All Chapters of My Lovely Wife is a Forensic Doctor: Chapter 381 - Chapter 390
534 Chapters
Chapter 381: The Black-hearted Boss
"Checking out?" The boss ran over with a smile, "Four hundred and fifty-six in total, and excluding the change, I'll charge you four hundred and fifty. Cash or credit card, please?""Boss, may I ask how to recognize those words on the wall?" Mu Yu asked, pointing to the middle of the hall."Children and gentlemen ah," the boss smiled with confidence, "Little girl, you can rest assured that we open the door to do business, absolutely will not do things to deceive the customer, are according to the menu clearly charge."When he finished speaking he rested the long-prepared menu on the table and pointed to a few small prints on the menu.Knowing that he was up to his old tricks again, Mu Yu was disgusted but didn't show it, she just smiled and asked him, "You burned us live fish, didn't you?""It has to be live fish! My family never sells dead fish! Dead fish doesn't taste this good when it's cooked! If you don't believe me, you can go to my kitchen and ta
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Chapter 382: Teaching a Lesson
Xin Yihan yanked Mu Yu, who wanted to rush to the front to block his fists, backward, while angrily scolding the employees: "Do you still want to help the tiger? Do you still want to make the same mistake again and again?""I'm sorry, we're just looking at the money too."Seeing the employees hesitated, the boss, who was covering his waist, became angry: "What's the point of dawdling? Don't you want your bonus? You don't want your job? Grab the woman, the man break his other arm.""You are breaking the law know?" Mu language want to protect Xin Yi Han, but he has been in front of the block, she simply can not pass, but only in the back of the urgent shouting, in an attempt to discourage employees as "accomplices" behavior."Behind closed doors I am the law. Fight!"As soon as the boss's words left his mouth, a loud bang came from the front door, startling Mu Yum's whole body, turning around quickly in a panic and spreading her hands wide - she thought s
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Chapter 383 A strange message
The real killer of serial murders?Could there be someone in the know?Mu Yu was suddenly greatly excited, but on second thought she calmed down again.She is not familiar with life in Huacheng, and with Liu Xiaofan did not visit a few victims of Qian Daqing, in addition to Chang Jiajia and Yue Dama mother-in-law and grandchildren, no one has her contact information. And she stored the contact information of these two adults in her cell phone, the number that sent the message is not theirs.So the question is, how did this so-called know-it-all get her contact information? Why did she have to go to the meeting alone?Long a mind's eye she tried to call back the phone, the other phone is not off, but never connected to the phone until the voice prompts the phone unanswered automatically hang up.Thinking it strange, she tried dialing again with the same result.She was wondering when the number sent another message, "If you want to know who t
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Chapter 384 Who wants to hurt her?
Her whole body shuddered precipitously and she rose quickly, instinctively jumping to the side while staring nervously at the other woman."I'm sorry I'm sorry, I didn't mean to, I'm sorry. I just wanted to ask if you were sitting alone."The other party was a tall young man, quite handsome, just very thin. Apparently he didn't expect his move to scare MuYu, his hands joined together and bowed again and again, while apologizing plus explaining."You, why are you asking this?" Mu Yan asked softly in return after slightly slowing down a bit, while guessing in her heart if the other party was the one who sent the message to her."I'm sorry," the young man bowed again before pointing to his own table to continue explaining, "It's like this, I invited my friends to have a midnight snack, and I came a little late, and the round tables were all seated, leaving only the small square tables insufficient for me to sit at. I wanted to go to another place, but my friends
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Chapter 385 The most important thing is to be with your wife
His words made Mu Yu also froze for a moment, but then she laughed, "What forensic specialty? Isn't this life experience?""Life experience?""Just like my mom knows if there's an underweight when she buys groceries just by weighing them in her hand, my dad knows if a watermelon is sweet just by tapping it a few times, and you know if there's a profit when you talk about business just by knowing what's going on. Eh, no, my parents' is called life experience, yours is work experience. But it's all about experience. Boiled fish is Yi-han's specialty. Whenever he cooks, he will definitely cook this dish. Having done it more often, it's not surprising that he can notice that the fish is missing a cut."Suddenly thinking of the reason why Xin Yihan liked to cook this dish, Mu finished with a deep sigh."What's wrong?" Originally, Qin Jinhuan was happy to hear her compliment him, but he didn't realize that she instantly wrinkled her nose again and rushed forward to
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Chapter 386 Criticism
Qin Jinhuan immediately silenced his voice and quickly got out of bed.Mu Yum, still in a state of trepidation, scrambled to follow closely.Back to wait for Mu Yu to put on the clothes, Qin Jinhuan only opened the door, not waiting for him to speak out, Mu Yu has been anxious to ask first: "What happened?""The Yue Shui Po family seems to be moving.""Moving?!" Mu was very surprised, "Now?""Well. I just heard the hallway there is movement, I ran to the door from the cat's eye to secretly observe the situation outside, I saw Yue ShuiBao even carry a few bags hurriedly to the outside hallway outside, I opened the door and asked him where to go so late, he not only didn't pay attention to me, but instead walked faster. I immediately followed out, I saw him put things on a pickup truck, and then jumped on, the car immediately drove away. I folded back and knocked on his door, there was no movement, I think the whole family moved out together."Mu qu
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Chapter 387 Mu Yu's Speculations
Qin Jinhuan's eyes flashed, "Who?!"Mu Yan didn't answer his question directly and asked instead, "Do you know where Yin Anran went after she left An City?""Enron? You suspect that Enron is behind this to harm you?""I can't think of anyone but her who hates my guts.""Maybe it's Dong Yue Yun." Qin Jinhuan only finished speaking, and then afraid of Mu Ye's anger, hurriedly explained in a quick voice, "I don't have the intention of favoring anyone, I'm just discussing the matter as it is. I think Yi Yunzhe is also suspected, Yin Anran is also suspected, and I will carefully investigate all those who are suspected."Mu Yan didn't want to argue with him anymore about Yin Anran and didn't say anything else, picking up her pajamas and sulking into the bathroom.Unlocking the bathroom door, she didn't immediately turn on the water to take a bath, but stood in front of the shower mirror staring blankly at herself in the mirror.In fact, what happe
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Chapter 388 Murdering a Man and Killing Him
Mu Yu and the others were all surprised, and they all straightened their backs to stare at Rong Jian."Good, I'll rush over now!" Rong Jian had long since stood up and hung up the phone while explaining to them, "Yu Botao who attacked his sister-in-law fell into the Huashui River and drowned, as for why he fell into the Huashui River it's currently unknown, I'll go over there now to take a look. You guys ......"Muyao snatched her voice and replied, "I'll go with you!"Rong Jian glanced at Qin Jinhuan and saw that he didn't say anything before he nodded his head and then quickly walked outside.MuYu hurriedly followed, her hand was grabbed as she stepped, she subconsciously retracted her hand, and Qin JinHuan's low voice rang in her ears, "Stay close to me!"There was a hint of admonishment in her voice, and knowing he was nervous about her, she didn't shrink back, slowing her step to walk alongside him.More than twenty minutes later, Rong Jian a
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Chapter 389 She's the one behind it all?
Mu Ye immediately turned her gaze full of questions to Qin Jinhuan."The viewing platform and the place where the witness was night fishing are not very far apart, and if you fall into the Huashui River from the position of the viewing platform, the water is so turbulent that even those who know how to swim may not be able to swim back to the shore safely, and those who have little water ability will surely die, and Yu Botao, who is a local of Huacheng, is surely very well aware of this point, so if someone were to push him down forcibly, he would surely call out desperately for help, and also he would surely He would have struggled to death. But you did not find traces of struggling and fighting at the scene, and the night angler also said that he heard Yu Botao call for help after he fell into the water. So I suspect ......""The night angler was on the phone ah, may be Yu Botao before shouting for help he did not ......" Mu interjected to interrupt, but the words did
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Chapter 390 The Discovery of Old Street
"Huh? A message from Brother Yi-han?" Muyoung got up strangely, clicking on the message as she did so."Has he already left?" Qin Jinhuan didn't come over to look, but just asked casually."Yeah, how come you're leaving so soon?" Mu Yu has finished reading the message, turned to call Xin Yihan's cell phone, but was prompted to be off, then put the phone down again, while muttering to himself, "Just get on the plane? His arm won't ......""You don't have to worry about it with Huang Bo sending him.""You sent for him?""Uh-huh. He's got something going on at work and he's got to get back. Didn't I tell you about that?"Mu looked puzzled, "Said that?""Uh-huh."She froze, then slapped her head, "I have no recollection at all. Look at my brain, it's foggy all day.""It's mainly because too many things have happened recently, and you're not resting well." Qin Jinhuan wanted to pull her to lie down, "The time is still early, sleep a l
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