All Chapters of Destined Wife: The Apple of My Eye: Chapter 141 - Chapter 150
516 Chapters
Chapter 141 Yan Hua’s Choice
Gungun is tired because of crying, so he falls asleep when they arrive at home. Yan Hua puts him on his little bed and goes downstairs to find that Fei Shan hasn’t gone yet.“Are you all right?” Fei Shan pours her a glass of water.Yan Hua rubs her eyebrows. “Am I too selfish...”She thinks that what she gives to Gungun is the best, even better than other ordinary children get. But she ignores what he always wants, a father.“You have already been doing well!” Fei Shan pats her on the shoulder. “Gungun is still too young to understand many things.”“But he wants a father.” Yan Hua has never felt so depressed, as if all her efforts have been in vain.Fei Shan smiles. “I have a proposal. Do you want to hear it?”Having seen Yan Hua gawking at him and her expression being more vacant than usual, he knows that she really feels sad. Fei Shan says, “Gungun is still a little kid now. You just keep wa
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Chapter 142 Fei Shan Brought Trouble to Yan Hua
“Fei Shan?” Yan Hua cries his name, but the phone is hung up with beeping sound.Yan Hua hurriedly calls back but the mobile phone indicates: The phone you dialed is turned off. The thought comes to her that he may have had an accident. She remembers that the assistant said they were drinking in some hotel, which is not far from here, so she tells the driver to drive there.“Xiaoying!” On the way, she calls Fei Ying to ask her to pick up Gungun.As soon as Fei Ying hears that something may have happened to Fei Shan, she is anxious. “Hua, please, I shall let Fei Yi go there immediately.”The hotel where Fei Shan is staying is really close. The assistant said that Fei Shan had originally thought of coming to pick up Yan Hua after attending the activity, but he drank too much. Yan Hua is even more anxious when she arrives at the hotel. Where should she find him?“I seemed to see a famous star just now.” A couple come out
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Chapter 143 I’m Chasing after Yan Hua
Gungun is so happy to see Lang Ruoxian that he jumps on him. Yan Hua quickly picks up her son, “Uncle’s health is not good. He can’t hug you.”“Uncle!” Gungun dismounts from her and carefully takes Lang Ruoxian’s hand.Lang Ruoxian bends to pick him up, “Alright. Uncle can hug Gungun.”“I know all about it,” Fei Ying hugs Yan Hua. “You saved our family again.”“Well, you must remember my great kindness!” Yan Hua smiles, “Return the favor later.”Fei Ying laughs, “No problem!”When she brings Gungun back home, Lang Ruoxian naturally follows. And one elder and one young play together on the sitting room carpet.“Don’t go alone in such a case anymore.” She doesn’t know when Lang Ruoxian is leaning against the kitchen door.Yan Hua puts the house maid cooked food out, “Help me carry the soup.”Yan Hua gives Gungun a pudding as he finishes his dinner in kindergarten, and h
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Chapter 144 Contract Lover
In the sitting room of the Fei Family.“I’m sorry. It was my fault.” Fei Shan looks guilty. “What done is done. You can only be wronged for a few days, and later I’ll post a micro blog message to declare that we are incompatible and break up, but we are still good friends.”“Brat...” The agent insists on staying, fearing he might say so. Fei Shan gives him a stern look. “You shut up.”Yan Hua looks at them. “Is there anything else I don’t know?”“Miss Yan!” The agent almost gets down on his knees. “Help Fei Shan and pretend to be in love with him for... For at least two years, don’t break up!”Lang Ruoxian smiles and says darkly. “Do you think I’m dead?”“No.” Fei Shan gives his agent a look of disapproval. “Don’t listen to his lies.”“I’m not lying!” The agent crackles out the reasons, and after a few words, he looks at Yan Hua piteously. “If Fei Shan misses this chance, no one knows when the
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Chapter 145 Don’t You Love Me, Sister?
Yan Hua learns of his going abroad a few days later when Fei Ying tells her.“He went with Li Yi. He’s going into Eastern European markets.”Fei Ying looks at Yan Hua secretly. “Didn’t he tell you that?”“No.” Yan Hua puts down the magazine and they two sit in the cafe.This is their own salon titled by a highly positive name--Cradle of Hope. They just officially moved the foundation over yesterday, in a small conference room behind the cafe.“Someone on micro blog recommends that our dessert is tasty.” Seeing her not want to mention Lang Ruoxian, Fei Ying doesn’t ask cleverly. After all, the culprit is her brother-in-law.“Tomorrow is the National Day. There shall be lots of guests here.” Yan Hua stretches. “Do you have any other plans?”Fei Ying shrugs her shoulders. “We won’t go anywhere. Xiaojiu is going to shoot a promotional video for the kindergarten. Right, her teacher said she called
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Chapter 146 The False Family
Fei Shan is also very nervous. Before returning home, he sent a message to Yan Hua. However, Yan Hua can’t feel nervous at all when she finds he is so nervous. After Fei Shan knocks the door, many people come in behind him and put the cameras on her sitting room. Yan Hua still keeps calm.“Will you have dinner at home this evening?” She asks him.Fei Shan smiles, “Yes! It’s the same as usual.”After showing the white of her eyes, Fei Ying smiles falsely, “Do you mind if I have dinner with you?”“It’ll be okay if my eldest brother doesn’t mind.” Fei Shan sits on the sofa. He has already been used to the camera long time ago. It doesn’t matter if the two black holes of camera are shooting at him. But Yan Hua and Fei Ying can’t behave naturally like him.But Yan Hua looks very calm. In fact, she has been controlling herself not to see the camera. Fei Ying directly closes to the camera and asks, “I don’t make up. Do I look
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Chapter 147 The Nightmare of Yan Hua
Lang Ruoxian, unlike a gentleman at home, sits there in a cold manner. Yet the silhouette cast by the lights is fascinating. The woman opposite looks at him as if she is watching a dish and wishes to swallow it in one gulp.“Lang, why don’t you talk?” The woman does not know how to read other’s facial expressions. It is Lang Ruoxian’s cold appearance that attracts her and she wants to conquer the man in bed.Lang Ruoxian puts down his fork, “If you are full, let’s go back to the company. We can sign the agreement of the morning if there is no problem.”He wants to buy a piece of land. This woman is the daughter of... the landowner. If it were not for this reason, he wouldn’t see her at a glance. Her shaking and white breasts made him want to vomit during the dinner.“Lang!” The woman apparently doesn’t know that she is being hated, she deliberately straightens up her chest. “Didn’t my father say that the agreement would be signed t
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Chapter 148 The Nightmare Becomes True
She dreams that Lang Ruoxian’s lower body is covered with blood.“What’s the dream?” Fei Shan does not hear Yan Hua’s words clearly. He touches her forehead and finds that it’s full of sweat.Yan Hua shakes her head. “I’m fine... I can’t remember it at once.”“Drink some water.” Fei Shan doesn’t continue to ask. He just comforts her, “They are all false. Dreams are reversed.”“Right...” Yan Hua takes the cup from him and lowers her head so that Fei Shan could not see her blank eyes. “They are all fake... Fake.”The blanket next to her squirms a few times. Then a round little head appears.“Mommy?” Gungun rubs his eyes.Yan Hua feeds him some water. Fei Shan hands her a towel. Then Yan Hua uses it to wipe Gungun mouth and picks him up. She tells Fei Shan, “I take him to wash his face.”“OK. Be careful!”In the toilet, Gungun blinks at his and says, “Mommy, I just dream
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Chapter 149 The School’s Daily Life of Xiaojiu
When Xiaojiu was at the age of seven, Fei Consortium bought the private school in which Xiaojiu studies because of a change in strategic direction. Namely, Xiaojiu becomes the child of the school board.“Why did you tell her you bought the school?” Fei Ying complains, “You know how naughty she is.”Xiaojiu has always been a very independent child. This character of independence has changed since she went to primary school last year. Fei Ying receives the teacher’s call almost every day to tell her that Xiaojiu frightens her classmates to cry.“The children who are frightened by my daughter are all fools.” This is the reaction of her father who loves his daughter so much, “Xiaojiu is so cute. How can she really hurt anyone?”Fei Ying is speechless.“My good girl! Our daughter is innocent.” Fei Shan hugs his little wife. “She’s as cute as you are. Don’t worry!”Fei Ying doesn’t tell Fei Yi that except for hi
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Chapter 150 Gungun’s Wish (I)
Gungun is six years old, and begins to go to the senior class of the kindergarten.Today is the first day of school, so Yan Hua tells him that he can wear his favorite clothes and not have to take school uniforms.“Can I wear whatever I like?” Gungun asks.Yan Hua glances at her son. As his thoughts are always strange, she adds. “It’s summer, take T-shirt and shorts of course.”Gungun runs downstairs in ten minutes. “Mommy!”Pooh! Yan Hua almost spits the milk out of her mouth, then she calms down and asks. “Gungun, where did you get these clothes?“Sister Xiaojiu gave it to me!” Gungun turns around. “Isn’t it lovely?”Gungun recedes the baby fat these two years and grows delicate and pretty. Yan Hua doesn’t know how many advertiser offers and guest appearance invitations she has to turn down each month. She can see that her son will fail many girls in the future.But! What the he
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