All Chapters of Destined Wife: The Apple of My Eye: Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
516 Chapters
Chapter 121 What Is the Truth
Yan Hua can’t believe what she hears.How dare Yuan Li ask her to admit that she lost the money?“Mrs. Lu, I didn’t catch what you said. Would you mind repeating it?”Yuan Li stares at her.“Mrs. Lang, I said that could you please tell the police that you lost the money.”Yan Hua looks at her as if she sees a fool, “And then? Shall I report a false case?”“Don’t worry. I’ll talk to the police. As long as you agree, I’ll solve the rest problem.”“Mrs. Lu...” Yan Hua takes a deep look at her. “Didn’t you take medicine before you go out today? Do you think that’s possible?”Yuan Li’s eyes flash across the craziness. She says, “How could it be impossible? I’ve told you that I could settle with the police. You just have to go and tell them that the money is yours.”Yan Hua looks at her quietly. After a few seconds, she says, “Why?”Yuan Li obviously has someth
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Chapter 122 Brother Mingxi Has a Puppy
“According to the statement of Li Yi’s sister, the kidnapper insisted that he had thrown the child to the side of the road and never killed him.” Lang Ruoxian helps her analyze. “But for so young a kid, being thrown to the side of the road is no different from being murdered.”Yan Hua is very sad, as if she can see a little baby crying helplessly, perhaps freezing to death or… She looks up suddenly, “What if someone picked him up?”Lang Ruoxian cannot bear her disappointment and nods. “It is also possible. But it is even more difficult to check. After all, it happened five years ago, and if the person who found the baby didn’t report it, he wouldn’t be found.”“At least he may be alive.” Yan Hua smiles. “I want to believe that someone picked him up.”“Mmm.” Lang Ruoxian’s mobile phone rings. It is a call from Shu Sheng.Shu Sheng says a few words on the phone. Lang Ruoxian hangs up the phone and tells Yan Hua, “Yuan Li
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Chapter 123 Lang Li’s Appearance
Brother Mingxi has a puppy, which is a great event in the hearts of Gungun and Xiaojiu. So the next afternoon, the two families go to Mingxi’s house. Xiaojiu has been specially picked up from the kindergarten in advance.“How lovely!” As soon as Fei Ying enters, she sees a small yellow ball rolls on the ground. Seeing them enter, it seems to be startled and turns its head and purses its tail to run away.Yan Hua helps Gungun take off his coat and asks, “Isn’t it said that Golden Retrievers are not afraid of people?”“This one is more timid.” Chen Hong places slippers in order. “Nobody except Mingxi has been allowed to touch it since we came back yesterday.”“It can have been maltreated, can’t it?” Fei Ying says, “It is said that small animals that have been abused since childhood have psychological shadows. When they grow up, they are not easy to train, and they are timid and not easy to believe in human beings.”Chen
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Chapter 124 New Neighbors Quarrel
Today, Chen Hong and Mingxi take the puppy to get a health certificate, because they want to take Pudding with them on vacation.Yes! The puppy’s name is Pudding.“Son, can you tell mom why you choose this name for the puppy?” When Mingxi tells her the puppy’s name in the morning, Chen Hong asks him.Mingxi is a little shy. He smiles and says, “Because Xiaojiu likes eating pudding.”Haha!Chen Hong feels that she has discovered something extraordinary!When they come back, Mingxi wants to walk around the villa area with Pudding. In case it comes out one day, it can find the way back. But something happens to them.“The man had to say that Pudding peed on his lawn, but I asked Mingxi and he told me that Pudding didn’t do it at all!” Chen Hong angrily circles back and forth. Yan Hua grabs her. “Don’t worry. What did he mean on earth?”“How do I know!” Chen Hong angrily drinks a larg
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Chapter 125 Someone Who Has Come to Share the Room
Lang Ruoxian discovers that Yan Hua is proud in her heart. Just as she said before, even if there is no love between himself and Qiang Di, Yan Hua does not allow the person she likes to be involved with other women.He is a little agitated. Lang Ruoxian looks at Yan Hua who is half lying there. Those foreigners occasionally passing by whistles at her unabashedly. Such a beautiful woman can attract men’s eyes everywhere.But Lang Ruoxian knows that he likes not only this face but also the soul in this body. He can even imagine how beautifully she will shine if Yan Hua gets her memory back one day.“But if... Miss Yan’s family background is not so perfect...” Shu Sheng once asked him.The actual meaning is that the situation is quite good now, so why bother to proliferate issues and problems?But he wants Yan Hua to be happy, and finding her identity must be the happiest thing for her.“Your expression.” Yan
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Chapter 126 The Divorce
Yan Hua didn’t think much about it at the beginning. But she begins to pay attention to it after hearing Fei Ying’s words. However, before she observes others, she is busy enough with her own affairs.On the third day of Chinese New Year, when Yan Hua is feeding Gungun for breakfast, her micro blog receives a push notification.Breaking News: Lang Consortium’s president Lang Ruoxian and his sister-in-law Yan Hua are on vacation at the seaside. They act in the romantic way late at night on the beach, which seems that they are expressing their love with each other.“Hua...” Other people say to her. They also receive it.Lang Ruoxian suddenly stands up. Chen Hong brings Gungun down and tells him, “Let Auntie feed you outside.”“Mingxi, would you like to go out and have dinner with Xiaojiu?” Fei Ying asks and takes a small steamed bun for Xiaojiu.After all the children leave, Lang Ruoxian sits down beside Yan
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Chapter 127 Li Yi’s Wonderful Thought
Yan Hua takes out her cell phone and checks her current deposit. Lang Family gave her more than three million yuan when she was pregnant. Last year, Gungun got more than five million dividends. Lang Cha also gives her money sometimes. She now has more than 10 million yuan.She will not set up a meaningless dignity stone for herself. She can’t say that she doesn’t need Lang Family’s money and hasn’t such high consciousness. It is impossible to buy a villa near Fei Ying’s house within 10 million yuan. But it is no problem to buy a good apartment.“What are you thinking about?” Fei Ying runs to her, “I see Lang Ruoxian answering the phone with a serious face. Does your grandpa call him?”Yan Hua’s face is expressionless. Fei Ying smiles, “You’re nervous!”“How could I not be nervous?” She closes her eyes and says, “If he doesn’t agree. Everything we did before is in vain.”“Have faith in Lang Ruoxian.” Fei Ying points to
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Chapter 128 Gungun Howls in Grievance
With the announcement released by Yan Hua and Lang Consortium, the hot topic cools off. But there are still some keyboard warriors online saying ugly words, to whom Lang Ruoxian asks the judiciary branch of his group to send a lawyer’s letter.Soon everyone online seems to be quiet after several social media influencers that were gossiping get banned and fined for defaming others in public. Yan Hua observes for a few days and notices that no one is talking about her affair anymore. But a new trending subject pops up.“It’s said online that Cong Fei has divorced secretly and been abroad for a vocation!” Fei Ying and Chen Hong talk in awe with the cell phone in their hands.“She just attended a ceremony with her husband two months ago, and now gets divorced?” Chen Hong shakes her head, “It must be her that proposed the split-up.”Fei Ying looks at her, “That doesn’t sound like you, Hong. Shouldn’t you say her husband commits adultery
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Chapter 129 Incidents on Holiday
They talk about the little episode over dinner and then forget about it because it has nothing to do with them. But Cong Fei shows up with her daughter the next day.“Hi everyone! Sorry to bother you.” Cong Fei doesn’t wear the gauze kerchief today and takes off her sunglasses when she enters the room. Having a beautiful Bohemian dress on, she looks particularly attractive with stunning temperament, which deserves the title of movie queen.“This is my daughter Lulu. Lulu, say hi to everyone!”The little girl is supposed to be taught before coming here. Blinking her bright eyes, she calls “uncle and auntie” in an innocent and adorable appearance, then she comes to Yan Hua with a toy car in her arms.“Auntie, it was my fault yesterday for losing my temper. Here is a gift to the little brother.” The little girl, in the same dress as her mother, looks at with watery eyes.Gungun turns away and buries his face in Lang Ruoxi
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Chapter 130 Maternal Love or Selfish Love
The next day they go alone to the nearby island which is secluded and beautiful. There is a small area of rain forest on the island and the children are not willing to come back three days later.“If we don’t leave, we would starve.” Yan Hua tells Gungun, “There are no desserts or snacks, do you still want to stay?”Gungun says, “No...”So they happily back to the big island. They are going to place the luggage, while Cong Fei comes up to them.“Please help me! Help me!” She grasps Yan Hua’s hand as soon as she comes in, “Don’t you have a foundation? I’m asking you for help now. You have to help me.”Now that she talks about the foundation, Yan Hua has no reason to ignore her.“Take a seat. Take it easy.” She nods at Fei Ying and the latter serves a glass of water to Cong Fei.Fei Yi and Lang Ruoxian are ready to leave but Cong Fei stops them, “Mr. Lang, Mr. Fei, please wait for a while.”
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