All Chapters of The Immortal Emperor Returns: Chapter 141 - Chapter 150
944 Chapters
Chapter 141 He Is Chu Xun!
After Chu Xun issued his threat, everyone's expressions changed.In a society ruled by law, someone actually dared to threaten another with such ruthless words in broad daylight, and the one being threatened was the famous Liu Family in Huaxia."He is a madman." This was everyone's evaluation of Chu Xun at this time.Liu Baifeng's face darkened. He snapped, "Young man, do you know what you are talking about? Disaster emanates from careless talk. This is something that cannot be stated recklessly. I think you are young and ignorant, so I will forgive you. You had better leave this place as soon as possible.""No. This young man is so arrogant. He destroyed your house and hurt the people of our Heaven Tao Sect. How can we let him go so easily?" Shi Jin said. Although he pretended to act fairly, in fact, he was narrow-minded and vengeful. He hated Chu Xun because of his arrogance and ignorance.Liu Baifeng gave Shi Jin a
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Chapter 142 A Life-or-death Decision!
Chu Xun's divine sense gushed forth like a raging tide. Now that he had reached the middle phase of Foundation, his divine sense could easily reach destinations that were thousands of miles away.Chu Xun was always very particular, when it came to matters involving his parents.After almost half a day, however, his eyes looked as cold as a frozen lake in winter. When one looked right into those eyes, it would send a chill to one's bones.Everyone was trembling in fear.Several strands of Reincarnation Lines appeared and surrounded Chu Xun. Each strand was like a white snake, beautiful yet lethal.Chu Xun looked at Liu Baifeng and asked, "Where are my parents?"His voice was so calm that it made one freak out a little upon hearing it.Liu Baifeng tried to avoid making eye contact. In his eyes, one could see hatred and fear.With a flick of a finger, Chu Xun released several strands
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Chapter 143 Liu Baishan Brings About His Own Destruction!
"Chu Xun, if you kill them, you will never see your parents."At the critical moment, a loud but old voice sounded.The crowd separated, and a white-haired old man in a Tang suit came forward, with an august and formidable temperament.Behind the old man, there was another old man, who was half a step behind the former all the time and did not do something exceeding his identity. Chu Xun glanced at the latter and found that he was a grandmaster of Fifth Grade. The former was indeed not simple. After all, the top official was just protected by two grandmasters of First Grade."I'm Liu Zizai. To be exact, you should call me Grandpa, though I know it's impossible." The old man spoke in a gentle voice, like a kind old man.However, Liu Zizai's words caused a sensation here, and the people around were immediately involved in a heated discussion."What does Mr. Liu mean? Is Chu Xun a relative of the Liu Family?"
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Chapter 144 The Acts of Villains!
Chu Xun had peeped Liu Xiefei's memory with Soul-searching Technique.Liu Xiefei was one of the best young generations of the Liu Family. In addition, he was Liu Xiangru's loyal running dog. So he knew everything about that year.Therefore, Chu Xun also knew everything.Although in terms of ethical relations, Liu Baishan was indeed his uncle, but Chu Xun had no psychological burden on killing him.Chu Xun's eyes skimmed over the wailing Liu Zizai, and fell on the people of Liu Family. The Reincarnation Line was trembling and buzzing, as if it was ready to attack at any time.People of the Liu Family were scared to death. Those Reincarnation Lines were against their throats, which made them feel like they were wandering on the edge of hell.They felt frightened especially when they saw the tragic death of Liu Baishan, whose head was cut off. So they were more afraid of Reincarnation Line and breathed carefu
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Chapter 145 Tearing the Body Limb from Limb!
Chu Xun was very weak now. Powerful and cruel as he was, he fell down.People of the Liu Family, bodyguards, and those of Heaven Tao Sect couldn't be happier now.They all abused Chu Xun with all kinds of malicious and insulting words. They completely forgot that they had been suppressed by Chu Xun."Chu Xun, what else do you want to say?" asked Liu Zizai. At this moment, there was no kindness on his face anymore. Instead, there was only the complacency brought by the success of frame. The old man who had said the fratricidal fighting was cruel became a vicious devil in an instant.Chu Xun's eyes were cold. Now that he had fallen into the trap, he had nothing to say.Liu Zizai was not satisfied. As a prey, Chu Xun didn't have any consciousness of being a prey. Did he know that this would embarrass the hunter? At least, he could beg for mercy to satisfy the hunter's vanity."Don't you want to know where you
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Chapter 146 The Conspiracy!
Among the people of Heaven Tao Sect, only Huang Ying was alive now. Even the grandmaster of Fifth Grade had been beheaded by Chu Xun. As a grandmaster of Third Grade, Huang Ying could do nothing but tremble.Looking at Chu Xun coming, Huang Ying, a grandmaster of Third Grade, bit her lips and almost cried.Chu Xun stopped and looked at her quietly. After a while, he coldly said,"I won't kill you. Go back to tell the people of the Heaven Tao Sect that Liu Xiangru and your First Presbyter must be handed over and my parents should be escorted by the Leader of Heaven Tao Sect personally, or I will visit the Heaven Tao Sect myself!"Huang Ying swallowed saliva. It was unbelievable that the cruel man didn't kill her. The happiness came so suddenly that she was caught unprepared and stunned on the spot.Seeing that Huang Ying was stupid, Chu Xun frowned and said, "Do you understand my words?"Huang Ying suddenly
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Chapter 147 The Traitors Must be Killed!
Chu Xun stopped thinking about it. It did not matter if the cooperation with the Golden Wolf Mercenary was Liu Xiefei's own idea, or the Liu Family's idea. The important thing was that the Liu Family would bear the responsibility.In fact, in less than half an hour, Chu Xun's mobile phone rang. Chen Hanlong was very fast and efficient.When Chu Xun finished watching the video, his eyebrows as well as the corners of his mouth, were raised slightly.After watching, Chu Xun ignored the members of the Liu Family, who pretended to be calm but still felt uneasy, and directly sent the video to Jade Rabbit, asking her to forward it to the amiable old man."Do you want to see it?" Chu Xun shook his cell phone and asked the people from the Liu Family.Some were curious, some were worried, and some were dismissive."Chu Xun, don't play tricks. Even if you intimidate Xiefei into saying something bad about the Liu Fami
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Chapter 148 He Is Vengeful!
When Chu Xun stepped out of the Liu Family home, Azure Dragon came up and told him that the amiable old man was waiting for him.The place they were going to this time was not the old alley, but a courtyard with red tiles and white walls, which symbolized the highest authority in Huaxia.The red painted gate, nine rows of star-shaped nails, the flying dragon and clouds and exquisite murals, showed the past incomparable beauty and brilliance of the place.The car could not be driven in, so they had to walk. Chu Xun did not care. He sauntered on the path of bluestones in a leisurely manner, as if he was taking a stroll.Azure Dragon followed Chu Xun and looked at him from behind. In his view, Chu Xun was a man who could not be measured by common sense and was as dazzling as the sun. He remembered the first time when he saw Chu Xun. At that time, Chu Xun had slaughtered the whole 12 Constellations, and he did not meet any resistance.
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Chapter 149 The Evil Spirit of Tiger!
Chu Xun said that the amiable old man had only half a year to live.Not only the amiable old man, but Azure Dragon was also stunned.Of course, they would not doubt the authenticity of his statement, because Chu Xun never made any irresponsible remarks."What seems to be the matter?" The amiable old man was worthy of being the leader of a country. He had experienced a lot, so he soon brought his emotions under control."Look carefully at the four claws of the tiger." Chu Xun pointed to the tiger in the painting and said.When they heard that, the amiable old man and Azure Dragon looked at the four claws carefully. Finally, they both shook their heads in doubt. They did not see anything unusual."Can't you see that its four claws are bound by a white line?" Chu Xun said.They looked again and finally saw the white line that Chu Xun mentioned."What is the problem there?" The amiabl
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Chapter 150 Into the Depths of the Mountains and Forests
Azure Dragon was secretly surprised when he learnt that Chu Xun was going to Golden Knife Sect. "They must be really unfortunate to have provoked him among all people... But I have to say I am somewhat happy to know this. Those bastards have been acting with no regard of the law and bullying the ordinary people. It is about time someone teaches them a lesson." thought Azure Dragon as he mourned for them in advance.He then asked a crucial question."Senior, do you know where Golden Knife Sect is?""No idea!" answered Chu Xun, without any hesitation.Azure Dragon was stunned at first, then he gladly introduced Chu Xun to a guide -- Jade Rabbit.Jade Rabbit was a master at using computers, it would only take minutes for her to locate Golden Knife Sect.Chu Xun accepted her help. If Jade Rabbit was truly that good, she could indeed provide valuable help.Azure Dragon then called Jade Rabbit and t
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