightning, beside the carriage, followed by two government officials on horseback. In the carriage carriage, Cai Sang and Yang Locker were folding their clothes and organizing their
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Chapter 157 Digging a Pit to Trap a Landlord
Half an hour later, the oranges on several hills were picked by the soldiers under Chiyun Yuexuan. The village's Zhou Wali and the village chief, a few squires, led by the guard Wang Hua, came to the orchard. They were followed by hundreds of villagers who were watching.That week outside the head looks full of fat, by a few servants assisted, "puffing and puffing" panting roughly. He walks to the scolding cloud jumps in front of the Xuan, respectfully salute, "Small person Zhou Xuezhi, see scolding cloud great general. General let people call villain to come here, what is the matter ah?" The village chief led the crowd of villagers, also warily greeted Chiyun Yuexuan.Chiyun Yuexuan looks very easygoing, "Zhou old member, this general led the troops to pass by this mountain today, see the mountain's orange grows very delightful, want to levy it to the troops' generals to share. I heard that this mountain belongs to Elder Warrantor Zhou's family, so I wanted to thank Eld
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Chapter 158 A Night of Carnival in the Barracks
Murong Zhining's face was full of smiles, "Ning'er originally thought that it would be enough for General to recover the orchard for the Shen family. I didn't realize that the General still made that Zhou family lose all their money!"Chiyun Yuexuan clip a piece of chicken to Murong Zhining bowl, "Mother quickly eat, these are villagers sent, and fresh and delicious. This general originally did not want to make things too difficult for that Zhou Xuezhi, but once I heard the villagers talking, and then looked at his brain full of fat appearance, it really makes this general fed up. Although I hate him, I still want to give him a chance. If he hadn't coveted that silver ticket, or recognized his bad luck and paid the six thousand taels of land tax, he wouldn't have screwed himself."Murong Zhining made a mischievous face, "General is as cynical as he is vengeful, how could he let that Zhou Xuezhi go? General decided from the moment he heard about the persecution of Old Unc
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Chapter 159 Do you really want to be the General's concubine?
Shi Yong in not far away rolled over and dismounted, ran to the scolding cloud Yuexuan front one knee, loudly said, "Flying Cavalry Lieutenant Shi Yong, successfully completed the task entrusted by the scolding cloud general. Rushed back to the camp without stopping and came to resume orders to the general!"Chiyun Yuexuan greeted in a loud voice, ''Shi Yong you're back? Hard work for you. The matter of the mission, tomorrow then report. Look at the seat, come and have a few good drinks. You haven't drank for a long time, right? This general has not misjudged you, you are a man, this general did not let you drink, you really did not drink. Today this general licenses you to drink without getting drunk."Chiyun Yuexuan even toasted Shi Yong three bowls, Shi Yong grabbed a leg of lamb, happily gnawed up, "Many thanks to the general to open the grace! Or this battalion's things are most suitable for my appetite. Thanks to the general's blessing, I was able to fulfill my dre
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Chapter 160 "I am in the middle of the water"
Shouting at his words, Chiyun Yuexuan stood up and ran towards the river. A few guards saw him in a hurry and didn't know what had happened, so they also followed behind him.The crowd ran to the riverside to take a look and were dumbfounded. Shouting cloud leaped Xuan turned back and roared, "Who let you follow? All turn your head, not allowed to look ... gel, this general told you not to drink don't drink, alas ..."Murong Zhining's delicate back was immersed in the waist-deep river water, and she was cupping the river water to gently pounce on her face. The clothes on her body were all thrown on the river bank. Murong Zhining's bare back skin as white as snow, a red shore flower brightly blossomed on it. Shouting cloud leap xuan took off his boots and tripped into the water, he gently pulled, Murong Zhining was softly snuggled into his arms.Murong Zhining's voice was vague and ethereal, "Ning just feels a little hot, soaking in the water will be more comfortabl
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