All Chapters of Long May The Queen Reign: Chapter 161 - Chapter 170
258 Chapters
Chapter 161The fear inside the princess
Murong Zhining tenderly reached out her hand from the car window, stroking the back of scolding cloud leaping Xuan's hand, "General please don't worry, Ninger is fine. General rest assured to go to arrange things in the camp, condensation has Cai Sang and locks child care, foolproof it!"Chiyun Yuexuan nodded, "Good. Ning'er in the car have a good sleep, in the afternoon the weather is a little more ambiguous, and then ride forward with this general. This general is going to go to the back of the group to see, last night the generals all drank too much wine, see if there is any physical discomfort and was pulled down."Chiyun Yuexuan rode his horse all the way to the back of the group. When the generals in the front line saw him, they all respectfully shouted in unison, "Shouting great general mighty!"Chiyun Yuexuan stopped his horse at the side of the road and watched as the procession, which could not be seen at a glance, slowly passed by him. All the soldiers i
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Chapter 162 Splitting Self Into Two
An old woman with white hair poked the stumbling Chiyun Yuexuan with her finger, "Are you the Shouting Cloud Great General? Are you alright? And Mrs. quarrel? People didn't run far, there it is ..." The old woman pointed to a stone bridge. In the shadows under the bridge hole, Murong Zhining sat on the stone steps, her hands clasped her shoulders and buried her head in her knees.Shouting clouds Yuexuan along the stone ladder to the bridge, silently squatting next to Murong Zhining, hand gently on her shoulder, "Ning, do not cry okay? Isn't it agreed, don't run away from what has happened? Let's face it together, okay? This General has also struggled before, and is probably in the same mood as Ning'er is in now. I admit, at that moment, I felt that I was an animal and had desecrated the kitten. Ning, it took this general a long time to come out of that psychological shadow as well... Ning..."Murong Zhining brushed away Chiyun Yuexuan's hand on her shoulder, "Don't put y
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Chapter 163 The Old City Revisited
Rebuking Yun Yue Xuan wolfed down the rice, "This wild game is really fragrant, with this mushroom, it is really excellent. This good food and good rice, but also have to have condensation child on the side, to eat the flavor. Otherwise, this general is also tasteless."Murong Zhining ate a full meal, holding the rabbit in a daze, "Where there is such pride? Without Ning'er, the general can't even eat? Who are you kidding?"Shouting cloud leaped Xuan laughed, "Believe it or not by miangzi, Xianggong have to take advantage of miangzi in, eat more meals. When the mother is angry again, this general can still stay up for a while longer ... uh ..."Murong Zhining lightly tapped the desktop and said with disgust, "Ugh, do you still want your image as a great general? Pay attention to your eating, so ugly and hiccups? Ning'er won't eat with you next time."Chiyun Yuexuan dissatisfiedly knocked down the chopsticks, "Where is there a maiden who dislikes her own husba
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Chapter 164 The Provocation of the Groundlings
Chiyun Yuexuan wrapped Murong Zhining, "Mother, we can not meddle in the matter? This world the world, all for profit. The world is bustling, all for profit. That's just a bunch of marketers, for a small profit, in that big fight. This Chongde has been a place of commerce and trade since ancient times, and I don't know how many disputes are staged every day, Your Highness take a look at the scenery more often, and don't let those annoying idle matters disturb the pleasure of looking at the scenery."Murong Zhining looked up at Chiyun Yuexuan, "General this is not true! Although Chongde is a border town, and is a place where trade and commerce gather, but the people are simple, and business people are all courteous and polite. Nge in Chongde stayed for five or six months, I have not seen provocative people."Shouting cloud jumped Xuan light pinch Murong Zhining cheeks a hand, "Ning this is again want this general meddling? The凝儿就不怕本将军又闹出点什么动静来,收不了场? This general is not to
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Chapter 165 The General's Poisoned Oath
The generals talked loudly, cheers and whistles rang out. Wu Siyuan took the lead in the coaxing, "Oh ... oh ... congratulations to our wise and martial, jade tree-like Shouting Cloud Great General, who has met the magnificent, chaste Murong Little Lady by chance in Chongde County. May every day of their future be as beautiful as the first day they met! Is this the General's way of taking advantage of the excitement to announce a wedding today?"Chiyun Yuexuan side face looking at the scarlet faced Murong Zhining, "How can this general marry Ning so hastily, this general will give her a grand wedding! This trip to Fuling is only separated by one city, in order to ensure the safety of the princess and several future general's wives, this general has decided, to leave you in Chongde. War is cruel and should be kept away from the little ladies. Ning'er, this general hopes that you will obediently stay behind and allow this general to fight this battle without any worries."
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Chapter 166 The Princess Lost Her Soul
Murong Zhining put on the clothes, rolled over and got out of bed, stood in front of the window and silently watched the back of scolding Yun Yuexuan out of the small courtyard, her eyes filled with unwilling tears.Chiyun Yuexuan out of the courtyard door, looked back at the second floor, Murong Zhining room window, the corner of his lips revealed a gentle smile. He knows that Murong Zhining is afraid of shedding tears in front of him, letting him not give up, only deliberately pretending to be asleep, do not get up to see him off.Chiyun Yuexuan straddled Lightning and stood still for a while gazing at that window. He suddenly rolled over and dismounted, rushed into the courtyard, and ran up the stairs.Murong Zhining shrinking in the corner, head buried in the knee crying. Chiyun Yuexuan heartbreakingly picks her up and puts her back on the bed, pulls the quilt wrapped around her, and gently kisses her vermilion lips, "Sanggong is only going out for a few days,
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Chapter 167 A Bitter Love Letter
Cai Sang let the soldier delivering the letter into the courtyard, "Little brother has worked hard, come in and have a cup of tea and some snacks. The princess also wants to inquire about the general's recent situation."Murong Zhining returned to the courtyard with the letter and sat down on the hanging chair. She hurriedly took her hairpin and picked open the wax seal that sealed the envelope, and took out the neatly folded letterhead inside the envelope. The letter paper was embossed with delicate watermark patterns around it, emitting a faint floral fragrance. Murong Zhining sighed scolded Yun Yue Xuan delicate mind, and romantic feelings.Murong Zhining mouth corner holding a smile, low fluttering eyelashes, looking at a line on the paper, a line of calligraphy, the expression of pottery softly read, "Ning my wife: a few days away from his wife, actually caught the stubborn disease of lovesickness. Tasting the Yaochi delicacies without knowing the taste, sleeping on
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Chapter 168 Horan's Occupation of the City
Chiyun Yuexuan was overjoyed, "Quickly let him come in, this general has long been waiting for his heart to be anxious."The soldier greeted Chiyun Yuexuan and presented Murong Zhining's letter and handkerchief, "Reporting to General Chiyun, madam asked me to send the letter and handkerchief. Madam specially confided that this handkerchief was embroidered by her own hand for the general."Chiyun Yuexuan received the handkerchief, can not hide the joy, "Lady like this general send her flowers and wild fruits? Mrs. good color? Have not cried and cried that want this general? Alas forget it, she is so shy, how could she say it?"The soldier respectfully said, "Madam saw the flowers sent by the general and liked them very much. Her Ladyship's maid made wild fruits into honeyed fruits, and Her Ladyship ate a number of them and even praised them as delicious. Her Ladyship's color is extremely good, please don't worry General."Chiyun Yuexuan happily nodded his head
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Chapter 169 The Born General's Lady
Murong Zhining was firmly wrapped into the arms of a person, she exclaimed, "Help ...," just shouted out, her lips were sealed.Shouting clouds Yuexuan bent down sometimes gently, sometimes wildly kissed Murong Zhining, a long time before letting go of her, whispered in her ear, "Xianggong want to die mama, mama shouted what to save her life? Surprise or not? Surprised or not?"Murong Zhining pushed Chiyun Yuexuan with a hand, covering the "ping ping" chaotic beating heart, "General you scared Ning'er. However, the condensation is still very surprised." She jumped forward and tightly hooped Chiyun Yuexuan's narrow waist, and pressed her face against his chest.Chiyun Yuexuan laughed out softly, "The gentleman originally wanted to give the gel a surprise, did not arrive to become a shock! My husband in order to create this surprise, purposely let people send away Cai Sang and Yang locker it! Come on, let's go home and talk about it."The two of them returned t
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Chapter 170 Capturing a Female General
Chiyun Yuexuan nodded his head, "In fact, this general came to Chongde this time, precisely to pick up your mother ah."Murong Zhining surprise popped up and sat on Chiyun Yuexuan's lap, two hands hooked his neck, "General really promised to take Ning Er to Yongning? Ning'er love general ...," she joyfully kissed on Chiyun Yuexuan's lips.Chiyun Yuexuan laughed, "Mother is a golden branch, is a noble Shang Xia Princess, mother please be more reserved ... In fact, and mother separated every day, Xianggong have suffered from the torment of lovesickness, Xianggong one day are not willing to separate from the gel. However, when your mother arrives at Yongning, you must listen to your husband in everything, and you are not allowed to be capricious, okay?"Murong Zhining nodded her head vigorously, "Well, Ning'er guarantees that she will listen to the general in everything. As long as I can be by General's side, Ning'er don't want any reserve, Ning'er is willing to be th
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