All Chapters of The Immortal Emperor Returns: Chapter 161 - Chapter 170
944 Chapters
Chapter 161 The Giant Centipede!
Boom!A terrifying explosion resounded through the valley.Chu Xun looked over and saw that the trees halfway up the mountain had snapped and huge rocks were rolling down, as if there was a dinosaur on a rampage there.The trees were dense and covered everything, including the light. Chu Xun could not see what was over there.His divine sense began to spread, and all the scenery were displayed in his mind.Chu Xun's expression changed slightly.He finally knew what it was.In the dense forest, a figure was fleeing in panic and a terrifying centipede was chasing after him.The centipede was nearly one meter wide and more than ten meters long. Its body was black and red and its hundreds of feet were like sharp knives shining with a cold light. Wherever it passed, the trees were shorn in half and all the boulders exploded."Puff!"The huge centipede opened i
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Chapter 162 A Night of Romance!
King of Poison had escaped!The giant centipede had also fled!All the presbyters of the Poison Sect were all dead and their corpses were scattered all over the place.Hundreds of disciples from the Poison Sect had left!Chu Xun ransacked the treasure vault of the Poison Sect. To his delight, he found a piece of Lightning-struck Wood.He left the Poison Sect and did not go to the Arhat Sect or the Shadowless Sect.He knew that it would be futile if he went there.News always traveled faster than people. It would take Chu Xun three days to go to the nearest place, which was Wuji Sect. By the time he got there, there would be no one left.Two days later, there was another big sensation in the entire Martial Tao world.Chu Xun first exterminated the Golden Knife Sect and then exterminated the Poison Sect.This news passed like a tornado and caused the forces
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Chapter 163 The Tripod of the Western Queen!
As an old saying goes, the more the mother-in-law looked at her son-in-law, the more she liked him.Chu Xun was a famous figure now, and he was well-known both in the Martial Tao world and the secular world."Please take good care of Xiaowu in the future."Yan Lan said that to Chu Xun. Chu Xun was very outstanding, so she was very pleased with him."That's all?" Long Ao was confused.When he heard Long Ao's words, Chu Xun's eyes widened. What the hell did the shameless old man want to do?The others were also greatly disappointed when they saw Chu Xun getting Yan Lan's approval so easily. They wanted to see Yan Lan making things difficult for Chu Xun on purpose."Sister Yan Lan, isn't it too hasty for you to hand over your daughter to him so easily? He is definitely not a good person. He is cunning. I swear I am not lying," Long Ao said maliciously.Chu Xun raised his eyebrows and
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Chapter 164 The Auction!
The car drove straight to the Hua Family home.There was no one at the door to welcome them.They wanted to welcome Chu Xun at the door, but Chu Xun would not let them do it.This time, he wanted to keep a low profile. He did not want his arrival to be made known to the public.The only goal this time was to get the furnace.Chu Xun and Hua Qingwu spent the whole day at the Hua Family home.The next day.Hua Sheng came over and told them that the auction was about to begin.They hurriedly made their way to the Linghang Auction House.In the car, Hua Sheng took out a knight mask and a princess mask."What are these for?" Hua Qingwu asked."This is the idea of the organizer of this auction, because the items that will be presented in this auction have caused a sensation. For the sake of the bidders' safety, everyone must wear a mask." Hua Sheng
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Chapter 165 The Bidding!
The base price of Sword of Goujian was also 50 million.Chu Xun had to admit that the Linghang Auction House was of a high standard. The two items that were presented at the beginning were both rare and valuable, so he guessed that the following items would be more valuable."50 million."Someone immediately started to bid.Chu Xun's divine sense spread out and he found that the bidder was from the VIP room No. 42. There were three people inside, a man, a woman and an old man.The man and the woman were very young. They were either about 17 or 18 years old. They were both very good-looking, although they looked a little immature.The old man's hair and beard were all white. He was actually in the Grandmaster Realm, but he was only in the Second Grade.The three of them did not know that someone was observing them.Hua Qingwu beckoned to Hua Sheng to bid."60 million."
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Chapter 166 The Heavy Price!
Hua Sheng's words were sharp, and he united everyone by his simple words. More importantly, he isolated the young man in room No. 50.Language was a form of art. If people used it correctly, it was no less than a sharp knife and could also kill people.The girl in room No. 42 was obviously excited and shouted, "It seems that the rules of Linghang Auction House perform practically no function. Now that you bullied us like this, we will never come again."The young man's overbearing increase in the bidding price had already made the others unhappy. Moreover, people from the Martial Tao world were not simple and were always prepared to stir up trouble."Please give us an explanation, Linghang Auction House. This man was so overbearing and even threatened us. Are you going to take care of it or not?""Brother in room No. 77 is right. The man in room No. 50 is too arrogant. Tell me, who were you threatening? I really hate i
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Chapter 167 The War Is Coming!
The young man in room No. 50 had been tricked. The price he had to pay was very high. The one billion was an astronomical figure.However, in others' view, this was just an interlude. After all, they were not the ones who were going to pay. Soon, everyone's interest was completely focused on the tenth item.It was the Tripod of the Western Queen.It could be said that most of the people were here for it, whether they were from the Martial Tao world or the secular world.The Tripod of the Western Queen was the final item of the auction, the highlight of the show. When they received the invitation, there was a detailed explanation about the Tripod of the Western Queen attached to the invitation.Now the Tripod of the Western Queen was officially on display and everyone was excited. It was as if there were a group of demons dancing in riotous revelry.Although the auction had not officially started yet, the a
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Chapter 168 Robbery in Daylight!
There were boundless grassland for grazing in the suburbs of Yunyan City.The Ford Raptor sped up like an enraged bull all of a sudden, rushing directly toward the rear end of the Land Rover.Bang!The rear end of the Land Rover was dented badly from the collision. The old man's expression turned gloomy. He hit the brakes immediately and spun the steering wheel to prevent the car from turning over."Get out of the car now!" The old man said urgently. This was because the Ford Raptor reversed a couple of meters and sped toward them once again.The young boy and girl were both trained in martial arts, so they opened the car door and jumped out instantly. The old man jumped out of the car as well.The boy and girl rolled on the ground a couple of times to cushion the impact from the fall. Their faces looked pale since they were still very weak, and they were only at the Innate Realm.The old man
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Chapter 169 Terrified!
Swoosh!A sound that resembled leaves being cut by a sharp blade was heard.One moment ago, everyone was confused about the current situation, yet that sound pulled them back to reality.The Sword of Goujian pierced through the rear end of the Raptor, and it slashed through the car easily, leaving a cut that was half a meter long. With a simple rotation, the sword tore a big hole in the body of the car. The size of the hole was about half a meter wide as well, through which one could see the Tripod of the Western Queen.Everyone then watched that person reaching out his hand, and the tripod then vanished into thin air.Everyone's eyes opened wide and their jaws dropped. They rubbed their eyes to get a better look, yet the tripod had indeed disappeared."Where did the tripod go?" Everyone was left dumbfounded."Hand over the Tripod of the Western Queen." The grade-six Grandmaster shouted angril
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Chapter 170 Story Time!
Heaven Tao Sect was located on Xuanji Mountain.It was a sect with a history dating back hundreds of years.Xuanji Mountain was surrounded by mountain ranges and it was covered in white mist all year long. Under the sunlight, one could see rays of colorful light. It was as if one was in a wonderland.The Star-Reaching Hall at the top of Xuanji Mountain was where every Master of Heaven Tao Sect resided. It was the place with the most power and authority in the entire sect. Every disciple of Heaven Tao Sect had to follow the orders from this place without any question.At this moment, inside Star-Reaching Hall, Master Chen Wuhui's usual dignified face had turned extremely ugly and one could almost see the fire burning in his eyes. His thick eyebrows were raised and his lips were pursed. There was a horrifying atmosphere around him.A man was kneeling below him. He looked to be about thirty years old. His looks were in no
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