All Chapters of The Immortal Emperor Returns: Chapter 181 - Chapter 190
944 Chapters
Chapter 181 Breaking Through!
Tens of thousands of Reincarnation Line wrapped themselves tightly around the furnace.However, Chu Xun was not relaxed at all.Only he understood how critical this moment was. If he was not careful enough, the pill refining process would completely fail, not to mention that the furnace would explode.There was half a month left before he went to the Heaven Tao Sect. He did not have any extra time, so he could not afford to fail.Therefore, he had to succeed in refining pills this time.Crack crack...The cracks were all over the furnace. If the Reincarnation Silk had not tightly wrapped around it, it would have already broken to pieces.It was said that the Nine Heavens Burning Formation could burn everything in the world.The power of burning everything in the world was indeed exaggerated, but the Nine Heavens Burning Formation was really terrifying. In particular, with the help
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Chapter 182 I Will Wait for Him in My Life!
Chu Xun went up to the top floor. It was his second time that he had come to here. When he came here for the first time, he was in such a hurry that he did not pay attention to the structure of the place.To know such a place was not a problem for him. Immediately, his divine sense spread out like a tide. Because he was at the late stage of the Foundation Realm, his divine sense could cover an area of 500 meters around and the entire building was under his divine sense.After a second, Chu Xun raised his eyebrows. He found that Tang Ruo was not here.Then he walked toward Qin Huanyu's office.Qin Huanyu was reclining on his soft and spacious boss chair and his hot female secretary was massaging his shoulders. He felt very comfortable and his eyes were narrowed."Chairman Qin, you really know how to enjoy the life." A slightly joking voice sounded and echoed in this luxurious office.The female secretary wa
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Chapter 183 Group Cultivating!
Hua Qingwu was extremely surprised. Tang Rou's words made her heart tremble."I'll wait for him in my life!"These words were more touching than any love words in the world. This was a vow that a woman would say when she loved a man to the extreme.This girl looked weak, but her mind was extremely strong.Hua Qingwu was also a cultivator, so she could feel that Tang Rou's words were from the bottom of her heart and she was not perfunctory.Hua Qingwu always thought that she was the woman who loved Chu Xun the most in the world. Only now did she know that this delicate girl loved Chu Xun no less than her. She loved Chu Xun at least ten years earlier than her."Do you know that I am very coward?" Tang Rou said softly, "I have loved Brother Chu Xun for ten years, but I dare not confess my love to him."Hua Qingwu was glad that Tang Rou was coward. If Tang Rou had been braver, she would not have b
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Chapter 184 The Prelude to the War!
The next day!On Qianlong Mountain, Long Ao's arrogant roar could be heard.He finally broke through to the Ninth Level. He had been stuck at the Eighth Level for more than ten years. It was really long enough."Boy, give me one more pill." Long Ao had benefited from the pill and wanted another one.The effect of the pill was overbearing. After taking it, one would directly break through one level and the foundation was solid. It was comparable to panaceas."The Level-improving Pill can only be used once. The effect will be greatly reduced if you take it again," Chu Xun replied.Long Ao did not give up and said, "Think about it carefully. Are there any other pills that can help people make a breakthrough?""Yes." Chu Xun answered without thinking."Really?" Long Ao's eyes lit up.Chu Xun pondered for a moment and said, "It is the True Energy Pill. After taking one, pe
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Chapter 185 A Family Reunion!
In the blink of an eye, it was the second day. One month had passed.Everyone was looking forward to it.At this time, the sun rose high.The Heaven Tao Sect finally took action. Chen Wuhui appeared personally.He looked around and greeted others with his hands folded in front of his chest.Everyone also greeted him. After all, the Heaven Tao Sect was a major force, and ordinary people could not afford to offend them."Has Chu Xun come yet?" Chen Wuhui asked.The crowd shook their heads."Humph, it does not matter. He will definitely die if he comes. It is just a matter of time." Chen Wuhui snorted coldly and turned back to Xuanji Mountain.Yan Yi's eyes twinkled, and he looked to the householder of Tianwu Sect. It happened that the other side also looked over."Brother Yan, are you also aware of it?" asked the householder of Tianwu Sect.Yan
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Chapter 186 Being Humiliated Again!
Being stared at by Chu Xun, Liu Xiangru suddenly felt cold all over and that his blood was about to freeze."Liu Xiangru, how do you want to die?" Chu Xun asked calmly, as if he was asking the other party if he had eaten or slept.Liu Xiangru's expression stiffened. The long-standing hatred for Chu Xun exploded in his heart."Chu Xun, you have no right to kill me. You are too arrogant. Since you dared to come to Xuanji Mountain, today is the day you die. However, before you die, I will kill your parents first."Liu Xiangru's face was distorted as he uttered sinister words.At the same time, weird sounds of the ancient egg-shaped, holed wind instrument came from the hillside of the Xuanji Mountain, which was also the Second Heaven.At this time, Chu Tianhe and Liu Ran hummed at the same time, and their faces were full of pain.Chu Xun's expression changed all of a sudden when he saw that. He gr
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Chapter 187 This Is Chu Xun's Style!
Wu Changfeng swooped down.While Chu Xun flew up from the bottom.Both of their targets were Liu Xiangru, who was in the Second Heaven.But obviously, everyone could see that Chu Xun's speed was much faster than Wu Changfeng's.In an instant, Chu Xun reached the Second Heaven."Chu Xun, don't act so insolently." A fierce roar rang out.The Second Heaven was where the presbyters of Heaven Tao Sect lived. A presbyter was furious when he saw Chu Xun rushing to the Second Heaven. Wu Changfeng was the leader of the presbyters. If Chu Xun arrived first and killed Liu Xiangru, it would also bring shame to them, let alone Wu Changfeng.The presbyter shouted and rushed to Chu Xun with his Internal Breath surging around him. He punched out, and his Internal Breath shot out like a chain and went straight to Chu Xun.He knew that Chu Xun was very strong and that a grandmaster of Sixth Grade l
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Chapter 188 Slapping and Kicking!
Bang!The stone wall exploded, and the gravel flew everywhere, more horrible than bullets. They rushed toward Chu Xun with a whistling sound.Ripples surged around Chu Xun's body, shattering the broken stones into powder."Chu Xun, damn you..."Wu Changfeng's half face was swollen like a steamed bun, and the five-fingered handprint on his face were particularly obvious. His face was already twisted with anger, so that he looked like a ghost. It was so frightening.As a supreme grandmaster of Eighth Grade, he had been slapped and kicked. It was lucky that he had not gone mad.Bang!The ground exploded. Wu Changfeng roared and rushed to Chu Xun with terrifying power around him. He raised his hand and a chain of Internal Breath shot out, heading straight for Chu Xun's face.The corners of Chu Xun's mouth lifted slightly. He clenched his fists and punched out.Boom!
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Chapter 189 The Four Demonic Beasts!
Swoosh!Chu Xun's fingers cut down from the air like a knife. A sharp white light shot out from his fingertips and went straight to Wu Changfeng's neck with a sharp whistling sound.However, all of a sudden, Wu Changfeng, who looked like a dead dog lying on the ground, rolled and avoided Chu Xun's attack.The white light cut the ground, leaving a crack and dirt splashing in all directions.Slight surprise emerged in Chu Xun's cold eyes. The strength of a grandmaster of Eighth Grade was beyond imagination.Wu Changfeng jumped up and fled in panic without stopping.At the same time, Chen Wuhui moved as well. He flew down from the Third Heaven to help Wu Changfeng.Chu Xun did not chase after them, but looked at them coldly."He is too incredible..." Wu Changfeng's hair was disheveled, his face was pale, and he was in rags. Before he could finish his words, he spat out a mouthful of
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Chapter 190 What Can It Do to Me?
"Chu Xun, it is still uncertain who will die today."Wu Changfeng's eyes were full of viciousness. Once again, he sprayed a mouthful of blood essence onto the stone palm.Buzz!The light of the stone palm grew brighter.In an instant, the roar of the dragon and tiger became fiercer and the cry of the peacock and tortoise grew louder, as if they could shatter stone and metal.Howl!A deep dragon's roar sounded, causing Xuanji Mountain to tremble. The black dragon, which was more than 30 meters long and full of evil spirit, struggled out of the stone sculpture.Although it was only an illusory image, it was filled with billowy evil spirit, as if a demonic dragon had come to earth with the power of destruction.It broke free from its restraint and was going to catch Chu Xun's head with its huge dragon claws that were shining with a cold light. It had a strong bloodthirsty temperament
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