All Chapters of The Immortal Emperor Returns: Chapter 191 - Chapter 200
944 Chapters
Chapter 191 The Death of A Beauty!
The black flames emanating from the Red Peacock condensed into several fire dragons that were closing in on Chu Xun. The terrifying temperature caused the air to shimmer and crackle.Chu Xun showed composure and presence of mind. His eyes were deep and there were stars shining in his eyes when he blinked.Bang!The ground under Chu Xun's feet exploded, but he had already rushed away and avoided the attack of the fire dragons.Boom! Boom!The fire dragons crashed into the ground. Immediately, the ground became a sea of fire and the flames soared into the air.After rushing away, Chu Xun headed straight for Black Tortoise at an astonishingly fast speed. In the blink of an eye, he reached the side of Black Tortoise and raised his fist to attack it.Bang!The sound was like a thunderclap. Chu Xun punched Black Tortoise on its body with all his might, which only caused it to take a ste
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Chapter 192 White Hair!
Chu Xun felt cold, piercingly cold, as if he had fallen into the deepest part of hell.He felt pain, deep dark pain, as if someone was cutting his heart with a knife.Chu Xun had never been so afraid. Panic and helplessness made him shiver in fear."Ah..."He raised his head and roared like a wounded beast. His eyes reddened rapidly and horrible cracks spread on the ground.Boom!The ground cracked, Xuanji Mountain shook and rocks flew everywhere. Chu Xun soared into the sky.Black Tortoise roared. It had been knocked down by Chu Xun.Chu Xun knelt on one knee, his hair flying wildly. An evil power, that was more terrifying than that of the demonic beasts, was coming out of his body. His scarlet eyes made people shiver in fear."Howl!"The demonic dragon raised its huge claws to grab Chu Xun.Chu Xun raised his head abruptly. Blood was actual
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Chapter 193 Death by Dismemberment!
Chu Xun was heartbroken. His blood and tears dripped onto the grass.Hua Qingwu laid peacefully among the bushes, like a sleeping beauty that would never wake up.All this while, Chu Xun was waiting for Hua Qingwu to open her eyes suddenly and tell him with a smile that she was only pretending to sleep and that she was joking with him.However, none of that happened."Look, what is that?" Someone shouted.They saw a clear teardrop trickling down from Hua Qingwu's eye which floated in the air. It reflected the bright sunlight like a piece of pure, magnificent azure stone.The teardrop floated before Chu Xun's eyes, as if it was trying to bid him farewell.Chu Xun reached out instantly, yet he grasped nothing but air.The teardrop disappeared in the sky in the blink of an eye.Chu Xun zoned out while staring into the sky. Rays of red light shot out of his crimson eyes f
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Chapter 194 Fighting Alone!
The snow was getting heavier as the storm became more violent.Chu Xun's hair was fluttering in the storm. His blood-tainted clothes stood out glaringly in the snow covered land.He walked very slowly, leaving a trail of deep footprints behind. His eyes were crimson in color and had a devilish look in them, and the smell of his bloodlust permeated through the storm. He was like a wounded beast, a beast that wanted to tear down everything in its way.Chen Wuhui looked grim, yet he had no regrets. It seemed that the grievances between Chu Xun and Heaven Tao Sect would never end until one of them was eliminated.Wu Changfeng had suffered the gravest injury. His face turned purple as he stared at Chu Xun in extreme anger. If one looked closely however, one would find a trace of fear that even he himself might not have been aware of.There were Soul Lord, Blood Hand, about ten presbyters from Heaven Tao Sect, and sects that
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Chapter 195 The Demon-Slaying Four Fingers!
The raging storm was accompanied by heavy snowfall.Nothing could be heard except the sound of snowflakes touching the ground.Boom!The rock wall suddenly exploded and unleashed a strong energy wave. Debris flew all over the place like high-speed bullets.A figure emerged from the dust -- it was Chu Xun. Judging by the blood stains at the corners of his mouth, he was injured.That attack earlier on had taken a toll on Chu Xun. It was the combined strength from four grade-eight Grandmasters, three grade-seven Grandmasters and more than ten grade-six Grandmasters.Long Ao grew extremely worried when he saw this.Chu Tianhe clenched his fists and watched Chu Xun anxiously as well.Chu Xun, on the other hand, looked calm as usual. The only difference was those devilish eyes of his. Everyone could feel their blood freezing in their veins when they looked at his eyes."Chu
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Chapter 196 Charging Forward on the Path of Blood!
Chu Xun examined his body and frowned. "It is worse than I imagined!"The fourth move of Demon-slain Finger was way too advanced for someone with his cultivation to use. Since he used the move forcibly, multiple veins in his body burst and even his organs had cracks on them. His once clear bones had also turned dull.He tried to repair his body using True Energy, but it was to no avail. About eighty percent of his True Energy was already spent.It cost him a lot to use the fourth move, but it was worthwhile since it eliminated more than thirty presbyters.The crimson light in Chu Xun's devilish eyes did not diminish as he looked toward Chen Wuhui and the rest.All of them looked extremely pale. Their hair were messy and their clothes had been ripped into pieces.Despite surviving the earlier attack, they were still badly injured. If those dead presbyters had not blocked most of the power of that storm for
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Chapter 197 Chu Xun's Life Ebbed Away!
After killing dozens of grandmasters, the Reincarnation Line also broke.Chu Xun had exhausted all his strength and True Energy.What supported him now was hatred and faith.Chu Xun, who had lost his True Energy, was still terrifying, because his physical body was terrifyingly strong.After all, he had cultivated the Azure Dragon's Tyrannical Physique Technique and had bathed in the blood of Ancestral Dragon.Whether Chu Xun had cultivation or not, just his physical strength of body alone was enough for him to fight against those who were at the same level with him.Although he was also injured now, his killing desire could not be stopped.Chu Xun caught up with the Master of Wuji Sect and threw a punch. There was no True Energy with his fist, but it was still powerful and fierce.Bang!The Master of Wuji Sect screamed in pain. He crossed his arms in front of his ches
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Chapter 198 The Lovesickness Tears!
Kunlun Mountain, also known as Kunlun Hill, was the first holy mountain in Huaxia.There were many myths and legends about Kunlun Mountain, but none of them could be verified.There was a natural barrier in Kunlun Mountain, called the Yuzhu Peak, which was covered with snow all year round. The mountain was surrounded by clouds and mist, which made it mysterious and beautiful.If an immortal dispelled the cloud and mist, he or she would discover that Yuzhu Peak had a different view.In a flat area close to the top of the peak, there was a small courtyard. The courtyard was built of snow wood, which was elegant and exquisite.At this moment, a person in white suddenly appeared in the courtyard.This was a woman, a very beautiful woman. She looked very indifferent. It was a kind of indifference from the bottom of her heart.Her skin was fairy and delicate, and her eyes were limpid. Her features w
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Chapter 199 A Chance of Life!
Green mountains and rivers could be seen here. A small bridge was over the flowing stream and a wooden house was beside the stream. Lush vegetation and blooming flowers were everywhere.It was winter, and everything had withered away. If someone saw such a beautiful scene, he would definitely be very surprised!The air was filled with a strong smell of herbal medicines, which was coming from a huge stone tripod.Glug glug!The green liquid in the stone tripod was boiling and a young man was taking a medicated bath in the stone tripod with his eyes closed.The green liquid continually entered the young man's body through his pores. After a circulation inside his body, the green liquid came out again. The only difference was that the green liquid had become as clear as water. They had been completely absorbed by the young man.About half an hour later, the green liquid in the stone tripod became crystal clea
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Chapter 200 The Firmament Chain!
Chu Xun had only heard of the legendary Firmament Chain. He had never really seen it before.For three thousand years in the world of cultivation, Chu Xun was known as a genius. However, now it seemed that he was less than a true genius.For example, Emperor Ao was a person that the heaven was jealous of and afraid of. How stunning had he been in the past?"What exactly is the Firmament Chain?" Chu Xun asked curiously.Emperor Ao glanced at him and said indifferently, "It is just a golden chain."Chu Xun was stunned.After thinking for a while, Emperor Ao reached out his hand.Chu Xun instantly understood what Emperor Ao meant. He placed his hand on the wrist of Emperor Ao and then his divine sense spread to Emperor Ao.Chu Xun's eyes widened all of a sudden. He saw the Firmament Chain.However, it was still a bit different from what Emperor Ao said.He s
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