All Chapters of The Immortal Emperor Returns: Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
944 Chapters
Chapter 131 As Greedy As A Wolf!
The corners of Mo Xinghe's mouth twitched and he secretly scolded Chen Hanlong for being a black sheep. A Killing Enchantment only killed one person, and then it was taken away by others. It was such a waste.But Chen Hanlong was not even aware of this. He stared at Xiong Tai and said, "Big bear, don't cry. I'll give you one." Then he raised his hand and threw something to him.This was a dragon-carved jade pendant, which was more suitable for men than the previous jade bracelet.But Xiong Tai was scared. Although he was greedy for it, he also knew that as long as he was covered, his ending would be very miserable.The grandmaster from the Golden Knife Sect was not a fool. With Xiong Tai in his hands, he quickly backed away.Bang!A white light suddenly emerged and a formation appeared.Fortunately, this time the Killing Formation failed to trap anyone."You are such a good-for-no
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Chapter 132 The Method of Breaking the Formation!
Mo Xinghe had followed Chu Xun for a long time and was also decisive in killing.These people were villains and greedy devils. Mo Xinghe could see the endless greed in their eyes. Without the Mountain-protecting Formation, they would have come to a miserable ending.So, he had to kill them all. Killing one was enough, and killing two was lucky.Mo Xinghe was determined to die this time. Chu Xun was dead, but he would protect everything left by Chu Xun. There were Chu Xun's girl in the villa behind him, as well as those who depended on Chu Xun. He would protect them with his life.He did it for nothing. It was just a man's oath. Since he had chosen to follow Chu Xun, he would never change his choice. And he believed that Chen Hanlong and others had the same thoughts with him."I swear that you will die when the formation breaks." Yang Fei's voice was full of fierceness and his eyes were cruel."Come in if y
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Chapter 133 Going Through Thick and Thin Together!
After hearing Liu Xiefei's words, Demon King showed a more sinister expression. He said gloomily, "OK, I promise you! Can you tell me your method of breaking the formation now?""Thank you, Senior Demon King!" Liu Xiefei bowed and as he raised his head, a strange expression appeared on his face. Then he said with a malicious smile, "My way to break the formation is very simple, please look at it." As he said, he pointed to the place behind Hua Qingwu and others.Everyone turned to look there."Bai Renjie, Bai Renxiong, do you want to die?" Mo Xinghe shouted furiously.These two people actually hijacked Zheng Guangyi and Yan Lan who was Hua Qingwu's mother."Bastard, let them go." Chen Hanlong's eyes were flaming."Don't come. Back up, or I'll cut off his throat." Bai Renjie said coldly. The dagger in his hand was against Zheng Guangyi's throat and was already stained with blood.Behind them, E
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Chapter 134 Chu Xun Comes back Alive!
Different from other frightened people, Hua Qingwu widened her beautiful eyes suddenly and her expression was constantly changing. It was hopeful, surprised, and more incredible."This is Reincarnation Line, Chu Xun's Reincarnation Line. Does he..." Thinking of that impossible possibility, she even breathed carefully, for fear that it was just a dream.At the same time, everyone suddenly turned to a same place. A white shadow was approaching at an incredible speed, as fast as lightning.After just a few seconds, the white shadow could be clearly seen by them all.His clothes, as white as snow, were fluttering in the wind. He stood there with one hand at the back, looking like an immortal. But his bright eyes were full of coldness.Chen Hanlong rubbed his eyes and his mouth was wide open, as if he had seen a ghost.Mo Xinghe, Sun Ying, Titan and others were all stupid. They were so surprised that they were
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Chapter 135 The Merciless Slaughter!
Chu Xun didn't know Liu Xiefei. Besides, he was just an ordinary person, so Chu Xun didn't pay much attention to him from the beginning to the end.He wondered what the man had done so that Chen Hanlong and Zheng Qian hated him so much and even Mo Xinghe also wanted to beat him. These people were gnashing their teeth and beating the man with all their strength, veins standing out on their necks. It could show how angry Chen Hanlong and others were."What happened?" Chu Xun asked Mo Xinghe.Mo Xinghe leaned over and said, "Sir, he is Liu Xiefei."Chu Xun's pupils suddenly contracted and his eyes became cold. He showed a kind of terrible momentum. Even the air around him was frozen."Stop!" Chu Xun calmly said with an indifferent expression.Hua Qingwu's face was full of worry. At this moment, she suddenly felt very sad, and all of them could understand what kind of mixed feelings were hidden under Chu Xun's
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Chapter 136 The Revival of Zombie King
"Brother Demon King, if you still look on, none of us will leave alive today." Yin Zong was angry. The Iron Five-spotted Beetle couldn't stop Chu Xun at all. However, Demon King still only watched the battle and did not join it, which was looking for trouble for himself.Hearing that, Demon King was a little angry, eyes twinkling. Then he turned over his hands and took out a black handleless cup."The Ghost-fostering Cup!"Seeing that, Yin Zong retreated two steps in terror and exclaimed!Demon King gave a look at Yin Zong in surprise. Did Yin Zong know the Ghost-fostering Cup?Yin Zong showed afraid eyes. He didn't expect that Demon King's trump card would be the Ghost-fostering Cup. Once the creature inside was released, the place for 5,000 meters around would be turned into hell. Even they could not escape, either.People in the field of Martial Tao liked to call it Ghost-fostering Cup. But no one knew
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Chapter 137 The Reward Is So Amazing!
Zombie looked at Chu Xun with eyes that resembled two blood holes, and sniffed slightly. Then he salivated as greed appeared on his grim and horrible face."What a strong bloodline! Mortal, you have repeatedly obstructed my recovery. Your punishment will be death."Chu Xun's slanted eyes narrowed slightly and he had a sardonic expression on his face. Had he become stupid because he had stayed in that small cup for a long time, or did he leave his mind behind, when he came out?Demon King and Yin Zong grinned grimly, perverted satisfaction evident on their faces. Chu Xun was finally going to die, or they would be the ones to die from anger.One of them wanted to take away the peerless skill and magic formation manual, and the other wanted to seek revenge. However, neither of them could complete what they wanted to do. Besides, they had lost so many companions. What was more miserable was that both of them were now slaves. They suffe
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Chapter 138 The Desperate Battle!
"Kill!"Chu Xun shouted and launched the Azure Dragon's Nine Transformations Technique. The roars of the dragon could be heard constantly and each pore of his body was gleaming. Then he clenched his fists and rushed toward Zombie."Go to hell!"Zombie was very angry, because Chu Xun, whom he regarded as a little ant in his heart, had hurt him countless times. He was also unwilling to admit that he had been outdone. The next moment, his broken arm recovered. His healing ability was too strong. Then, surrounded by the mass of black air, he rushed toward Chu Xun.Bang!When the two men collided, the power of their fists surged and spread. Wherever it passed, all the sand and rocks flew all over the sky, and all the plants were destroyed.Bang, Bang...The shadows of their fists were all over the sky and the dull sounds of collision resounded through the sky. They attacked each other very quickly
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Chapter 139 Chu Xun Launches A Sneak Attack!
They did not know that several figures flashed into the dense forest in the distance, after Chu Xun passed out. They were in a hurry and looked very embarrassed.These people were none other than the masters of Golden Knife Sect, Wuji Sect and other sects, who came to support their companions. Among them, the weakest was the grandmaster of Fourth Grade.When they arrived, they happened to see the battle between Chu Xun and Zombie. They saw the miserable death of Demon King and Yin Zong, both of whom were grandmasters of Fifth Grade, and had almost been scared to death. They had lain on the ground, one by one, holding their breaths and pretending to be dead, for fear that Zombie or Chu Xun might find them.It was not until they saw Chu Xun faint that they fled in a panic. Some of them wanted to kill Chu Xun and the others, when Chu Xun was in a coma. However, when they saw that Chu Xun had only pretended to be dead and successfully killed Zombie
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Chapter 140 I Will Only Kill One Person
Chu Xun rarely kept his eyes wide open. He was very dissatisfied with the statement of the top official."When did I say I was going to kill the whole family?" Chu Xun asked.According to the words of the top official, he was like a freak killer.The top official's mouth twitched and he looked sideways at him, saying, "Don't you know what the others call you?"Chu Xun raised his eyebrows and said, "What?""They all say that you are the devil, the cruel man," said the top official.Chu Xun was stunned for a while, then he fell silent. Then he raised his head and said indifferently,"I like it! I just want to scare the people in this world by merciless slaughter, so that no one would dare to hurt my friends, my family and I."Hearing that, the top official's eyes nearly popped out. Then he thought of the Liu Family again and asked, "Why on earth do you want to deal with the Liu Fami
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