All Chapters of Reborn Girl's New Life: Chapter 171 - Chapter 180
910 Chapters
Chapter 171: The Reliable Eldest Son
When Song Yunxuan returns to the hotel, Chu Mochen has arrived. She pauses a moment before steps into the door. Chu Mochen looks at her with his rheumy eyes, "I didn’t expect that you’d come back safely."Song Yunxuan says quietly, "Just had something to do and I came back right away after I finished. Your bodyguards did not even find out that I left, did they?""What if someone found out?" Chu Mochen's tone of voice is serious and cold. Song Yunxuan sights and confuses, "Afraid I’ll be killed?"Chu Mochen looks at her with anger. She doesn’t know how worried he is about her, worried about…losing her. He feels a bit disappointed. Noticing that he’s angry, Song Yunxuan smiles slightly, "You know I'm not so easy to die, why do you get angry all of a sudden?""You..." His voice is lowered and he seems to be hesitating. "Who did you meet?"Lu Xia said so much to him, just to tell him that Song Yunxuan is the daughter of Xi
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Chapter 172: A fatal blow
Huo Ting's thinking is right, and there is somebody who’s trying to sow discord. But he’s not quite sure yet who it is. He thought about the possibility of Song Yunxuan. But Song Yunxuan is not local and has no help, she wouldn’t be able to do it. At this point, he can’t figure out who is trying to make Xiao and Huo become enemies. After sharing his thoughts on the matter as the eldest son, he sends his father to rest.Then he heads to the Xiaos and is going to make nice with them. The Harbor city is now in a mess. Huo Ting has no way to find Song Yunxuan, but Xiao Luo finds Song Yunxuan with great ease. Song Yunxuan waits for him on the first floor of the hotel, she walks up to greet him after he comes in, "This hotel is not easy to find, isn’t?"Xiao Luo laughs. "It's not easy. If you didn’t leave a message, I would have no idea you're here."Song Yunxuan leads him to the hotel elevator and says, "Sorry, I l
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Chapter 173: Pour Fuel on The Fire
A loud explosion sets the seaside road in flames. Far away, the burning smell of the car bursts into the nose. The long shadow of Xiao Luo is stretched out on the seaside road. He squints his cat-like eyes coldly, "My uncles’ henchmen just died like this. I may take the blame again."There is no one to answer him, only the wind whistles, mixed with the wet and salty sea smell, making the wind even cooler. Heavy smoke rises at the scene of the car accident. Xiao Yu and Xiao Liang's phones ring at the same time. But Miss Lu, who is stated to be unhealthy and weak, is playing golf under the sun. Beside her is a tall man, with blonde hair, fair skin and nice bone structure, and his eyes like the blue ocean that can make people drown in there. And such eyes are only fixating on Lu Xia. Lu Xia swings the club, the golf ball is hit out, and she stops to rest. The blonde hands over a white towel, "Miss Lu, here’s your towe
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Chapter 174: Fall Out Completely
Zhang Yufang is a little stunned, "My friend?""Yes." Xiao Luo nods, with an unhappy look as if he was deceived. "I thought even though my two uncles interfered, there’s someone would treat me well. But I didn’t expect that she was the same. I’m so disappointed."Zhang Yufang sees the sad look on his face and asks, "Who are you talking about?""Of course, I’m talking about that little bitch who offended sister Ying!"Zhang Yufang’s guard is down. The policewoman gets impatient, "Are you staying or not?"Xiao Luo looks at her with his innocent eyes. Zhang Yufang thinks it over and walks back, "Of course I will."Zhang Yufang sits down, Xiao Luo sits opposite the table and looks at her. The baseball cap is placed at the hand of Xiao Luo, who does not speak in a hurry, but taps his fingers at the smooth table. Zhang Yufang stares at him, "I thought your uncles would not let anyone come visit.""That's not something t
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Chapter 175: Huo Ting’s Concern
It’s a long wait before Zhang Yufang’s told that she will be bailed out.The person who comes to pick her up is not Huo Qixiong as Zhang Yufang expected, but Huo Ting. Seeing Huo Ting getting out of the car, Zhang Yufang is very disappointed. After getting into the car, she asks Huo Ting directly, "Where’s your dad? Why isn’t he here?"Huo Jiaying also stares closely at Huo Ting, hoping he can give them a satisfactory answer. Huo Ting takes a glance at Zhang Yufang, then turns to look at the road ahead, "Dad doesn't want to see you."Zhang Yufang suddenly gets furious, "He doesn’t want to see me? Why? "Huo Ting is sitting in the co-driver’s seat. Behind the seat are Zhang Yufang and Huo Jiaying. Zhang Yufang asks so angrily, which makes Huo Jiaying angry, too, "Brother, why didn’t dad come with you to pick us up?""You know what, mom?" He covers his forehead, looking tired, "Your trouble has caused great loss to our family,
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Chapter 176: Pregnant?
Huo Ting is getting a little confused. But one thing is pretty clear to him. Song Yunxuan can help him take down Zhang Yufang, she is obviously capable of destroying the Huo family. And since he hasn’t done anything after she asked several times, maybe she can't wait for him to do it. So, she’s taking care of it by herself. And now the unresolvable misunderstanding between the Xiao family and the Huo family is right the masterpiece of Song Yunxuan. He doesn’t use a driver, but drives alone as fast as he can to those hotels where Song Yunxuan used to stay. No exception, no hotel can provide a trace of Song Yunxuan. Huo Ting's eyes are dark, after thinking, he dials Chu Mochen's mobile phone number. Chu Mochen's assistant answers the phone, stumbles over his words, "Mr. Chu... He's busy right now... ""With Song Yunxuan?"The assistant reacts for a second, then laughs and says, "Mr. Huo, you must be kidding."
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Chapter 177: A Lucrative Reward
Song Yunxuan was quiet all night, quiet as a cute and docile cat. Chu Mochen held her in his arms, his lips pressed against her earlobe, she could feel his warm breath right next to her. Song Yunxuan was sleepless the whole night. At dawn, she frees herself out of Chu Mochen's arms. Chu Mochen pulls her back and refuses to let her leave, "Where are you going?"Song Yunxuan puts her hand in his, "Shouldn't you be asleep?"Chu Mochen holds her in arms like holding a precious treasure. His voice is as charming as the cello. "If I don’t hold you tight, I’m afraid that you may disappear when I open my eyes."Song Yunxuan smiles and looks at him gentle, "How come, I’m with you all the time.""Then marry me."Song Yunxuan looks down. Chu Mochen places his hand on her belly, "Since you are pregnant with my child, I should at least make it official."Song Yunxuan feels his gentle touch, full of care and love.
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Chapter 178: Zhang Yufang's Pregnancy
Just 10 minutes of staying in Yangshan villa already makes Zhang Yufang feel suffocated. After a whole night, she becomes extremely in a bad mood. In the morning, the servant puts the rose tea on the table. After taking a quick glance at the color of the rose tea, she suddenly knocks the cup off on the ground. The top-notch porcelain teacup is smashed into pieces. The servant steps back and looks down immediately, holding the tray even tighter in her hands. Seeing the servant just standing there instead of squatting down to pick up the fragments, she gets even angrier and starts scolding, "Don’t just stand there! Clean it up! "Hearing this, the servant squats down right away to pick up the pieces of the cup. The other three servants look out of the kitchen, seeing Zhang Yufang's angry face, hide back to the kitchen again. A conversation in low voice is heard from the kitchen."This woman is really spoiled, this is only he
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Chapter 179: Let Me Be In Charge
The conflict between the Xiao family and the Huo family has been out of control. The entire upper-class of Harbor City is familiar with the scandal. Huo Qixiong has looked particularly tired in several appearances, his hair turns grey and he looks aged overnight. Huo Ting receives unprecedented attention in the Huo family, and Huo Qixiong almost unreservedly manages the Huo family together with Huo Ting. Everything comes together at the end of the year. The approach of the New Year puts Harbor City in peace, temporally. The day before Lunar New Year's Eve, Chu Mochen takes Song Yunxuan to the hospital. As soon as Song Yunxuan arrives at the hospital, she suddenly feels sick and covers her mouth. She rushes to the bathroom and doesn’t even have time to warn Chu Mochen. Chu Mochen follows her to the bathroom and watches her vomit over the sink, he walks up to her and pats on her back, "I told you to go back to Yuncheng, se
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Chapter 180: Play Hard
St. Mary's Obstetrics & Gynecology Hospital, Harbor City. Chu Mochen frowns and looks at the examination results with no obvious expression on his face. Song Yunxuan touches her belly saying in relief, "I told you it was just stomachache, you just didn’t believe me."Although she says so, Song Yunxuan’s hand still pauses for a moment on her belly. Her period is late.But the examination only shows that her stomach is upset.She really is skeptical about the results of the examination. Chu Mochen accompanies her to leave the hospital. When Song Yunxuan is out of the hospital door, she sees a woman in red dress entering the hospital. The woman is tall and graceful, her hair is short and shiny, it can be seen from the side that one of her hands is wearing a black leather glove. She pauses a little. Chu Mochen looks over and only sees the profile of the woman. "Someone you know?"Song Yunxuan shakes h
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