All Chapters of Reborn Girl's New Life: Chapter 771 - Chapter 780
910 Chapters
Chapter 771 Help You Take Revenge
Gu Yi felt lost and apprehensive because of Yuan Xi's words.He clenched his fingers and retorted excitedly, "Impossible! Absolutely impossible! You are lying to me!""Do you want to see your sister's body?"Looking at Gu Yi's expression, Yuan Xi asked.Gu Yi stepped back while his eyes became dazed. He was breaking down little by little.Seeing Gu Yi's situation, Yuan Xi took out his cell phone, "Look at it."Yuan Xi opened the photo app on the phone and placed it in front of Gu Yi.While he saw the photos clearly, Gu Yi seemed to have been struck by lightning. He opened his mouth wide but couldn't say a word.At the same time,Song Yunxuan arrived at the airport.Zang Linger called Song Yunxuan, "Yuan Xi and Gu Yi have met.""I'm about to go there.""You are going?"Zang Linger felt strange, "What are you go
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Chapter 772 Are You Anxious?
"As long as I tell you, you can help me avenge my sister?"With tears in his eyes, Gu Yi looked at Yuan Xi.Yuan Xi curled his lips with confidence, "Yes.""Really?"Gu Yi was filled with deep sorrow, but he still clenched his fists and tried his best to maintain the only remaining sense of reason to judge and question Yuan Xi's words."Gu Yi, even if you don't believe me, do you have other choices now?" Yuan Xi reminded him without mercy, "Your father, Shao Tianze, definitely will not avenge your sister."Gu Yi pursed his lips, and his heart full of hatred was about to bleed.Yuan Xi was right. And Gu Yi also knew this point clearly.Even if Yuan Xi didn't tell him who killed Miaomiao, he could already guess it in his heart.It was Gu Changle.From the beginning, Gu Changle had wanted to kill them. Nevertheless, she could not succeed because of th
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Chapter 773 Be Sent to Thailend
Ding Tong couldn't find out anything about Yuan Xi in Harbor City.Though she had dispatched all her men, there was no clue after a day's effort.In the early morning, she almost fell apart.She constantly called Song Yunxuan's home number, phone number, company number, and even all the numbers of the Song Family.She even called Song Yunying.Song Yunying knew nothing about it, so there was nothing she could tell Ding Tong.After failing to get any information from Song Yunying, Ding Tong called Gu Changle.Gu Changle was dreaming about killing Gu Yi. But out of her expectation, she was woken up by Ding Tong's call at midnight.She asked Ding Tong, feeling annoyed, "What happened?""What happened?" Ding Tong snapped, "You know it's a trap, but you still want our childe to fall into the trap, right?"Gu Changle got swept up in it at home.
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Chapter 774 I Could Get Everything Covered
Yuan Xi felt confused.But when seeing that Yuan Xi turned pale, Zang Linger said with a smile, "What's the use of worrying about such things? Since you've done something wrong, you will have to stew in your own juice. You think you can set the law at defiance?""But it's not your place to..."Yuan Xi was bitter about it.But when Zang Linger heard that, she looked at him unsympathetically, "Not our place? So you’ve got the right to kill Gu Changge's daughter?"Yuan Xi denied, frowning, "I did not do that. Why did Song Yunxuan target me?"As long as he could avoid being sent to Thailend, he would be as unreasonable as he could.Yuan Xi denied, frowning.But Zang Linger saw through him. She smiled and said, "Didn't your words weigh upon your conscience?""I really did not do it!""But Ding Tong has something to do with Miaomiao's death."
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Chapter 775 Search for Yuan Xi
Song Yunxuan had thought about all that might happen in the future.There were always crises in Yuncheng.Gu Changge had been dead, but there was still Song Yunxuan, Shao Tianze, and Gu Changle.This place would never see peace as long as the feud among them still existed.And for Gu Yi, staying here was the last thing he should do.Song Yunxuan looked through the window at the glimmering stars, and presently she said, “Yi, maybe you should live abroad for some time.”Gu Yi looked up at her, “When can I come back, then?”Yuncheng, the place where he had been born and living ever since, had all those good memories…There was his mother and Miaomiao.He did not want to leave, but he got no choice. Gu Changle had decided to kill him.There was nothing he could do to change all this crap.That was why she must send him away.H
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Chapter 776 The Only Weak Spot
Yuan Xi and Ding Tong were always so mysterious.Shao Tianze did not go straight to her but relaxed a bit before sending his men to see if she got any progress.Figuring that he might have landed, Gu Changle called him to check out."Everything is alright," Tianze said to her.Gu Changle nodded, "Good. Be careful of Song Yunxuan. And... You don't have to really help Ding Tong.""Why?""I mean they have been so offensive and arrogant since they came to the Harbor City, claiming to be from a rich and powerful family, but we have never really known their background."They didn’t know Yuan Xi’s family, his birthplace, or his family history.All they had collected were either made-up information or unreliable speculations."We do not even know their purposes.""About that, Yuan Xi already told us that he wants our Shao Family.""I am guessi
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Chapter 777 In Hospital
Ding Tong had long dreams on the plane to Thailand.Yuan Xi was in all her dreams.Ding Tong was extremely worried before she set off.Suddenly, she was awakened by a nightmare before landing.Ding Tong looked at the sky and the ground that she was slowly approaching with a cold sweat. She couldn't help clenching her fingers.Shao Tianze sat next to her. Just by looking at her, he knew that she was worrying about Yuan Xi so much.However, according to Song Yunxuan's style of doing things for so long,Yuan Xi had fallen into Song Yunxuan's hands. It was unlikely that he would be alive as a whole.After Ding Tong landed, she suddenly realized that Song Yunxuan didn't tell her where Yuan Xi was locked up.She hurriedly called Song Yunxuan after getting out of the airport.She called and called. But Song Yunxuan turned a deaf ear to it and didn't answe
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Chapter778 Go Blind
Yuan Xi fell into chaos.In this chaos, he seemed to have heard Ding Tong's voice and eagerly tried to wave his hands and respond to her.However, he couldn't move his hands.He tried to make a sound, but his throat seemed to be sealed by cement. He couldn't say anything.He could hear higher and higher laughter.It was Song Yunxuan's laughter. Her voice was light and empty, like a devil or a ghost. It made people shudder.Yuan Xi couldn't stop shaking when he heard the laughter.He tried to cover his ears with his hands."Master?""Mr. Yuan?"Ding Tong looked at the young man lying on the bed. There was no way for her to associate him with the man she loved.He was not like this the last time she saw him. He was still healthy.How could he end up like this?Yuan Xi's hands and feet were forcibly tied to the t
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Chapter 779 The Tragic End
How could Ding Tong stop easily since Song Yunxuan did this to her?Hearing what Gu Changle said, Shao Tianze began, "She will definitely go after Song Yunxuan.""You think she can make it?"Gu Changle kind of looked down upon Ding Tong.But after hearing these words,Shao Tianze said, "Don't look down upon her. It saved us a lot of effort to have her confronting Song Yunxuan."Gu Changle said lightly, "Maybe you think she is useful now. But even Yuan Xi was hurt like this, how could Ding Tong end well? Remember, she was the one who seduced me in the first place.""At least, Song Yunxuan hasn't done anything to her yet."Shao Tianze said.Gu Changle said slowly, "She hasn't. But it doesn't mean she won't.""All right, you can leave these things alone. I can handle them myself."Shao Tianze wanted to stop the discussion.Gu
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Chapter 780 Hunting Ghosts
Gu Changle went to the airport to meet Shao Tianze immediately after she received his call.Not seeing Ding Tong and Yuan Xi, Gu Changle asked curiously, "Didn't they come back together?""Well, I don't wanna die. How could I come back together with them?"Shao Tianze asked her back.Gu Changle understood. She said, "Fair enough. Actually, it's the same for Ding Tong. God knows what Song Yunxuan will do to her."Gu Changle picked up Shao Tianze from the airport. When they got home, Gu Changle asked him, "Ding Tong is back, but does she have a plan to deal with Song Yunxuan?""Yuan Xi knows how to deal with Song Yunxuan, but I'm not quite sure." Shao Tianze picked up his teacup and blew it gently.Gu Changle paused a moment and said, "Maybe we should ask Yuan Xi.""He told us that Song Yunxuan is Gu Changge's ghost, didn't he? If she is a ghost, why not find someone to scare
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