All Chapters of My Lovely Wife is a Forensic Doctor: Chapter 401 - Chapter 410
532 Chapters
Chapter 401 Messy Speculations
"Where?!" Qin Jinhuan's face sank."The Golden Schoolhouse neighborhood in the north of the city. I roughly checked the elevator surveillance of the building she was in for the last week, and she was at home except for going out for about an hour or so every morning. An City and Huacheng are thousands of miles apart, it's impossible for her to be in Huacheng in such a short period of time."Qin Jinhuan's eyebrows immediately twisted into a ball, seemingly somewhat disbelievingly asked rhetorically, "Sure there are no mistakes?""Because of the time rush, I was only checking roughly before, and now Wen and Shunzi and a few other brothers are taking a closer look.""Take a couple sets of security footage and send it over.""Aye. I'll send it."Seeing Qin Jinhuan hang up the phone, Mu Yan immediately asked, "If Shi Yang is correct, that means Yin Anran has been in An City for the last week?"Qin Jinhuan nodded slightly, but his head didn't lift
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Chapter 402 They Actually Know Each Other!
Soon, Mu Yan and Qin Jinhuan as well as Rong Jian arrived at the small conference room.At this time, Liu Xiaofan and Cheng Xiang had arrived first and were instructing the waiter to pour the tea."Officer Liu, how is the situation on your side?" MuYu asked as she greeted him.Liu Xiaofan greeted the crowd before responding to Mu: "The situation of the neighbors around Sun Meilan's house when she rented Zeng Jin Gou's house has been mapped out, and except for one family that moved to Yangcheng, all the other neighbors are still in Huacheng. Cheng Xiang and I took the time today to visit the two neighbors who still live in the old street, and from them I learned a very important piece of information.""What?" Mu Yu and Rong Jian both straightened up."Sun Meilan and Wan Fresh Flower know each other! You guys remember Wan Fresh Flower, right? It's Qian Daqing's wife!"Mu Yan was overjoyed and immediately asked rhetorically, "If Sun Meilan knows Wan
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Chapter 403 Bold Adoration
Previously, in order to facilitate finding Chang Jiajia's help, Cheng Xiang arranged a room for her in the hotel as well, which was only two rooms away from Mu Yan's room. Because the rooms of Bian Zijun and Cheng Xiang, Rong Jian and the others are all centered on Qin Jinhuan's room to both sides, the door to Bian Zijun's room across the street is always hidden, so Mu Ye did not worry about the existence of a security risk here, and only greeted Qin Jinhuan, and then went to her room with Chang Jiajia."Sister Muyin, I just talked to my mom on the phone and asked her about the matter of the hot cow woman six years ago, and I didn't expect that my mom would know her, and said that she had quarreled with her because of my sister's matter. My mother said that this woman has a very bad heart, mouth especially poisonous, favorite thing to do is to make right and wrong chewing the root of the tongue, if she found out who is a little bit of what is bad, she will have to be to the de
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Chapter 404 An Unexpected Harvest
Navigation shows that Yangcheng is only two hundred and thirty kilometers away from Huacheng, nine o'clock in the morning not Mu and his entourage to Yangcheng, just because Fu Gui family is located in Qingyun Town, Fu Jiazhuang from Yangcheng there is a large distance, but also located in the mountainous area, the road is not very good to go, left and right to find Fu Gui's home has been almost eleven o'clock in the morning.When their group of seven or eight people arrived at Fu Gui's house, Fu Gui was not at home, but Fu Gui's wife, Yang Jinxiang, was startled and looked at them at a loss, Mu Yan hurriedly took out the documents that Rong Jian had prepared for her earlier to explain, and only then did Yang Jinxiang breathe a big sigh of relief and enthusiastically greeted them into the house."My old man has gone to the pig farm, you guys drink a glass of water first, I'll call and shout for him to come back." Yang Jinxiang poured a glass of water for each of Mu Yan,
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Chapter 405 There's an Old Friend Here
This woman is not ......"Hello, what can I get you?" The woman smiled and repeated the question in Mandarin."Xiao language?" Qin Jinhuan could see that something was wrong with Mu Yu and instinctively wrapped his arms around her as he asked while glancing warily at the woman.Mu Yu pushed him away and stepped forward, looking at the woman tentatively and asking, "Hello, may I ask if you are Ms. Gong Lilan?"The woman's face suddenly changed when she heard this name, and she stared at Mu Yan for a while before answering, "May I ask if you are--""I'm Tease's cousin, Tease, do you remember? Her family used to live across the street from yours, and her mom is my sister-in-law. In the past, I went to my sister-in-law's house to play on vacation and saw you, and you even gave me fruits to eat. But it's been so many years, I guess you don't remember me anymore, right?""You're Teasing's cousin?" Gong Lilan obviously couldn't recall that there was such
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Chapter 406 Luring Out the Truth
Mu Yu followed Qin Jinhuan down the avenue all the way to the west, looking out of Qingyun Town, Mu Yu was a little anxious, tugging at him to ask him where he was going."Chiu Chia-Yi is playing at the house in front, she'll come out later."Zhao Jiayi is the princess's first name."Oh?" Mu Yan immediately understood what he meant, and was a bit skeptical, "She wasn't even ten years old six years ago, Gong Lilan shouldn't have told her about that, right?""Will not deliberately tell, does not mean Zhao Jiayi completely unaware. Neighbors had responded in Zhao Yongli and Gong Lilan divorce before the two had a number of quarrels, because of the closed doors and windows, the neighbors do not know what they argued, but the same in the house Zhao Jiayi must be more or less aware of some."Mu questioned, "Things that would lead to killing, even if they argued, surely they wouldn't say it outright in front of their children?"Qin Jinhuan winked at her,
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Chapter 407 Such a Father
"What's this girl's name? Where is she from? Have you seen her?" Gong Jiayi instantly spoke to Mu Yan's heart and immediately asked in a rapid succession.I didn't want Gong Jiayi to shake her head at this time, "I also don't know what her name is, where she's from, and I've never met her. It was once mentioned unintentionally in the middle of the night when Zhao Yongli and my mom were arguing.""Well, then, do you remember what they were arguing about?""They ...... my mom is still waiting for me at home, I have to go back.""Eh! Duoduo!" Realizing that his eagerness had made the little girl suspicious, Mu Yu hurriedly pulled her to explain, "DuoDuo, please believe me, I'm really not a bad person, the reason why I'm so anxious to understand the cause of the matter is because I really want to help you mother and daughter ah! Don't you want to go back to Hua Cheng?"Gong Jiayi glanced at Yingzi and didn't think much of Mu Yan's words, "I'm quite happy li
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Chapter 408 Who Is the Murdered Girl?
Rong Jian immediately responded, "I also have this thought! We're now focusing on visiting and investigating the prostitute who committed suicide!""Then the Gong Lilan side ......""Don't be alarmed yet. We'll get to her when we've found out something. You guys come back first.""Good."Mu then hung up the phone, her face flushed from over-excitement."Qian Xiaoyu said that Qian Daqing's and their deaths had something to do with a girl, DuoDuo said that her mother's falling out with Zhao Yongli as well as her going out of her way to hide so far away also had something to do with a girl, and she also mentioned the fact that they slandered the girl as a prostitute, and that Sun Meilan's family just so happened to have a prostitute die, so all of this is definitely not a coincidence! This girl they were talking about must be the same girl! And this girl isn't a prostitute at all, the girl's identity as a prostitute is something they deliberately made up i
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Chapter 409 Interrogating Xie Xiaojing
"Where to?" Qin Jinhuan asked."Xie Xiaojing and Auntie Yue with Lele are now living in the westernmost part of Huacheng, in Yuejia Village, Wangqiu Town, and it's very close to there for you guys to come from Yangcheng. ""To find Xie Xiaojing?""Right. I just learned a very important clue from an old neighborhood, Yue ShuiBao's eldest daughter drowned less than two days after the death of the woman who sold her body, and right after that Xie XiaoJing got very sick, and has been sick ever since. You still remember that Auntie Yue cursed Qian Dacheng, right? I suspect that these things are related. I'm still investigating the girl's death and can't find the time to go to Yue Jia Village, so I'll leave this to you.""OK. Then ......""Tell Team Rong what we just speculated!" Mu Yan, who had been keeping her ear pressed to Qin Jinhuan's cell phone, was afraid that he would hang up the phone and hurriedly interjected to remind him."Good." Qin Jinhua
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Chapter 410 The Cause of the Girl's Death
"No! Don't say it!" Xie Xiaojing saw Big Mother Yue come in and flopped down on the bed and hissed, "You can't say it! Mom! I'm begging you! Don't say it!""They already know what you want to hide, there's no need to hide what they don't know." Big Mother Yue sighed and walked over to the bed, gently hugging her who was shivering all over."No! Mom, I'm begging you! Don't say it! Don't say it okay?" Xie Xiaojing clutched Big Mother Yue's hand, crying and begging one after another."It's been six years, it's time for you to let go and stop torturing yourself so much.""I'm the one who killed Huanhuan, and I deserve to be punished. I deserve this!""Silly child, Huanhuan's death is not your fault ah, you don't just take the blame on yourself," Yue Da Ma held her in tears, "If you really want to say that the fault, it's also my fault, it's me who didn't watch Huanhuan, it's me who didn't take care of Huanhuan, and only then let Qian Da Qing that animal too
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