All Chapters of Destined Wife: The Apple of My Eye: Chapter 391 - Chapter 400
516 Chapters
Chapter 391 Father and Son Argue
When Brown finds that Lang Qi not only has more than a few wineries, but also has an old castle and several stores, his heart is filled with more anxiety. No wonder Lang Qi dared to leave simply and completely, for he had left so much to himself.“The property all belong to my mother, to Anselm Family!” Brown says fiercely, “There is something wrong with the family business now. Since he has got so many things from Anselm Family, he can’t stay out of it.”His underlings look at each other, thinking that something went wrong because Brown took his own course. He had to compete with other families to take bread out of their mouths so they retaliated...“Otherwise you’d better call Master Lang Qi, for he may not know the current situation of the family. If he knows it, he must not stand idly by.”Brown hesitates. He doesn’t want to make the call. He just wants to sell the unrelated industries to subsidize the family’s business. But if
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Chapter 392 Being Kidnapped
“Because of it, I can’t return to my homeland to reunite with my family. Do you think I didn’t want to leave sooner? But I promised your mother that all I could do is to keep my promise.” Lang Qi’s expression gradually becomes cold, “You thought I had always hated you because you were not the heir I like, didn’t you?”Brown listens to him blankly, his heart growing increasingly panicky.“Look! That’s why I’m against it.” Lang Qi spreads out his hands, “Because I have found for a long time that you were not capable of being a patriarch.”Brown’s face suddenly changes color, and he suddenly stands up, “You talk nonsense! Why do you deny me?”“Because I haven’t been able to hand over the family to you for so many years. Because you forced me to hand over the family to you, but you couldn’t manage it well and had to come to me.” Lang Qi says coldly, “Did I say wrong? Just like what I said at the beginning, if you just want to see if I’
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Chapter 393 I Finally Lied to You Once
“Are you all so useless?”Seeing Tang Duo, Brown angrily shouts at his men, “Hurry up and get her down!”Tang Duo finds Lang Ruoxian hanging on the third floor, so she sneaks in through the back door. When those people leave, she wants to pull him up. But she’s not strong enough. She’s going to cry.“Brown, if you dare to hurt Hua, I can’t protect you.” Lang Qi’s face changes. The result of kidnapping Lang Ruoxian is that he will be skinned the most. But if he hurts Yan Hua, he will die.Brown sneers, “Are you kidding, Dad? Now you can reconsider. The lives of your own son and daughter-in-law depend on your decision.”Just now, he suddenly thought of the Tang Family’s position in the capital. If Tang Duo has an accident because of Lang Qi, the Tang Family will not forgive him. At that time, Lang Qi will have nowhere to go but to go back with him.“You are courting death!” Lang Ruoxian shouts.
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Chapter 394 Childhood Sweetheart 1
Chen Xiaopang is thin. This time he is really thin. Tang Cao is scared when he sees Chen Xiaopang.“Wow! Have you lost weight?”Tong Yue also eats with them today. He sits down and glances at Chen Xiaopang.“How can you be like this? A few years ago your mother had an operation but you didn’t lose weight for more than half a year. But you lose weight for a woman now.”Chen Xiaopang and Tang Cao despise him. Tong Yue was also not calm when he was chasing his girlfriend.Of course, they dare not to say it. Tong Yue is the one who makes money for them. It’s not good to offend him.“Do you think Zhao Ying doesn’t like men?” Chen Xiaopang begins to comfort himself, “Otherwise, why doesn’t she like me?”Tang Cao snorts, “If I am a woman, I won’t choose you. Maybe she suspects that you have AIDS because of your promiscuity.”“F**k! If I have AIDS, you two will be infected.”
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Chapter 395 Childhood Sweetheart 2
When Chen Xiaopang went to school the next day, the children found that he was followed by a girl.“Xiaopang! Who is she?”A pretty little girl stood up and asked.Chen Xiaopang didn’t want to talk to her. The little girl named Feng Meixin always pestered him. She wanted him to play with her.“It’s none of your business.” Chen Xiaopang said ferociously.Feng Meixin grunted, “We’re in the classroom. You can’t bring anyone in. The teacher will criticize you later.”The teacher just came in. Seeing that they were still standing beside the teacher’s desk, the teacher called Zhao Ying to the teacher’s desk.“This is the new classmate of our class. She is younger than you. Everyone should help her more.” After saying this, the teacher bent down and patted Zhao Ying’s head with a very gentle voice, “Come on, say hello to everyone!”“Hello, everyone, my name is Zhao Ying.” Zhao Ying raise
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Chapter 396 Childhood Sweetheart 3
When they went to school the next day, Chen Xiaopang stared at Zhao Ying as soon as he got in the car.“Isn’t my face clean?” Zhao Ying touched her face. The thick bangs on her forehead shook.Chen Xiaopang sat well and asked in a particularly reluctant tone, “Do you run fast?”“Do I run fast?” Zhao Ying didn’t know why he asked. She confirmed and said, “I can run well.”Chen Xiaopang thought that she was not good at running.He thought so! Even if she ran fast but she was only five years old, how could she run faster than them who were at the age of eight? Feng Meixin wanted Zhao Ying to lead. She wanted to make Zhao Ying tired.Chen Xiaopang thought about it all the way. He was upset. Zhao Ying thought quietly, “Is he embarrassed to say that he wants to compete with me?” So when she got off the car, Zhao Ying asked.“Do you want to race with me?”Chen Xiaopang’s eyes brightened.
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Chapter 397 Childhood Sweetheart 4
“How is it possible?” Chen Qing asked and ran into the living room. After looking at the little girl carefully, he slapped Chen Xiaopang, “Stupid boy, look carefully, who is that?”Chen Xiaopang was confused.“You are silly. This is Ying!” Wang Cailian came in with Zhao Ying.“She... Is she the ugly one?” Chen Xiaopang blurted out.Chen Qing’s face turned black and he said, “You are ugly. Are you qualified to say that others are ugly? Besides, how pretty Ying is!”Chen Xiaopang looked at Zhao Ying. She was really pretty.“After dressing up, Ying is very beautiful!” Wang Cailian pushed Ying out happily, “After changing her hair style and putting on lovely clothes, Ying looks much better than those child stars on TV.”Zhao Ying looked at Chen Xiaopang. Her big eyes were shining under the crystal light. Chen Xiaopang pretended to be angry and shouted, “She is beautiful but she has to live in my h
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Chapter 398 Childhood Sweetheart 5
Then Chen Xiaopang looked around. Seeing that no one heard him, he continued to murmur in his heart how stupid Shao Sijia was.When he muttered, he heard two girls talking with Feng Meixin not far away.“Zhao Ying still wants to help Shao Sijia with her study. Does she think she is the monitor?” A girl said angrily, “Meixin, this should be your job. Do you think she also wants to be the monitor?”Feng Meixin’s eyes were wide and round, “I was chosen by everyone!”“The teacher has said that the monitor will be reelected every new term.” Another little girl thought, “She must want Shao Sijia to vote for her then.”Feng Meixin snorted, “It’s no use voting for her by Shao Sijia alone. You will still vote for me.”“Of course! I don’t want to play with Zhao Ying either. I like playing with you!”“Me too!” Another girl said immediately, “She runs fast. She studies well. But she is nothing to us. Don’
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Chapter 399 Childhood Sweetheart 6
After school on Friday, Chen Xiaopang and his male classmates ran crazily on the playground before slowly walking towards the school gate. He saw the car of his family park there and opened the car door to get into it.“...Uncle Chen, where is Zhao Ying?”The driver asked him to fasten his seat belt, “Ying went to her classmate’s home to play, and they will send her back later.”Chen Xiaopang was very curious and thought, “Which classmate? Male or female?”“Whose home did she go to? Why didn’t I know?” Chen Xiaopang asked hastily.The driver didn’t realize that Chen Xiaopang was very nervous. He started the car and said, “A female classmate, who looks chubby.”Shao Sijia! A name immediately appeared in Chen Xiaopang’s mind. When he got home, he rushed in and shouted, “Mom, Mom! Zhao Ying went to other person’s house to play by herself.”“I knew it.” Wang Cailian was applying nail polish. She g
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Chapter 400 Childhood Sweetheart 7
Sure enough, Wang Cailian heard he say to have protected Zhao Ying again, and readily agreed to double his pocket money next month, and asked him by the way.“Does your classmate named Feng Meixin often bully other kids at school?”“I don’t know.” Chen Xiaopang knew that he would have more pocket money, and was happily buying skins in the game, “She’s a girl and I don’t notice her.”In the evening, Wang Cailian talked to her husband.“I think that your son may not even find a girlfriend in the future. Although he is still young, I have seen that another little boy in the kindergarten know to kiss the little girl. He feels it troublesome now when he sees girls.”“Hey! Why are you afraid?” Chen Qing waved his hand, and the big gold ring on his hand glittered, “We are rich, and our son is the rich second generation. He will have any woman he needs in the future!”Wang Cailian looked at him and sneered, “Reall
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