All Chapters of Reborn Girl's New Life: Chapter 751 - Chapter 760
910 Chapters
Chapter 751 Could Not Escape the Misfortune
Song Yunxuan?Gu Changle's eyes narrowed when Ding Tong said the name."Is she important to Song Yunxuan?"Gu Changle felt a little skeptical.Ding Tong said, "Yes. Song Yunxuan was surprisingly concerned about Shao Tianze's daughter."Gu Changle lowered her eyes and pondered this matter carefully.She thought carefully about why Song Yunxuan cared about Shao Tianze's daughter.When Gu Changle was silent, Ding Tong knew she was thinking about this thing. Ding Tong said to her, "I've already told you. Do you understand what I mean now?""Do your Yuan Family want to target Song Yunxuan first?"Gu Changle asked Ding Tong.Ding Tong nodded, "Yes, we want to attack Song Yunxuan first.""However, it won't be useful. Gu Miaomiao is Shao Tianze's daughter. She and Song Yunxuan are not related by blood.""She and Song Yunxuan are n
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Chapter 752 The Murderous Act
Just after Christmas, heavy snow suddenly came down in Yuncheng.Sitting on the bed, Miaomiao watched the snowflakes float in through the gaps in the curtains. She frowned and jumped off the bed.The nurse responsible for taking care of her was taking a nap.Hearing the sound of Miaomiao getting out of bed, the nurse woke up immediately.She hurriedly got up to hold Miaomiao, "Ah! Miss, how could you get out of bed and walk around without wearing shoes?"Gu Miaomiao did not speak. However, she obviously did not like the nurse who was holding her. Miaomiao frowned and pushed the nurse, trying to get out of her arms.Being pushed by Gu Miaomiao, the nurse patiently said, "Miss, it's cold now. You have not fully recovered. You should not get out of bed or walk around. Listen to me and be good, OK?"The nurse put Miaomiao on the bed forcibly, covered her with the quilt, and turned to close
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Chapter 753 Miaomiao Passed away
"Mommy..."Song Yunxuan heard the innocent voice of a familiar child in a trance.She frowned and grasped the quilt tightly.Outside the window, a little moonlight glinted through the dark clouds, bright and clear.The snow on the windowsill reflected the moonlight."Mommy?"The child called again."Miaomiao..." Song Yunxuan murmured, "Miaomiao?"No one in the room responded to her.However, she seemed to see a child's shadow in the dark with a faint white light in her dream. The child was squatting in the distance, hugging her knees, crying, and shouting, "Mommy, where are you?""Miaomiao, I'm here." Song Yunxuan said and wanted to walk into the darkness.She wanted to hug the child who was holding her knees.However, there was an invisible wall in front of her, which firmly separated her from Miaomiao.She w
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Chapter 754 Lost Her Daughter
Song Yunxuan was so emotional that she completely lost her composure and sense.Mei Qi had some suspicions in his mind, but Song Yunxuan had been beating around the bush and had never clearly admitted her identity.Now, she said that Gu Miaomiao was her daughter.She finally admitted that she was Gu Changge.However, Gu Changge was indeed dead.Before returning to the country, Mei Qi asked the person who cremated Gu Changge.That person said firmly that he saw people putting a corpse without a heart into the cremator.How could a dead person come alive? And why did her appearance change?He did not believe that Gu Changge was not dead.However, he did not believe that Song Yunxuan was the original Song Yunxuan, either.So, it was really puzzling.He had considered that this might be a supernatural phenomenon, but he had been half in do
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Chapter 755 Hated His Guts
Ding Tong stared at the screen, seeing that the woman was knocked unconscious by a man, and then the man quickly picked her up and left the scene.She couldn't help narrowing her eyes, saying, "He must be her assistant..."Before dealing with Song Yunxuan, she did a lot of homework. She knew that there was a smart and effective assistant around Song Yunxuan.Moreover, the assistant was a legend.However, she had always been very curious.Why the man with the title of "prime master" many years ago was willing to support Song Yunxuan and work as a humble assistant?As Mei Qi was competent and had once been the mentor of various heirs of wealthy families, teaching them to be scheming and sophisticated, he should find a big family which was more powerful and be their assistant.Why did he choose Song Yunxuan, who was not outstanding at that moment, to be his boss?Ding Tong's e
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Chapter 756 Yunying's Visit to the Prison
Hearing Song Yunying's words, Song Yunqiang was instantly on the alert.Song Yunying came straight to the point, saying, "Brother, don't side with the wrong team and say something wrong.""What?"Song Yunqiang didn't understand what his second younger sister meant.Now he was in prison and wasn't able to get out in a short time.So what could make him take a side and what wrong thing could he say?Song Yunqiang felt confused. Seeing that, Song Yunying said frankly, "Yunxuan has been through a lot lately. It's a little hard for Yunxuan to cope with Shao Tianze. Maybe someone will think of you. You'd better ponder over whether you can still fight or not before weighing the benefits others can give you."Song Yunying's words enlightened Song Yunqiang. He replied, "You mean someone wants to help me fight against Song Yunxuan?""That's possible."Song Yunying respon
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Chapter 757 Conceal from Lu Feng
The pain of losing her daughter in her dream was piercing.When she suddenly woke up, she felt that the whole world seemed to have become gray-black.Song Yunxuan's eyes abruptly opened. She fixed her eyes on the ceiling with cold sweat on her forehead.The housekeeper saw her wake up. She asked her excitedly, "Miss Song, how do you feel?"Song Yunxuan turned her head slightly to the housekeeper.The housekeeper wore a worried look.Song Yunxuan closed her eyes, asking the housekeeper in a hoarse voice that even she felt unfamiliar with, "How's Miaomiao?"The housekeeper did not know how to react for a second.Mei Qi came to her bed as soon as he heard that Song Yunxuan had woken up."Manager Song, how are you feeling?"Song Yunxuan opened her eyes and asked Mei Qi, frowned, "Did I have a nightmare?"Mei Qi didn't know what to say.
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Chapter 758 Ding Tong's Threat
Ever since Song Yunying left, Song Yunqiang had not been as cool as usual.For no other reason but because he started to dream of returning to the Song Family.The Song Family meant a lot to him.Because he grew up there.Let alone he was born to be the only successor of the Song Family.But everything had changed because of Song Yunxuan's arrival.Until Song Yunxuan grabbed it away.He used to resent her, but it was merely futile.Worse still, resentment doubled his upset.The other prisoners always joked about his old identity as the wealthy young master.But they didn't know that their jokes were laser-sharp enough to cut through Song Yunqiang's heart.When he was the young master of the Song Family, he had never imagined himself ending up in the prison.Thus, he also dreamed about returning to the Song Family and takin
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Chapter 759 Yunqiang's Rejection
Hearing Song Yunxuan might be manipulated by a ghost, Song Yunqiang couldn't help thinking of scary things. There was no doubt that a normal human should team up with a human instead of a ghost.Since Song Yunqiang was a normal human, he was surely afraid of ghosts.Biting his lips, he was about to say okay to Ding Tong.But he suddenly thought of Song Yunying's warnings before he spoke.Thus, after biting his lips, he seriously said, "I've got to consider about it.""Are you kidding?"Ding Tong smirked, "You're safer with a human than a ghost, you know.""But sometimes human beings are more horrible than ghosts."Ding Tong didn't expect that Song Yunqiang would say so. She sneered, "You've learned a lot in jail. Seems like Song Yunxuan has really taught you a lesson.""Not her." Song Yunqiang said."Who?""It was Song Yunjia."
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Chapter 760 Yunxuan Was Lost
eHearing that Song Yunxuan was lost, Song Yunying furrowed her brows and didn't take it seriously as she thought her husband was lying.Not seeing Yunying's reaction as he wanted, Xue Tao asked, "What a shame! You used to be under her wings. Don't you feel worried?"Song Yunying frowned, saying, "I don'thave any time for your nonsense.""Nonsense?"Xue Tao sneered, "Call the Song Family to see if I'm talking nonsense."Song Yunying didn't want to make the call even though she had doubted.Detesting Xue Tao's gloating look, she frowned and handed her baby to the nurse before calling the Song Family.The phone had rung a long time before someone in the Song Family picked it up."This is Song Yunying."The servant quickly answered, "How's it going, Miss Yunying? Do you want Miss Song on the phone?""Yep. Where's Yunxuan?"The servant hesi
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