All Chapters of Reborn Girl's New Life: Chapter 151 - Chapter 160
910 Chapters
Chapter 151: Song Yunxuan’s Mother
Chu Mochen’s energy is out of Song Yunxuan’s imagination.A kiss ignites a series of physical exertion.Song Yunxuan doesn’t fall asleep until two in the morning. She is almost exhausted.When she wakes up the next morning, she first wraps herself up in the quilt, opens her eyes and looks around.As soon as she opens her eyes, a man’s enlarged face appears in front of her, and he is naked.She is not as startled as the young girls. She pulls the quilt up a little and lowers her eyes to remind him, “Put on your clothes.”“What are you afraid of? It’s not the first time.” He leans over; his tight chest muscles send out the toughness and sexiness of a mature man.Song Yunxuan turns her face slightly, while the kiss inevitably falls on her thin, soft and cherry-like lips.He puts his fingers on her hair, tucks her hair behind her ears, and then moves his burning kiss down her neck.Song Yunxuan takes a breath and calms herself down.
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Chapter 152: Betraying Chu Mochen
What Huo Jiaying said makes the look on Zhang Yufang’s face extremely horrible.Zhang Yufang looks at her coldly, just like a poisonous snake, “If the Xiao family heard about it, they would definitely get involved!”“But Mom, you see, the Xiao family has only one son, who is still a teenager. Everyone in the family is busy fighting to cut off his inheritance right. If it is really proved that Song Yunxuan is the child left by Xiao’s family at that time, they will get rid of Song Yunxuan after dealing with the brat.”Huo Jiaying is absolutely right.In Xiao’s family, the internal fighting is fierce. Several uncles of the boy are trying to win over him or murder him.If a sophisticated granddaughter appeared when they just got rid of the boy, the master of the Xiao family would certainly not separate the power. Instead, he would give the power to his granddaughter.With this in mind, the people who want the power will help Huo family to kill Song Yu
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Chapter 153: Huo Family Is Under Arrest
Song Yunxuan’s indifferent tone makes Huo Ting shocked.He has never seen a woman stay as clam as her after betraying a man.“Do you know what Chu Mochen hates the most?”Song Yunxuan leans on the leather seat and replies, “Cheating and betrayal.”“You cannot let him find out what you did.” Huo Ting warns her.Song Yunxuan nods. “Then drop me off here. I’ll go back by taxi.”Huo Ting is still worried. “If I leave you on the road, you will get in danger with such a special identity.”She shakes her head. “Don’t worry. It’s Ok.”She answers firmly and determinedly.Huo Ting has to leave her on the side of a road with few people.When she gets out of the car, she pulls the scarf over her face, covering her mouth and nose.Most passers-by only mind their own business. No one is looking around.Harbor City is indeed a cold place. There is less unnecessary contact between people because of the prosperous development a
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Chapter 154: Scolding Zhang Yufang
Zhou Jian asks Zhao Yang.Zhao Yang thinks about it, and looks back at Zhou Jian, “Although this is what I’m thinking, I’m afraid that I think too much.”Zhou Jian waves his hand, “Zhao Yang, we’ve known each other for so many years. What you think is what I am thinking, and you’re probably right.”Zhao Yang frowns and adjusts his glasses, “But if it was Song Yunxuan who helped Huo Ting secretly, how did she know the news? Only the people inside the Huo enterprise know about the cargo ship transportation. “Zhou Jian puts his hands on the table and closes them slowly. He doesn’t speak for a long time.Zhao Yang frowns and thinks carefully. Zhou Jian sighs a few times before he raises his head, “I think the news may have been stolen.”“From whom?”Zhao Yang asks him in surprise.Zhou Jian doesn’t bother to think about it this time, but grins, “No matter from whom the news is stolen, he might have a feeling of being cheated.”Not e
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Chapter 155: Being Disgusted
Song Yunxuan goes to the bathroom to run the bath water for him, puts the bathrobe and towel into the bathroom, and then comes out to call him, “you can take a bath now.”Chu Mochen looks at her and slightly raises his eyes, which are emotionless.Song Yunxuan comes over, and half kneels on the carpet beside him. She takes the glass out of his hand. “Don’t you want to take a bath? Why are you drinking?”Chu Mochen bends up the corner of his lips, smiles with no reason, and looks at her, “If I don’t drink, I don’t know how to ask you.”Song Yunxuan’s expression changes a little.She’s a smart woman, and any of her expression change indicates something different.Chu Mochen knows her the best.Therefore, he would not be so foolish to believe that Song Yunxuan becomes so attentive all of a sudden because she decides to be a good woman now. “What do you want to ask me?”Chu Mochen’s fingers are placed on her cheek and move to her ja
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Chapter 156: Huo Jiahui’s Embrace
Maybe everyone could not imagine that Song Yunxuan would abandon her life-saving straw at the crucial moment of life and death.Therefore, the day after Song Yunxuan met Su Youyu, the headlines of the morning papers of Harbor City and Yuncheng turn into “Miss Song meets her secret lover and Chu Mochen completely breaks up with her.”The title is printed in explosive font by magazines and newspapers in Harbor City and Yuncheng, so that the buyer can see the title at a glance.Song Yunxuan stays in the Red Maple Hotel. Su Youyu accompanies her for breakfast.Seeing the high-definition picture in the newspaper is the one he met Song Yunxuan the day before and was photographed when she kissed him, Su Youyu sighs sadly and raises his hand to cover his forehead: “I will certainly be torn by Childe Chu.”“No, you won’t. He let me go away the night before yesterday.”Song Yunxuan’s tone is relaxed, as if she didn’t have any negative emotions after breakin
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Chapter 157: The Progress of Huo Family
Zhang Yufang is rejected by her daughter. She looks stunned, then raises her voice and shouts, “Hui, do you know who you are rejecting?”Huo Jiahui has been in the entertainment circle since she was a child. Her father arranged her nanny and bodyguard with her. In fact, her mother Zhang Yufang hasn’t taken care of her for as long as she has taken care of her little sister.“Mommy, I know what I’m doing,” she tells Zhang Yufang in a clear voice.“Hui, you are the daughter of Huo Family. How could you ignore your mother for the sake of a man from Chu Family? And now, what’s the matter with you? Your sister has been caught in such a big trouble for you, and you don’t even come home to see her. “Zhang Yufang’s words are full of complaints about her daughter.Huo Jiahui understands her mother’s hint: “Mommy, is it because you want to ask me a favor that you want me to go back?”Zhang Yufang has a clever head, but not all of her twin daughters have inh
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Chapter 158: Meeting Loki
After all, she is afraid of being betrayed.A burnt child dreads the fire.With Shao Tianze’s betrayal, she can’t completely believe in men from the bottom of her heart.She gets up and leaves. Huo Ting seems to understand something.In the next few days, Harbor City begins to become full of festival atmosphere.Zhao Kun and Zhang Jin are anxious.Song Yunxuan roams through the food court of Harbor City, tasting snacks of Harbor City. She has no sign of worrying about her life.Zhao Kun and Zhang Jin convey the news to Yuncheng. Even Song Yunqiang, Zhao Yang and Zhou Jian in Yuncheng don’t understand what Song Yunxuan is thinking.Even when death is imminent, she can still face danger calmly.Because of the arrival of the Spring Festival, the stars begin to pay homage to the New Year through the TV screen.What excites Harbor City fans is that Huo Jiahui, who has stopped acting for several years, begins to appear in the cli
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Chapter 159: Being “Invited” Back
She thinks of what happened in those days and thinks she was so unromantic.At that time, the student insisted on taking photos with her in the snow and asked her to show a big smile.However, she was not excited at all.Because it would be very cold after snow melts. She was afraid of the cold. She hated the cold weather most.Loki leads her to the narrow long street. Song Yunxuan couldn’t help wondering, “Are you sure this street leads to the cinema?”Loki looks back and just pulls her forward. “Just follow me. You won’t get lost.”“But this street seems to be...”“Bitch! How dare you ask for money when you haven’t finished your work! You really are emboldened!”Song Yunxuan is interrupted by a rude man’s voice before she finishes her sentence.A young woman sobs pathetically while the man’s shouting.Song Yunxuan follows the voice, only to see a fat man standing buttoning his belt.And he’s all ragged.Loki t
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Chapter 160: Being Rescued
Two tall men come to her.Song Yunxuan steps back.She doesn’t want to go back with Chu Mochen at all. If she does, he would not let her act according to her own will.She looks at Chu Mochen, hoping to see something from his eyes.But what she sees is his back.She couldn’t see anything. She couldn’t see his face at all.Song Yunxuan steps back and says firmly, “I can’t go back with you.”Chu Mochen hears her voice, slightly turns his back and says coldly: “You should stop risking your life.”As long as he takes her back this time, he will not let her act recklessly again.The fortune teller is right about Song Yunxuan. If he keeps indulging her, she will be very unlucky in the end.See what she has done since she came to Harbor City. Everything she has done can put herself to death.And she doesn’t mean to stop.He does not understand why she has such a profound obsession, or why she has to be above others.
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