All Chapters of Destined Wife: The Apple of My Eye: Chapter 411 - Chapter 420
516 Chapters
Chapter 411 Childhood Sweetheart 18
Zhao Ying rolls her eyes at him, but then turns to Wang Cailian and immediately shows her a sweet smile, “Godmother, I am not angry. Why are you angry? Xiaopang is just like that. I have been used to the fact that he didn’t take time to think or calculate since childhood.”“Why didn’t you remind him?” Wang Cailian wipes few drops of tears, “If you reminded him, he would remember.”Zhao Ying blinks, “I just want to see how long he will keep being stupid!”“Chen Jinjin.” Wang Cailian turns to stare at her son, “Didn’t you remember it just now?”Chen Xiaopang is staring at Zhao Ying with a serious expression at the moment. When Zhao Ying smiled at his mother just now, something suddenly revived in his mind like an explosion.As if all his memories came back at once. He remembers the sweet smile, which used to appear on his favorite face in his childhood. But when did he lose the happy memory on earth?“Chen J
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Chapter 412 Childhood Sweetheart 19
Wang Cailian thinks that her son is talking nonsense because of having drunk too much.“I love Zhao Ying, Mom! I have loved her since childhood.” Chen Xiaopang says again.This time Wang Cailian hears clearly, and then slaps his face, “What nonsense are you talking about? You say that you love Ying? If you have loved her so many years, why haven’t you gone to find her but fool around with other women every day outside? Now she comes back and you say you love her...”“Mom! Mom!” Seeing Wang Cailian suddenly shake her body and cover her chest, Chen Xiaopang is frightened, and quickly hugs her, “Mom, calm down. Don’t be angry and listen to me!”Wang Cailian is furious and shoves him away, “I don’t want to hear what you say! Get out of my way. I tell you, Chen Jinjin. I treat Ying as my daughter, and you don’t deserve her, so never think of being her boyfriend!”“Mom, I really know I’m wrong. I’ve regretted it!” Chen Xiaop
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Chapter 413 Childhood Sweetheart 20
This is embarrassing...Chen Qing looks at Zhao Ying with the corner of his mouth twitching. When he sees that she has no expression, he hurries in and shouts, “If he doesn’t want to eat, don’t force him. Have him infused glucose. I don’t believe that he can starve to death.”“Ying?” Wang Cailian turns to see Ying standing at the door, and then stares at Chen Qing with red eyes.Zhao Ying comes in and takes her hand, “Godmother, why don’t you tell me?”“Why should I tell you?” Wang Cailian is tough talking, “Leave him hungry! Your godfather has said to have him infused glucose. He won’t die anyway.”The doctors and the nurse are sweating a lot. The man who was so weak when he came in the hospital but turned to be with great strength when they said to feed him. Then as soon as the girl came in, he quickly became weak again, groaning and lying there. If others who don’t know the truth, they will think that he is going to
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Chapter 414 Childhood Sweetheart 21
Beyond everyone’s expectation, Chen Xiaopang has insisted doing exercises in the fitness center for a month. When he weighs himself at the end of the month, he has lost 20 pounds. This is not the same as losing weight on a hunger strike. He is really thinner.“Ha ha ha ha! Ha ha ha ha!” Chen Xiaopang laughs wildly into the mirror, “When I weigh 150 pounds, I become a handsome man! Ha ha ha ha ha!”Tang Cao, who has been called to witness the miracle, shows a jealous expression, “You even have abdominal muscles...”“I want to work hard to have eight abs!” Chen Xiaopang is addicted to fitness and can’t help himself. He feels that if he can lose another 10 pounds, he can become a model.The point is!!“I am really a handsome man.” He winks at Tang Cao.Tang Cao rolls his eyes, but doesn’t disagree. Although after losing weight this fatso is still not as good-looking as he is, Xiaopang is indeed a handsome man
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Chapter 415 Childhood Sweetheart 22
“Sir? Sir?” The taxi driver is an Asian. Chen Xiaopang doesn’t know which country the driver is from. He calls Chen Xiaopang in poor Chinese, “We’re at the airport, Sir!”Chen Xiaopang raises his head suddenly. The follow-up of the air crash is still being reported on the radio. The driver also comments.“Alas! How unlucky the people on this plane are! Why did the plane fall down? They are unlucky. Eh? Sir? Don’t go, Sir. You haven’t paid yet!”Chen Xiaopang is in a mess. He feels vaguely that he has run into someone. It’s like he’s being called. But he can’t hear. He is going to find Zhao Ying.“Sir, you can’t cut in!” Someone stops him,Chen Xiaopang doesn’t know who the person is. But when Chen Xiaopang sees him in airport staff’s clothes, he grabs the person’s arm and asks, “Just... The plane...”“Do you have any friends on that plane, Sir?” The other side looks at him sympathetically, “Do you see Coun
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Chapter 416 Childhood Sweetheart (End)
Chen Xiaopang has succeeded! When Chen Xiaopang comes in with Zhao Ying’s hand in his hand. He is so complacent that Wang Cailian and Chen Qing want to beat him.“Mom, Dad! I’ve brought your daughter-in-law back.” Chen Xiaopang shamelessly asks, “Don’t regard her as your foster daughter in the future! She is my wife.”Before Wang Cailian says something, she hears Zhao Ying say.“I haven’t promised to marry you. It’s too early for you to say that.”Chen Xiaopang doesn’t care and he waves his hand, “Anyway, you will be my wife sooner or later. It doesn’t matter!”Wang Cailian ignores her son. She pulls Zhao Ying to her side and sits down.“Did you really promise him? Don’t be afraid. It will be okay if you don’t like him. You don’t have to save us face.”Chen Xiaopang’s face turns dark. Zhao Ying looks at him and says, “Godmother, we are in love now. As for whether there will be any result in th
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Chapter 417 Their Honeymoon 1
Today is May 5th. The weather is fine. It’s a good day for a wedding.Tang Cao ties his necktie in front of the mirror. Chen Xiaopang rolls his eyes aside.“It’s very decent. What are you doing with it?”“Don’t talk nonsense! I’m nervous.” Tang Cao moves his necktie again, “Today is my first marriage. But last night, you took me to drink all night.”Chen Xiaopang has been like a fool for more than half a year. Zhao Ying is pregnant with a daughter. He will be a father in three months! The only regret is that when they got their wedding license and started to prepare for the wedding, the baby began to protest in the belly.Zhao Ying, who is usually healthy, has a sensitive physique. She is prone to bleeding during pregnancy. The doctor said that the condition of the fetus is not very stable, and suggested that the mother to take a good rest. So the wedding can only be postponed until the baby is born.“I he
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Chapter 418 Their Honeymoon 2
In college, the only thing male and female dormitories have in common is that when the lights are off at night, the male students talk about the female students and the female students talk about the male students. The higher the grade, the more intense the topic. Who looks good? Is your first kiss still there? Is it really painful for the first time?Fang Diandian is no exception. She only knows it is painful and comfortable to have sex. Obviously she feels pain and Tang Cao feels comfortable.“What are you doing?” Fang Diandian lies there and dares not to move. She has a pain in her lower body.Tang Cao looks discontented and says, “I’ll hold you in the bath and change the bed sheet by the way.”“I’ll go myself!” Fang Diandian doesn’t trust him.He was just like a wolf. She cried like that. He said he wouldn’t move but he tried harder. Men are bastards. Hum!She shivers and gets out of the bed. Tang Cao
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Chapter 419 Their Honeymoon 3
When leaving the shop, Fang Diandian buys a handicraft. Hong sends them to the door.Hong is the name of the boss. She introduces herself that she has been here for more than ten years. She married and then divorced. She has no children.“Every time I meet tourists from Hua Country, I will invite them to come in and sit down. I mean nothing else. It’s good for me to listen to the local dialect.”When they leave, she also recommends several small restaurants with delicious food and few people. Fang Diandian and Tang Cao walk out of the alley slowly. They turn around to see Hong still standing there.“Does she particularly want to go back to Hua Country?” Fang Diandian feels that Hong is a little pitiful.Tang Cao glances at her.“What’s the matter?”“Don’t you think she’s weird?”Fang Diandian says, “Ah? What’s wrong with her?”“I don’t know either.” Tang Cao frowns, “
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Chapter 420 Their Honeymoon 4
Tang Cao and Fang Diandian almost climb to the ground in fright.“Did you just hear that?” Fang Diandian covers her chest and asks, “Did she call Mr. Tang?”Tang Cao’s face is a little bad and he says, “No. We must have heard it wrong.”“Then why are you so afraid?”Tang Cao squints and says, “Why are you so keen now?”“Hum! Do you keep something from me?”“Now is not the time to say that.” Tang Cao opens the curtain. The woman below has broken free and run over. She clings to the tree in the tree house. Two men are dragging her. Other visitors are attracted by the sound and come out to watch them.“Please help me, Mr. Tang!” The woman keeps shouting.This time, Fang Diandian hears it clearly. She is stunned and thinks that the voice is familiar to her...“She is...”Tang Cao looks at her indescribably, “It’s Hong.”That day, when Lang Ruoxia
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